#possessive whumper



inspired by @whumpshaped’s post here!

CW: pet whump, collars, leashes, whumpee calling whumper Master, abuse (implied), abusive relationship, intimate whumper, possessive whumper, vampire whumpee, disassociation (mostly after the timeskip), whumpee misgendering himself while disassociating (using they/them/their as a gender neutral pronoun), nudity (not sexual and not explicitly described)

“Open your eyes, pet.”

Dirk didn’t want to. He didn’t want to open his eyes out of fear of what he would see in the mirror. Because he knew it would be a part of himself that he hated. 

A part of himself that Jackson claimed was his true nature, and that Teddy agreed with, and that both of them worked to chain and command as their own.

Taming a beast with a human face.

Leashing a wolf wearing someone else’s skin.

The leash hanging from his collar was heavy, a gold chain to match the gold tag that dangled from the leather collar, jingling with even the smallest movements. A temporary mark of ownership in the form of Master’s insignia to match the permanent one branded on his lower back.

The collar squeezed his throat when the leash was tugged.

“I won’t repeat myself, pet.”

Dirk opened his eyes, and his fears came true.

There he was, kneeling on the bedroom floor in front of the body mirror, shamefully exposed. Clothing is a privilege, not a right. And he lost that privilege when he misbehaved. He didn’t even remember what he did.

But that didn’t matter. 

What mattered was Master sitting behind him on the bed, holding the handle of the leash in one hand, the other close to some object on the bed. When he looked closer, he realized that it was a muzzle - a broken muzzle, because the gag that was supposed to keep his mouth open and his fangs exposed was bitten clean through. 

He didn’t even remember biting it.

But that didn’t matter.

“What do you see in the mirror?” 

There were many answers. Myself was not one of them.

Dirk saw individual parts that somehow still failed to make up a whole person. He saw shame in the flush of their cheeks and the way they hung their head, like a scolded dog. Guilt in their eyes, heavy enough to outweigh any anger. Fear in their tense body, unable to relax while their Master was unhappy. 

And devotion in the bruises that kissed their skin.



That’s what set him apart from the person in the mirror. Reminders of Master’s love, pressed into him with loving fingers, beaten into him with loving hands. That’s what he saw.

Proof of his loyalty to Master, and Master’s love given in return. 

He swallowed down whatever doubts remained.

“Your pet, Master.”       

The look of approval on Master’s face made him happy. And that was love, wasn’t it? Making each other happy? 

He chose not to dwell on it as Master gestured for him to come closer. And so, he crawled, turning his back to the mirror and all of his attention to Master. He kneeled between Master’s legs expectantly, waiting to be told what to do, to be given a chance at making up for his disobedience. 

Master pat his thigh. “Turn around and sit on my lap.” 

His pet obeyed. He faced the mirror again as he sat down, suppressing a flinch when Master’s arms came to wrap around his waist. A single knuckle was used to gently tilt the vampire’s face up, making eye contact with Master’s reflection before quickly averting his eyes. 

“Despite all of the trouble you give me,” Master said, moving his hand up to pet the vampire’s hair, “you are the best pet that I’ve ever had.“

His fingers skimmed across the back of his pet’s neck, eliciting a shiver. “And you are the onlypet that I will ever have. Do you know why that is?” 

He does. His pet knows because Master has told him again and again, with both punishments and rewards.

“Because I was made for you, Master.” 

A hum of approval. His pet almost smiled, and was proud of himself for not flinching this time when Master kissed his temple, still petting his hair.

“Good boy,” he murmured, and the vampire swelled with pride. 

Dirk stared at his reflection in the mirror. But the longer he looked, the more he started to feel like he wasn’t looking at himself. That the reflection staring back at him didn’t match the image of himself in his mind. 

The bruises from earlier had already healed over, like an author deleting words off the page. He wanted to see them. He neededto see them. Because they were marks of Teddy’s love, and he wanted to be marked, he neededto be marked to know that he was wanted, and loved, and himself. 

His neck was uncomfortably bare. No collar, no leash, nothing that made it clear who he belonged to, and that was a scary thought, not belonging to anyone.

Not belonging to Teddy.

Not belonging to Master.

He would always belong to Master, right? Master said that himself. Said that he was the best pet, his only pet, a pet made just for him. 

His pet touched the barren skin of his neck, trying to picture the collar there. He pressed down with his fingers and squeezed, hard enough to cut off his air, hard enough to force out a choked breath. But it wasn’t the same. It wasn’t his collar. It wasn’t Master.

It wasn’t him. 

The vampire stared at the person in the mirror. Who was it? He moved his hand down, over his collarbone, feeling water droplets stuck to his skin. The hand in the mirror moved down too, but it wasn’t his hand, and it wasn’t his skin, and he was starting to think that these weren’t histhoughts. 

Whose were they? 

It scared him not to know, but the fear just swelled inside of him and stayed there, trapped under the stranger’s skin. He didn’t move. They didn’t move. Neither of them moved, but one of them thought, and they wanted to stopthinking. 

They wanted to know who they were.

But only Master could tell them that.

Eventually, they saw him. They saw Master enter the room, and a part of their mind familiar with Master’s schedule knew that he had just gotten back from a business dinner, and that’s why he was wearing a fancy suit and tie. They heard him say something.

Did you shower thislate?

But they couldn’t process the words, just the sound of his voice, and the sight of him approaching in the mirror. There were more words. 

The floor around you is all wet, Dirk.


That was their - that was his name. Dirk. Not the stranger’s name. He didn’t know who they were, or what their name was, but they must have left because Teddy was there, Master was there, and he was starting to remember who he was. 

This time, he understood Master’s words. 

“Is something wrong, pet?” 


Master’s pet. That’s who he was. Made for Master, made to serve him, and obey him, and love him. Dirk blinked, and he realized that his skin was pruning, that the floor was all wet, because he had been standing there for hours after showering. 

“I’m sorry, Master,” he blurted, referring to the state of the floor. 

Master looked surprised. Confused. It wasn’t an expression Dirk was used to seeing on him, and somehow he caused it, so he rushed to explain. “I took a shower earlier, way earlier, but then I was drying my hair in the mirror, and I - I somehow lost track of time, s-so I accidentally got water on the floor and I’m r-really sorry.” 

Master frowned. “You don’t know how long you’ve been here?”

Dirk shook his head. “I…I thought I was someone else,” he admits.

Something seemed to click for Master. And his confusion warped into satisfaction, which was confusing to Dirk, because he thought Master was upset about the floor. “Dirk,” he said, and it was more fond than scolding. “Say my name.” 


“That’s my title,” Master corrected. “Try again.”  

Dirk thought for a moment. And eventually, a name rose from his memories, breaking through the mindless haze of obedience.



Teddy smiled and cupped his face. Dirk instinctively leaned into it, allowing himself to close his eyes for a moment with a relieved sigh. He suddenly felt exhausted, like he had been running away from something chasing him, and now his heart was still pounding, his legs threatening to give out. 

“You will always be my pet, Dirk,” Teddy reassured him, easing him over to the bed. Dirk sat down with trembling legs. “But you’re also my underboss. My second in command,” the mob boss said, with a hint of pride that made Dirk smile. “You won’t be able to work if you keep getting lost in your thoughts.” 

“I’m sorry,” Dirk said, another instinctive apology. But he knew apologies meant nothing without a promise to do better. “I…I won’t use that mirror again. Or any mirror.”

Teddy seemed to accept that. “Unless I tell you to,” he said, because that was always the exception to Dirk’s boundaries. “And that way, I’ll be there to keep you from losing track of time again.”

Or losing himself.


“Lay With Me”  

Tw: Forced Cuddling (Non-Sexual), Alcohol Mention, Forced Gaze, Minor Threats, Height Difference (Whumper 5'9/Whumpee 5'2), Anxiety.

A/n: Despite the petite size, Whumpee is an adult. I just very much enjoy a decent gap – I don’t write whump, including children, unless the child is a background character and is not involved in any Whump activities.

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Whump Drabble ❧ 46

Tw: Stalking.

- - -

Caretaker is sitting at Whumpee’s side, who is having yet another breakdown, though it’s been months away from Whumper and they had even changed bits of their identity and name to help protect them.

A part of Whump still felt the unsettling watchful eyes of Whumper on them, watching their every move, judging them silently from the shadows.

But caretaker was sure and positive that Whumper would never be able to find them where they had relocated Whumpee too.

That’s what caretaker thought as they firmly held Whumpee’s trembling hand that was poking out from the blankets.

Unbeknownst to them, Whumper stood not far away, peering in from the small slit in the curtains, watching, waiting for the perfect moment to reclaim their prize back.

Carrot Top 51- Restriction

Well, this was originally going to be a lot longer, but I decided to split it up into two separate chapters. Anyways, here’s chapter 51! Chapter 50.Masterlist.

