#and will eventually resume posting more often

If you read even A Beginners Guide to Transfiguration, you will surely come across the story of Calo

If you read even A Beginners Guide to Transfiguration, you will surely come across the story of Calopa Bolingbrooke. The classic tale of an Animagus gone wrong, Calopa attempted the hideously complex spell during her second year at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. It is unclear exactly what went wrong- rumor has it that she said anthoswhere she should have said athos-but she was quickly transferred to the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad, where she had a long and successful career as a counselor to those unfortunate witches and wizards whose accidental magic wasn’t entirely reversible. 

Of course, the textbooks don’t mention this- they leave you with a single shocking photo, and a dire warning. Calopa’s public story begins and ends with her sitting on that bench in a garden. No one thinks to ask who took the picture.

(Their wedding cake was lovely, according to all reports- beautifully floral).


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