#and yet when one 1 rachet hoe who lies through her teeth






unless their school is like a sketchy crack house,,,,,, why can’t they just check the security cameras when lila ‘gets pushed down the stairs’???????? like ?? what is everyone on in this show?? i swear-

why can’t they just????CALLL???HER???MOOMMMMM??? like bruh do you not need doctor information or parental confirmation when a student has some medical thing??? like even the mom is stupid she straight up can’t figure out to call lila’s school and see if it’s actually cancelled? boi wut 

LITERALLY,,,, oh my god it frustrates me to no end that lila’s mom wasn’t called about lila missing like to months of school,,,,, they just let that slide?????? and like her mom wasn’t called when her daughter was seemingly PUSHED DOWN THE STAIRS, GOT HER NECKLACE STOLEN, AND WAS BEING BULLIED??? also wouldn’t school check her medical records??????

EXACTLY. honestly tho Damocles is actually dumb tho so i’m kinda not surprised but HOW TF IS HE PRINCIPAL like boi wut????? and smh so disappointed in Bustier she had so much of my love and respect until she straight up outs Marinete in front of the WHOLE CLASS and is like “lol Marinette nah you can’t blame her without proof gimme ur backpack tho she told me it was u so i mean facts amiright.” like um WHAHHHAHHAHATTTTTT????

TEA!!!! marinette is legit CLASSREP how can they just trust some italian exchange student over THE PERSON THEY TRUSTED TO R E P R E S E N T T H E I R C L A S S???? i’m convinced all of the adults and most of the stundents just shoot up black tar heroin during breaks,,, like there’s no other explanation