CW: medical whump, experimenting on a whumpee, restraints, power-restricting/shock collars, some lady whump (nothing graphic, very brief), manhandling, possessive whumper, unconscious whumpee.

- - -

“Is this the right place?” Micah whispered.

They had been traveling for nearly four hours, following the directions of the coordinates on the small device. They were all on the edge of their seats- exhausted, and incredibly worried. Mickie finished rebraiding her hair for the hundredth time and wiped the sweat from her palms onto her pants. 

“Well it looks pretty similar to the last time we had to rescue him, so I’d say we’re here.” Justin stated. He finished chugging the water bottle he had in his hand, crumpled it up and tossed it off to the side. 

“The last time?” Micah glanced around- staring at the concrete building, towering walls- a few stories high, glowing faintly in the dark light. “What should- what should I expect?”

“Considering he was practically drowning in a pool of his own blood- whatever that man has done, it’s- it’s going to be bad.” Mickie snarked- her voice trailing off as she stared out towards the building. 

Micah bit back his tongue, trying to swallow the fear. He had to stay level-headed for as much of this as he could. He glanced at Mickie as she zipped up her jacket. She looked so much like her brother- acted a lot like him too.

He wished the first time meeting his boyfriend’s sister would’ve been in better circumstances than a rescue mission.

His boyfriend…

Could he even call him that? 

He obviously knew the boy liked him, that was clear. But if he was ready for a whole other level to their relationship was another question.

As soon as Andrew was better- once he was safe, he’d ask him. He’d make sure of it.

Micah climbed out of the helicopter, following everybody else as he adjusted the pistol tucked in the waistband of his pants. 

They didn’t know he had brought a gun- after all, from their explanations they never needed them because of their powers. But he was just normal. Micah didn’t know how to fight like they did. But he did know how to defend himself.

And this man- whoever this ‘Splice’ was, had obviously done unexplainable horrors to his friend. 

There was no way he was walking in there empty-handed.

“So, Justin and I will walk in there first- hopefully we can minimize any fighting necessary with my controlling powers- and then Mickie, you can disguise you two and follow close behind? Kind of as backup if necessary, but I want you to stay out of sight if possible.” Ali explained.

Everyone nodded, they knew this had to go as smoothly as possible. For Andrew’s sake.

- - -

It had been a little more than eight hours, and he was getting ready for the ninth transfusion. Double checking and triple checking everything- it seemed like it was going well. The cuts had closed up by now, which was good. He needed to retain the new blood- not continue to lose it. Splice admitted he looked beautiful though- the red lines covering the back of his body- the way his hair fell towards the ground- his eyes perfectly closed as he succumbed to the machine. 

He checked the blood in the eighth bag from where it was hung- it was nearly empty- when the door to the room burst open, and two small figures stepped inside.

“You’re early!” Splice cried.

“W-what?” The girl said.

“This is not how I had planned it to go!” He cried, throwing his hands down onto the cart of supplies with a crash. The two kids just stared at him in shock, the boy with a weapon of ice poised to attack, the girl standing just behind his shoulder. Her eyes were so focused on Andrew that she didn’t even glance towards the man as he spoke.

“I needed three more hours. Just three!” Splice groaned in frustration, shoving the cart to the wall with a crash. The girl flinched back as tools and supplies rained to the ground as it toppled.

Splice dug his fingers through his hair. What was he going to do now? The process was going to be interrupted if they tried to rescue him. True he could always restrain the other two while he finished, that was an option, but before he could come up with a plan, the boy jolted towards him.

“Let him go!” He cried as he lunged an attack.

Splice groaned in frustration, knocking Justin back towards the ground with a well-aimed kick. He quickly sprung back to his feet and began throwing punches and attacks as the man tried to defend. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the girl rushing towards his prisoner where he lay.

“Oh no you don’t-” He stepped away from Justin, causing him to fall off balance. Splice grabbed Ali by the arm as she reached for Andrew and threw her across the room in a swift move. He darted to the control panel- grabbing a lever towards the side.

“Stop!” He shouted. “Don’t move. This lever controls everything he’s hooked up to- I pull it, and all the machines keeping him alive and breathing, will shut off, splat, kapoot- that’s it.”

“No- don’t-” The girl whispered. 

“Oh I won’t hesitate.” He threatened. “It’s very noble that you want to help, and rescue him, but I need you to back away from the boy.” Splice demanded. The two kids did as they were told- holding their hands in the air. “Good. Now it’s very vital that I finish what I was doing, or this whole thing I’ve been working on will be useless.”

At the sound of his words, Splice’s own form seemed to melt off of his body. It pooled to the ground before rising up and splitting in two, creating two other replicas of the man. 

Ali shuddered as one of them approached her- they always looked so dead inside- nothing behind their eyes, no thoughts- no feelings, just whatever command they were given. 

“Grab her.” He commanded.

Ali couldn’t mind control something that didn’t have a mind of it’s own.

Her powers were useless against it as the figure pulled her arms tight behind her back, holding her in a tight grip. Justin darted towards her to help but the second clone grabbed his arm and pulled him back. 

He cried out, trying to swing a punch with his other arm but it was blocked just as quickly as he swung it. 

“Hey now-” Splice called out- motioning towards the lever- “I suggest you cooperate. For your friend’s sake here.”

Justin glared towards the man and let his arms be pulled behind his back with a grumble- glancing towards Ali to make sure she was alright. She hadn’t taken her eyes off of Andrew the entire time. 

“There we are, that’s better.” The man stated. He disconnected the drip bag that was now empty, and set it off to the side.

“What are you doing to him?” Ali asked. Her voice wavered with worry as she watched her friend lie there- unmoving, suspended in the air.

“Oh you don’t need to worry about that. Let’s get you two out of the way for the moment, shall we?”

Splice moved to the cart where he had collected a few extra collars. They were scattered about with the other supplies, but he managed to pick them out of the mess. The goal was to make more as time went on, for all future prisoners, but these other three he had rounded up would have to do, even if they may have been a little imperfect. 

He slipped one over his arm, grabbing the second in his hand. He pressed his thumb against a button and moved towards the girl.

“Hold still now- this will only pinch a little.”

“What are you- hey-” She cried out as the collar was locked around her throat, a sharp pinch in the back of her neck from the prongs. Almost instantly waves of pain shot up the back of her neck, exploding into her head. She groaned out- this was far worse than any migraine- and soon her vision began going spotty.

Her limbs felt heavy, and her knees began to buckle. 

Justin lashed out towards her as she started to fall. The clone struggled to hold him back, but as the other one laid Ali down by the wall it quickly came to restrain Justin as well.

“What did you do!” He cried. “What did you do to her!” He was seething with anger- thrashing about as a clone struck the back of his knees, tearing his arms behind him as he crashed to the ground. 

Justin watched with terror as she groaned and writhed on the floor- her hands clutching the sides of her head. His attention was quickly pulled away Splice approached him next with the second collar. 

“No- get that away from me!” 

Splice wrenched his head back with a fistful of his hair, exposing his neck and soon the collar was locked around his throat as well. He winced at the pain and nearly instantly began to feel slightly dizzy. 

“What is-” his fingers reached towards his throat. “What is this-” his breathing began to quicken.

“They’re power restricting, isn’t wonderful? Much easier than a surgical procedure, like we had to use last time” Splice explained. His clones came back and melded back into his form, as Justin collapsed on the ground- panting for breath.

“It’s different for each person. They’re beautifully made, but of course I’m a little biased, considering they are my creation.” He gestured towards the boy- his white hair drooping to the ground- his pale skin. “Andrew here simply became more easier to work with. For her, she’s probably having the worse migraine of her life, and you,” Splice knelt down in front of Justin- his face beginning to feel clammy as he tilted his chin up “-you will probably start feeling the affects of dehydration pretty soon. Your powers being water-based and all.”

Justin looked towards Ali once more. Herbody was shaking as her arms wrapped around her head. His limbs felt heavy as he dragged himself over to where she lay on the ground. His fingers fumbled uselessly over the edges of her collar- trying to find a clasp, an opening, or something.

“I wouldn’t recommend that if I were you.” Splice taunted.

“Take it off-” he pleaded- “it’s hurting her-”

“That won’t work- they’re encoded with my fingerprint. It’s the only way to remove them.”

Ali grumbled as he fussed with it some more- ignoring all the man’s direction.

“Take it off-” he demanded.

Splice shook his head, reaching for a small remote he kept in his pocket.

“Alright, well if you won’t listen to me-”

And then there was fire coursing through his veins. Justin flew back from Ali, his back crashing against the ground.

“Did I mention they have incapacitating abilities as well?”

