#what the actual fuck












This is why people who stay in my life are neurodiverse like me!


this!! I swear I lost like all my friendships bc of this, like I had a group of friends in hs that one day I realized “huh I haven’t talked to this people in a while” and popped in to say hi and they were all awkward?? because they hadn’t seen me in a while?? and that’s when I realized that friendship works different for them?? I was like yeah I haven’t talked to you in like four months but it’s not like I’ve forgotten about y'all why would anything change, and they were all like we haven’t talked to you in four months why are you here again acting like nothing happened? and it was really confusing for me


Also I have a thing where I just put the people on pause. If I don’t see them or contact them, my brain kinda put them in stasis. I don’t think about them nor misses them, and I stay on what I last knew about them (how they look, what they study/work). So when we meet again I’m like “wait, you’ve aged?” and I have the same familiarity with them thanI had before.

Anyway all my mutuals I haven’t messaged in forever - this is why

oh my gods this makes so much sense??? there are people who i haven’t talked to at all for literally over a year and we’ll pick up like nothing happened, but for their people it’s just like…… falling apart but onesided???? i think we’re still on the same level but actually we’re strangers??



I don’t think this dream stan realized what a massive mistake they did in that sentence before blocking me

thas-fandom: From Tom on IG. @tomhardy “Throwback to the 90s ”thas-fandom: From Tom on IG. @tomhardy “Throwback to the 90s ”thas-fandom: From Tom on IG. @tomhardy “Throwback to the 90s ”


From Tom onIG.

@tomhardy “Throwback to the 90s ”

Post link

It’s 530 in the fucking morning in the middle of May, and I can’t sleep but apparently what I CAN do is desperately crave beef stew.





Judge Bruce Schroeder is bending over backwards to ensure that Kyle Rittenhouse is set free. He’s all but an active member of the Rittenhouse defense team.

This is straight up bullshit. The only thing he hasn’t done is pat Rittenhouse on the head and call him a “good boy” in front of the jury. Has anyone started any kind of recall for “judge” Bruce Schroeder yet??

Fuck that white supremacist judge. This country’s justice system is a fucking joke

Judge also decided the victims couldn’t be called victims because it was “prejudicial,” but they could be called “looters” and “rioters” because somehow that isn’t prejudicial.

Valid evidence of motive wasn’t permitted: judge refused to allow prosecutors to show a video where he admitted that he wanted to shoot “looters”. Evidence that proves he went to Kenosha to cause trouble.

The judge also denied evidence of a history of violence. And evidence of association with a white supremacist terrorist group, the Proud Boys.

The judge also decided to wait to role on the mistrial motions: effectively admitting that he’d only declare a mistrial if this terrorist lost his case.

This was not a fair trial. The judge actively biased the jury and assisted the terrorist at every step of the way.



lemme save you the trouble of opening the app.

admittedly, it’s henriette who suggests that alphonse ending up having to kill his father was A Good Thing Actually but it still pisses me off that the writers are trying to suggest that this was somehow all gustav’s grand design that shows that he really was a good parent, see!


palestinian muslims were attacked with tear gas and rubber bullets inside their mosque during ramadan just for the media to call it a “clash” between isr*eli police and palestinians i am going to throw myself into the sun


In a depraved decision, the US Supreme Court ruled that evidence of innocence isn’t enough for a person to avoid the death penalty. “The same Court that appears poised to overturn Roe v. Wade in order to protect innocents before they are born seems to lose interest when it comes to innocents later in life.” The author of the decision is Clarence Thomas, who is unfit to preside over traffic court.








Talking about Collot and Billaud, isn’t it bonkers that while Collot was shooting people in Lyons, Billaud was passing the 14 frimaire law that made what his boyfriend was doing illegal?

what’s that law? :0

Well I’m not sure it would have made the fusilades illegal but maybe would have prevented them. the law of 14 frimaire centralized the government under the cps and made representatives on mission more accountable and unable to do anything without the permission of the cps. It also started the bulletin des Lois.

