#ashley williams

breadedsinner: Smoke, fire, it’s all going up. Don’t you know I ain’t afraid to shed a little blood?breadedsinner: Smoke, fire, it’s all going up. Don’t you know I ain’t afraid to shed a little blood?breadedsinner: Smoke, fire, it’s all going up. Don’t you know I ain’t afraid to shed a little blood?breadedsinner: Smoke, fire, it’s all going up. Don’t you know I ain’t afraid to shed a little blood?


Smoke, fire, it’s all going up.
Don’t you know I ain’t afraid to shed a little blood?
Smoke, fire, flares are going up, flares are going up.

Happy Birthday, Ashley Williams!

Footage (x)

Textures (x)

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Teaser for one of my larger projects. These ladies are in for a bit more than they can handle&hellip

Teaser for one of my larger projects.
These ladies are in for a bit more than they can handle….

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Sadly me2 doesn’t have the same loot culture as me1.This doesn’t actually have a catchline or anythiSadly me2 doesn’t have the same loot culture as me1.This doesn’t actually have a catchline or anythiSadly me2 doesn’t have the same loot culture as me1.This doesn’t actually have a catchline or anythi

Sadly me2 doesn’t have the same loot culture as me1.

This doesn’t actually have a catchline or anything, it’s just part 2 to the prev comic. And partly an excuse to draw Mordin.

Ashley, Garrus, Mordin, FemShep / Mass Effect 2 © Bioware

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skyllianhamster:shore leave shepley


shore leave shepley

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London Fashion Week - Day 5Few collections on this last day of London Fashion Week, but the overall London Fashion Week - Day 5Few collections on this last day of London Fashion Week, but the overall London Fashion Week - Day 5Few collections on this last day of London Fashion Week, but the overall London Fashion Week - Day 5Few collections on this last day of London Fashion Week, but the overall London Fashion Week - Day 5Few collections on this last day of London Fashion Week, but the overall London Fashion Week - Day 5Few collections on this last day of London Fashion Week, but the overall

London Fashion Week - Day 5

Few collections on this last day of London Fashion Week, but the overall level is not lower than the past few days. Rock'n'roll met feminine sweetness in Ashley Williams’s collection (photo 1): leather was topped by shocking pink pullovers or soft furs, and patches applied to total black dresses and jackets gave an ironic reading of the figure of the rockstar. Irony wasn’t missing in Anya Hindmarch’s collection (photo 2). The designer took street signs and introduced them into her clothes. Vibrant prints matched loose-fitting jumpsuits paired with high stiletto boots which elongated the figure.

I’m realising I love denim manipulation. For this reason I couldn’t help loving the collection by Marques'Almeida (photo 3), where clothes really looked like they were ‘lived-in’. Fabric was the protagonist, but not only denim: there was jersey in grass green and orange, leather in metallic shades, chiffon, brocade. Everything was manipulated, torn, cut, patched, restitched in baggy slightly decadent shapes.

Outerwear is THE thing for Christopher Raeburn (photo 4), and the forms he chooses are definitely countless: capes with pockets and edges in contrasting colours, quilted orange windbreakers, jackets with colour blocking lapels. And these materials are also translated into other pieces of clothing as well - the quilted orange duvet for skirts as an example. 

Ryan Lo (photo 5) proposed lady-like ensembles with round white lace skirts and warm brightly coloured pullovers, bows, little nice headpieces in a bon ton atmosphere. Let’s close this fashion week with a surprisingly interesting collection by Saloni (photo 6). Fabrics and prints were the most striking thing in a collection where shapes and proportions were pretty classic after all: there were many gowns in a bohemian mood, sleeveless little dresses, beautifully cut cropped trousers. The showstopper was the print giving the impression of blurred colours, which was one of the most graphic examples I’ve seen so far; as materials you have feathers giving a little edge to a black top, or coats made of furry fringes.


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Ashley Williams AW16backstage Photography Evan Schreiberfrom dazed digital 

Ashley Williams AW16


Photography Evan Schreiber

from dazed digital 

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So… Here’s the whole thing.
Oh myyyy… It’s soooo pleasing to see them all together

Anyways… Thank you so much for all the love and support! I was only going to do the MELE poster when I started this and look where we are lol

Hope you like them as much as I do!!

Check the whole collection here: -> ALL OF THEMShepardKaidanTali(I)Tali(II)fShepard x KaidanGarrusAshleyWrexLiara

And here’s my ko-fi just in case you want to get a digital copy

Keep reading

About the Virmire survivor…

People should think a fucking second before complaining about Kaidan or Ash’s behaviour+romance in ME2 and ME3

Like… How are you not able to understand that they’ve seen die both a close friend and the love of their life in no time… Only to see this last one magically come back from the death 2 years later just to join a terrorist organization??

