#dps fic




Neil after his first date with Todd:

I haven’t written one of these in forever so here goes:

Is this it? Is this what Neil has been looking for all this time? That feeling he was searching for in acting, in Dead Poet Meetings, in defying his Father, in defying Welton… This, however, it was a different feeling than any of those combined…

Neil was, for the first time in his entire existence, alive. Silly, he thought acting was what made him feel truly alive, then again it was just the byproduct of finally freeing himself from the grasp of his Father and Welton. But this? This was different.

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long time no tag list ;u; I woke up to write it then slept immediately hahah i forgot to take people lajsdlkjas


anderperry but due to a series of misunderstandings neil thinks they both have agreed to date and todd is clueless and confused as to why neil just greeted him with a kiss


Neil after his first date with Todd:

I haven’t written one of these in forever so here goes:

Is this it? Is this what Neil has been looking for all this time? That feeling he was searching for in acting, in Dead Poet Meetings, in defying his Father, in defying Welton… This, however, it was a different feeling than any of those combined…

Neil was, for the first time in his entire existence, alive. Silly, he thought acting was what made him feel truly alive, then again it was just the byproduct of finally freeing himself from the grasp of his Father and Welton. But this? This was different.

Todd, when they first met, never really made his tummy rumble and his chest rattle, not like it did a few months ago. Todd was a slow, tender, variable to the feeling Neil would soon acknowledge as the best emotion of his life. Todd’s warmth crept up to him in moments he didn’t even think could use warmth. Neil had thought just the ambition and drive to do what he wants was enough to call ‘living’. But with Todd… it’s like… he didn’t have a choice, his body, his mind, they couldn’t help but feel even more real when they were with Todd. Neil never knew his heart could literally skip a beat, he never knew he could sweat outside of sports or hot weather, he never even knew he was into blondes (or guys for that matter). Todd was like an inevitable force in Neil’s life that he was finally able to encounter once he was able to act. Being free from his father’s judgement made him freer to think, and because of that, Neil stopped worrying about his sexuality or what he expected in a partner, all he knew was that Todd made him feel alive.

It was no surprise to Charlie either, that Neil would succumb to his teenaged whims and ask him how to ask Todd out. With a scoff, his best friend agreed but in the condition that Neil switched seats with Cameron at lunch (long story). Neil was more than elated when Todd said 'Yes’, all because Todd said it so softly and so sweetly to him. To Todds defense, when a guy who’s accidentally covered in pollen, running from bees, and holding a bunch of roses spelling out your name, you’d want to be gentle.

Their date was very much like the two of them when they were alone in their dorms or out in the campus. They visited a quiant Museum up north, some antique broadway props place Charlie recommended, the two had endless comments on every display there. They then arrived at a small bookstore nearby, it sold second hand books for a buck each and you can bet Todd lost his week’s allowance in that place. (Neil wasn’t lucky either when they happened upon an antique Shakespearean Playbook). It started to rain after that so they scurried over to a small diner and ate garbage plates of fries, gravy, mashed potatoes, and menacingly delicious pork baby back ribs. It wasn’t the most elegant of dates, but Neil had never felt so happy just spending more time with Todd.

Every word that came out of Todd’s mouth was golden. His anecdotes, his cheap shots at Neil’s sauce covered grin, his soft compliments, his even softer way of saying 'I’m happy you like me back’. Neil could die here, salt and sauce covered, and he wouldn’t mind. The milkshakes helped clean up their pallettes and their napkins cleaned their exteriors from smelling like 10 dollar diner dishes.

When the rain subsided, the two managed to walk out into a secluded park and spend their last few date hours there. Todd’s brother was going to pick him up around that town for a family trip the next day so Neil had to go back to Welton alone. The brief disappointment was cut short when Todd’s face was about a few centimeters away from Neil’s.

“I really enjoyed our date.” Todd’s voice was so beautiful. “I hope you’ll ask me out again with less pollen in your hair.”

“I’ll try,” Neil chuckled, his sugary breath matching Todd’s ever-nearing ones. “I can’t promise I won’t ask again soon, though”

“I hope you do.”