The shocks coursed through his veins- spasming every muscle, tightening his lungs- and Justin screamed. Splice knelt near the boy as he thrashed against the ground, and waved the remote towards the girl.

“Next time- it’ll be her collar that goes off, understand?” 

Through his groans of pain Justin nodded, sweat pouring down his forehead as he spasmed. 

“Good. I suggest you listen from now on, yes?” 

Splice rose to his feet as he turned up the dial for the strength of the shocks, and Justin screamed once more.

Tag List: @imagination1reality0@just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi@thehopelessopus@burtlederp@whump-me-all-night-long@laves-here@yesthisiswhump@myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19@brutal-nemesis@lunaabsentee@morning-star-whump

Carrot Top 50- Come Find Me

Alrighty, this is picking up the pace, and I finally figured out where it’s going. Here’s chapter 50. Chapter 49.Masterlist.

CW: medical whump, restraints, creepy/possessive whumper, blood mention, mention of previous injuries.

- - -

It had been nearly fourteen hours. 

Fourteen hours since he had started this whole process with this new system. The machine, or whatever you’d want to call it.

Splice just needed to check and adjust some things, and prepare the final ingredients.

He moved towards the monitors in his office that connected to the cameras and screens he had set up displaying the boy. 

His breathing was just fine- as it should be. The machine ensured that. His heart was slow- maybe a little too slow but that wasn’t a concern for now. And his blood levels were at nearly 70 percent. That was perfect. In order for this to work he needed to have lost between 35 to 40 percent of his blood. Too much and it could be irreversible, but too little, and the new blood wouldn’t take hold.

Thankfully the system was keeping him in perfect balance, but now it was time once again to check up on his favorite patient. 

He was exactly how the man had left him. A gorgeous display of limbs- clammy and cold- glistening with a sheen of sweat. The pale white from his hair and his skin was a gorgeous contrast to the red of the blood that slowly dripped from the cuts he had made earlier. It left a puddle around the drain- slowly seeping down in streaks of red. He paced around the contraption, making sure all of the equipment and tools were functioning properly. 

As he moved the man trailed the tips of his fingers along the boy’s skin, finally resting the back of his hand on his forehead. He was cold to the touch- freezing even. 

But he didn’t move, or even flinch. He pried an eyelid open to find the white’s of Andrew’s eyes staring back. He let it close and after a few pats on his cheek there was finally some sign of life. 

He fluttered his eyes- staring straight up into the ceiling. His chest continued to rise and fall at the same steady pace even as his gaze landed on the man standing by his side. 

“Good- you’re still with me.” 

The man was talking but all Andrew could register was a slew of noise- it was indiscernible. His body had gone numb- not in the sense that he couldn’t feel- though he was sure the senses in his fingers and toes were long gone by now- but in the way his mind had completely disconnected from his body. 

“-begin, shall we?” the man stated. 

Andrew stared at the ceiling once more as he vaguely registered movement around him. The man was gathering things. He began with the boy’s right arm- and using the tubes already in his vein, he began to withdraw even more blood than what he had already lost- keeping a steady eye on his vital systems the entire time. 

After he was at the right blood loss level for the process, he flushed through some saline, before moving to his left arm. 

From the cart he had wheeled down from his office, he withdrew the first sample of new blood. 

‘Splice blood sample 1 of 12’ was the label on the bag. Eleven others just like it rested in the cart. 200 milliliters in each, twelve in total. Perfectly enough to replace what he’d lost. One bag every hour- for the next twelve hours. Then he could be taken off the machine, monitored, and experimented with to see if the process had worked. 

He rigged up the bag to the top of the IV pole, connected the tubes to the vein in his arm, and let the blood begin to flow.

Splice brushed the hair away from Andrew’s face as his eyes fell closed once more, letting the machine run it’s course through his body.

“I’ll be back in an hour.” He whispered.

- - -

“Hey what- what time is it?” Ali stretched with a yawn, the covers falling away from her as she pulled herself up to sitting. It was still dark outside the window- they couldn’t have been asleep for long. 

Instantly stabbing pains shot behind her eyes as the light of her phone lit up in her hand. She was used to the migraines, but it still took a second for her to register the words and numbers on the lockscreen. 

“That can’t be right- no- Justin?” 

She shook his shoulder from where he lay on the other side of the bed. 

“Hey- wake up it’s been- I don’t know how long it’s been- goodness- Justin!”

“Hmm- what?” He rolled over on his side until he was facing her, nuzzling his forehead into her lap. “Wha time isit?” He mumbled.

“It’s a little after ten- but it’s- it’s tomorrow night- we couldn’t have slept that long. That’s like- like 27 hours.” She nudged him again as he tried to cuddle her back to sleep. “Justin! Come on, get up something’s-” She shot out of bed, throwing away the covers as her heart dropped in her stomach. 

“Wha- where- where are you going?” He called- reaching for her to come back to bed as she rushed out of the room.

“Andrew!” She called.

Justin swore under his breath and pulled away the covers. He stepped into the hallway rubbing the sleep from his eyes when he saw the living room out of the corner of his eye down the hall.

“Oh shit.” 

There was a mess everywhere. The coffee table was shattered in two large pieces, broken slivers of wood scattered about. As he looked around closer he saw the blood stains. Smeared into the carpet- leaving a dark and sticky splotch, and then a few splatters on the wall. 

He winced as he stepped on something sharp- a shard of glass. Rubbing his foot he glanced at the picture that had fallen down and shattered.

Graduation. Ali in the middle- the two boys on either side of her with their arms around her shoulders, each in their blue and white caps and gowns. They all looked so young then- freshly eighteen, so innocent and naive, ready for the future.

He picked up the picture from the mess of glass and blood and brushed it off, setting it on the couch before he heard a thud coming from the hallway.


He found her collapsed against the wall- tears streaming down her face. Her hands were shaking as she stared at a crumpled piece of paper in her grip. He got down on his knees in front of her.

“What’s that- hey, let me see-”

She held it out to him, wiping her eyes. She’d already read it over and over.

“What is it?” He asked.

“He’s gone” She sobbed. “They- they took him, he’s- he’s not here, he-” Before she could say anymore another sob welled up in her chest and she buried her face in her hands.

Justin carefully uncrumpled the paper, noticing the scratchy handwriting- the smudged blue ink.

“To my two best friends:

I’ve written and rewritten this a thousand times. I hoped I wouldn’t have to write it, but I figured it would come in handy someday. If you’re reading this I guess that day is today.

Splice has been visiting. Not just in my dreams, but here, at home. He killed Dr. Howe and took his place. Please, I don’t want you to feel bad about any of this because it was my choice to keep it from you. I didn’t want any of you getting hurt because I tried to protect myself.

So now I guess this is it. I’m sorry we couldn’t say goodbye in person. 

Tell Micah I’m sorry I left, and that I wish we could’ve been more, but I guess it wasn’t meant to be. Let Dr. Tusik know how grateful I am for all the help and advice he’s given me over the years. And tell Mickie she’s so incredibly strong, and that her, and mom, and Erica will be just fine.

I love you all so much. If there’s one thing you can do for me now that I’m gone, is to be happy. I beg of you- don’t come after me no matter what. I don’t want him to hurt you too. So be happy- live your lives, go on and get married and have annoying kids that are just like you, and tell them all stories of their Uncle Andrew. 

It’ll be better for you all now that I’m gone.

I’m sorry,


Justin crumpled the paper back up in his fist, shoving it into his pocket. Reading it once was enough. He could already tell from the tear stains and the scratched out words and carefully stated phrases- that it was just as hard for him to write as it was for them to read. 

He held out his hand to Ali as he stood up, and instantly pulled her into his arms. He held her as she cried, trying to keep his own tears at bay, and then gripped her by the shoulders, brushing her hair out of her face and wiping away her tears. Her dark eyes fell through her tangled hair- staring up at him for some answer to this nightmare.

“Darling- don’t blame yourself.”

“I could have stopped it.” She whispered.

“You don’t know that. That man he’s- he’s tricky. It’s not your fault.”

She shoved him away from her as she stumbled back to the wall.

“But it is!” She cried. “It is my fault! Because I’m the one who notices things, Justin. I can read minds for God’s sake! I should’ve known, I should’ve figured it out, God, I should have done something!”

“Ali- stop. Blaming yourself isn’t going to fix anything-” He reached for her hands again but she shoved him away.

“How many times has he been here, Justin? How many times has ‘Dr. Howe’ been here to help Andrew, when all the time it was Splice! He’s- he’s been in our house, under our roof- tormenting our friend!”

“Ali you couldn’t have known-”

She was nearly hysterical as she sobbed, the endless amounts of guilt, and grief, and fear and pain nearly causing her to collapse in on herself.

“All the times we didn’t think he was getting better- or that he was just having a rough day- and he was being torturedin our own house!”

