#anderperry fic



Neil after his first date with Todd:

I haven’t written one of these in forever so here goes:

Is this it? Is this what Neil has been looking for all this time? That feeling he was searching for in acting, in Dead Poet Meetings, in defying his Father, in defying Welton… This, however, it was a different feeling than any of those combined…

Neil was, for the first time in his entire existence, alive. Silly, he thought acting was what made him feel truly alive, then again it was just the byproduct of finally freeing himself from the grasp of his Father and Welton. But this? This was different.

Todd, when they first met, never really made his tummy rumble and his chest rattle, not like it did a few months ago. Todd was a slow, tender, variable to the feeling Neil would soon acknowledge as the best emotion of his life. Todd’s warmth crept up to him in moments he didn’t even think could use warmth. Neil had thought just the ambition and drive to do what he wants was enough to call ‘living’. But with Todd… it’s like… he didn’t have a choice, his body, his mind, they couldn’t help but feel even more real when they were with Todd. Neil never knew his heart could literally skip a beat, he never knew he could sweat outside of sports or hot weather, he never even knew he was into blondes (or guys for that matter). Todd was like an inevitable force in Neil’s life that he was finally able to encounter once he was able to act. Being free from his father’s judgement made him freer to think, and because of that, Neil stopped worrying about his sexuality or what he expected in a partner, all he knew was that Todd made him feel alive.

It was no surprise to Charlie either, that Neil would succumb to his teenaged whims and ask him how to ask Todd out. With a scoff, his best friend agreed but in the condition that Neil switched seats with Cameron at lunch (long story). Neil was more than elated when Todd said 'Yes’, all because Todd said it so softly and so sweetly to him. To Todds defense, when a guy who’s accidentally covered in pollen, running from bees, and holding a bunch of roses spelling out your name, you’d want to be gentle.

Their date was very much like the two of them when they were alone in their dorms or out in the campus. They visited a quiant Museum up north, some antique broadway props place Charlie recommended, the two had endless comments on every display there. They then arrived at a small bookstore nearby, it sold second hand books for a buck each and you can bet Todd lost his week’s allowance in that place. (Neil wasn’t lucky either when they happened upon an antique Shakespearean Playbook). It started to rain after that so they scurried over to a small diner and ate garbage plates of fries, gravy, mashed potatoes, and menacingly delicious pork baby back ribs. It wasn’t the most elegant of dates, but Neil had never felt so happy just spending more time with Todd.

Every word that came out of Todd’s mouth was golden. His anecdotes, his cheap shots at Neil’s sauce covered grin, his soft compliments, his even softer way of saying 'I’m happy you like me back’. Neil could die here, salt and sauce covered, and he wouldn’t mind. The milkshakes helped clean up their pallettes and their napkins cleaned their exteriors from smelling like 10 dollar diner dishes.

When the rain subsided, the two managed to walk out into a secluded park and spend their last few date hours there. Todd’s brother was going to pick him up around that town for a family trip the next day so Neil had to go back to Welton alone. The brief disappointment was cut short when Todd’s face was about a few centimeters away from Neil’s.

“I really enjoyed our date.” Todd’s voice was so beautiful. “I hope you’ll ask me out again with less pollen in your hair.”

“I’ll try,” Neil chuckled, his sugary breath matching Todd’s ever-nearing ones. “I can’t promise I won’t ask again soon, though”

“I hope you do.”

Neil’s first kiss with Todd was like the whole world stopping just for him to feel this exact moment. The world stopped to let Neil feel his heart beat, his senses emerge, his skin heat up, his lips melt at the touch of Todd’s equally nervous ones. In a split second, Neil was reborn, like a lightning bolt from the sky reanimated him and brought him back to life.

Pulling away was like exhaling too long, he needed to breathe him in again. It wasn’t a problem though, Todd saw the look in his eyes and gave him another kiss. This time longer, giving their lips time to match up and lock. Weirdly matching each other’s lips perfectly.

As they finally stop, right before Jeff had pulled over to the corner of the street, Todd smiles and discretely squeezes Neil’s hand. “I’ll see you when I get back on Sunday. Thank you for today.”

Needless to say, Neil’s walk back to Welton was filled with butterflies his his stomach and they where carrying him all the way there.

anderperry and chameron pirates,knight, and royalty!