Neil’s first kiss with Todd was like the whole world stopping just for him to feel this exact moment. The world stopped to let Neil feel his heart beat, his senses emerge, his skin heat up, his lips melt at the touch of Todd’s equally nervous ones. In a split second, Neil was reborn, like a lightning bolt from the sky reanimated him and brought him back to life.

Pulling away was like exhaling too long, he needed to breathe him in again. It wasn’t a problem though, Todd saw the look in his eyes and gave him another kiss. This time longer, giving their lips time to match up and lock. Weirdly matching each other’s lips perfectly.

As they finally stop, right before Jeff had pulled over to the corner of the street, Todd smiles and discretely squeezes Neil’s hand. “I’ll see you when I get back on Sunday. Thank you for today.”

Needless to say, Neil’s walk back to Welton was filled with butterflies his his stomach and they where carrying him all the way there.

A quick Chameron drabble

Cat’s Cradle

Watching Charlie taunt and bother Cameron was like watching a cat play with a single piece of yarn– he looked like he hated him more than anything in the world, wanting to bite and scratch it anyway he could, while simultaneously giving him his undivided attention.

Toying with Cameron was just something seemingly built into Charlie’s DNA. Was it in Charlie’s second nature to bully and mangle Cameron any and every time he gets? Was there something about Cameron’s mundanity that was so fascinatingly irritating for Charlie? It was up for debate whether or not Charlie’s constant badgering was just him filling the sardonic need to bully someone the opposite of him or if he genuinely just enjoyed Cameron to the point of aggressively paying attention to him.

Charlie’s insults, his hyperspecificity to Cameron’s hates and insecurities were quite concerning– not in a negative sense, entirely, but to an extent of ‘why does he spend all his time and effort on oneguy?’.

If you even asked his friends, Neil especially, Charlie is further from a bully similar to how a Cat was further from frog, in a sense that he didn’t view Charlie as being hostile to Cameron. Neil did, however, view Charlie as a street cat mischievously poking around a dumpster while Cameron, a passionate Chef and restaurant owner, has to constantly yell at him to stop.

From an outsider’s perspective, this could be a case of one-sided bullying, but Neil suspects Cameron enjoyed delivering a scold or two.

Cameron was one of Neil’s most polite and book-intelligent friends, Charlie being the most opposite of that definition (Charlie was street-smart at least), so it came to a surprise when he noticed how much these two friends “got along”. Cameron could easily brush off someone like Charlie since he’s already experienced worse bullying than this before. Charlie could easily come up with better, funnier material than just make fun of Cameron all day. But as Neil realized, it was like trying to understand why two magnets of opposite poles stick to each other, it was inevitable.

Charlie’s incessant want to get a reaction out of someone prim and proper juxtaposed to Cameron’s desire to finally scold and/or clapback at someone for once was somehow a match made in heaven.

They gave each other their undivided attention, like the wave will always crash into a shore, or a complacent red piece of yarn dangling itself for a tomcat.

It was only a matter of time until Cameron would let himself be caught once again and let Charlie completely take him.




uhhh I’ll tag yall later hahaha I just woke up and played with my cat and I got inspired hahah


OKAY, Warning for this one, it’s VERY ANGSTY and has mentions of Suic*de and a serious mental disorder, etc. I don’t wanna mention any specifics so as not to spoil anything but just know this fic is ANGST!

Chameron Smut Fic

Mommy/Praise kink? idk basically ServiceTop!Charlie while they’re roommates in college uwu <3 <3

anyway, this is a SMUT FIC, minors DNI with this post <3 <3

If any adult (+18) would like to be tagged in the other smut fics, DM me or comment uwu





Chameron but like–

(tw/cw: slight homophobia from charlie)

charlie keeps bullying cameron for not having “game” that he can’t get girls like he does, classic bullying.

“i don even wanna date a girl right now, asshole, I’m busy with school”

“hah- are you gay or something???”

