#and now im on ashs too lol


About the Virmire survivor…

People should think a fucking second before complaining about Kaidan or Ash’s behaviour+romance in ME2 and ME3

Like… How are you not able to understand that they’ve seen die both a close friend and the love of their life in no time… Only to see this last one magically come back from the death 2 years later just to join a terrorist organization??

Let me do a list of why they have reasons to behave like they do, just for funsies:

  1. Survivor guilt (x2, because one wasn’t enough lol)
  2. Idk If I’ve mention this already guys #irony but *whispers* did you know that Cerberus is a terrorist group that used, je je, “used” lol *pulls out a list and the close reading glasses* to turn people into zombies, create ambushes with thresher maws, kill Alliance troups, have a quite ~eccentric~point of view when it comes to other species and how they don’t matter as much as humanity and many more lovely things that makes them the clear choice if you have to choose a side right? #ironyOnceAgain
  3. They are in an information limbo that the other characters are not
  4. They have dedicated their whole life to the Alliance (and so have their respective fathers), and what? They’re supposed to follow Shepard blindly? WHY?
  5. Cerberus uses them as literal bait on Horizon
  6. Idk about Ash (because the poor thing is always left behind on Virmire… ups #pleaseDon'tJudgeMyShenkoHeart) but Kaidan literally tells Shepard in ME1 that he’s not gonna follow anyone who gets out of the line (and, correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that, even if Shepard does it to save the galaxy, joining Cerberus and killing 300.000 batarian crosses the line a little lol)

I’ll stop here… I’m getting angry on my own ehehehehe

How do I end this now lol?

Well… I’ll just say: If I was any of them, I wouldn’t forgive Shepard so easily so… Yeah.

And if I was Shepard… I’d just be really greatful to have them back.

Sorry about the 2 post in a row about this… I’ll go back to my bubbly self after this one, I promise