At this point Justin wrapped her up in his arms. She thrashed about trying to pull away but he was far stronger. He held her against his chest, carrying her into the bedroom as she sobbed and protested. He set her on the edge of the bed, standing with his legs on either side of her knees. She sobbed as he gripped the sides of her face in his hands. Her hands reached up to grip the front of his tanktop- clutching the white fabric in shaking fingers. 

“Ali- Ali honey, I need you to look at me. You’re gonna shut down if you don’t breathe- I don’t want you retreating into your mind where I can’t reach you.”

He forced her face up to look into his- her eyes were full of tears, her cheeks red.

“Just breathe with me, I know things aren’t okay right now, but let’s focus on what we can do about it. Don’t overwhelm yourself with thoughts that are out of your control.”

Finally after a few minutes Ali was able to calm down- her breathing becoming slowly more steady. 

“There- that’s better. You alright?” She nodded and he sat beside her on the bed, gripping her hands in his. “Good. Now, what we’re going to do first is get dressed. Then we can call Dr. Tusik and start making a plan.”

She wiped away a few remaining tears. 

“A- a plan?”

“Well, we’re obviously going after him, aren’t we? We can’t leave him alone with that man- we’ve found him once, we can do it again.”

They were interrupted by the sound of a noise down the hall- a knock on the front door, followed by it opening slowly. Justin shot to his feet as footsteps padded into the living room, and then stopped. 

“Stay here-” He whispered. He focused his power, harnessing it behind his fingertips in a moment to strike, before he saw the familiar blue hair- the small stature.

Micah stared back at him from where he had been glancing around the room. He wore tight jeans, and a thick sweater- one that looked- that looked vaguely familiar to one Andrew had owned-

“I- I’m sorry.” He stated. “I know it’s late, but Andrew hasn’t answered me in a few days and I- I couldn’t get ahold of you- I tried knocking but there was no answer, I got worried, I couldn’t sleep, and I-”

He was cut off as Ali came down the hallway, having heard his voice. She wrapped him in a hug and he carefully returned it, continuing to take in the mess of the living room.

“Damn, what- what happened?” He asked. “Is Andrew alright? Where is he?”

Ali shook her head, trying to hold back another slew of tears that were threatening to burst. 

“I’m sorry I- I’m so, so sorry.”

Justin led her back to sit on the couch, and then pulled the crumpled paper from his pocket, offering it to the boy. Micah took it carefully before unfolding it and beginning to read. 

Once he finished he handed it back to Justin, and wiped a few tears that had streamed down his face.

“Alright- so who is this bastard, and where do we find him?”

Ali stared straight ahead- pointing up towards the top of the front door, they had nearly missed it. 

“I- I think there’s our answer.” She whispered.

There, taped to the door was a small device. About half the size of a cellphone, with a few buttons on the side, and a thicker pack on the back. Underneath, written in scratchy marks was the phrase,

‘Come find me.’ The black marker lines stood out on the paper where it was taped to the door- as if taunting them.

“What the hell-” Micah whispered.

Justin stormed over, tearing the device off of the door and crumpling the paper. He pushed a button on the side and the screen of the device lit up. Not even a second afterwards he dropped it with a thud onto the carpet.

“What the hell is right-” he mumbled.

“Let me see-” Ali stated. Justin tried to grab it before she could reach, but it was too late as the image flashed in front of her.

She yelped, covering her mouth right after.

It was an image of Andrew, a shadowy picture, dim lighting, but it was clear what the image was. 

It was Andrew, chained up in the back of his closet.

His wrists were strung up over the bar, and a cloth draped over his eyes, with that- that muzzle locked over his face. He was in nothing but loose sweatpants, and his bare chest was littered with bruises and marks. Even at a brief glance and with the dim lighting she could tell they were fresh.

Her stomach churned. She wanted to throw up. This was their house- Andrew’s bedroom, it was- it was his closet. She was right about him being tortured under their noses. What else had the man done while they were blissfully unaware? She blinked back the headache and tears as the screen flashed once more, revealing a set of coordinates atop of a map- his location.

Micah grabbed it as it slid from her hands. She curled in on herself, trying to breathe through the wracking sobs. 

Micah studied the image for a moment. His breath hitched for a moment, but Justin couldn’t read an expression on his face.

“So this is a kidnapping.” He stated.

Justin shrugged, trying to come up with a response.

“Well, it’s not that simple, he-”

“No-” Micah stated more firmly. “It’s a kidnapping. He was kidnapped. We need to call the police.”

“No!” Justin and Ali cried in unison. They glanced at each other for help before Ali spoke up. She grabbed Micah’s hand- her voice shaky.

“I promise we’ll explain more, but you have to trust us.” 

After a moment Micah nodded, and pocketed the device, shifting his shoulders in Andrew’s oversized sweater. 

“Alright. We don’t call the police. So what do we do then?” 

Ali stood up, wiping her tears.

“We go get our friend back.”

- - -

Tag List: @imagination1reality0@just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi@thehopelessopus@burtlederp@whump-me-all-night-long@laves-here@yesthisiswhump@myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19@brutal-nemesis@lunaabsentee@morning-star-whump

Carrot Top 53- Storytime

It’s here! I’m really happy with how this chapter went. Chapter 52 is here.Masterlist here.

CW: threats with a gun, manhandling, non con touching (nonsexual), description of past injuries, restraints, Splice being a creepy, possessive bastard.

- - -

Micah wiped his tears with the edge of his sleeve. He felt like he couldn’t regain his breath after having his own gun shoved in his face. 

But now it was his friend being threatened with the same thing.

He forced himself to calm down, and propped himself up on his elbow as the man stepped towards him. 

Micah had never felt so small. His eyes barely flittered to across the room where Mickie was hidden- sheltered in the shadows. She needed to stay that way. At the other side of the room Ali lay unconscious, and Justin was on the verge. He lay shaking, barely able to keep himself from crumpling in a heap. Micah had never seen him look so angry- and frankly, it was terrifying. But not nearly so much as the man that towered over him. His eyes studied his features, sending a chill up his body.

Splice crossed his arms, gesturing a finger at the boy. 

“Come here.” He smiled. 

Micah shook his head slowly- out of confusion, rather than disobedience.

Splice arched an eyebrow- glancing at where Andrew shook- the gun held in his mouth, his eyes shut tight in concentration. 

Micah let out a breath and pulled himself up, to scared to disobey, and moved slightly closer to the man.

“On your knees.” He ordered- gesturing exactly where he wanted the boy. 

He clenched his fists, before obeying and coming to kneel in front of the man, sitting straight up high on his knees. He turned his face away as Splice grabbed it in his hand, fingers wrapping underneath his chin- teasing at his throat. 

“Don’t touch me-” he whispered.

The man laughed. “I can see why he takes a liking to you. You’ve got that same spitfire and defiance he once had.” He tilted Micah’s chin up, smacking his hand away as he reached to shove the man away. “Of course, that was before I beat it out of him.”

Micah spat into the man’s face- which was then answered with a slap to the side of his cheek. It sent him reeling backwards to the floor- but his throat was grabbed and he was hauled back to his knees before he fell. Splice struck him across the other cheek. A strong backhand that would’ve sent him reeling again if not for the hand around his throat. 

He groaned as his head fell backwards. A cold breath flittered by his ear as the man whispered.

“I bet you’re just dying to know how.” He stepped back, letting the boy fall from high on his knees- hands gripping his throat- rubbing the side of his face where the skin was flushed and red. The man turned towards Andrew. 

“I bet you’re wondering exactly how I got him to the state where he’ll drop to his knees at a single look. He’ll beg, and cry, and plead if I demand it. He won’t even complain.”

Tears leaked from both boy’s face, and Andrew’s face scrunched up ever so slightly more as he listened- the corners of his mouth twitching as the man trailed a hand along his body. 

“I mean, it’s all written right here. He’s a walking storybook isn’t he? Don’t you want to know what I’ve done to him?”

Micah shook his head. 

“I can imagine.” He spat. 

Splice chuckled. He dug his fingers into the bruises at Andrew’s side- a small whimper crawling from the back of his throat. 

“You can try.”

Micah sighed in relief as the man stepped away from his friend. His heart rate picked up once more as the man came towards him- but watched as he walked on past. 

Before he could move or flinch away, his wrists were grabbed and wrenched behind him. His head was shoved forwards and towards the ground as he felt his wrists locked in chains. He was discarded as soon as he was restrained and watched as Splice walked back to Andrew.

“Why don’t we have a little storytime, hmm?” 

“No thanks, I’m a little too old for bedtime stories.” Micah tugged at his wrists with a grunt but they were uselessly chained behind his back. 

Splice chuckled, and Micah flinched backwards at the sound. 