Oh interesting! Now that I checked the date, 14 Frimaire is December 4 which is the day the first shooting happened

the fact that it was Billaud who proposed it what kills me too

was it too late for the cps to intervene? when did they even learn about the news? im sure it would take some time with snail mail.


the shootings lasted from December to February so… either the mail was really being carried by snail, or the CPS didn’t see them as a priority (or even as a problem?)

Side eyeing every single member of the CPS (except couthon bc he was the only sane member of the convention I guess). And I can’t imagine the shitshows that must have happened in the green room over this. Sure they got distracted by the war on the factions and the arguably fake foreign plot, gotta love their priorities

This is so messed up. And jokes aside, but Collot and BV were already pretty close at that point, right? So how to explain this? Did BV not understand what was going on in Lyon? 




S2 is confirmed we gotta start placing bets on who is Becca’s baby daddy NOW sjdjjddj

Good theories I’ve heard:



-Campbell and Sam’s DAD

-An X adult (maybe teacher even)

Anyways shdhdhdhdhd I can’t wait for people’s reactions to Grizzam and Becca’s reactions to it

I think the interesting theory is Luke just because it would give Helena a good slap in the face.

BUT ALSO in season 1 we saw how upset Grizz was that Sam had got Becca pregnant, which I get. Sam did say that Grizz had slept with other women though. What if he wasn’t just upset about Sam, what if he saw that Becca had trusted his boyfriend to raise his baby more than him?

Ahdjdk listen honestly truly if Grizz is the father I’ll go myself to Netflix’s office and cancel the show on my own sndjjd





Remember that time that Marvel Studios whitewashed and genderswapped a prominent Tibetan monk just so that they could market to China since the CCP doesn’t recognize Tibet?

Remember that time that Marvel Studios erased the existence of Steve Rogers’s gay and Jewish childhood friend and instead decided to age up his teen sidekick to replace him?

Remember that time that Marvel Studios decided to make Peter Parker a whitewashed version of Miles Morales instead of either using Miles in the MCU or staying more faithful to Peter Parker’s character?

In the same vein, remember that time that Marvel Studios erased the Parker family’s poverty and talked down about the historical Aunt May for not being a “real” breadwinner unlike their version?

Remember that time that Marvel Studios completely erased Wanda and Pietro Maximoff’s Romani and Jewish heritage and turned them into literal HYDRA agents?

Remember that time Marvel Studios erased Sam Wilson’s canonical superpowers because they weren’t “grounded” enough and yet made every excuse to incorporate the superpowers of other characters that were much more far-fetched?

Remember that time that Marvel erased Clint Barton’s deafness and took nearly a decade to finally release anything that even alluded to him being deaf in the MCU?

Remember that time that Marvel Studios more or less erased the history of one of the founding Avengers and only included her as a minor side character with a brief cameo to distance themselves from something in the comics that never should have happened in the first place?

Because I do.


@flyingrabidfurbie​ No, no you’re right and I’ve expressed similar things myself. I think the point of my post and it’s intent has been very misconstrued over time because I made this in a very short amount of time as a vent post at Marvel Studios for wanting to have their cake and eat it too while erasing certain things from the comics from their movies and did not expect it to get more than like thirty notes. It’s gone so far out of my circle that people who don’t know where I’m coming from are all finding and reading and reblogging it and because of that the original meaning has been lost. I have made posts about the Arnie Roth/Bucky Barnes thing before and how MCU fans are very misinformed about it which is a post I know you’ve read and reblogged so there’s no point in me linking it, but I will elaborate a bit more here.

The issue is mainly that Marvel originally said they were taking more from Ultimates, but then went around and started taking from 616, but because they originally started taking from Ultimates, it erased so much of the important nuance that was necessary for these things to work well in 616. What resulted was a poor Frankenstein of characters and themes that ultimately ends up erasing important details in the comics. Some of it ends up looking like the above. 

