#and that sucks




It’s absolutely wild to me that girls and women are expected to wear bathing suits that look like that. That in some cases don’t cover more than underwear. And when inevitably they feel uncomfortable having their whole ass and thighs out around strangers, we treat it like this is a self esteem issue that should be solved through body positivity. Maybe we should focus less on trying to force people to believe they should be comfortable exposing themselves and more on, idk…. normalizing bathing suits that allow some dignity? Male swim trunks literally go almost down to the knees. You have to go to a speciality store or order online to find a suit designed for women like that. And for that matter, even cisgender men shouldn’t be expected to feel comfortable walking around shirtless in public.

If you like the standard swimsuits and enjoy wearing them, good for you. It’s just absolutely wild to me that that’s the default we presume everyone should be comfortable in.

There should be more options available for people who don’t feel comfortable wearing like bikinis and stuff, it’s not a problem if someone else doesn’t want you to see their body