“wtf does that even– you know what, I dont need this rn”

and this goes on, that charlie’s pissing off cam a lot, trying to boast about his own conquests with girls while cameron is seething–

One day cameron gets a date with a girl because his parents wanted him to escort his family friend to her prom. Cam doesnt tell his friends this was an arranged thing and tells them that “He had game too”

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also wondering like–

Cameron tries to pretend it never happened and Charlie keeps bringing it up (maybe he’s trying to get cam to do it again)

Like he doesnt tell Neil or the others, he just likes to “avoid” cameron in their room like:

“Woah there, keep all the gay on that side of the room thanks”

“?? what’s wrong with you dalton??”

“why do you wanna know? is it cuz you have a big gay crush on me??”

“I don’t, now can you PLEASE stop looking at me while I change.”


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part 3 uhhh

so Cameron gets called to the office because his parents are trying to set him up with that girl again because idk man, parents really want him to date a woman even if he isn’t interested in em

but Cameron agrees on another date with her because maybe it’ll stop charlie from always calling him gay or some virgin again- also because he wanted to see charlie’s reaction

Cameron comes back to his room, seeing a distraught Charlie on his bed, obviously waiting for him to come back.

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PART 4 OMFG I forgot

so also somewhat similar to @azzyraphale’s chameron fic based on this thread,

Cameron didn’t feel anything during the date. Well, he did feel bored of the girl’s incessant talk of her school reputation, her grades, her friends, all that standard high school talk. It’s not like he hated the topics she word-vomited on him, but he’d rather hear anyone else complain about how cool they were. Maybe Charlie would be better to talk to-- Damn it!

Charlie was pacing around their room when Cameron comes back. What he lacked all night with the girl, he’s feeling all too well at this moment. Charlie’s slightly delighted face made his heart skip a beat, even if it was just for split second for both boys to feel excited at this moment.

“Hey.” They both told each other, Charlie managing to mask his anticipated state by yawning, pretending that he wasn’t at all waiting for Cameron all night. He sat on the edge of his bed, briskly kicking off his slippers.

“How was the study group?”

“It was alright. Pretty boring without you.” Now that was a first. That’s the closest Cameron’s ever had to a compliment from Charlie.

“Oh?” Charlie could feel Cameron’s smirk burning a mark into his chest.

“B-But I bet you brought all the boring with you during your date.” Aaaand there it was. Charlie can’t go 2 seconds without insulting Cameron it seems.

Not that Cameron minded. He’d rather hear Charlie insult him than hear that girl tell him about Stacy’s dress last Sunday.

Cameron sighed as he sat on Charlie’s bed, causing Charlie to immediately straighten up and watch as Cameron lean on his shoulder. “W-what are you doing–”

“Can you tell me about your school reputation?”

“…E-excuse me???”

“Tell me about your grades, your friends, anything. Just talk to me.”

Charlie’s fluttering eyes and increasingly palpitating heart tried to process any semblance of a phrase, even a word! Anything to start speaking.

“Uhh I– Well, I was thinking about you a lot.” Damn it.

Cameron rolled his eyes, thought he didn’t at all expect Charlie to even go that direction. “You were?”

“I-… I’ve been thinking a lot about our– uhm…” Charlie shifted under Cameron, his bulky shoulders rocking Cameron’s head with it.


“y'know… our… y'know…”

Cameron took this moment to lift his head and look at Charlie’s face. It was beet red.

“Our kiss?”

“y-yeah, that one.” Charlie’s usual demeanor towards Cameron was gone. All that remained was a stuttering mess.

“Did you think about it today?”


“while I was on my date, did you think about it too?”

“… maybe– How’d that go anyway?” Charlie deflected.

“It was boring. I guess I took the boring there with me.”

“I wish you kept the boring with me– I mean-”

Cameron chuckled at Charlie’s lack of self-control. Looks like Charlie’s got a foot in his mouth this time.

“Whatdo you mean, Charlie?”

“I– that… IF you’re gonna be boring… anywhere, just choose to be boring around me.”

“I thought you hate boring.”

“Not when it’s your boring. But not everything about you is boring either.”

“Oh yeah? What’s not boring about me then?” Cameron did genuinely ask. He had lived a boring life so far. The only times it wasn’t boring was when he had to ignore Charlie’s dumb insults. A bit annoying, but never boring.

“I… Your face when it’s pissed off.”

Cameron’s face turned sour. “Yeah exactly like that!” Charlie pointed.

“You find this entertaining?”