The issue with point number two isn’t that “they made Bucky into Arnie” but that they “got rid of Arnie, but still consulted that comic for elements of Steve’s past, and since they only had their Bucky OC to work with, that ended up falling on him.” Meanwhile, at the same time, completely changing the relationship and characters of Steve and Bucky in 616 thereby undermining so much of the thematic strength and purpose of the Winter Soldier entirely when they adapted that. Arnie exists in the MCU in so much as they took aspects of Steve’s childhood from those comics specifically, but since there is no character with his name in the MCU, they had their Bucky act as a stand-in and that gets transferred onto him. So what we have now is MCU fans who know little to nothing about the comics claiming that MCU Bucky was “based off Arnie Roth” when that is entirely untrue and all of the comparison points were retroactively added by the Russos in the second Cap movie. Ultimately, Bucky in The First Avenger is a combination of his Ultimates counterpart, the original Nick Fury, and a bit of 616 Bucky. So retroactively what that ends up meaning is that, yes, they actually did erase Arnie from Steve’s story, but ultimately it was the Russo’s who did that because they were the ones who borrowed from those comics in the Winter Soldier movie. This is what Frankensteining does and why they should never have done it.

As for the Hawkeye thing I’ve adressed this in previous reblogs, but this goes along with what I was just saying before: they pick and choose what they take from Ultimates and 616 so they can stand back and say, “Well we were borrowing from Ultimates!” when fans call them out on it. At this point I see it as a poor and tired excuse both because it is mainly used as just that and also because of the fact that they also said the MCU would have no effect on the main comics universe and look at all the stupid changes they’ve been making over the years to make the 616 Universe line up with the MCU movies in different ways. The MCU-ification of the comics is real and I don’t want to hear, “But Ultimates!” ever again considering what they’ve been pulling, and fans would do well to stop perpetuating that excuse for them. It’s just enabling them.

Now that Marvel is trying to claim that the MCU is the 616, it makes all of the above rant even worse because fans have been dealing with seeing their favorite characters butchered on screen for years and anytime we raised complaints we had to deal with Marvel/MCU stans always falling back on the “It’s a different universe and so it’s an ADAPTATION. You shouldn’t be upset because it’s not 616.” So now they want to claim the 616? It’s adding insult to injury. Not to mention all the comic creators Marvel/MCU/Disney don’t pay for the use of their comic imagery/storylines while they make billions on their work.





Creative way of saving camels from getting run over

my favourite things about this video:

1) the amount of time that went into considering this approach, which is a resounding 0.00 seconds

2) the baby’s screm - yes it’s sad bc the poor lil guy is scared but the way his yells for momma hitch with the guy’s running have me lmao ngl

3) the guy either had the incredible good fortune or the foresight to put the baby between himself and momma so he could make a break for it. it was too quick. Too deliberate and almost instinctive. He has done this before.

4) the victory skips and turban twirling.

10/10 but please for the love of god there has to be a better way camels kick people to death

i feel like we’re ignoring an important scientific fact, which is that this guy grabbed, at the minimum, 35 kilograms of terrified baby camel and did a fucking 6-second olympic sprint while being chased by, wikipedia informs me, 300-540 kilograms of angry adult camel.



stranger things filmed in a WHAT in lithuania?!??!?

this is disgusting


I wrote this for Facebook five years ago on the 50th anniversary, but fuck it, I’ll cross post here.

Also: FUN FACT! 40% of the UK’s coal tips are in Wales. Thanks to their age and the increase in extreme weather events from climate change, they’re going to cost between 500 and 600 million pounds in the next 15 years to stabilise.


Today is the 50th anniversary of Aberfan, but I suspect a lot of people probably don’t know much about it by now. 50 years is a long time, to be fair. But also, a shit ton of stuff came out about it more recently that I think even people who remember it happening don’t know about? So, I thought I might make a post-note-thingy to bring everyone up to speed.

So, the short of it for those completely not in the know is: on October 21st 1966, a coal tip on top of a mountain in the South Wales Valleys collapsed, causing what was essentially a landslide to rush down the slope and engulf the tiny village of Aberfan. It demolished houses; but perhaps more poignantly, it also hit Pantglas Junior school. The really upsetting thing here is that Aberfan was, and is, a tiny place - those children meant an entire generation was lost. And with terrible timing - had the spoil moved minutes earlier they’d have been in the playground and seen it coming, and been able to escape. Had it moved a few hours later, half term would have started, and no one would have been there.

