#andrew and ali


Carrot Top 50- Come Find Me

Alrighty, this is picking up the pace, and I finally figured out where it’s going. Here’s chapter 50. Chapter 49.Masterlist.

CW: medical whump, restraints, creepy/possessive whumper, blood mention, mention of previous injuries.

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It had been nearly fourteen hours. 

Fourteen hours since he had started this whole process with this new system. The machine, or whatever you’d want to call it.

Splice just needed to check and adjust some things, and prepare the final ingredients.

He moved towards the monitors in his office that connected to the cameras and screens he had set up displaying the boy. 

His breathing was just fine- as it should be. The machine ensured that. His heart was slow- maybe a little too slow but that wasn’t a concern for now. And his blood levels were at nearly 70 percent. That was perfect. In order for this to work he needed to have lost between 35 to 40 percent of his blood. Too much and it could be irreversible, but too little, and the new blood wouldn’t take hold.

Thankfully the system was keeping him in perfect balance, but now it was time once again to check up on his favorite patient. 

He was exactly how the man had left him. A gorgeous display of limbs- clammy and cold- glistening with a sheen of sweat. The pale white from his hair and his skin was a gorgeous contrast to the red of the blood that slowly dripped from the cuts he had made earlier. It left a puddle around the drain- slowly seeping down in streaks of red. He paced around the contraption, making sure all of the equipment and tools were functioning properly. 

As he moved the man trailed the tips of his fingers along the boy’s skin, finally resting the back of his hand on his forehead. He was cold to the touch- freezing even. 

But he didn’t move, or even flinch. He pried an eyelid open to find the white’s of Andrew’s eyes staring back. He let it close and after a few pats on his cheek there was finally some sign of life. 

He fluttered his eyes- staring straight up into the ceiling. His chest continued to rise and fall at the same steady pace even as his gaze landed on the man standing by his side. 

“Good- you’re still with me.” 

The man was talking but all Andrew could register was a slew of noise- it was indiscernible. His body had gone numb- not in the sense that he couldn’t feel- though he was sure the senses in his fingers and toes were long gone by now- but in the way his mind had completely disconnected from his body. 

“-begin, shall we?” the man stated. 

Andrew stared at the ceiling once more as he vaguely registered movement around him. The man was gathering things. He began with the boy’s right arm- and using the tubes already in his vein, he began to withdraw even more blood than what he had already lost- keeping a steady eye on his vital systems the entire time. 

After he was at the right blood loss level for the process, he flushed through some saline, before moving to his left arm. 

From the cart he had wheeled down from his office, he withdrew the first sample of new blood. 

‘Splice blood sample 1 of 12’ was the label on the bag. Eleven others just like it rested in the cart. 200 milliliters in each, twelve in total. Perfectly enough to replace what he’d lost. One bag every hour- for the next twelve hours. Then he could be taken off the machine, monitored, and experimented with to see if the process had worked. 

He rigged up the bag to the top of the IV pole, connected the tubes to the vein in his arm, and let the blood begin to flow.

Splice brushed the hair away from Andrew’s face as his eyes fell closed once more, letting the machine run it’s course through his body.

“I’ll be back in an hour.” He whispered.

- - -

“Hey what- what time is it?” Ali stretched with a yawn, the covers falling away from her as she pulled herself up to sitting. It was still dark outside the window- they couldn’t have been asleep for long. 

Instantly stabbing pains shot behind her eyes as the light of her phone lit up in her hand. She was used to the migraines, but it still took a second for her to register the words and numbers on the lockscreen. 

“That can’t be right- no- Justin?” 

She shook his shoulder from where he lay on the other side of the bed. 

“Hey- wake up it’s been- I don’t know how long it’s been- goodness- Justin!”

“Hmm- what?” He rolled over on his side until he was facing her, nuzzling his forehead into her lap. “Wha time isit?” He mumbled.

“It’s a little after ten- but it’s- it’s tomorrow night- we couldn’t have slept that long. That’s like- like 27 hours.” She nudged him again as he tried to cuddle her back to sleep. “Justin! Come on, get up something’s-” She shot out of bed, throwing away the covers as her heart dropped in her stomach. 

“Wha- where- where are you going?” He called- reaching for her to come back to bed as she rushed out of the room.

“Andrew!” She called.

Justin swore under his breath and pulled away the covers. He stepped into the hallway rubbing the sleep from his eyes when he saw the living room out of the corner of his eye down the hall.

“Oh shit.” 