(inspired by @inahallucination’sHC here)

tw: some suggestive scenes (only implied)

Word on the street is that there’s a rogue pirate kidnapping handsome princes! So the knights assigned Neil Perry (their Golden Knight) to watch over Todd Anderson!

One night, the rogue pirate (Charlie) scaled a room on the side of the castle successfully and spots a sleeping young man on his bed. He’s immediately in love with his pale skin, sleeping face, and red copper hair. Before the sleeping man could wake up, Charlie puts a sack over his head and carries him out of the room.

“Did you here that?” Todd asks Neil, whose armor was scattered across Todd’s floor.

“Huh? No?” Neil said from Todd’s chest, still in the middle of kissing him.

“It sounded like it came from Cameron’s room. We should check.”

“Your nanny? I’m sure he’s fine, we’re not done here–”

“Neil, he’s my advisor and we’re going to check on him. There’s a pirate on the loose remember?”

Neil groans and helps them get dressed.

“Wake up, Prince.” Charlie patted Cameron’s cheek. They were in the caves beside a shore where Charlie’s row boat waded, the moonlight still shining on Cameron’s skin, making Charlie a bit flustered.

Cameron gathered himself, trying to wipe his face but his hands were tied behind his back. “Prince? Oh– You’re that pirate who kidnaps princes!!” He notices Charlie’s flowy shirt and eyepatch before he noticed the earrings and the sword on him. The man had taste.

“Okay Prince Todd, I don’t normally kidnap princes this far out but I heard you were the most beautiful in the land. I’d say they were right on that end so I’ve decided to keep you for myself.” Charlie winked.

“W-what? I’m not the–”

“Stop right there!” Neil shouted from the other side of the cave.

“You! Perry!” Charlie stood up, drawing his sword.

“We meet again, you scoundrel!” Neil laughed as he pointed his sword at Charlie.

“Oh please, just because I left knight training to be a pirate doesn’t mean I’m a scoundrel! I’m a dignified adventurer!” Charlie rebutted. Neil scoffs at his former classmate.

“Unhand our friend right now!” Todd yelled from behind Neil.

“Sorry, but the beautiful Prince Todd will be coming with me!” Charlie hoisted Cameron over his shoulder.

“Let me go! I’m not Todd!”

“Yeah!” Todd added, “I’m Todd!”

“Yeah, and Todd’s mine!” Neil piped in.

“… Huh? Then… Who–”

“I’m Richard Cameron? The advisor and right hand man to the Prince? You didn’t actually think I was the most beautiful prince in the land, right?”

Charlie puts Cameron down again. “I–” He stutters a bit.

“Y-you… You actually think I’m as beautiful as how they describe Todd? Even if you got the wrong room??”

“How could you think Cameron’s more– Ow!” Neil’s rant was cut off by Todd pinching him to keep quiet.

“I… Yeah– I thought you were really pretty and–” Charlie hid his face in his pirate sleeves. “I– I just thought–”

“… Y'know… now that we’re all out here… Do you all just wanna runaway?” Todd suggested. “We’ve got Neil to protect us, I’ve got my best advisor, I hate this kingdom and my parents, we should just go!”

Cameron was about to scold Todd for even saying he hated this kingdom but he sighed instead. “You know what? Sure. I’m gonna get fired if I do or don’t agree with you anyway.” Both Charlie and Todd beamed in happiness.

“Wait… does this mean we have to share a boat– a room with other people tonight?” Neil groaned.

“Honey, we can continue in this cave if you want.” Cameron looked at Todd in disappointment.

“What? No!” Neil and Cameron said in unison.

“Hey man, if you guys wanna live the pirate life, you gotta be okay with sharing the space with other horny pirates.” Charlie shrugged before looking at Cameron again.

“Please don’t tell me that while I’m still tied up.”

And so, Charlie “kidnapped” Todd, Cameron, and Neil in one night. They met up with Charlie’s crew: Knox the translator, Pitts the navigator, and Meeks the weapons smith. (Yes, they were all former princes who ran away with Charlie.)

The Dead Pirates were formed.

anderperry fluff - it’s been a while

(it’s been a while since I made a drabble so here it is; I’m not dead, just burntout from work and social media hahah)

Todd’s palms were sweating, trembling even. He hasn’t seen his friend, Neil, recently and he’s getting worried.

They were from two different colleges and it’s possible Neil was just sick or busy or something– That’s why he hasn’t seen him by the park fountain in a while.