“I mean, yeah. If ‘entertaining’ meant amusing, thrilling, heart-warming.”

“… Do you get a kick out of insulting me, Dalton?” Oh no- he used his last name!

“I– I don’t mean to insult you! I didn’t mean for it to start that way… I just… liked your reactions… that’s all.”

“So… all that shit about me being gay and stuff?”

“Reaaal mature, trying to insult me by calling me gay.”

“I didn’t mean for it to go this far–”

“What if I do happen to be gay? And my reaction changed, what then Charlie? Would my compliance no longer be satisfactory to you?”

Charlie thought about it for a moment. Long and hard in thought too. Cameron watched him become even more pensive.

Are you gay though?”

“What does that have to do with my question to you.”

“I… If you are, then my answer will be a lot easier.”

Cameron sighed, bridge his nose bridge. “I– I dunno, Charlie.”

“Oh… okay.” Cameron wasn’t expecting Charlie to look so defeated.

“… But I know I didn’t like that girl. I’d rather be here with you.”

Like a light switch, Charlie brightened up. “You would?”

“I’m on your disgusting bed, aren’t I?”

Charlie inched closer to Cameron, happy with his answer. “Well that makes my job a lot easier.”


“I’ll make you gay.”


“Richard Cameron. I’ve decided, you’re gonna become gay for me.”

“Charlie… I really don’t think that’s how it works at all.”

“Just you wait Cam, you’re gonna say that you’re gay for me.”

“Why do you need to do this??” Cameron kinda wanted to strangle his ignorant roommate.

“You wanted to know why I liked getting a reaction out of you, right? Well, it’s cuz I likeyou.”

Cameron’s ears turned bright red. “Y-you… what?” Charlie’s sudden confession caught him off guard.

“Think of it as a revenge for turning me gay. I’ll bring you down with me.”

“Charlie, you’re an ass. Being gay isn’t a punishment.”

“Then do me the pleasure of falling in love with me.”

Cameron rubbed his temples, in placement of hiding his embarrassed demeanor. “Just stop talking you dumbass.”

“Not until I get you to like me back.”

“I won’t.”

“You will.”

“I won’t.”

He already does.

ANyway idk if I will write a part 5 of charlie having an “i will turn cameron gay even if I used to insult him but now im in love” montage. depends on how many people want it lmaooo

anderperry and chameron pirates,knight, and royalty!

(inspired by @inahallucination’sHC here)

tw: some suggestive scenes (only implied)

Word on the street is that there’s a rogue pirate kidnapping handsome princes! So the knights assigned Neil Perry (their Golden Knight) to watch over Todd Anderson!

One night, the rogue pirate (Charlie) scaled a room on the side of the castle successfully and spots a sleeping young man on his bed. He’s immediately in love with his pale skin, sleeping face, and red copper hair. Before the sleeping man could wake up, Charlie puts a sack over his head and carries him out of the room.

“Did you here that?” Todd asks Neil, whose armor was scattered across Todd’s floor.

“Huh? No?” Neil said from Todd’s chest, still in the middle of kissing him.

“It sounded like it came from Cameron’s room. We should check.”

“Your nanny? I’m sure he’s fine, we’re not done here–”

“Neil, he’s my advisor and we’re going to check on him. There’s a pirate on the loose remember?”

Neil groans and helps them get dressed.

“Wake up, Prince.” Charlie patted Cameron’s cheek. They were in the caves beside a shore where Charlie’s row boat waded, the moonlight still shining on Cameron’s skin, making Charlie a bit flustered.

Cameron gathered himself, trying to wipe his face but his hands were tied behind his back. “Prince? Oh– You’re that pirate who kidnaps princes!!” He notices Charlie’s flowy shirt and eyepatch before he noticed the earrings and the sword on him. The man had taste.

“Okay Prince Todd, I don’t normally kidnap princes this far out but I heard you were the most beautiful in the land. I’d say they were right on that end so I’ve decided to keep you for myself.” Charlie winked.

“W-what? I’m not the–”

“Stop right there!” Neil shouted from the other side of the cave.

“You! Perry!” Charlie stood up, drawing his sword.

