#and thats that







“The Greek god Apollo, for instance, seems to have begun as the Demon of a Mouse-fraternity in pre-Aryan totemistic Europe: he gradually rose in divine rank by force of arms, blackmail and fraud until he became the patron of Music, Poetry and the Arts and finally, in some regions at least, ousted his ‘father’ Zeus from the Sovereignty of the Universe by identifying himself with Belinus the intellectual God of Light.”

(Robert Graves, The White Goddess)

Sure, Graves. Whatever you say. 

I think the problem is that you aren’t reading the illustrated edition, which is far more persuasive.

The Greek god Apollo seems to have begun as the Demon of a Mouse-fraternity in pre-Aryan totemistic Europe.


He gradually rose in divine rank by force of arms, blackmail and fraud until he became the patron of Music, Poetry and the Arts.


He finally, in some regions at least, ousted his ‘father’ Zeus from the Sovereignty of the Universe by identifying himself with Belinus the intellectual God of Light.


The sorcerer’s apprentice is actually actually about Apollo trying to overthrow Zeus: fact.

Seems as good an explanation as any for those statues of Apollo that have a mouse head in place of genitalia. Also, any excuse to form a post-facto demonic conspiracy theory around Disney pleases me.

In all seriousness, though, I’m inclined to cut Graves some slack as he was severely mentally traumatized from serving in the trenches of WWI. In addition to the horrors of war, he saw the brightest young poets of his generation (Wilfred Owen is seen by many as the Keats of the 20th century) die in the senseless fight. He was, I think on some level, searching for an explanation for the seemingly senseless and unending dance of inspiration and death that life presents.

I already knew his history. I’m inclined to cut him slack as a person, but not as a scholar. If he wants to present his work as a a scholarly piece then it deserves to be torn apart by the rigorous academic standards that apply to everyone else. (Which of course rules out a* lot* of “academic” literature from before the 1980s - well tell our undergrads not to use any secondary source before that date for precisely this reason). There are other people past and present who have also been through immense trauma who don’t make shit up and present it as historical fact. It’s a disservice to them not to hold Graves’ work to the same standard.

I’m not going to pretend he wasn’t spewing utter crap and presenting it as historical fact because of his personal history. He chose to present it as fact so it deserves to be treated as anything else presented as fact.

I’m also just incredibly bitter about the sheer volume of misinformation he managed to spread.

I can appreciate him from a reception point of view, but as a scholar he’s a joke.

neeleyjakkson:Queens of Big Brother 21: Nicole, Ovi, Kemi, and Jessicaneeleyjakkson:Queens of Big Brother 21: Nicole, Ovi, Kemi, and Jessicaneeleyjakkson:Queens of Big Brother 21: Nicole, Ovi, Kemi, and Jessicaneeleyjakkson:Queens of Big Brother 21: Nicole, Ovi, Kemi, and Jessicaneeleyjakkson:Queens of Big Brother 21: Nicole, Ovi, Kemi, and Jessicaneeleyjakkson:Queens of Big Brother 21: Nicole, Ovi, Kemi, and Jessicaneeleyjakkson:Queens of Big Brother 21: Nicole, Ovi, Kemi, and Jessicaneeleyjakkson:Queens of Big Brother 21: Nicole, Ovi, Kemi, and Jessica


Queens of Big Brother 21:Nicole, Ovi, Kemi, and Jessica

Post link


my controversial asoiaf opinion is that it’s actually really awesome and completely righteous that arya breaks social conventions regardless of what the consequences may be. love that for her.

Fascinated by how hard it is to find people who genuinely love all three women in the Fapezberry trio but like, say what you will about them as individuals or as a group, there’s undeniably such a powerful story in an underdog becoming friends, real friends with her former bullies who genuinely care about her and show it in smaller and bigger ways and move past high school dynamics while acknowledging how the ghosts of that can haunt relationships into adulthood but ultimately human connection is work and if you’re willing to put that work in beautiful things will grow from it


Seriously, you still bitter about Noiz “apologizing” to his parents? Newcomers are preeeetty late to the discussion.