Well, I say that - the really upsetting thing is that it was inherently avoidable. The above is the short version of events. This is the longer.

When the National Coal Board were picking where to build the tip they chose a site of sandstone, which as you intelligent and learned types all know, Facebookers, is porous, and the sandstone sat over multiple natural springs, which as you intelligent and learned types all know, Facebookers, are fucking everywhere in Wales, a country that literally lists rain as one of its main exports. The springs were clearly marked on maps of the neighbourhood, and more importantly, the locals all went and bloody told the NCB. Local children literally used to play in them. Sadly, in the history of Welsh Peasants vs English Mineral Barons, the day has never swung to the Welsh. So the tip got built directly above Aberfan on the side of Mynydd Merthyr.

In the years leading up to the disaster, three different coal tips at Aberfan had minor slips (including Tip Number 7, in fact; the one that would later cause the disaster). Multiple letters were written to the National Coal Board outlining the risks from both rainwater and the underlying springs, and they wrote multiple letters back, showing they were aware of the risk. One even acknowledged the risk to the school, in fact. But no one moved the tips. Why? Because the two men responsible for it didn’t like each other, and refused to work with one another on the report.

In the weeks leading up to the disaster, the heavens opened and a Biblical deluge descended upon South Wales. It particularly pissed it down on October the 21st, 1966, and the side of Waste Tip Number 7 became so saturated that 120,000 cubic metres broke off and flowed down the mountain, the front part having liquefied, in a wave 12 metres high. 40,000 cubic metres smashed through a row of houses and into Pantglas Junior School. Eyewitnesses who survived talked afterwards of the noise, saying it was so loud they thought a plane was crashing on them. One teacher ordered them to hide under their desks. Parents rushed up there to try to claw their children out by hand, and were quickly joined by miners from the Merthyr Vale Colliery (later joined by more from the Deep Navigation and the Taff Merthyr Collieries.) As the news spread, hundreds upon hundreds of people rushed to Aberfan to help, until the quantity of untrained volunteers were actually getting in the way of the trained operatives who had arrived. Meanwhile, more mud and water was in free-fall down the mountain, making things harder; that, and a water pipe in the town was also destroyed, meaning even more flooding in town, and more hindrance to the rescuers.

The school was hit at 9.13. No one was pulled out alive after 11.

So with the sheer scale of the disaster now in mind, at this point, Facebookers, let’s take a quick look at the actions of Lord Robens of Woldingham.

Now, this colossal dick fungus was the Chairman of the National Coal Board at the time of the disaster. He was notable by his absence. The Secretary of State for Wales, Cledwyn Hughes, obviously started ringing him to find out when he was going to turn up - lest we forget, the NCB had merrily built a coal tip on unsuitable land against local protestations and had now inevitably killed 116 kids and 28 adults, so you’d sort of expect the festering piece of knob-skin in charge of the damn thing to get his bony hide over there and at least have the decency to look a bit sad. But it was in Wales, so Lord Robens hoped no one would give a shit and would move on, and so went to his investiture as Chancellor of the University of Surrey instead.

Yes, you read that right - he found out he’d caused and allowed 116 children to be buried alive, but he wanted to go to a fancy ceremony in his honour that would let him be a university Chancellor.

And his office covered up for him by lying to Cledwyn Hughes, claiming that Lord Robens was actually at Aberfan and personally directing the rescue efforts. One can only assume they didn’t realise how small Aberfan is, and thus how instantly you can tell if someone isn’t there.

So, on the evening of the following day, Lord Robens finally deigned to turn up at the site of mass death he was responsible for, whereupon he told the first camera he saw, in front of all the locals who had been telling them not to build the damn tip there, that there was nothing that could have been done to avoid the disaster, because the tip had been built on UNKNOWN NATURAL SPRINGS.

He wasn’t finished either, Facebookers. Naturally, the locals were ready to commit murder if the remaining tips around the village weren’t removed, but at first, the government refused, saying it would be too expensive. The locals, obviously, objected, and so stormed the buildings of the Welsh Office in Cardiff and poured bags of slurry through the offices. Perhaps, they suggested, the government might like to live with it instead. After the court case (see below), Lord Robens of Woldingfuck refused to use NCB funds to finance moving the tips, instead demanding a huge sum of money from the public disaster relief fund. £150,000, to be precise, which was a full 10% of the fund.

