#and to those who write tags


Ch.1 |  Ch.2|Ch.3|Ch.4(1)|Ch.4(2)|Ch.5(1)|Ch.5(2)|Ch.5(3)|Ch.5(4)|Ch.6(1)|Ch.6(2)|Ch.6(3)|Ch.7(1)|Ch.7(2)|

Ch.7: Of burdens and duties (3)

Naruto has her hand in his while his eyes scan document after document, he looks unfazed by the carriage’s movement. So does Shino, whose bugs move around the collar of his jacket and buzz out and into the window.

Sai sits in front of Hinata, his eyes full of interest as he stares at the landscape. He sometimes finds interesting features he shares with her in detail, but his body is tense, and she knows he’s ready to jump to action if needed. Naruto squeezes her hand and as she looks at him, he points out the window.

“Look,” he says, moving back to let her get a better view.

The town is filled with people and carriages and stands and it looks like too many people are in one single place. The sound is starting to be heard and Hinata can already know it will make the ground tremble. She looks at Naruto, worried.

“Don’t worry, it has the best security you could find. The Beast Tamers all gather here, you know? We haven’t had an issue since it started.”

Sai edges towards her, “I will be right beside you, my lady.”

Hinata can even feel Shino’s eyes on her and she sits back with a small smile. “I-I understand.”

Naruto comes to her, grabs both her hands on his, “I’ll be with you.”

And that is enough to make Hinata relax.


They don’t enter through the same way everyone else does. Their carriage deviates and enters a more calm environment, with more stern looking people around. 

Hinata doesn’t know if she prefers this somber looking entrance or the colorful and loud one. At least she can see they take their work seriously, as even when Naruto comes and talks to them -Shino in tow-, the guards check every nook and cranny of their entourage. 

Sakura waves at Hinata from her spot. She is standing right under another carriage window, where Hinata can glance another spiky blonde head that smiles immediately after making contact with her. Lord Minato remains seated and doesn’t come out. Much like herself. 

Naruto is chatting with a high-ranking looking man and rests his hands inside the sleeves of his kimono. He looks relaxed, and Hinata tries to remind herself that she shouldn’t burden him on this trip. 

He did say this whole ordeal wouldn’t be a problem.

They get off right inside the stadium where the demonstrations take place. The carriages get lost in the distance, with a number of servants inside, who will prepare their chambers where they will rest. Naruto and his group will go up the stairs and mingle with the other Beast Tamers inside, as well as every other high-ranking noble who wants a slice of whatever they had. 

Naruto is unimpressed with everyone attending this show.

His father follows behind, with Hinata right beside him. Sakura, Shino and Sai follow closely, beside them, behind them. They look as alert as ever, and even more professional and menacing than usual. Hinata keeps her head held high, her shoulders rolled back and her eyes glued to Naruto’s back. She can see from the corner of her eyes the people around them. Eyes following their group, and Hinata shudders as their eyes don’t seem to blink. 

“Lord Naruto,” a man bellows. Breaking the formal ambience that surrounds the place. Hinata can see Naruto tensing and she knows he dislikes the man. He is large and comes straight to Naruto, without a care to the people around him. His eyes are beaded and they zoom in on Hinata, and she has to force herself to keep her eyes on Naruto. 

Naruto moves to stand in front of her, a slight change of his feet, and Hinata lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. 

“What a lovely wife,” shares the man and Hinata can’t help the uncomfortable feeling that overcomes her. Naruto says nothing, staring down at the man whose eyes show no sign of shame. “I would love to have a chat with the lord, if you could be so kind as to come with me. Of course, your wife is also invited, I have the most exquisite of foods at my disposal, I assure you.”

“I have yet to greet my fellow Beast Tamers, Lord Graff, I’m sure you understand.”

The man pouts his lips and tries to look behind Naruto, “I’m sure your lovely wife could come wait with me as you make your rounds, my lord.”

Sai is right beside her, but the moment Lord Graff takes a step to get a better look, Naruto grabs him by the arm and squeezes. “Do not be impolite,” he smiles. 

Lord Graff scoffs in surprise, as if the mere thought of him being impolite was ridiculous. “Oh, Lord Naruto, please, I am but trying to be-”

“Naruto,” a monotone voice greets, and Naruto’s head whips around. His stance relaxes, his eyes shine and his face changes immediately into the boyish smile Hinata knows. 

“Gaara!” he greets, motions for him to come closer. His body remains a wall between Lord Graff and his wife and the moment Gaara comes closer his own guards move the lord out of the way. There are two of them, a man with purple face paint that looks at Lord Graff with disgust and a blonde woman that stands next to the other guard with her arms crossed. Gaara doesn’t acknowledge the man who was on his spot before. 