Or… Was it because Todd blew it?

The month prior, Todd had confessed to Neil about his attraction. They’ve only known each other for less than a semester and already he felt like he could over come the crushing weight of the education system he’s forced to participate in. But maybe it was a mistake.

What was Todd thinking?! Confessing to a guy he met randomly at a park and who’s also a med student! He wouldn’t have time to even date Todd– let alone have the time to fall in love in the first place. Neil was a scholar, from some fancy school in Vermont while Todd barely got into his English Major because his parents were adamant about his decision (thank God for Jeff for saving him the effort).

Anyway, it wouldn’t make sense to date Neil since they were in completely different courses and colleges… But Todd didn’t have and excuse. He confessed to Neil, as sober and as aware and as dumb as he could be at that moment, he told Neil he liked him a lot.

After classes, Todd sat by the same fountain they liked to meet up at, ritually hoping for Neil to pop in and tell him he’s sorry– at least turn him down. Not seeing him hurt more than heartbreak, not being around him hurt more than not being with him. Todd could bear the image of Neil dating someone who’d be a future doctor too, but Todd couldn’t bear not knowing how–


Todd shrieked as he leaned backward into the fountain, falling into the shallow, penny-filled water.

“FUCK! Todd! I’m sorry– I didn’t mean to–” Neil hurried tried to fish Todd out of the water, rolling his sleeves up to grab Todd’s arms.

“N-Neil? W-where’ve you been?” Todd was shivering, his teeth chattering from the cold water.

“I was supposed to surprise you– well I did but– I didn’t mean to do it like this-”

Todd stood up, sopping wet and flustered. He tried his best not to smile at the site of Neil.

“What… What happened to you? How come I haven’t heard from you in a while?”

“Okay… Uhm– I hope you won’t think I’m crazy or irrational for doing this, and I know by saying that I probably am already sounding like I am and–”


“Okay… I uhh… Transferred colleges. To be… here. With you. Uh.. Yeah.”

Todd’s face muscles fought hard to stop a smile from forming. “W-what? How? Why?!”

“Well… Y'know when you confessed? And all I did was kiss you and ran away?”

Todd remembered that clear as day. He just thought Neil gave him a pity kiss and ran as fast as he could. “Yeah…?”

“Well, I’ve been in love with you for months too and I was just hoping you’d reciprocate my feelings. I do admit, I handled your confession poorly, but it did lead me to transferring.”

“B-but– your career and–”

“No no! Don’t worry! I’ve been wanting a reason to leave Medicine!” Neil chuckled. “I’ve been interested in another course– conveniently also provided in this school, and I just needed one last push to tell my father off and go here. That and I had a rich friend help me out with a lot of the papers, that’s why it only took a month. I wanted to surprise you while you were in the university itself but you looked so cute waiting for me here, I just had to come over.”

“C-cute?” Todd’s ears pinkened.

“Oh- right! I hope you understand this means I do want to date you, right? Is… Is this all too much?”

Todd’s mind was swimming, not from being drenched in copper water but because he didn’t expect Neil’s approach to be so… sudden and completely the opposite from what he was worried about for the last weeks.

“Uhh… Todd?” Neil waved his hand in front of Todd’s face.

“I– This is a lot to take in–”

“I- I’m sorry- fuck, I knew this was too weird-”

“It’s not! I just… Y'know what? How about I get myself cleaned up and then we grab some coffee?”

Neil sighed in relief. “Coffee sounds great.”

“Good. And since we’re dating, you can help be get cleaned up.”

Todd held a blushing Neil’s hand before they steadily walked to Todd’s dorm.

The End

idk what the hell this was. I’m a bit rusty when it comes to writing fluff lmao

my favorite head canon for Neil really is him being a himbo when Todd’s around :(( thanks to @inahallucination for reminding me <3

Neil ‘no thoughts only Todd Anderson’ Perry being in any academic/physical competition or event has to make sure Todd isn’t around because he noticed he’s been slacking. He TOLD Charlie and the others never to tell Todd when he has a competition because he WILL fuck up.

But one day, during a mathlete competition thing, Neil, Meeks, and Cameron were in the lead for Welton. It was Neil’s turn to answer but then– he spots Todd in the crowd with Charlie, Knox, and Pitts.