This endeared him to no one, even including his dear elderly white-haired mother. No word on whether or not he had to get a squad of ninjas to protect him from the locals, but I presume he did.

Then came the enquiries, where the standard ‘oh god we’re talking to Welsh peasants’ mentalities came out. The press had also behaved like a bag of smashed arseholes over the whole thing, including the notable account of a photographer telling a six-year-old child who had been pulled alive out of the mud to cry over the bodies of her dead mates to make a better picture. Add that to Lord Bollocks of Woldingfuck pricking about, and the locals had really been pushed around. At the enquiry into the deaths of the first 30 children, their names and causes of death were read out; there were shouts of ‘Murder!’ in the court. Then one boy’s name was read out, and his death reported as asphyxia and multiple injuries. His father stood up.

“No sir,” he told the judge clearly. “Buried alive by the National Coal Board.”


“I know your grief is much that you may not be realising what you are saying - ”

“I want it recorded – ‘Buried alive by the National Coal Board.’” the father interrupted. “That is what I want to see on the record. That is the feeling of those present. Those are the words we want to go on the certificate.”

No word on whether or not that patronising piece of shit Judge died of knob rot in a foreign jail, but I like to think so.

Finally, our Cledwyn had enough at the asshattery of all involved, and so on the 26th October 1966 he appointed his own goddam inquiry and got in respected Welsh barrister and Privy Councillor Lord Justice Edmund Davies, in the hope that maybe then the locals of Aberfan would not become so incensed that they would resurrect Zombie Owain Glyndwr and march on the border, which was becoming a distinct option by that point; plus, our Cledwyn wanted some actual pissing answers. It became known as the Davies Inquiry, which Wikipedia informs me was, at that time, the longest inquiry of its type in British history at 76 days (“interviewing 136 witnesses, examining 300 exhibits and hearing 2,500,000 words of testimony.”)

Now, you may have picked up that there was definite fault with the NCB. You may have somehow inferred that. You may have read between the lines and thought, ‘But Elanor, surely when the NCB were told not to put a coal tip on top of springs, and when the springs were even marked on the map, and then they did it anyway, surely only a goat or monkey could find the NCB innocent, especially when such a long inquiry was held?’

You are correct, Facebookers. And thus it was that in the final days of the inquiry, Lord Pissy Jizzbollock of Shittingfuck realised all was lost and essentially turned himself in, giving evidence to the inquiry that basically went 'Okay, you got us, the NCB should have been more careful, what are we like’.

The final findings of the Davies Inquiry:

“…the Aberfan disaster is a terrifying tale of bungling ineptitude by many men charged with tasks for which they were totally unfitted, of failure to heed clear warnings, and of total lack of direction from above… Blame for the disaster rests upon the National Coal Board. This is shared, though in varying degrees, among the NCB headquarters, the South Western Divisional Board, and certain individuals … The legal liability of the NCB to pay compensation of the personal injuries, fatal or otherwise, and damage to property, is incontestable and uncontested.”

They also found the NCB had been piss-poor at maintaining the tip anyhow, and confirmed that it had already suffered multiple minor landslides before the one that killed Aberfan’s children. Such is the history of environmental law, though.

Anyway, at this point Lord Fuck Off clearly realised that he had possibly fucked up big time here and so offered his resignation, but BRACE YOURSELVES.

His resignation was rejected by Harold Wilson, because Robens was good with Unions, and Wilson hated the Unions and so wanted to keep him active. Furthermore, nine members of the NCB were flagged as being to blame. No one ever received so much as a demotion. There were no repercussions whatsoever for anyone who had just caused the deaths of 116 children.

Compensation-wise: the NCB paid out compensation to the tune of £500 per child (in old money - today worth about £6512). Then the public also paid loads of money into a relief fund.