“These aren’t the kind that would put you to sleep. Rather the opposite really.” He smiled and stood behind Andrew. “Well, should we start with day one? Funny, there’s so many whip marks here that it’s hard to tell which punishment they’re from.”

Splice trailed a finger along each of the raised lines across Andrew’s skin. The red marks that interlaced with each other, standing out against his pale skin- ribs and bones clearly visible. 

“Well, let’s start with his hand. Did he ever tell you about that?” Splice chuckled to himself, turning to the boy on the floor. “Did he even tell you about anything?” 

Micah gritted his teeth but the man waited for an answer. 

“He- he told me he had cancer.” 

There was a burst of a laugh before Splice regained his composure, turning back to the prisoner. 

“I stabbed it.” He said casually. Micah flinched back in shock. “Straight through- pinned him to a table! It’s a fabulous way of restrainment, if it wasn’t so risky.” 

Micah shook his head. Remembering the scar throughout Andrew’s hand. How it felt when he held it- or kissed his palm. Thought about the muscles tensing up, how he always pulled his sleeves down past his wrists, or hid his hands in his pockets. 

“That’s- that’s-”

“Very creative, I know.” Splice answered. “He was the one who picked the knife in the first place.” He bounced between his feet as he paced around the boy. “Well, that’s not quite true. He picked the whip first, after I tased him. Then after the whip he tried fighting back, hence the knife, hence his hand. It’s all his fault really.”

“What? It’s not- no!” Micah cried. “None of this is his fault- how could you even make him think that it is?” He tried to fight back the tears that wanted to pour down his face. His throat was closing up with the threat of sobs. 

“Because, I can make him do whatever I want?” Splice stated. Andrew whimpered once more as hands flittered across his skin. His eyes shot open briefly- wet and red with tears- and a stream of drool trailed out of his mouth behind the gun, falling to drip down his chest. “That’s the point of all this, isn’t it? I own him. He belongs to me, and therefore his body isn’t his own. It’s simple.”

“He doesn’t belong to anybody!” Micah cried. He lurched forward- trying not to fall on his face. “You can’t own him!” 

“Oh but I do!” Splice taunted. He traced hands along more of Andrew’s scars. Micah watched every goosebump along his skin- every slight flinch of muscle- every ingrained line and welt and starburst of broken skin and shattered mind. He gripped the boy’s wrists above his head and turned the chains around so Andrew’s back was facing all of his friends. 

Micah gasped as he saw it- flinching backwards.

“See.” Splice stated. “There’s the proof.”

And there, amidst the lines of blood and bruises- standing clear above all the other scars, was two letters raised in his skin, right between his shoulder blades.

“You fucking branded him?!” Micah screamed. He thrashed forwards, falling onto his shoulder with a grunt. His arms shook- his eyes were literally seeing red. “You’re disgusting! I swear I will make you regret every-”

Micah screamed with rage as the man’s hand came to cover his mouth. He gripped his throat in the other as the boy thrashed. 

Splice managed to wrestle the boy up to his feet, holding him tightly with his arms around his chest, one hand still on his throat, the other covering his mouth as he screamed and cursed. 

“Look at him!” He ordered, forcing the boy’s head at the scarred and beaten back. “Look at what I’ve done.” He spat in Micah’s ear as he spoke. “That’s nothing compared to what I have planned. To what I am going to do. To him- and to all of you!” He threw Micah across the room with another backhand to the side of his head. The boy landed in a heap against the wall unable to catch himself. 

“You’re a monster.” He spat. 

“That’s debatable.” The man shrugged. “I simply do what I want.”

“Well then do it!” Micah growled. “Go on. Do whatever you want to him!” He managed to pull himself on his knees, wiping his face off on the shoulder of his sweater as his arms shook behind him. “But you better be prepared to go straight to hell afterward. Because all the pain you put him through- won’t even compare to what I will make you suffer.” 

There was painful silence in the room before Splice turned his back to Micah. 

“How many bullets would you say are in the gun?” He asked.

“What?” Micah huffed- frustration and anger coursing through him.  

Micah finally noticed Justin- who had managed to get to his feet- stumbling towards the man with a fury. 

Whether his whispered plea was for the man to stop- or for Justin to watch out- it was useless as a gunshot rang throughout the room. 

Justin screamed, his arm flying backwards and he collapsed to the ground. 

A small stream of spit fell from the gun to the floor before it clattered down at Andrew’s feet. 

Andrew moaned as his jaw lit up in pain from the strain of holding it still for so long- completely unaware of the events that just transpired around him. 

His moments of free breath were quickly dammed by the muzzle locking over his mouth and clasping behind his face. He hung his head on his chest as Splice turned to the people of the room. 

“So. Is anyone else going to try to keep me from doing what I want?”

Tag List: @imagination1reality0@just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi@thehopelessopus,@burtlederp,@whump-me-all-night-long@laves-here@yesthisiswhump @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @brutal-nemesis@lunaabsentee​ @morning-star-whump​​

“Lay With Me”  

Tw: Forced Cuddling (Non-Sexual), Alcohol Mention, Forced Gaze, Minor Threats, Height Difference (Whumper 5'9/Whumpee 5'2), Anxiety.

A/n: Despite the petite size, Whumpee is an adult. I just very much enjoy a decent gap – I don’t write whump, including children, unless the child is a background character and is not involved in any Whump activities.

× × ×  

Whumper lightly stumbled in through the front door of their home while flicking on the front entrance lights.

They squinted faintly while rubbing their eyes between their fingers, softly letting out a sigh.

‘Jesus, when did these lights get so damn bright?' 

They had been out celebrating a close friend’s party and, once again, may have been coaxed to have a few too many Rum & Cokes throughout the evening.

And perhaps a couple straight shots of some Apple Pie Whiskey.

Whumper slid their shoes off carefully while leaning their shoulder on the wall for better support.

They stayed still for a moment, feeling a wave of dizziness impact their senses, causing them to shift so their back was flat on the more pleasantly cooler wall.  

“M'definitely not in my college years anymore, that’s apparent…”

Scowling slowly to themselves, they waited for several moments before feeling more steady, at least enough to move themselves from the wall towards the hallway.  

While stumbling slightly on the way and having to stop once or twice to regain their balance from being hit by a sudden dizzying state, Whumper reached their room almost immediately, collapsing in their bed, letting out a long drawn out sigh.

'Never again.. I gotta’ stop letting those idiots convince me to stoop to their level whenever I go to one of their parties..’

The room around them spun slowly, as if they were riding on a child’s carousel at the fair.

It wasn’t unbearable, though it was distracting as Whumper tried to relax themselves.

Some hours had passed now, and Whumper had somehow managed to ease themselves enough in their inebriated state to doze off during this period until they abruptly awoke, sitting up a little too fast, causing a sudden lightheaded feeling to overtake them.

Whumper grunted softly while running their hand through their faintly damp hair from the light sweat that coated their brow.

They got up after a couple minutes and the feeling of faint nausea subsided, eventually walking towards their walk-in closet, slowly and carefully stripping out of their lightly damp clothing before changing into a pair of black sweatpants and a black tank top.

A still silence took over the room, as Whumper could still feel the effects of their earlier alcohol consumption.

They couldn’t help but also feel a bit lonely

Whumper sighed softly while shaking their head a bit, trying to ignore the feeling while heading back to bed.  

All they could do was restlessly stare into the dark towards the ceiling, listening to the silence around them.


Whumpee was quietly asleep in the next room over, though they hadn’t intentionally meant to fall asleep so carelessly.

After hours of nervously waiting for Whumper to return, the exhaustion had finally overcome Whumpee, causing them to get too comfortable and close their eyes for a little too long, causing them to fall asleep only moments after shutting their heavy eyes.

A sudden, sharp whistle suddenly cut through the silent room, abruptly awakening Whumpee in a panic as their eyes shot open wide and instantly locked on Whumper while they stood up quickly.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did I wake you Whumpee? Were you enjoying your little nap, hm?” Whumper asked in a faint dry tone, but their words were softly slurred under their breath.  

“You didn’t, Master; I was just—”

“Shut up. I don’t have the patience to deal with your blabbering. I want you to come with me."  

"I.. I would rather not.” Whumpee cautiously spoke as they looked off to the side in a more annoyed way while crossing their arms tightly in front of their chest.

“I beg your pardon?"  

"I don’t want to go with you.. I didn’t do anything! Why am I being punished?"  

Whumper narrowed their eyes at Whumpee while stepping forward, watching the regret fill Whumpee’s eyes as they uncrossed their arms quickly while stepping back.

"What have I told you about questioning me and my authority?”

Whumper grew closer as they quickly reached out, grabbing Whumpee by their frail neck and pulling them closer towards themselves.