“We meet again, you scoundrel!” Neil laughed as he pointed his sword at Charlie.

“Oh please, just because I left knight training to be a pirate doesn’t mean I’m a scoundrel! I’m a dignified adventurer!” Charlie rebutted. Neil scoffs at his former classmate.

“Unhand our friend right now!” Todd yelled from behind Neil.

“Sorry, but the beautiful Prince Todd will be coming with me!” Charlie hoisted Cameron over his shoulder.

“Let me go! I’m not Todd!”

“Yeah!” Todd added, “I’m Todd!”

“Yeah, and Todd’s mine!” Neil piped in.

“… Huh? Then… Who–”

“I’m Richard Cameron? The advisor and right hand man to the Prince? You didn’t actually think I was the most beautiful prince in the land, right?”

Charlie puts Cameron down again. “I–” He stutters a bit.

“Y-you… You actually think I’m as beautiful as how they describe Todd? Even if you got the wrong room??”

“How could you think Cameron’s more– Ow!” Neil’s rant was cut off by Todd pinching him to keep quiet.

“I… Yeah– I thought you were really pretty and–” Charlie hid his face in his pirate sleeves. “I– I just thought–”

“… Y'know… now that we’re all out here… Do you all just wanna runaway?” Todd suggested. “We’ve got Neil to protect us, I’ve got my best advisor, I hate this kingdom and my parents, we should just go!”

Cameron was about to scold Todd for even saying he hated this kingdom but he sighed instead. “You know what? Sure. I’m gonna get fired if I do or don’t agree with you anyway.” Both Charlie and Todd beamed in happiness.

“Wait… does this mean we have to share a boat– a room with other people tonight?” Neil groaned.

“Honey, we can continue in this cave if you want.” Cameron looked at Todd in disappointment.

“What? No!” Neil and Cameron said in unison.

“Hey man, if you guys wanna live the pirate life, you gotta be okay with sharing the space with other horny pirates.” Charlie shrugged before looking at Cameron again.

“Please don’t tell me that while I’m still tied up.”

And so, Charlie “kidnapped” Todd, Cameron, and Neil in one night. They met up with Charlie’s crew: Knox the translator, Pitts the navigator, and Meeks the weapons smith. (Yes, they were all former princes who ran away with Charlie.)

The Dead Pirates were formed.

anderperry fluff - it’s been a while

(it’s been a while since I made a drabble so here it is; I’m not dead, just burntout from work and social media hahah)

Todd’s palms were sweating, trembling even. He hasn’t seen his friend, Neil, recently and he’s getting worried.

They were from two different colleges and it’s possible Neil was just sick or busy or something– That’s why he hasn’t seen him by the park fountain in a while.

Or… Was it because Todd blew it?

The month prior, Todd had confessed to Neil about his attraction. They’ve only known each other for less than a semester and already he felt like he could over come the crushing weight of the education system he’s forced to participate in. But maybe it was a mistake.

What was Todd thinking?! Confessing to a guy he met randomly at a park and who’s also a med student! He wouldn’t have time to even date Todd– let alone have the time to fall in love in the first place. Neil was a scholar, from some fancy school in Vermont while Todd barely got into his English Major because his parents were adamant about his decision (thank God for Jeff for saving him the effort).

Anyway, it wouldn’t make sense to date Neil since they were in completely different courses and colleges… But Todd didn’t have and excuse. He confessed to Neil, as sober and as aware and as dumb as he could be at that moment, he told Neil he liked him a lot.

After classes, Todd sat by the same fountain they liked to meet up at, ritually hoping for Neil to pop in and tell him he’s sorry– at least turn him down. Not seeing him hurt more than heartbreak, not being around him hurt more than not being with him. Todd could bear the image of Neil dating someone who’d be a future doctor too, but Todd couldn’t bear not knowing how–


Todd shrieked as he leaned backward into the fountain, falling into the shallow, penny-filled water.

“FUCK! Todd! I’m sorry– I didn’t mean to–” Neil hurried tried to fish Todd out of the water, rolling his sleeves up to grab Todd’s arms.

“N-Neil? W-where’ve you been?” Todd was shivering, his teeth chattering from the cold water.

