#and whatnot


whenever i feel insignificant i think about the fact that the universe is so vast and endless and infinite to the point where we can’t even grasp its very concept … and yet how intricate and beautifully accidental must it be for mangos to exist and for us to enjoy them and to be aware of the fact that we’re enjoying them, or for two people’s hands to fit together, or for someone to bake bread for someone else. there is no end to space, and yet we have favorite songs, and we tend to little plants, and we leave our footprints on the sand until the waves wash them away, and we help bees back outside with our silly cups and pieces of paper !! existence is so miraculous & we are here & small & coincidental, and so i love & love & love


when remco campert said “poetry is an act of affirmation. i affirm that i live, that i do not live alone.”

i feel like adding that the reason this quote so appeals to me and encapsulates what i think about poetry is because i am convinced that poetry is not and can never be a product of mere solitude. even if you write to express loneliness, the feeling is derived by a certain lack of connection. even if you write only and completely for yourself, you are still writing within the world, you are still writing words that to even be able to weave inside a poem you have had to learn them from other people who have in turn also had to learn them from other people, words of which the precise connotation for you comes from a larger context in which you’ve heard then being used by those around you. your poetry is a product of so much history, of changes and little evolutions in language, of emotions caused by engaging with the world. and therefore, in poetry, you are never alone with the page. when you write a poem, you are of course expressing your own voice, but you are also expressing the voice of every person, tree, cloud, body of water, grief, animal and piece of art you have come across. poetry is a record of togetherness and of connection.

and Aerodynamic started playing

this is kinda cool