“Well? Speak since you have so much to say."  

Whumpee barely had the time to catch a proper breath before stumbling forward, now more prominently smelling the alcohol on Whumper’s breath.  

"To n-not..” They struggled to speak clearly as Whumper squeezed their hands faintly tighter, causing Whumpee to faintly gasp.

Whumper rolled their eyes before letting go of their neck but quickly catching their jaw in their grip, forcing Whumpee to look up at Whumper.

They stared down at Whumpee before slightly letting their jaw go, only to swiftly slap them across the cheek with the back of their free hand, causing Whumpee to let out a pained yelp.

But Whumper quickly re-caught them while more harshly turning their head as Whumpee whimpered softly in their grip.

“Exactly, to not.” They gazed down mockingly at Whumpee while smirking.

“Now, if you’re done showing off what little attitude you have left.. I highly suggest you come with me without protesting."  

Whumpee stared up at them unwillingly as they stayed quiet for a moment before feeling Whumper’s grip on their jaw suddenly tighten, causing Whumpee to grunt softly before nodding.

"I understand, Master.."  

"Good.” Whumper said, letting go of Whumpee after a moment, moving to the side, lightly nodding towards the open door.  

Whumpee stared into the darkness of the hallway as they slowly stepped forward towards the door, exiting the room with Whumper while hearing the click of the door closing behind Whumper.

“Too my room."  

The words caused Whumpee’s heart and soul to instantly sink as a cold sweat broke out across their brow while stiffly nodding, having to force themselves to continue forward in the direction of Whumpers’ room.

'What do they want.. no.. I-it’s obvious wh-what they want.. oh god.. N-no, not th-this.. n-not again..'  

Whumpee’s thoughts frantically raced as a deeper fear and worry started forming a tight knot deep in their stomach, which only grew the closer they got to Whumper’s room.

There was a tension in the air that followed both Whumper and Whumpee as they entered the room.

It was dimly lit but only due to the slightly open curtain letting the moon’s luminous rays peek through. 

"Get in the bed.” Whumper spoke bluntly as they closed the door while locking it behind them. 

Whumpee froze as their eyes locked on the silhouette of the bed, only a few feet away.

In front of them, their feet were firmly frozen to the floor as their heart started to race in their chest as the thoughts started flooding in.

“Excuse me. I said, get in the bed.”

Whumper’s words were more stern with a lower underlying threatening tone to compliment it.

They glared towards Whumpee’s silhouette while stepping a bit closer behind them.


Whumpee jumped slightly, quickly stepping forward a few feet while feeling the soft comforter hit their legs as they instinctively raised their knee, crawling into the bed, laying on their back stiffly, while a more nauseous feeling took over them.

Whumper too slid into bed after a moment while turning on their side facing Whumpee, putting their arm over Whumpee’s stomach, feeling them tense and hearing them whimper softly. 

"Such an overthinker..” Whumper mocked them quietly. “How adorable.”

They shook their head faintly at Whumpee while shifting a bit.

“Face yourself towards me." 

Whumpee stayed still before slowly turning towards Whumper, feeling their arm slide under their head while their other arm snaked firmly around their waist, pulling them closer while resting their chin on Whumpee’s head, feeling their hand softly caress their back.

It caused a deep chill to run up Whumpee’s spine, feeling so close to Whumper in such a wholesome way, it was unnatural and it made the hair on the back of their neck stand on end. 

Though Whumpee stayed still, keeping their hands firmly against Whumper’s chest, trying to keep some type of barrier between them. 

"If I find you’re missing in the morning, Whumpee.. I promise you that you will regret ever even thinking of leaving me." 

Whumpee froze as Whumper’s words suddenly broke the silence of the room.

Hearing the seriousness in their tone, all Whumpee could do was stiffly nod, wide-eyed in a light fear.

It didn’t take long for Whumper to fall back to sleep peacefully, holding Whumpee close to themselves.

Whumpee, on the other hand, had overcome any tiredness or feelings of exhaustion that had previously plagued them.

'Don’t move.. don’t move.. not worth it.. just.. just stay awake..’

Their eyes stayed wide open and alert, making sure to keep all their senses aware of where Whumper’s hands were and any shift in movement that Whumper made, though they dared not move more than needed through the night.

They feared what the consequences would be if they were to wake Whumper too early or tempt their luck with what fate would fall on them if they tried to leave the room. 

Whumpee’s mind raced all through the night, and they could swear that was the longest night they had ever endured.


Taglist:@whatgoeswhumpinthenight​​@madrono-but-i-am-not-a-fruit@cowboy-anon​​@straight-to-the-pain​​ @myst-in-the-mirror​​@whumpers-inc​​​​@thats-my-type-writer​​@whump-cafe@whumpasaurus101​​@jezifster@bandages-andobsessions@voltron-for-ever@astralrunic


Tw: Nsfwhump, DubCon, Drugged, Begging, Manipulation, Finger Sucking, Teasing.

Whumpee on their knees, lips parted, panting heavily with a flush of red spread across their cheeks begging their Whumper to be able to please them.

× × ×

“Mh, want you sir.. need you sir..” They cooed lustfully, nuzzling their cheek against Whumper’s knee, rocking their hips gently so that their heels perfectly teased their sweet spot, “please sir.." 

Whumper smirked at their heated, eager form while reaching down and taking Whumpee’s chin between their fingers, lightly tracing their thump around Whumpee’s soft, tender lips, watching them eagerly open their mouths a little wider as Whumper teased the tip of Whumpee’s tongue with their thumb.

"Mh, you want me, do you?” Whumper lowly growled in a lustful tone while watching them nod slowly, letting out a low hum in agreement. 

“Are you sure you want me? Or is it the drugs I slipped you making you want me? Hm.. better be honest with me baby." 

"M'Want you.. I want to please you, Whumper.. M'please let me please you.." Whumpee could barely comprehend the words coming from Whumper’s lips, all they knew is they craved Whumper in the worst ways.

Whumper shivered faintly, hearing their softer, more needy tones and sounds while sliding his thumb into their mouth, looking down at their big eyes. 

"Well? Show me what you’re capable of..” Whumper huskily cooed while using his other hand to massage the front of their black suit pants. 

“And if you’re lucky, I may let you please me.." 

Whumpee moaned eagerly around Whumpers thumb, closing their lips around their thumb while softly suckling, and flicking their tongue over the tip of their thumb.

Whumper shook their head faintly in amusement at seeing how quickly and efficiently these drugs had worked, but they were definitely not complaining at the change of tone per se.

They pondered for a moment before moving their thumb from Whumpee’s mouth with a faint popping noise as they replaced it with their index and middle finger, causing Whumpee’s eyes to widen suddenly as they gagged a bit from the sudden switch.

"Mh, we may need to work on that a bit more before you can heave the real thing.. If you think my fingers are hard to take, I can’t imagine how you’d deal with something a lot.. girthier ”

Whumpee shivered while nodding lightly, their gaze focused more on Whumper’s excitement as they slowly proceeded to bob their head up and down the length of Whumpers fingers, while suckling a little more. 

“Maybe I spoke to soon.. You seem to be taking this like a pro.” Whumper used their other hand to lightly slap Whumpee against the cheek, causing them to let out a soft moan.

“Such a desperate thing you are..”

They used their hand to softly caress Whumpee’s cheek while steadily unzipping their suit pants and unbuttoning them. 

“I suppose I have some time before my next meeting, so you better please me quickly and efficiently." 

"Th-thank you sir.. M'need you so badly~" 

"Oh, I know Whumpee, and I assure you, I will be the only thing you ever need.”


Tw: Forced Captivity, Subtle Threats, Mild Swearing, Slapping, Forced Gaze, Kicking, Abuse.

× × ×

Whumper clicked their tongue in a soft, dissatisfied manner while inspecting the two troublemakers in front of them.

“So you’re to tell me these two.. pft, mongrels, were sniffing about my property?”

Whumper crossed their arms while their cold, hardened gaze rested on their henchman.

“Yes, I caught them around the back in the trash, no less." 

"I was wondering what that putrid stench was.” Whumper looked down towards the two.

“So you’re little trash rats, picking away at the garbage of others to seek ends meet him? How pathetic." 

Whumpee (A) gazed towards Whumper with disdain in their eyes. 

"As if you have any right to judge us!”

They spat angrily, though in a quick response as the last word left their mouth, they were abruptly interrupted by a hard backhand across their frail cheek, sending them to the ground with ease, causing them to wail as they impacted the hard floor beneath them.

A hot, sharp, stinging pain radiated from the spot where Whumper’s Henchman had struck Whumpee (A) as hot tears swelled in their eyes, clutching their hand tightly over their cheek.

Whumpee (B) stood frozen, having seen their friend get hit so close to them.