Here’s the bit the people who remember all this happening may not know. Recently, we finally got to read the documents about how that money was managed. From Wikipedia:

“The management of this fund caused considerable controversy over the years. Many aspects of the aftermath of the Aberfan Disaster remained hidden until 1997, when the British Public Records Office released previously embargoed documents under the thirty year rule. These documents revealed new information about the machinations of Lord Robens, the NCB and the Charity Commission in the wake of the Aberfan Disaster.

At one point the Charity Commission planned to insist that before any payment was made to bereaved parents, each case should be reviewed to ascertain if the parents had been close to their children and were thus likely to be suffering mentally. At another meeting, the Commission threatened to remove the Trustees of the Disaster Fund or make a financial order against them if they went ahead with making grants to parents of children who had not been physically injured that day, and the Trustees were forced to abandon these payments.[20]

Although the Davies Report had found that the NCB’s liability was “incontestable and uncontested” and it was widely felt that the NCB should have to bear the entire cost of removing the dangerous tips above Aberfan, Robens refused to pay the full cost, thereby putting the Trustees of the Disaster Fund under “intolerable pressure”. Robens then “raided” the Fund for £150,000 to cover the cost of removing the tips – an action that was “unquestionably unlawful” under charity law – and the Charity Commission took no action to protect the Fund from Robens’s dubious appropriation of funds.[21]”

So, to sum up: They didn’t want the people of Aberfan to actually have that money. The Charity Commission put parents through invasive and harrowing questioning to male sure they’d liked their dead kids sufficiently before they’d pay them compensation - and can you begin to imagine the trauma of that? When you’re already torturing yourself over every cross word you ever might have said, over having sent them to school that morning, over everything? And along comes some screaming fuckweasel and demands to know if you truly loved your child? If you ever argued? If you were ever exasperated by them? They ask your neighbours, your friends, if you showed enough affection?

There aren’t words.

The Charity Commission decided mental health did not exist. No dead child? Tough! You must be entirely fine and unaffected by having dug your barely-breathing child out of a tomb! The child is fine! No money for you. What do you mean counselling costs?

But oh lordy, back to Lord Bell-end of Twattingjizz again, look.

A court ordered him and the NCB to shoulder the costs of removing the tips and preventing further tragedy, having found that they were responsible.

And instead, he literally stole money from the survivors to do it.

And the Charity Commission let him.

In 2007, the Welsh Government paid £2 million into the fund to replace this money. The fund is still active today, helping the residents of Aberfan with the trauma.

Because hey, as I say, mental health: next came the trauma for the survivors, which is the part they utterly don’t tell you about. Children who had survived got survivors guilt, and never went outside - many couldn’t sleep with doors or windows closed. Multiple patients were prescribed sedatives, but were afraid to take them, desperately listening out to hear if the mountain was moving again. Birth rates, alcohol-related issues and health issues for pre-existing conditions all rose dramatically. Multiple people had breakdowns over the subsequent years. In 2003, the Journal of British Psychiatry published a study into the long-term psychological effects of the disaster. Half of the survivors had had PTSD at some point in their lives; as a group, the survivors were over three times more likely to develop lifetime PTSD than a comparison group who had also experienced life-threatening traumas; and 34% of the survivors still reported nightmares or sleep problems about the disaster.

It may be fifty years today, but Aberfan has not recovered. For so many of them, the whole thing is still happening. And somehow, Lord Robens of Woldingham never did go to fucking jail where he belonged.

And that, for them as don’t know, is the tale of the Aberfan Disaster.

Imaginekindly and politely asking people to mind their own business when it comes to YOUR personal life, and then getting such responses:









No longer is this about the rights of students to access books. It’s now about the rights of private businesses to sell books. Anderson suggests this is a new avenue for parents to fight.

“We are in a major fight. Suits like this can be filed all over Virginia. There are dozens of books. Hundreds of schools,” he said.

Holy shit this is a BIG FUCKING WARNING SIGN. Challenges to school and public libraries aren’t cool obviously, but they’re not unusual and we have a framework for handling them. This is something new and alarming in a whole new way

Republican “free speech” y'all and don’t you forget it.

This is a direct challenge to the freedom of the press and if it isn’t struck down at the first hurdle we need to make sure it never sees the second one.