Let me do a list of why they have reasons to behave like they do, just for funsies:

  1. Survivor guilt (x2, because one wasn’t enough lol)
  2. Idk If I’ve mention this already guys #irony but *whispers* did you know that Cerberus is a terrorist group that used, je je, “used” lol *pulls out a list and the close reading glasses* to turn people into zombies, create ambushes with thresher maws, kill Alliance troups, have a quite ~eccentric~point of view when it comes to other species and how they don’t matter as much as humanity and many more lovely things that makes them the clear choice if you have to choose a side right? #ironyOnceAgain
  3. They are in an information limbo that the other characters are not
  4. They have dedicated their whole life to the Alliance (and so have their respective fathers), and what? They’re supposed to follow Shepard blindly? WHY?
  5. Cerberus uses them as literal bait on Horizon
  6. Idk about Ash (because the poor thing is always left behind on Virmire… ups #pleaseDon'tJudgeMyShenkoHeart) but Kaidan literally tells Shepard in ME1 that he’s not gonna follow anyone who gets out of the line (and, correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that, even if Shepard does it to save the galaxy, joining Cerberus and killing 300.000 batarian crosses the line a little lol)

I’ll stop here… I’m getting angry on my own ehehehehe

How do I end this now lol?

Well… I’ll just say: If I was any of them, I wouldn’t forgive Shepard so easily so… Yeah.

And if I was Shepard… I’d just be really greatful to have them back.

Sorry about the 2 post in a row about this… I’ll go back to my bubbly self after this one, I promise



Life has been insane the past 6 months but I’m happy to announce that I am OFFICIALLY an EMT!!!

Also, bc it’s a thankless job and has crap pay…if y’all are interested in any portrait commissions please head over to my ko-fi and take a look!!!!

Jessica Sutton shared it even. So get to my page and get a commission!!!

They’re $10! And I gotta buy EMS gear so help me out


Ashley Williams

Kaidan Alenko

 ᅠᅠᅠ ᅠ --ᅠᅠᅠ ᅠ ᅠᅠᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠᅠᅠ ᅠ ᅠᅠᅠ ᅠᅠᅠ ᅠ  virmire doesn’t exist just sayin’    ᅠᅠᅠ ᅠ --ᅠᅠᅠ ᅠ ᅠᅠᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠᅠᅠ ᅠ ᅠᅠᅠ ᅠᅠᅠ ᅠ  virmire doesn’t exist just sayin’   

ᅠᅠᅠ ᅠ --
ᅠᅠᅠ ᅠ ᅠᅠᅠ
ᅠ ᅠ ᅠᅠᅠ ᅠ ᅠᅠᅠ ᅠᅠᅠ ᅠ  

virmire doesn’t exist just sayin’  

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Finally, before the end of 2014, I’ve drawed through Shepard and the original squad members wiFinally, before the end of 2014, I’ve drawed through Shepard and the original squad members wiFinally, before the end of 2014, I’ve drawed through Shepard and the original squad members wiFinally, before the end of 2014, I’ve drawed through Shepard and the original squad members wiFinally, before the end of 2014, I’ve drawed through Shepard and the original squad members wiFinally, before the end of 2014, I’ve drawed through Shepard and the original squad members wiFinally, before the end of 2014, I’ve drawed through Shepard and the original squad members wi

Finally, before the end of 2014, I’ve drawed through Shepard and the original squad members with anime style. It took me about eleven months to complete them, thanks to Wrex’s heavy armor so complex, it took longer hours then I expect to finish them.

Even the trilogy was over for a long time, sometimes I’ve imagined :

What if Mass Effect looks like if someone makes them into TV anime.

I guess this wish will never come to real life.




如果Mass Effect製作成電視動畫的話會是什麼模樣?


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Human spectres. :)

Ashley Williams and Kaidan Alenko from Mass Effect.

Click for better quality.

I just love drawing Jocelyn in a suit. :)

+ She isn’t a huge fan of the latex dress. (Jane likes it though. :D)

Commander (Jocelyn) Shepard and Ashley Williams from Mass Effect.

Aaand the Normandy’s mascot pet title goes to Space Hamster. (She almost let them bring Urz to the ship though. :))

I won’t list them, I don’t want to write that much. :D

Click for better quality.

Okay, that’s all for today, but I wanted to share my little sketches about the ME1 squad. :)

Soo, what’re your opinions about ME:LE so far? Is it good? :)

Garrus Vakarian, Commander (Jane) Shepard, Tali'Zorah, Ashley Williams, Kaiden Alenko, Liara T'Soni and Urdnot Wrex from Mass Effect.

Click for better quality.

There are two types of people at a shopping spree. Those who buy things and those who carry bought things. No more, no less.

//IIII lovee drawing them in the Wards. :)

I grabbed some pics from my screenshot folder and drew over them. :)

//Click for better res

Doodle-noodle dump 2


Soo, I’ve reached x/4-50=0 followers this week (Thank you very much! ❤) and I thought that I would do this Drawing your Shep/Ryder/fav ME character thing again as a gift. :)

If you wish to participate just bomb me with a reblog/message/ask and tell me your fav line from the game, then I’ll choose 3 or 4 or idk (number depends on my time) to draw.