“I was supposed to surprise you– well I did but– I didn’t mean to do it like this-”

Todd stood up, sopping wet and flustered. He tried his best not to smile at the site of Neil.

“What… What happened to you? How come I haven’t heard from you in a while?”

“Okay… Uhm– I hope you won’t think I’m crazy or irrational for doing this, and I know by saying that I probably am already sounding like I am and–”


“Okay… I uhh… Transferred colleges. To be… here. With you. Uh.. Yeah.”

Todd’s face muscles fought hard to stop a smile from forming. “W-what? How? Why?!”

“Well… Y'know when you confessed? And all I did was kiss you and ran away?”

Todd remembered that clear as day. He just thought Neil gave him a pity kiss and ran as fast as he could. “Yeah…?”

“Well, I’ve been in love with you for months too and I was just hoping you’d reciprocate my feelings. I do admit, I handled your confession poorly, but it did lead me to transferring.”

“B-but– your career and–”

“No no! Don’t worry! I’ve been wanting a reason to leave Medicine!” Neil chuckled. “I’ve been interested in another course– conveniently also provided in this school, and I just needed one last push to tell my father off and go here. That and I had a rich friend help me out with a lot of the papers, that’s why it only took a month. I wanted to surprise you while you were in the university itself but you looked so cute waiting for me here, I just had to come over.”

“C-cute?” Todd’s ears pinkened.

“Oh- right! I hope you understand this means I do want to date you, right? Is… Is this all too much?”

Todd’s mind was swimming, not from being drenched in copper water but because he didn’t expect Neil’s approach to be so… sudden and completely the opposite from what he was worried about for the last weeks.

“Uhh… Todd?” Neil waved his hand in front of Todd’s face.

“I– This is a lot to take in–”

“I- I’m sorry- fuck, I knew this was too weird-”

“It’s not! I just… Y'know what? How about I get myself cleaned up and then we grab some coffee?”

Neil sighed in relief. “Coffee sounds great.”

“Good. And since we’re dating, you can help be get cleaned up.”

Todd held a blushing Neil’s hand before they steadily walked to Todd’s dorm.

The End

idk what the hell this was. I’m a bit rusty when it comes to writing fluff lmao

Chameron but like–

(tw/cw: slight homophobia from charlie)

charlie keeps bullying cameron for not having “game” that he can’t get girls like he does, classic bullying.

“i don even wanna date a girl right now, asshole, I’m busy with school”

“hah- are you gay or something???”

“wtf does that even– you know what, I dont need this rn”

and this goes on, that charlie’s pissing off cam a lot, trying to boast about his own conquests with girls while cameron is seething–

One day cameron gets a date with a girl because his parents wanted him to escort his family friend to her prom. Cam doesnt tell his friends this was an arranged thing and tells them that “He had game too”

Charlie was dubious, annoyed even, he didnt believe it at all. he kept on asking how their date went, cameron half-lies and says they’ve kissed (like a peck, really) and charlie’s kinda peeved about it

“oh- okay??? still doesnt mean you could get any other girl to do it!”

“whatever charlie?? who cares if a girl kissed me!?”

I DO–” Charlie stood up. Embarrassed, he tried to fix it, “I – I care because you’re– YOU’RE SUCH A LOSER ALL THE TIME! What girl would ever wanna be kissed by you?? Hah, some closeted gay guy kissing a girl?? are you kidding me?! GROSS!”

“Charlie, what the hell, I kiss FINE!” Cameron was getting pissed at Charlie’s choice of words and his disgusting attitude

“HA- couldn’t convince me even if you TRIED”

and so Cameron did, he grabbed charlie by his shirt collar and angrily pulled him in for a passionate, albeit, annoyed kiss.

“THERE? SEE? I CAN KISS , YOU DUMBASS–” cameron wiped his mouth and headed for the bathroom to clean his lips. blushing of course.

Charlie stood there for a second before his legs gave out

He crumbled to the floor while placing his hand over his lips like he just got his first kiss.

thiswas his first kiss. he’s never been kiss before. not until Cameron.

my favorite head canon for Neil really is him being a himbo when Todd’s around :(( thanks to @inahallucination for reminding me <3

Neil ‘no thoughts only Todd Anderson’ Perry being in any academic/physical competition or event has to make sure Todd isn’t around because he noticed he’s been slacking. He TOLD Charlie and the others never to tell Todd when he has a competition because he WILL fuck up.

