#and thought there was some weird multiverse stuff going on





Remember that time that Marvel Studios whitewashed and genderswapped a prominent Tibetan monk just so that they could market to China since the CCP doesn’t recognize Tibet?

Remember that time that Marvel Studios erased the existence of Steve Rogers’s gay and Jewish childhood friend and instead decided to age up his teen sidekick to replace him?

Remember that time that Marvel Studios decided to make Peter Parker a whitewashed version of Miles Morales instead of either using Miles in the MCU or staying more faithful to Peter Parker’s character?

In the same vein, remember that time that Marvel Studios erased the Parker family’s poverty and talked down about the historical Aunt May for not being a “real” breadwinner unlike their version?

Remember that time that Marvel Studios completely erased Wanda and Pietro Maximoff’s Romani and Jewish heritage and turned them into literal HYDRA agents?

Remember that time Marvel Studios erased Sam Wilson’s canonical superpowers because they weren’t “grounded” enough and yet made every excuse to incorporate the superpowers of other characters that were much more far-fetched?

Remember that time that Marvel erased Clint Barton’s deafness and took nearly a decade to finally release anything that even alluded to him being deaf in the MCU?

Remember that time that Marvel Studios more or less erased the history of one of the founding Avengers and only included her as a minor side character with a brief cameo to distance themselves from something in the comics that never should have happened in the first place?

Because I do.


@flyingrabidfurbie​ No, no you’re right and I’ve expressed similar things myself. I think the point of my post and it’s intent has been very misconstrued over time because I made this in a very short amount of time as a vent post at Marvel Studios for wanting to have their cake and eat it too while erasing certain things from the comics from their movies and did not expect it to get more than like thirty notes. It’s gone so far out of my circle that people who don’t know where I’m coming from are all finding and reading and reblogging it and because of that the original meaning has been lost. I have made posts about the Arnie Roth/Bucky Barnes thing before and how MCU fans are very misinformed about it which is a post I know you’ve read and reblogged so there’s no point in me linking it, but I will elaborate a bit more here.

The issue is mainly that Marvel originally said they were taking more from Ultimates, but then went around and started taking from 616, but because they originally started taking from Ultimates, it erased so much of the important nuance that was necessary for these things to work well in 616. What resulted was a poor Frankenstein of characters and themes that ultimately ends up erasing important details in the comics. Some of it ends up looking like the above. 

The issue with point number two isn’t that “they made Bucky into Arnie” but that they “got rid of Arnie, but still consulted that comic for elements of Steve’s past, and since they only had their Bucky OC to work with, that ended up falling on him.” Meanwhile, at the same time, completely changing the relationship and characters of Steve and Bucky in 616 thereby undermining so much of the thematic strength and purpose of the Winter Soldier entirely when they adapted that. Arnie exists in the MCU in so much as they took aspects of Steve’s childhood from those comics specifically, but since there is no character with his name in the MCU, they had their Bucky act as a stand-in and that gets transferred onto him. So what we have now is MCU fans who know little to nothing about the comics claiming that MCU Bucky was “based off Arnie Roth” when that is entirely untrue and all of the comparison points were retroactively added by the Russos in the second Cap movie. Ultimately, Bucky in The First Avenger is a combination of his Ultimates counterpart, the original Nick Fury, and a bit of 616 Bucky. So retroactively what that ends up meaning is that, yes, they actually did erase Arnie from Steve’s story, but ultimately it was the Russo’s who did that because they were the ones who borrowed from those comics in the Winter Soldier movie. This is what Frankensteining does and why they should never have done it.

As for the Hawkeye thing I’ve adressed this in previous reblogs, but this goes along with what I was just saying before: they pick and choose what they take from Ultimates and 616 so they can stand back and say, “Well we were borrowing from Ultimates!” when fans call them out on it. At this point I see it as a poor and tired excuse both because it is mainly used as just that and also because of the fact that they also said the MCU would have no effect on the main comics universe and look at all the stupid changes they’ve been making over the years to make the 616 Universe line up with the MCU movies in different ways. The MCU-ification of the comics is real and I don’t want to hear, “But Ultimates!” ever again considering what they’ve been pulling, and fans would do well to stop perpetuating that excuse for them. It’s just enabling them.

Now that Marvel is trying to claim that the MCU is the 616, it makes all of the above rant even worse because fans have been dealing with seeing their favorite characters butchered on screen for years and anytime we raised complaints we had to deal with Marvel/MCU stans always falling back on the “It’s a different universe and so it’s an ADAPTATION. You shouldn’t be upset because it’s not 616.” So now they want to claim the 616? It’s adding insult to injury. Not to mention all the comic creators Marvel/MCU/Disney don’t pay for the use of their comic imagery/storylines while they make billions on their work.

