#and the light that shines in darkness

leupagus: Guys, who here remembered that I was writing fic once upon a time??“So what now? Do you


Guys, who here remembered that I was writing fic once upon a time??

“So what now? Do you have a plan? Where’s BB? Do you know what Grakkus has planned? How can we get out of here?”

“Those are all,” Poe reassured her, “Excellent questions, and ordinarily I would love to answer each one. But there’s no time. We do have a plan, albeit a terrible one, and I’m afraid that’s all I can say. Yes, Rey,” he said, as she opened her mouth to argue, “I know you could help. But at the moment, the best thing you can do is stay here with Rose and keep yourself out of harm’s way.”

Rey crossed her arms. It was awkward in the oddly-shaped jacket, the fabric bunching at her elbows, but she managed it. “So I sit demurely by while you and your—“ she couldn’t think of a bad enough word so settled on, “Assistant save the day?”

“I’m beginning to sympathize with Henry II,” Poe muttered.

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