But one day, during a mathlete competition thing, Neil, Meeks, and Cameron were in the lead for Welton. It was Neil’s turn to answer but then– he spots Todd in the crowd with Charlie, Knox, and Pitts.

Neil quickly gives a shy smile at Todd before glaring sneakily at Charlie. All his best friend could do was shrug nervously and point to Todd while mimicking a choking motion.

Todd looked excited though, his lovely supportive smile making Neil melt away. He was done for.

“Mr. Perry? Your answer?”

Neil gulped, he didn’t hear the question, he didn’t WRITE anything down. Meeks and Cameron were shaking their heads in defeat, they saw Todd with the others too.

With a defeated sigh, Neil guesses a number. He decides to use Todd’s birthday.

“Uhhh 11, 16?” He squeaked, fear in his eyes when he looked at his parents in the crowd, his teammates and his friends when their eyes wideded.


And Neil almost passes out in relief.

poems in trash

thinking about Todd always crumpling up his papers/notes when he doesnt like what he wrote, how he would toss them away so often

But Neil, the raccoon he was sometimes, rummaged through what Todd was always so frustrated about. They were POEMS!

Neil didn’t think Todd could wrote so much poetry in a day, in a sitting!

He knew Todd could make impromptu poems in front of class but these poems… they were different each time, so beautiful and eloquent, some were dark and cynical, others were… well something about a brunette?

Needless to say, Neil would always rummage through Todd’s paper balls in the trash like some dumpster rat.

Everyday, Todd would produce these little masterpieces and Neil would curse every time he saw one so beautiful yet crumpled, discarded.

Neil started saving the poems. Todd couldn’t throw these! They’re too good!

Idly mountains seem moved by your presence alone
I’ll bask longingly waiting for the skies to part for you

Life deftly waits to be used up in all it’s imperfection
While death’s beautiful one-use-ness is entrancing
Time itself hasn’t mustered enough courage to tell me;
Tell me to weep less

Thanking moonlit nights when I dream is like thanking a mother;
for loving their children so tenderly, so naturally
Then tell me why my childhood was so dimly light at night?

Neil wondered why Todd would ever throw these away, why did he not think they’re worth saving?

One day, Todd threw one singular ball into his tiny metal trashcan before leaving their room.

Neil quickly shuffles out of his bed to read Todd’s latest masterpiece

Sneaking around like a racoon could be fun, to you
To me, I’ve noticed too often the emptiness by the floor
I didn’t think my words could be of your interest, but-
-> I know you’ve been taking my trash, weirdo <-

Neil freezes, before hearing the door creak..

“Y'know, I can see when I don’t have trash in my can anymore, right?”

Neil didn’t know whether to blush, back away, or stammer. He did all three. “I–I, Todd- Wait, I – I can explain- uhm-”

“So… How are they?” Todd entered their room and closed the door behind him. “What do you think of my trash?”

“They’re far from trash!” Neil stands up. “You’re amazing– These are amazing– How come you’ve never shown this to me, to the group!”

“I… I dunno, they didn’t seem like they’d make the cut.”

“Come on, Todd! This makes the cut- this makes a HUGE SLICE! This is– You are… a beautiful poet.”

“You think so?”

“I know so.” Todd sat by his bed, eyes asking Neil to do the same.

That evening, Neil spent night showing all the poems Todd wrote and gushing about them while Todd tried to hide his blushing. (Especially from the poems about Neil that he didn’t seem to pick up on.)

… unhinged smut is back


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This work is for R+18 audiences <3

I haven’t written one in forever but i might as well for JPW practice– oops <3

Radiator’s Busted - Anderperry


Chameron + Chronic Hanahaki Disease

Inspired by OG post here

here’s a messy hc/fic idea thing laksjdlkas

Ok so like, in this version of the hanahaki disease trope the only people who can see the petals you cough up are the people who KNOW about your crush. It’s not gonna kill you, it’s just really annoying when you’re choking on petals and spitting them up. Also in this version, it’s not just unrequited love, as long as you have a huge crush you dont wanna admit to anyone, the amount of flowers grow the more people know + the more you like the person and wont confess (the more unbearable it is to keep a secret). it will only stop when the one you like KNOWS and they end up seeing the flowers, but they don’t have to like you back, once you confess- the flowers will either rot if they dont return it or fly away if they like you back.