Naruto brings his arm around Hinata, pushes her towards him, “My wife,” he presents and Gaara looks at her. He is tall, though not as tall as Naruto, although Hinata has to look up anyways. His hair is dark red and all around his eyes he has a thick layer of eyeliner that contrasts with his pale skin, he looks menacing, and the way his face shows no emotion at all is even more intimidating. But Naruto is right beside her and Gaara is the only person he wanted to introduce to her, so Hinata bows and pinches herself to get her words out. 

“My n-name is Hinata U-u-uzumaki… It’s a p-pleasure to m-meet y-you.” 

Nobody around her says anything. But she wants to die. She can feel the shame rising inside of her and the tears prickling at her eyes, but Gaara remains impassive and he bows to her.

“The pleasure is all mine. My name is Gaara of the desert, I’m glad to finally meet you.” He gives her a smile. A tiny smile, the barest of movements of the corners of his mouth, but Hinata sees it, and she understands immediately that his friendship with Naruto is real and true. 

Naruto moves his hand up and down her back, and he kisses the top of her head before turning to Gaara, “Do you mind taking her and my dad as I make the rounds?” He whispers. 

“Of course,” says Gaara, with the same tone he has had through all their conversation. 

Hinata worries whether someone has seen Naruto’s impromptu show of affection but she realizes immediately that it’s unlikely. Naruto and Gaara cover her front, Sai covers her side, Shino is at her back and Lord Minato with Sakura stand opposite him, all with their eyes away from them. 

“Shino, you come with me.” Naruto pushes Hinata to Sai, “I’ll be right back.” 

Sakura comes right beside her and Lord Minato covers now her back. Hinata is starting to realize that she’s being overly protected by everyone. 

As Gaara brings them towards one side of the room Hinata realizes that everyone brings a couple of guards with them and they -her- do not look out of place at all. Naruto walks away with Lord Graff -who’s already chatting away- and makes a beeline for a group in the distance. 

“What a fucking prick,” hisses Gaara’s male guard.

“I said we let Lord Naruto have a go at him, one punch is all he’ll need,” the blonde smiles. 

Sakura is the one who comes in with the common sense. “You both know he can’t do that,” she sighs. 

But the blonde just scoffs, “Who’s gonna stop him, though? The Ten-tails?” She mocks. The male guard chimes in with another witty remark and Sakura starts bickering back. 

Hinata glances at them, nervous, but Sai looks used to this and Gaara stops in front of her while pointing towards a chair. “Care for a refreshment or some food?" 

Hinata shakes her head no, doesn’t say anything out of shame and ducks her head to make herself look smaller. All habits she wishes she stopped doing. 

"Don’t worry about them,” Gaara continues, “they love to banter with whoever is nearby. I don’t usually fall for their shenanigans though, so they always go extra hard with people who do. Sakura is used to this.” Hinata sits and whispers a thank you she wishes is soft enough to get lost. But Gaara answers back, sits beside her and crosses his legs, leaning forwards. And Hinata realizes he’s looking at her. “They are my brother and sister,” his hand raises towards them, pointing to them in turns, “the one with the face paint is Kankuro, the blonde one is Temari. They’ve known Naruto for as long as me.” He turns to her again, “if there’s anything I can help you with, be it answering questions or doing something for you, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

Hinata tenses, because although Gaara has been nothing but nice and respectful she can’t bring herself to say or do anything but nod and stare in front of her. 

And she hates it.


Naruto doesn’t come back and Lord Minato has stood and walked away to greet the people who came near them a few times already. Lord Gaara has remained unmoving and the only sound Hinata can hear nearby is the still ongoing conversation Kankuro, Temari and Sakura have going on a few meters from them. Sai has remained a few meters apart, closer to her and Lord Gaara, but still able to chime in when the group asks him a question or he feels the need to share something to their talk.

    Hinata realizes that neither Kankuro nor Temari have said anything at Sai’s crude way of speaking, and Hinata soon realizes it’s because they talk that way too. Speaking what they think without wondering first how that will affect the people around them. Kankuro especially has even smirked at Sai’s words.

    They have talked gossip and guarding strategies and lords and news and Hinata has absorbed all the knowledge with guilt. 

    Lord Gaara has remained next to her, sharing his thoughts every once in a while but she has only been able to answer with yes and no and the need to talk is only making it harder for her to do so. She wants to ask and share things and smile and have a good time. Lord Minato is near her, Sai and Sakura are near her. She feels safe, so why?