Noiz “apologizing” meant nothing and everything at the same time. Because owning up for leaving Theo to deal with their parents alone and essentially letting Theo to take on responsibilities that weren’t his IS VALID.

The parents certainly don’t feel apologetic and Noiz knows it. He knows they don’t deserve the “apology” and I’m pretty sure they realize that. “At least I’M owing up for screwing up family”. “Apologizing” automatically makes him the better person in the room.

And why do you act like he’s submitting to his parents’ will? Doing so would’ve meant becoming the CEO-in-training which *spoiler warning for the post-end drama cd* HE DIDN’T. That would’ve meant staying at their parents’ house and HE DIDN’T. That would’ve meant accepting that dumbass proposal of an arranged marriage so that Theo could get married as well aaaaaand I’m just now repeating myself.

Noiz stood his ground, is owing up by helping Theo (even he calls their parents out) and clearly DOESN’T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THEIR PARENT’S BS.

Why you keep acting like Noiz not cutting his family off permanently was a sin?

Forgot to add something: For those that say “Theo can visit”, you DO know he’s a minor, right? The parents still have the final say on what he can or cannot do at the end of the day. They can’t really control Noiz that much since he’s a legal adult, but Theo doesn’t have that freedom yet.

You really think they’d let the CEO-in-training, and a minor no less, to go and travel the world whenever he pleases? Nah.

The sole reason he starts fighting their parents back is because of Noiz+Aoba’s presence and influence.

If you think he should just pull a Noiz and straight up leave Germany and their parents behind, then he’d just be perpetuating the problem from Noiz’s arc that even Koujaku (unknowingly) calls him out on during their “Rib vs Rhyme” scuffle: “You’re just escaping from the problem, not addressing or solving it”.

from Daredevil 233 by Frank Miller, David Mazzuccheli, and Max ScheeleI love when writers get Cap  (from Daredevil 233 by Frank Miller, David Mazzuccheli, and Max ScheeleI love when writers get Cap  (

fromDaredevil 233 by Frank Miller, David Mazzuccheli, and Max Scheele

I love when writers get Cap  (a commission for Eleanore)

Created with embroidery floss and watercolors on 22-count aida cloth in a 5″ diameter bamboo hoop

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Dropping that fierce warrior energy onto your dash:








  • Find your nearest food bank or mission, for food
  • grocery stores with free samples, bakeries + stores with day-old bread
  • different fast food outlets have cheaper food and will generally let you hang out for a while.
  • some dollar stores carry food like cans of beans or fruit


  • Sleeping at beaches during the day is a good way to avoid suspicion and harassment
  • sleep with your bag strapped to you, so someone can’t steal it
  • Some churches offer short term residence
  • Find your nearest homeless shelter
  • Look for places that are open to the public
  • A large dumpster near a wall can often be moved so that flipping up the lids creates an angled shelter to stay dry


  • A membership to the YMCA is usually only 10$, which has a shower, and sometimes laundry machines and lockers.
  • Public libraries have bathrooms you can use
  • Dollar stores carry low-end soaps and deodorant etc.
  • Wet wipes are all purpose and a life saver
  • Local beaches, go for a quick swim
  • Some truck stops have showers you can pay for
  • Staying clean is the best way to prevent disease, and potentially get a job to get back on your feet
  • Pack 7 pairs of socks/undies, 2 outfits, and one hooded rain jacket


  • first aid kit
  •  sunscreen
  •  a travel alarm clock or watch
  •  mylar emergency blanket
  •  a backpack is a must
  •  downgrade your cellphone to a pay as you go with top-up cards
  •  sleeping bag
  •  travel kit of toothbrush, hair brush/comb, mirror
  •  swiss army knife
  •  can opener

Reblog to literally save a life

if there is a Dollar Tree near you, they have entire food aisles

Planet Fitness also has $10 memberships. you can shower and they have free food days! pizza night 1st monday every month, bagel tuesday the 2nd tuesday every month.

Save a life reblog

i am so glad that i renblogged this however so long ago. i saw this post and shared it with others in mind, but now i am the one who really needs this. id like to think of this as good karma i guess

also a good list if anyone ever needs to run away from home for whatever reason.