Charlie has this problem, he likes to say how much he doesn’t like Cameron, until one day he didn’t really mean it and a rose petal appeared on his tongue.

Neil was the first to see one of the petals because he noticed charlie was being EXTRA mean to cam one day. neil realized he was bluffing. when neil told charlie, he says “no wonder i’ve been coughing up more of these.”

The next to know is todd because, well, it was the same thing with neil except todd was also coughing up petals. when they both told each other they liked each other, the petals flew away and they became a thing. they’re trying to explain to charlie to just confess while the flowers arent a lot

Charlie doesnt listen. duh

Cameron’s being more insufferable to charlie, by that he means that cameron’s gotten unbearably more attractive. his nagging became endearing to charlie, his face and freckles became overwhelmingly beautiful. cameron’s presence made charlie falter in his insults.

knox, meeks, pitts immediately notice. for an academically upright guy as cameron, he didnt pick up on charlie’s change of demeanor AT ALL

Charlie and Cameron’s room was COVERED in petals and friends think this is getting out of hand. the whole class knows. it’s obvious. and they’re all just telling charlie to just confess. some guys were nice, making sure no one outs Charlie in front of cameron or the teachers. but it’s getting really hard to use the locker rooms and bathroom

Charlie doesnt want to confess, they wont work. Cameron wont like him because they’re so different. but that’s why he really likes cameron. he wont bullshit charlie when he’s being chaotic, he could ground him and tell him when to be better. charlie needs someone like cameron but cameron wont need or want him.

One day charlie gets into an accident, like he tripped and hit his head or something and he gets rushed to the ER.

when he wakes up cameron is there and there are still a shit ton of flowers anywhere. but when he coughed one more time, no petals came out. a few more coughs and huffs. nothing.


he must’ve gotten over cameron. he got kinda sad, but when he starts talking to cameron he’s so happy. he knows he still likes him.

little did charlie know that moments before that, cameron had been coughing up so many flowers, he’s been coughing flowers for years for charlie. he didnt want to admit it because charlie was out of his league, he was a nerd and charlie was charlie. amazing.

their room was filled with 10 times the amount of flowers than anyone else could imagine. these two have been blindly in love with each other for so long (at least cameron has)

when charlie was rushed to the ER, charlie’s room still getting petals everywhere because of coughing + unconscious charlie , neil complained that he only got into an accident because he slipped on a bunch of petals for cameron and immediately slapped his mouth shut. Cameron found out (stopping charlie from making petals). He suddenly saw all the petals covering all this friends.

Cameron may have been coughing up petals for years but charlie produced as much flowers in the span of months as cameron did in years. He likes cameron THAT much. (also how many people KNEW??)

Neil apologizes but Cameron blurts out he likes charlie too and then suddenly the petals in Neil’s view TRIPLED. “damn it– but hey at least yours are pink and not bright red like charlie’s. can you just.. confess to charlie? please? so this is over with”

so when cameron stayed with charlie, he was still coughing up flowers but this time they were multiplying, his crush– his love for charlie was getting stronger.

charlie wakes up, sees cameron and before he could confess, cameron tells him he likes him.

Suddenly the room was a mix of red and pink petals. charlie was in awe but immediately returns cameron’s confession.

they watched as their petals danced together in a mini tornado in the room before they dissipated.

they liked each other.

Thank god.


Neil was a mama’s boy.

As an infant, he cried a lot when she wasn’t around, leaving his Father with a migraine. Thomas at the time didn’t mind the ringing in his ears, Neil was still his darling baby boy.

As a toddler, Neil was a hugger and vocal. He loved to point at items and make some sort of noise he assumed were words. His mother would praise him for simply making a sound, his father taught him what words to use.

Keep reading

wrong blog but sdjsbskdb