    Why can’t she just mutter a simple answer longer than one word? Why can’t she smile lightly and ask a question enough to keep their conversation going? Hinata bites her lower lip, feeling the turning of her stomach as she feels shame coursing through her body. 

    Just ask anything. Anything. Anything, anything, anything at all. 

    It takes Hinata an embarrassing amount of courage to raise her head and turn her head slightly to Gaara, who catches her movement but remains still. The fact that he is nice to her makes this even worse.

    She will stutter, she knows. She doesn’t want to, but she will. Feels it in the way her mouth refuses to open, in the way her tongue feels heavy and locked. She will stutter and she will hate it. So it stands to reason that she remains silent. 

    So she does.

    Lord Minato stands again and moves away from the group, talks with a man before coming back, drink in hand. He stands right in front of her and offers the cup, Hinata reaches out and grabs it out of habit. He has shared with her drink after drink of tea in their classes, fewer as they shared more time together. As she started feeling more confident in his presence.

    He gave her an excuse to remain silent. 

    “I think it’s time I go get Naruto away from everyone,” Lord Minato says. His voice calm and soothing. “He should be bored out of his mind by now.”

    Lord Gaara nods, scans the room looking for Naruto, but the amount of people makes it difficult for him to do so. 

    “I’ll be back as soon as I find him, okay?” 

    Hinata stares at her cup, now resting in her lap and she raises her head. He’s looking directly at her, reassuring her. She nods her head, keeps it down, and feels disgraceful. 

    “Ye-ye-yes,” she manages to say. Lord Minato’s hand raises and pats her shoulder, and that tells her enough. He was worried. 

    Hinata remains as composed as she can. Back straight, head held high, and although her eyes are focused on the cup on her hands, she wants to at least appear confident. 

    Naruto will be back in a minute. It’s that thought that gives her a surge of self-assurance she grabs and holds onto. It’s the cup in her hands that warms her cold skin that she grounds herself with and it’s Sai’s feet moving in front of her as he moves to be beside her that Hinata focuses. 

    “L-l-lord Gaara?” She asks. Hating every sound that leaves her mouth, looking straight ahead to the sea of people in fear of seeing pity in his eyes.

    “Yes, my lady?” 

    He’s coming back in a minute. He’s coming back in a minute. 

    “Why… h-haven’t you d-d-done a round like the o-o-other Beast T-t-tamers?”

    She tenses, as worry starts to wash over her body. But whatever, she tried, she talked and asked and at least did something about their conversations. Even if he didn’t answer, even if he ignored her. She did it. And that’s what mattered to her. 

    There is a second of silence that freezes Hinata completely. Until Kankuro’s husky voice lets out a controlled laugh.

    “Because he’s the One-Tail,” he mocks. He and Temari are now closer to them than before, as Sakura left with Lord Minato. 

    “Because his allegiances are already set in stone,” Temari adds with a smirk.

    It’s obvious by their tone and glances at Lord Gaara that they want to get a rise out of him. But Lord Gaara stares them down. “I believe the question was directed at me.” He remains impassive and calm, and Hinata is in awe at his composure. 

    Kankuro snorts, “Oh, come on!” 

    But Gaara ignores him. “As my brother and sister shared,” he starts, giving them a bored look, “I don’t really gain anything by doing rounds. My friendship with Naruto is very well-known throughout the clans.”

    “Everyone and their mothers know that Gaara listens to whatever Naruto says,” Kankuro looks at Temari, shaking his head in confusion, and Temari mimics him.

    “But…” Hinata feels more comfortable now, seeing as Lord Gaara waits and listens and doesn’t bring attention to anything else but her actual question. “Then w-w-why does L-Lord Naruto makes t-the r-rounds?”

    “Because he’s the Nine-Tails,” Kankuro shares. His antics with Temari dying off as Gaara didn’t fall for them. “He’s powerful as fuck, and everyone wants in on that.”

    “Both physically and politically,” Temari adds, “in a way, Gaara is better off than every other Beast Tamer because of Lord Naruto.”

    Hinata scans the room again, trying to find his blonde head. If he was nearer she would find him immediately. He towers over everyone here. 

    “He usually does the rounds to let me and Lord Minato get out of them. People will find him anyway, so he mingles, does what’s expected of him and then comes back.” He turns to her, “though he usually lets people wait for him, I guess he was eager now to get it over with and not expose you too much.”

    Temari smiles at her, and Hinata blushes, “Don’t worry, Lady Hinata, we can pull off the don’t-you-dare-come-near-us mean look.”

    “Kind of experts at it,” laughs Kankuro.

    As if to demonstrate, they frown, glance around and effectively scare off the people around them. And Hinata finds herself relaxing a little.