There was a mess everywhere. The coffee table was shattered in two large pieces, broken slivers of wood scattered about. As he looked around closer he saw the blood stains. Smeared into the carpet- leaving a dark and sticky splotch, and then a few splatters on the wall. 

He winced as he stepped on something sharp- a shard of glass. Rubbing his foot he glanced at the picture that had fallen down and shattered.

Graduation. Ali in the middle- the two boys on either side of her with their arms around her shoulders, each in their blue and white caps and gowns. They all looked so young then- freshly eighteen, so innocent and naive, ready for the future.

He picked up the picture from the mess of glass and blood and brushed it off, setting it on the couch before he heard a thud coming from the hallway.


He found her collapsed against the wall- tears streaming down her face. Her hands were shaking as she stared at a crumpled piece of paper in her grip. He got down on his knees in front of her.

“What’s that- hey, let me see-”

She held it out to him, wiping her eyes. She’d already read it over and over.

“What is it?” He asked.

“He’s gone” She sobbed. “They- they took him, he’s- he’s not here, he-” Before she could say anymore another sob welled up in her chest and she buried her face in her hands.

Justin carefully uncrumpled the paper, noticing the scratchy handwriting- the smudged blue ink.

“To my two best friends:

I’ve written and rewritten this a thousand times. I hoped I wouldn’t have to write it, but I figured it would come in handy someday. If you’re reading this I guess that day is today.

Splice has been visiting. Not just in my dreams, but here, at home. He killed Dr. Howe and took his place. Please, I don’t want you to feel bad about any of this because it was my choice to keep it from you. I didn’t want any of you getting hurt because I tried to protect myself.

So now I guess this is it. I’m sorry we couldn’t say goodbye in person. 

Tell Micah I’m sorry I left, and that I wish we could’ve been more, but I guess it wasn’t meant to be. Let Dr. Tusik know how grateful I am for all the help and advice he’s given me over the years. And tell Mickie she’s so incredibly strong, and that her, and mom, and Erica will be just fine.

I love you all so much. If there’s one thing you can do for me now that I’m gone, is to be happy. I beg of you- don’t come after me no matter what. I don’t want him to hurt you too. So be happy- live your lives, go on and get married and have annoying kids that are just like you, and tell them all stories of their Uncle Andrew. 

It’ll be better for you all now that I’m gone.

I’m sorry,


Justin crumpled the paper back up in his fist, shoving it into his pocket. Reading it once was enough. He could already tell from the tear stains and the scratched out words and carefully stated phrases- that it was just as hard for him to write as it was for them to read. 

He held out his hand to Ali as he stood up, and instantly pulled her into his arms. He held her as she cried, trying to keep his own tears at bay, and then gripped her by the shoulders, brushing her hair out of her face and wiping away her tears. Her dark eyes fell through her tangled hair- staring up at him for some answer to this nightmare.

“Darling- don’t blame yourself.”

“I could have stopped it.” She whispered.

“You don’t know that. That man he’s- he’s tricky. It’s not your fault.”

She shoved him away from her as she stumbled back to the wall.

“But it is!” She cried. “It is my fault! Because I’m the one who notices things, Justin. I can read minds for God’s sake! I should’ve known, I should’ve figured it out, God, I should have done something!”

“Ali- stop. Blaming yourself isn’t going to fix anything-” He reached for her hands again but she shoved him away.

“How many times has he been here, Justin? How many times has ‘Dr. Howe’ been here to help Andrew, when all the time it was Splice! He’s- he’s been in our house, under our roof- tormenting our friend!”

“Ali you couldn’t have known-”

She was nearly hysterical as she sobbed, the endless amounts of guilt, and grief, and fear and pain nearly causing her to collapse in on herself.

“All the times we didn’t think he was getting better- or that he was just having a rough day- and he was being torturedin our own house!”

At this point Justin wrapped her up in his arms. She thrashed about trying to pull away but he was far stronger. He held her against his chest, carrying her into the bedroom as she sobbed and protested. He set her on the edge of the bed, standing with his legs on either side of her knees. She sobbed as he gripped the sides of her face in his hands. Her hands reached up to grip the front of his tanktop- clutching the white fabric in shaking fingers. 

“Ali- Ali honey, I need you to look at me. You’re gonna shut down if you don’t breathe- I don’t want you retreating into your mind where I can’t reach you.”

He forced her face up to look into his- her eyes were full of tears, her cheeks red.