Neil quickly gives a shy smile at Todd before glaring sneakily at Charlie. All his best friend could do was shrug nervously and point to Todd while mimicking a choking motion.

Todd looked excited though, his lovely supportive smile making Neil melt away. He was done for.

“Mr. Perry? Your answer?”

Neil gulped, he didn’t hear the question, he didn’t WRITE anything down. Meeks and Cameron were shaking their heads in defeat, they saw Todd with the others too.

With a defeated sigh, Neil guesses a number. He decides to use Todd’s birthday.

“Uhhh 11, 16?” He squeaked, fear in his eyes when he looked at his parents in the crowd, his teammates and his friends when their eyes wideded.


And Neil almost passes out in relief.

poems in trash

thinking about Todd always crumpling up his papers/notes when he doesnt like what he wrote, how he would toss them away so often

But Neil, the raccoon he was sometimes, rummaged through what Todd was always so frustrated about. They were POEMS!

Neil didn’t think Todd could wrote so much poetry in a day, in a sitting!

He knew Todd could make impromptu poems in front of class but these poems… they were different each time, so beautiful and eloquent, some were dark and cynical, others were… well something about a brunette?

Needless to say, Neil would always rummage through Todd’s paper balls in the trash like some dumpster rat.

Everyday, Todd would produce these little masterpieces and Neil would curse every time he saw one so beautiful yet crumpled, discarded.

Neil started saving the poems. Todd couldn’t throw these! They’re too good!

Idly mountains seem moved by your presence alone
I’ll bask longingly waiting for the skies to part for you

Life deftly waits to be used up in all it’s imperfection
While death’s beautiful one-use-ness is entrancing
Time itself hasn’t mustered enough courage to tell me;
Tell me to weep less

Thanking moonlit nights when I dream is like thanking a mother;
for loving their children so tenderly, so naturally
Then tell me why my childhood was so dimly light at night?

Neil wondered why Todd would ever throw these away, why did he not think they’re worth saving?

One day, Todd threw one singular ball into his tiny metal trashcan before leaving their room.

Neil quickly shuffles out of his bed to read Todd’s latest masterpiece

Sneaking around like a racoon could be fun, to you
To me, I’ve noticed too often the emptiness by the floor
I didn’t think my words could be of your interest, but-
-> I know you’ve been taking my trash, weirdo <-

Neil freezes, before hearing the door creak..

“Y'know, I can see when I don’t have trash in my can anymore, right?”

Neil didn’t know whether to blush, back away, or stammer. He did all three. “I–I, Todd- Wait, I – I can explain- uhm-”

“So… How are they?” Todd entered their room and closed the door behind him. “What do you think of my trash?”

“They’re far from trash!” Neil stands up. “You’re amazing– These are amazing– How come you’ve never shown this to me, to the group!”

“I… I dunno, they didn’t seem like they’d make the cut.”

“Come on, Todd! This makes the cut- this makes a HUGE SLICE! This is– You are… a beautiful poet.”

“You think so?”

“I know so.” Todd sat by his bed, eyes asking Neil to do the same.

That evening, Neil spent night showing all the poems Todd wrote and gushing about them while Todd tried to hide his blushing. (Especially from the poems about Neil that he didn’t seem to pick up on.)

… unhinged smut is back


if you wanna be tagged or removed do tell me <3

This work is for R+18 audiences <3

I haven’t written one in forever but i might as well for JPW practice– oops <3

Radiator’s Busted - Anderperry


Ok new Anderperry HC based on @nocturnalnewsiestrash and my convo

Neil isn’t exactly the strongest of the poets, that goes to Charlie of course, but he prides himself of being able to carry Todd on his back A LOT.

He likes the weight that Todd presses down on him, it’s a warm, engulfing feeling because Todd is a smidge bigger built than Neil (more muscle).

Todd’s arms and legs like to wrap around Neil like a koala, nuzzling him from behind almost desperately. Neil likes this feeling. The warm embraces and weighty piggybacks are all worth it because Todd trusts Neil so much.

When they cuddle on Neil’s bed, Todd still likes hugging Neil from behind, effectively making him the little spoon. Neil, just like Todd, feels safe with him.

Todd was clingy and possessive of Neil, but in a more innocent way. He was captivated by Neil, almost like a child having a favorite toy that calms them down. Except Todd’s never had a favorite toy until now. He was shallow about clinging onto Neil, but he wasn’t overtly rude. Todd just had a security blanket in a form of Neil Perry, an emotional support human.