On the miniscule off-chance that anyone who sees my reblog might be thinking “oh, it’s just queer books that they’re trying to ban” - A Court of Mist and Fury is a het romance. It is a het romance containing het sex scenes, written by a straight white woman.

People have been warning all along that the right-wing thought police were never going to stop with queer lit or ‘woke’ lit, and that every time they got an inch they were going to take a mile until they’d banned absolutely everything that didn’t conform to their strict right wing fundamentalist Christian views. If you were waiting for proof of that, here it is.

adding this which I saw yesterday, which appears to indicate this judge is not just deciding whether to allow this bookstore to sell certain books to minors.

“regarding whether the books may be sold OR POSSESSED in Virginia by EITHER MINORS OR ADULTS”


I don’t even like Sarah Maas (not trying to start anything, I just didn’t get into the first one) but this makes me want to go get this book and maybe a couple of others, just for spite.


Screen shots of the WaPo article below and in the next reblog due to image limits.

Concerning highlights: both books are sexually explicit and there is every reason to think the judge will find them obscene by the standard in the old statue. A request to completelystop the sale of these books in the state while the case works its way through court has been filed and if the books are found obscene will likely be granted.

Technically this case is an attempt to prohibit the sale of the books to children but they’re likely to get a lot more than that both short and long term. If you were a publisher and had to select a book to publish that’s likely to incur court costs and be blacklisted or one that’s not which one are you going to buy?

So this Guardian Angel business…



so now women legally cannot even mention having been victims of domestic violence or sexual assault without it being defamation. I hope y’all demons fucking die in the most painful way imaginable.







I’ve become 10x harsher on the Gotham Knights game lineup since I learned that they are using the Belfry, thus confirming that they aren’t just using the name based on the older comic run but actually based on the team of the same name.

And of that team they are using ONE member, while the other three have nothing at all to do with the team.

The Knights had SUCH a good lineup but they only chose ROBIN out of all of them!?

For me it was seeing that they weren’t using the mechanics from the Arkham series and were switching to something a lot closer to the Avengers game, complete with a heavy emphasis on deeply boring gear mechanics. After I saw that, I knew there was NO WAY that they weren’t also going to fuck up the lore and mistreat the characters. The whole thing is just hugely disappointing by every conceivable metric.

Imagine having the near-perfected combat of Arkham Knight as a template and ditching it

also let’s be real as soon as we saw the list of comics they were reading as inspo we knew this game was going to be dogshit

There was a list of comics they were inspired by?

There are only 3 good comics listed here lmao, and frankly i could be convinced that UTRH or Gates of Gotham aren’t particularly great either, the rest are all actively awful

I heard End Run was okay. It was from that weird in between period in 2010 when they were transitioning to the New 52 so I wouldn’t be surprised if it has problems. I’ve yet to read it despite having a copy from the Brightest Day arc because I wanted to collect all the BOP trades first from 1999 to 2009.

But Holy mother of God Burnside is literally an inspiration………. No.

Gates is really good IMO but, uh, a big part of Gates is CASS FUCKING BEING THERE.

I like End Run ok, though it has its flaws. Definitely some of Gail’s weaker writing for BoP.

merry crisis, i’ve developed excruciating tendinitis (i think???) in my right shoulder/arm, so unless i can get ahold of some wild pain meds ASAP i can’t do shit - damn, i started becoming inspired to draw again, but my body said NO holy hell this one hurts