“Just breathe with me, I know things aren’t okay right now, but let’s focus on what we can do about it. Don’t overwhelm yourself with thoughts that are out of your control.”

Finally after a few minutes Ali was able to calm down- her breathing becoming slowly more steady. 

“There- that’s better. You alright?” She nodded and he sat beside her on the bed, gripping her hands in his. “Good. Now, what we’re going to do first is get dressed. Then we can call Dr. Tusik and start making a plan.”

She wiped away a few remaining tears. 

“A- a plan?”

“Well, we’re obviously going after him, aren’t we? We can’t leave him alone with that man- we’ve found him once, we can do it again.”

They were interrupted by the sound of a noise down the hall- a knock on the front door, followed by it opening slowly. Justin shot to his feet as footsteps padded into the living room, and then stopped. 

“Stay here-” He whispered. He focused his power, harnessing it behind his fingertips in a moment to strike, before he saw the familiar blue hair- the small stature.

Micah stared back at him from where he had been glancing around the room. He wore tight jeans, and a thick sweater- one that looked- that looked vaguely familiar to one Andrew had owned-

“I- I’m sorry.” He stated. “I know it’s late, but Andrew hasn’t answered me in a few days and I- I couldn’t get ahold of you- I tried knocking but there was no answer, I got worried, I couldn’t sleep, and I-”

He was cut off as Ali came down the hallway, having heard his voice. She wrapped him in a hug and he carefully returned it, continuing to take in the mess of the living room.

“Damn, what- what happened?” He asked. “Is Andrew alright? Where is he?”

Ali shook her head, trying to hold back another slew of tears that were threatening to burst. 

“I’m sorry I- I’m so, so sorry.”

Justin led her back to sit on the couch, and then pulled the crumpled paper from his pocket, offering it to the boy. Micah took it carefully before unfolding it and beginning to read. 

Once he finished he handed it back to Justin, and wiped a few tears that had streamed down his face.

“Alright- so who is this bastard, and where do we find him?”

Ali stared straight ahead- pointing up towards the top of the front door, they had nearly missed it. 

“I- I think there’s our answer.” She whispered.

There, taped to the door was a small device. About half the size of a cellphone, with a few buttons on the side, and a thicker pack on the back. Underneath, written in scratchy marks was the phrase,

‘Come find me.’ The black marker lines stood out on the paper where it was taped to the door- as if taunting them.

“What the hell-” Micah whispered.

Justin stormed over, tearing the device off of the door and crumpling the paper. He pushed a button on the side and the screen of the device lit up. Not even a second afterwards he dropped it with a thud onto the carpet.

“What the hell is right-” he mumbled.

“Let me see-” Ali stated. Justin tried to grab it before she could reach, but it was too late as the image flashed in front of her.

She yelped, covering her mouth right after.

It was an image of Andrew, a shadowy picture, dim lighting, but it was clear what the image was. 

It was Andrew, chained up in the back of his closet.

His wrists were strung up over the bar, and a cloth draped over his eyes, with that- that muzzle locked over his face. He was in nothing but loose sweatpants, and his bare chest was littered with bruises and marks. Even at a brief glance and with the dim lighting she could tell they were fresh.

Her stomach churned. She wanted to throw up. This was their house- Andrew’s bedroom, it was- it was his closet. She was right about him being tortured under their noses. What else had the man done while they were blissfully unaware? She blinked back the headache and tears as the screen flashed once more, revealing a set of coordinates atop of a map- his location.

Micah grabbed it as it slid from her hands. She curled in on herself, trying to breathe through the wracking sobs. 

Micah studied the image for a moment. His breath hitched for a moment, but Justin couldn’t read an expression on his face.

“So this is a kidnapping.” He stated.

Justin shrugged, trying to come up with a response.

“Well, it’s not that simple, he-”

“No-” Micah stated more firmly. “It’s a kidnapping. He was kidnapped. We need to call the police.”

“No!” Justin and Ali cried in unison. They glanced at each other for help before Ali spoke up. She grabbed Micah’s hand- her voice shaky.

“I promise we’ll explain more, but you have to trust us.” 

After a moment Micah nodded, and pocketed the device, shifting his shoulders in Andrew’s oversized sweater. 

“Alright. We don’t call the police. So what do we do then?” 

Ali stood up, wiping her tears.

“We go get our friend back.”

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Tag List: @imagination1reality0@just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi@thehopelessopus@burtlederp@whump-me-all-night-long@laves-here@yesthisiswhump@myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19@brutal-nemesis@lunaabsentee@morning-star-whump