The others found it both hilarious and concerning but it was over all adorable. Cameron, who wasn’t used to seeing physical affection was seemingly irked, but was just visibly jealous of the kinship. Charlie was just jealous he couldn’t hug Neil was often as he used to. Knox was jealous in general. Meeks and Pitts were also hugging anyway.

Neil liked the attention because Todd didn’t ask him of anything other than piggy back rides or intimate hugs. Todd was happy with just his presence and Neil didn’t need to put up a front to keep him happy. Sure they got along on many different accords, like interests or their personalities.

The hugs were the best part.



Ayt Im about to sleep

try not to imagine Neil and Todd’s first date being a museum date

that they’re actually reading the descriptions along the art cuz they wanna appreciate it more

that neil is looking intensely at a pollock, turning his head playfully trying to decipher what it means while todd looks at him lovingly from behind

that neil liked to pose like the fancy statues and sculptures to get a laugh out of todd

that todd liked to tell neil random facts he remembered about a few artists and Neil had some too

that neil told todd that he once took painting lessons but was never good enough for his dad and that todd would immediately wanna see Neil’s work and this makes neil grin

that they’re eating at a tiny cafe and order completely different meals but pick off of each other’s plates the whole time because they like each other’s taste in food

that they take a stroll along the park after to stand close to each other but they can’t hold hands in public but they hold on the same scarf so they can appear closer

that neil would tell Todd during the pink lights of approaching dusk that he’s so happy they went on their date

that todd shyly nods and thanks neil for planning the date, for even wanting to date him

that when neil hears this… his eyes soften to say “of course I want to date you… I really like you.”

and that todd would murmur a reply so quiet, only Neil’s heart could hear it

Try not to imagine the look on their faces as they race back to their dorm, all excited and content

Todd was a kindergarten teacher and at the same time he wrote books for children, but he have never read in front of the class before. Some day a teacher ask him to take care of her class while she was doing some paperwork in the principle’s office and he agreed, of course “You can read them one of your books! They love books, right children?” “YES!”

The children were there, sitting in their chairs, waiting, staring, with big smiles. Todd was sweating. His impostor syndrome was taking over.

“You’re the author of The Little Marmaid?”, a girl asked.

“No, I’m not”.

“But you are an author, right? Mrs. Kim told us”, said a boy.

“Yes, yes I am” he replied as he approached the shelf to choose one of the books.

“Are you famous?, asked a girl with glasses.

Todd giggled.

“I think I’m not. What about this one? It’s called The puck and the poet”.

“YES!”, they exclaimed in unison in agreement.

And then he started reading, trying to imitate the amazing ability of the narrator of his audiobooks, his husband Neil Perry. He even try to do voices and the kids laughed in joy.

When Mrs. Kim came back, the kids asked her to invited Todd soon again. They were very pleased. Todd promised to come back and to go visit the library together, the children immediately agreed.

Back at home, during dinner, he shared this experience with Neil.

“I knew you could do it, hon! I’m proud of you” and he kissed him. “Maybe we can narrate the next book together, or… OH I’VE A BETTER IDEA, we can realize a new edition of The puck and the poet and YOU can be the poet”, he winked.

“Okay, okay, I’ll think about it”.

“YES!”, Neil exclaimed with excitement and kissed him again. “I’m proud, I really am”.

And that was the day in which the poet was brave enough to defeat his impostor syndrome.

I’ve this idea of making a fic in which Neil make graffitis and today I found the account of secondsapart on Insta and I’m screaming bc it’s exactly what I was thinking. Eventually Neil’s going to share Todd’s poems…



Neil after his first date with Todd:

I haven’t written one of these in forever so here goes:

Is this it? Is this what Neil has been looking for all this time? That feeling he was searching for in acting, in Dead Poet Meetings, in defying his Father, in defying Welton… This, however, it was a different feeling than any of those combined…

Neil was, for the first time in his entire existence, alive. Silly, he thought acting was what made him feel truly alive, then again it was just the byproduct of finally freeing himself from the grasp of his Father and Welton. But this? This was different.

Keep reading

“… he never even knew he was into blondes (…)” lmao. I love him.

So cute! I love how good you portrait all the emotions, it’s one of the aspects I enjoy reading you the most. And I’m honored that I inspired you to write with this little video I shared.
