#and then one for richard grayson with gothamcivilians


When I read a Dick Grayson is Romani fic, the fic normally involves his circus childhood and/or him suffering from racism. I want to see fics tackling the internal/identity conflict Dick might experience as an adult who was born a Rom but was raised for the latter half of his childhood not as a member of the Romani community.

I do not have any personal connection with the Roma nor am I an expert of the Romani culture. I do not know if there is a widely accepted idea that ‘once a Rom always a Rom’ or if a born Rom who was not raised in the community is considered to not be a Rom/having lost their Romani spirit.

However, I do personally relate with Dick (and maybe project a little) as someone who was born in China and was adopted very young by an American couple. I am ethnically Chinese and was raised by a white family. Neither of us were too concerned with keeping my culture as I grew up. As a teenager, I grew interested in my origins and as an adult, I became regretful for my child self’s lack of attachment, which had led to me forgetting my native language.

The very real possibility of identity issues is just one of many important detail. I’m not sure if anyone else is bothered by Dick’s funeral or if I am the only one. In a fic that is set during or post Spyral, Bruce’s plan to fake Dick’s death has harsher and more unforgivable consequences if he follows Romani funeral/mourning customs. From what I know (please correct me if I’m wrong), Romani funerals call for the possessions of the deceased to be ridded of, traditionally destruction through burning the items but now the common way is selling the items. Since Bruce had physically beaten Dick into accepting the Spyral task, it would not be ridiculous to believe Bruce would get rid of Dick’s possessions if it would make everything more convincing and aid Bruce in fulfilling “The Mission”.