happy pride

okay so spock (the alien in blue) essentially goes into heat. like literal heat like an animal. Anyway, spock’s in bloodlust in this episode and must go back to vulcan to have sex with his finace (or someone. but its supposed to be his fiance) or he’ll literally die. this is called pon farr and some backstory spock is half human and thought he wouldnt go through pon farr so he abandoned his HOT fiance to fuck around in space except oops pon farr happens so. he and kirk (in yellow getting his tits cut open, he’s also spocks captain and best friend) and their other friend mccoy go to vulcan so he can have sex with his fiance or get married or whatever so he doesn’t die. but then spock’s fiance (t’pring) is like no i dont want to marry spock i want to have him fight someone to death (which she can do) and spock at this point is fully in the ‘blood lust’ and is basically not in his right mind and doesnt get what’s happening. and t’pring picks kirk to be her ‘champion’ in the fight (her logic is that if spock dies in the fight she doesnt have to marry him and if kirk dies, spock will be so upset with her he won’t marry her anymore anyway). anyway kirk doesnt know that its a fight to the death and so he’s like of course i’ll do this fight if it’ll help spock and then he gets told it’s a fight to the death and he goes WHAT and right afterwards spock slices his titties open like in the gif. also eventually spock and kirk roll around in the sand and kirk fakes his death and THIS somehow knocks spock out of his blood lust and he goes back to the ship super sad bc he’s killed his ‘best friend’ only to discover kirk’s alive and we see one of his biggest smiles of the series (a big deal bc spock is vulcan and they dont show emotion). anyway this aired as the season opener in 1967. know your history and all that happy pride

What does it mean that is not SHEITH but SHIETH?

I mean, where does it come from? Sheith is Sh(iro) + (K)eith
But Shieth is Shi(ro) + (K)ieth???

Da faq??


Billboard with a picture of Elon Musk: Defend billionaires. We’re Just like you.

Commie on the Rez: Spotted in the wild. I hate this mf place

Elle M. (they/them): If u saw Lex Luthor do this in a Superman comic u would be like ”pshh way too over the too not even a super villain would be this obvious”

Feelings towards episode 13 summed up in one picture:


I think it might have been better for him if i was the one who got shot.



If you still call tumblr the hellsite you haven’t seen twitter’s recent discourse over whether short women can be loved for anything other than a fetish



Okay internet, let’s play a game:

try to guess what this video is about before the end.

major curve ahead

this better be a joke.


Okay. So I went to see John Mulaney at Red Rocks. There was a surprise opener.

It was Dave Fucking Chapelle.

The second he came on stage, I was scared. By the time he was done, I thought I was going to throw up. My sister actually left and had a breakdown.

I don’t have a video (phone locks) but here’s as exact a transcript as I can manage:

TW AHEAD: transphobia, ableism, implied rape, implied bestiality, racism, sexual topics

* I had a special come out a little while ago.

* The people who got upset by it, I guess they didn’t listen all the way until the end. Because I didn’t have a problem with trans people. I really didn’t.

* But I do now!! (Cue uproarious laughter)

* And there was such a backlash. I mean, an uproar. And now I can’t tell jokes about transgender people ever again. And I won’t…ON TV

* If I were to tell my producers “hey, I identify as Chinese”

* And then I came in [offensive Ching Chong impression] and the one Chinese guy there was like, this isn’t right.

* Or what if I were sent to prison. And I’d say, no, man. I’m a woman. I identify as a woman. Im going to woman’s prison. And guess the first thing I’d do when I got in there??

* “Yeah, you bitches better do my laundry or I’m gonna…”

* To a disabled girl in the front row:

* So does that dog actually help with anything or just keep you company?

* Do you think if you put a little peanut butter down there he’d…yeah, I bet he would. He’d help you out. You ever put a little peanut butter down there? You ever done that?

* Can he pick stuff up? Like, can he up pick beer bottles? He can? I’ll give you 700 dollars for that dog. Right now.

* Later, to 2 girls in the audience: hey, you girls? Boys? Does it even matter anymore?

This transcript does not include jokes comparing Ukraine to Vietnam, jokes about Russia’s ineffectiveness (like he wants them to succeed??) or John Mulaney’s post-set comments about Dave being one of his best friends.

Tl;dr: I was forced to see Dave Chapelle. His jokes included comparing transgender people to racists and rapists. He also encouraged a disabled person in the audience to force her service dog to perform oral sex on her.

Please reblog this if you can, for evidence of his continued transphobia. I’d really hate my Chapelle nightmare to be for nothing.






Tumblr just terminated Aqui’s blog. The fuck?

@darklightheart@colony-drop-program who do we bug at tumblr staff about this

Da fuq?

No she did not terminate it herself. She tried using it and found her account gone. Its bs


i come back onto kpoppie tumblr for .2 seconds and see n*zi shit on god what the fuck