A sting of helplessness flooded their emotions as they could only stare in shock at Whumper and their henchman.

“Y-You Hit m-me?” Whumpee (A) trembled in a mixture of shock and disbelief as they stared up wide-eyed at The Henchman.

“I did pipsqueak. You mouth off again, and I’ll do it again. You fucking hear me?” The Henchman sneered down towards Whumpee (A) as his gaze shot towards Whumpee (B).

“N'What about you, Hn? Got anything to say punk?" 

"No. No sir.. I.. I want to go. Please, we won’t tell anyone.” Whumpee (B) softly pleaded while biting their lip nervously, feeling an underlying dread. 

“Oh? Do you want to go?” Whumper chimed in curiously while raising their eyebrow, continuing,

“But you came all this way.. I think it would be best if you stayed." 

Whumpee (B) felt nauseated at the way Whumper spoke so calmly, as if this was some game to them.

"What!?” Whumpee (A) blurted out suddenly in shock,

“Y-you can’t force us to stay here!”

Whumpee (A) was suddenly met with a sharp kick to the stomach, A wave of sickening pain took over them while they let out a scream of pain, tightly wrapping their arms around their now inflamed stomach.

Whumpee (B) let out a short yelp while pulling their hands to their mouth, covering their horrified expression as they continued to please,

“Please, no– I-i promise! No– I swear to God we will not tell a living soul." 

"You swear to God, hm..?”

Whumper smirked in a sickening amused way while dropping their arms to their sides, stepping towards Whumpee (B), swiftly reaching out and grabbing their cheeks tightly between their fingers, forcefully pulling their face closer to Whumper’s as they listened to a soft whimper escape Whumpee (B)’s lips.

“Well around here, I am god.” Whumpers smirk widened more maliciously. “And I am not known for being a merciful one." 

Whumpee (B)’s eyes suddenly widened, while tears formed in the corner of their eyes. A deep fear and uncertainty now possessed them, as well as a whirlwind of hopeless thoughts, leaving them speechless.

Whumpee (A) let out a loud gasp as the henchman suddenly grabbed them tightly by their wrist, pulling them backwards roughly, dragging them towards a hallway.


They screamed loudly, protesting every moment as they twisted and jerked their frail, smaller body around in a desperate attempt to free themselves from the henchman’s strong grip. 

While Whumper softly smirked at Whumpee (B), they ran their thump gently over their puffy lips, feeling them tremble in response.

“I have a feeling you’re going to learn to enjoy your time here.. whether you and your little friend there want to, or not." 

Whumper shoved Whumpee (B) into the arms of one of his other henchmen while nodding them in the same direction as Whumpee (A) was dragged too.

As Whumpee (B) gets pulled towards the hallway, they can only feel pings of regret and guilt because it had been them that suggested even hitting this particular place up as it had always seemed vacant and empty. 

They were only now going to find out exactly why that was.


For@whumpawoman Angstpril! Day 15 - Hidden Injuries

Sunny + Star Masterlist

Sunny and Star Crew: @ashintheairlikesnow@whumpinggrounds@whumptakesthecake@justplainwhump@whumpfessional@winedark-whump@painful-pooch - let me know if you want to be added/removed!

CW: pet whump, BBU, facility whump, lady whump, nonsexual partial nudity, dehumanization, possesive whumper


“Lift in three…two…one.” Devin Greco lifts up one side of 728501 while another Guard Dog handler, Analyn Reyes, grabs the other side of her. Together, they move the trainee onto a metal table, her pale skin almost sickly in the harsh lighting. Greco looks down at her, smirking. “You’re good, Analyn. I don’t need you anymore.”

“I want to stay,” Analyn says, her voice smooth. She moves to stand by the wall. “You’ve talked so much shit about how you got this trainee, I want to see what’s under the surface.”

“We’re lucky she’s drugged.” Greco starts stripping 501 down to her undergarments. “Since you’re here, grab the clipboard and start taking notes.” 

When he’s got 501 out of her clothes, his eyes go wide. “Holy fuck.” 501’s got some scars on her, some injuries that he didn’t find during intake, hidden by that stupid baggy shirt she was wearing when he grabbed her. She’s only been at WRU for two days, not long enough for all the marks to heal, and certainly not long enough for some of these scars to fade. 

“What?” Analyn asks. 

Greco gives her a long look. “You can come see, but don’t get too handsy.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t want to get too close to the fucking mutt,” Analyn says, walking back over. “Holy shit.”

Greco smirks. “Told you. Alright, let’s get this started before she wakes up and starts trying to bite. Hands are—”

“Start from the head and work down,” Analyn says. “Head, neck, torso, arms, legs.”

He glares at her. “Fine.” He turns all of his attention back to the pet on the table, reaching out to push her brown hair out of her face with his gloved hands, already planning her next punishment. “Tiny, tiny scar on her right temple. Practically unnoticeable.”

“Got it,” Analyn says. 

“Nose is crooked by…not much. Maybe half a degree. Shouldn’t be noticeable to any perspectives. Hell, I think it gives the kid some character.”

“Leave the personal comments out of it,” Analyn says. 

Greco rolls his eyes. Analyn Reyes is a good Guard Dog Handler, but she’s all protocol, no fun. Doesn’t bend the rules, not even with something like 501. The rules are meant to be broken when it comes to a feral, gorgeous mutt like her. “Faint scar on cheekbone, bruise on jaw,” he calls out. “My girl’s a spitfire.”

“Your girl is going to be a fucking menace, based on what you’ve told me so far.” Analyn taps her pen against the clipboard. “Need me to take the collar off so you can look at her neck?”

“No. I saw it when she came in. There’s nothing there.”

“You mean when you had her tied to a chair for days trying to see to see if she would break.”

“I’m glad she didn’t,” Greco murmurs, tracing his fingers across the trainee’s shoulders, admiring the strong muscles there. “I’m going to make her crumble into a million different pieces so I can be the one to tape her back together.” He pulls his hand away, only to slap her across the face. 

Analyn makes a face, seemingly annoyed. “Next thing?”

“Worried she’s going to wake up?” He shoots her a smug smirk. “I want to see what the kid was hiding from me during intake. All the damage that this body has taken.” He runs his gloved hands down her torso, lingering on a wicked two inch long scar, tiny dots from stitches on either side. “Well, hello there,” he says, running his hand over where the scar divots into her skin. “Kid got stabbed.”

Analyn looks over. “Seems like it.”

Greco’s eyes lock back onto the sleeping face of 501. “What else are you hiding, Marlow?”

“728501,” Analyn corrects. 

“Does it matter? I like knowing her name. Makes it so much better looking at her now.”

“Anything else on the torso?”

“Relax, Analyn.” Greco puts his thumb against 501’s lip, parting them. “I think she’d look amazing with some metal fangs.”

“Greco. Irrelevant.”

Greco shrugs. “Not to me.” He pulls his finger away from her lips, tracing her arms. “Few faint scars on the arms, looks to be shallow knife wounds. Her knuckles are bruised, but I guess I already knew that.”

Analyn makes the notes quickly, and Greco moves onto her legs. “A few various knife wounds on the legs. Nothing much. But damn. She’s muscular.”

“Already knew that.” Analyn frowns. “Flip her over.”

Greco eases his arms underneath the sleeping trainee and rolls her onto her stomach. What he sees makes him stop in his tracks, makes anger cloud his vision, his mind roaring with thunder. “What. The. Fuck.”

“Oh, *shit.*” Analyn keeps tapping her pencil against the clipboard. “How…”

501 has a massive bruise spanning most of her back, a combination of purple and angry red, swollen up from her skin. Greco gingerly reaches his hand to touch it, feeling how warm it is. It’s almost like 501 was attacked by a wild animal, thrown into the wall over and over again. If she hadn’t been walking this morning, Greco would have assumed something was broken. 

“How did this happen?” Analyn asks, her voice hushed. 

Greco’s still trying to figure that himself, running through all possible options in his head. It couldn’t have happened today, he hasn’t left his girl alone—

He went home last night and left her under Handler Robinson’s care. “That *bitch,*” he hisses, pulling out his phone and calling her. 

“What?” She answers in a bored tone. 

“What the fuck did you do to my dog?”

“She jumped at me. So I had one of my trainees teach her a fucking lesson.”

“No. Fuck that. She could beat the shit out of all your trainees.” Greco’s vision is going red at the edges, he can barely breathe. “Tell me the truth, Analyn, or I swear to fuck…” Greco’s got plenty of influence around here, just as much as Willow, but he has more…connections than her. 

“I’m telling you the truth. I had one of my trainees use her back as a punching bag while she was tied up and muzzled.”

“Who gave you permission to do that to her?”

“I have seniority over you, Greco. And she’s fine.” 

