#and then they live happily ever after


yes, oblivious carmen is good, but can we talk about oblivious jules. CAN WE. oh mygod.

carmen actively trying to court her and flirt with her, leaving her roses, gifts, winking at her etc and julia is just like “wow! this is so nice :) carmen is being such a good friend! :)”

and carmen is constantly wailing to player. “have you seen jules today. did you see how she smiled at me. she’s so sweet oh i really hope she liked the roses i left her” and player goes “holy shit just ask her out” and carmen is like “ARE YOU CRAZY”

but then carmen eventually gets the nerve and does it. SHE DOES IT! and julia finally has a realization.

carmen: hey jules, i was wondering if you wanted to get some coffee with me sometime? just the two of us?

julia, thinking:THE carmen sandiego wants to spend time alone with me?! what an honour!!!

julia: i would love to!!

carmen: great, it’s a date!


