#every day



Supercorp caused my entire pussy to fall off thanks for asking



Writers!! Describe your current WIP(s) in the most boring way possible. I want to see this skdjfkdfhk

every single thing people have said has been amazing, I’m dying laughing here


me trying to get people to watch cobra kai


I miss doing my gay little walk into a theatre, getting my gay little playbill, and sitting in my gay little seat before seeing my gay little play :(

“I wake up thinking of yesterday. The joy is in remembering; the pain is in knowing it was yesterday

“I wake up thinking of yesterday. The joy is in remembering; the pain is in knowing it was yesterday.” - David Levithan

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Happy Pride!

[ID: a young man dancing in his bedroom. He is wearing nothing but a rainbow scarf, rainbow underwear and a rainbow flag tied around his waist like a skirt. He has a very large, red bob cut wig. He snatches the wig, reveling an identical, orange one underneath. He snatches the next wig, revealing an identical, yellow one. He keeps snatching his wigs, going through the colors of the rainbow. When he removes the purple wig, taking off the scarf as well, he reveals a long, straight, multicolored one. He grabs a fan that he had tucked in his underwear and opens it, revealing a rainbow pattern. He removes the last wig as well, and colorful confetti fall from it. He throws it at the camera. /End ID.]

[additional description: he is lip-syncing along to Cut to the Feeling by Carly Rae Jepsen. end vd]

#iconic    #personal anthem    #pride month    #every day    

And in the light of my demise,

I see my failures in your eyes

Every canvas that I paint,

Is a masterpiece made of my mistakes

[Motionless In White - Masterpiece]

Took a break from reviews for the Get To Know Ya #booktag! Thank you for the tag, @Hamad9626! Tagging: @alysinbookland, @pagesandcc, and @starryskyxandra

Heya! It’s my first time doing a bookish post that aren’t reviews and it’s going to be a book tag. I was tagged by Hamad of The Book Prescription and will tag my new mutuals as well!

I’ve been in the blogosphere for years, but have only decided to be SERIOUSLY active and interact with fellow book nerds like me for the past few weeks. To my new mutuals, hi there! Get to know me with the help…

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me: i love this fic idea i cant wait to write it

me writing the actual fic:

A lot of you guys want to know, if I hide my piercings in everyday life - as you see I don’t ;

A lot of you guys want to know, if I hide my piercings in everyday life - as you see I don’t ;-)

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“Because you’re always going to leave me. We can’t deny it. You’re always going to leave.”

— Every Day, David Levithan

i deserve fucking olympic gold medals for the amount of times i’ve cried this week and then gone to school and pretended to be fine for the sake of my friends and family


god the tumblr experience for me is so often like ‘ugh i sort of agree with this post… but also i can see how the thing being objected to is reasonable in its own way… and frankly the objection is couched in really dickish terms… and also i hate at least one of the users involved… guess i’ll just stay out of this fight but walk away indefinably more irritated than before…’


god the tumblr experience for me is so often like ‘ugh i sort of agree with this post… but also i can see how the thing being objected to is reasonable in its own way… and frankly the objection is couched in really dickish terms… and also i hate at least one of the users involved… guess i’ll just stay out of this fight but walk away indefinably more irritated than before…’


you ever wanna fuck the living shit outta somebody but also cook for them and make sure they’re emotionally stable?

Fájdalom minden egyes kibaszott nap.

Sweetie, why are you laying directly in the bright sun, where you have to squint like that? There is comfortable shade all around us!

Dog Logic. I don’t know.

venacoeurva:Kiryu Kazuma says drink the HELL up-Don’t reupload/edit/use without proper credit, ask f


Kiryu Kazuma says drink the HELL up

-Don’t reupload/edit/use without proper credit, ask first please-

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My upstairs neighbors really need a less squeaky bed ⇎_⇎

And so Charlie begins her new life, starting in Mt. Komorebi! As soon as she gets off the bus, she finds a secluded spot to make a snow angel. The air is brisk and refreshing, and she can’t believe that she’s finally making this new start!

She proceeds to go on a hike…

…and proceeds to immediately get electrocuted by some god-forsaken bug. Sorry, Charlie.


you ever hear a new song and immediately go “oooh the fake scenarios in my head are gonna love this”