The line goes dead, and Greco stares at his phone, seething. “That bitch.”

Analyn snickers. “She had it coming.”

Greco stares at her “Don’t. Don’t even go there.”

“Fine. Fine. I’ll note this in the injury report.”

“The bitch mutt fucking hid this from me, too.” Greco grabs 501 by the back of her hair and yanks her head back. “Oh, kid. I’m going to teach you one hell of a lesson when you wake up.”

“I’ll forward this information over,” Analyn says. 

“And find out which one of Willow’s mutts did this to my girl.”

She gives him the middle finger. “Do I look like your fucking secretary? Figure it out yourself.” With that, she walks out of the room, leaving Greco alone with 501. 

He begins carefully redressing her. “I didn’t want anyone else to touch you,” he murmurs into her ear, not caring that she can’t hear him. “Those mutts are nothing like you. They’re worthless.”

Marlow Lancaster. 728501. Greco wants to ruin both. 

“I’m going to give you purpose, kid.” Greco grabs a muzzle, fastening it to 501’s face. “And I’m going to show you that you should never fucking lie to me like that. You tell me everything. Even if I don’t ask.”

It’s funny, how innocent she looks in her slumber. Like a true eighteen year old, barely old enough to vote, not even old enough to drink. But she’s not human. She’s a vicious, bloodthirsty mutt. 

“If you’re extra good—“ He runs his hand through her hair. “I’ll let you really fuck up the dog that hurt you. Wish you could hear me right now, kid. You’re mine. Understand? Mine.”

It’s laughable that she thought she could go to college. Something with so much potential shouldn’t bother with that.

“Mine. You’re never going to forget me, not even once we’re apart. Mine, kid. All mine.”

Whumper’s planned a week-long trip as they hand their captive to a ‘caretaker,’ who’s to watch them while they’re gone. 

Whumper wants whumpee terrified, thinking the more frightened they are, the more likely they are to behave. Before they hand them off, they grab their arm, jerk them close and hiss “You better behave while I’m gone… Every peep out of my friend that you pulled anything funny, is a mark on your back when I return.”

Caretaker’s listening to all of this; thinking, knowing that when whumper comes back- 

They have no intentions of returning whumpee to them at all. 


CW: Guns, character death, just so much violence, light gore in one spot, severe injuries, some nsfw language, noncon references, betrayal! intrigue!, Nanda is a possessive creep

 Kidnapping | Snitches and Stitches |Vendetta | Assassination


I need to sleep but we should hook up when I’m back. Love you.

He sends the text knowing damn well she’ll leave him on Read. Might send a reply eventually, whenever she gets around to feeling like it. That’s kind of the downside to dating someone so ridiculously out of his league – he’s at her mercy, start to finish, and that’s not exactly a bad thing, but… it definitely keeps him a little insecure.

She seems to like him that way, though. Ysabel is twenty years older than he is and loves to keep him dangling over the side of the cliff, gripping desperately onto her hands for some reassurance she won’t let him fall. He blusters and bluffs his way through things with the other guys, but… Ysabel is utterly, totally in control here.

Add being the best sniper he’s ever met to her natural, entirely earned confidence in herself and it’s easy to see why he’s terrified of pissing her off or dumping her before she’s ready to dump him.She had taken notice of him, been the one to offer him a little side-job, undermining his current employer with encrypted tech that let them track movements and listen in on conversations, set a few guys up to get caught by the law, that kind of thing.

After a while, those little jobs had become bigger ones, turning full traitor. He’d agreed to work for the Baeren Group, and that had led to him asking his two closest coworkers if they’d be interested in some money on the side. And somewhere in there, she’d pulled Joey into her bed, and told him he would stay right there until she kicked him out of it.

It’ll be soon, though, he thinks. She’s losing interest, but it has to be her interest to lose, not his. He knows that. You don’t turn down Ysabel Baeren, and you don’t walk away from her, or she’ll find a reason to make you regret it.

Hell, she’s likely to shoot him right between the eyes rather than just break up if she finds out he took his turn with the Romantic they’ve got tied down to the floor in the back. He shouldn’t have – he told himself he wouldn’t, and he told the guys he wouldn’t – but then he found himself wondering what a real, professionally-trained pet is like.

The answer is fucking dynamite.

Keep reading


Hero groaned as they slowly came to consciousness. Wincing a couple of times as the bright light stung their eyes. They blinked a couple of times, recoiling as dirt particles seeped into their eyes. Hero went to rub the sleep away- stopped by a burning pain, shooting up Hero’s wrist as they wriggled against their binds. They tried a few more times in hopes to loosen the rope. It was no use.

Fuck, these are tight, Hero thought. No need to panic though, they still had time to come up with a plan.

“Oh look, you areawake”

Hero’s entire body froze.

“I was starting to think that I hit you a little toohard.”

Hero followed the voice. To their left was Villain, sitting at the end of the table, cutting into their steak. Laid out in front of them was what looked like a full course meal. Silverware and all. A servant walked over to the table with a bottle of wine in hand, offering to refill Villains glass. Villain nodded, never taking their eyes off of Hero.

This must be Villains house, Hero thought. They took in their surroundings. From all the hallways and entree-ways, there was no clear exit. They tried to look where the servants were coming and going, but whatever door that was, was just outside of Hero’s line of sight.

“I know you have questions.” Said Villain, taking a bite of their meal. “But right now, you will listen, carefully, and only listen to what I have to say, yeah?”

Hero just stared at them. It’s not like I have much of a choice, Hero wanted to say, so badly. But bit their tongue. They thought it was wiser that way.

“Absolutely not one word from you until i’m finished okay?”

Hero nodded.

Villain smirked, taking a sip of their wine. They leaned back in their seat. Never taking their eyes off of Hero. Servants quickly came to clear the table.

I wonder if i’m dessert, Hero lightly chuckled to themselves. But they weren’t keen on finding out.

Villain seemed to have read their mind.

“You know, I’ve always wondered what keeps you going.”

Hero shifts uncomfortably in their seat.

“I thought it was the money- but i’ve been in your apartment, so it’s not that.”

Fuck you Villain.

“Then I thought, maybe it was your childhood.”

Hero stilled.

“But I went through all your school records. Average grades, above average at sports, seemingly popular. Decent home life. Mommy and Daddy always did their best… We’re you always this cute?”

Villain pulled out a small wallet sized photo, admiring it for a second before sliding it across the table towards Hero. Hero recognized it. It was one of their school portraits from middle school. Taken straight from their parents fridge.

Hero swallowed the bile that threatened to crawl of their throat. They took a deep breath, hoping the nausea would pass.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.

On the other hand, Villain was enjoying this. All of it. It’s the most fun they’ve had in weeks. They chuckle to themselves.

“I looked into your dating life. Few partners. Many one night stands though. You have a type for dark hair and eyes with wonderful smiles. The last one was named, Sam? Good taste I have to say.”

Alarms went off in Hero’s head. They felt dizzy and they erupted into a coughing fit. Nothing seemed to work properly anymore. Their breathing stopped, their heartbeat quickened. The world seemed to slowdown but speed up at the same time. They let out a strangled whimper through the gag around their mouth.

How, the fuck do they know that?!

“Oh dear, let me…” Villain waved their hand and a servant went to grab a glass, filling it with water. It took all of Hero’s strength to not flinch away as Villain reached forward, curling their hands under the cloth gag and undoing the knot.

Villain gently grabbed Hero’s chin, tilting it back. “Drink up.”

Hero obeyed.

“There…” Villain said satisfied as they ran their thumb across Hero’s lip, wiping away the spilled water on Hero’s chin. Who tried their best to not shiver under Villains touch.

They gently pat Hero’s cheek before placing the glass back onto the table and gave Hero a small smile before sitting back down.

“No need to panic. I didn’t hurt them. It’s not them I am interested in, it’s you.”

You sick fuck.

Hero tried at the restraints again. The rope digging tighter into their skin. I need to leave, I need to leave, I need to leave.

Ignoring Hero’s distress, Villain continued. “The only conclusion I’ve been able to come up with is that… Well, you like the excitement just as much as I do.”

Then, Villain launched out of their seat and grabbed Hero’s chair, pulling it out from the table, spinning it to face them. A wicked smile grew on Villains face.


Hero felt small as Villain towered over them. Placing their hands on the headrest, caging Hero in. It took everything in Hero not to lash out. To scream at them. Hit them. Bite them. To tell them to fuck off and go straight to hell.

“You see I live for understanding my enemies. And you, I don’t understand.”

Villain leaned in closer, their noses practically touching. Goosebumps erupted all over Hero’s body. Villains hot breath invading Hero’s personal space.

Hero didn’t dare to break eye contact.

“But I don’t think it’s that simple. You aren’t that simple, and I am going to find out why.”
