#ange camilli

It has been an awfully long time since I shared a photograph of Ange Camilli, 1st prize winner in an

It has been an awfully long time since I shared a photograph of Ange Camilli, 1st prize winner in an early physical beauty contest (later to become the body building still with us today). Published - sadly all censored - as a set of postcards circa 1920, by Alfred Noyer of Paris.

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Another magnificent shot of Ange Camilli, published as a postcard by Alfred Noyer in Paris, c.1920.

Another magnificent shot of Ange Camilli, published as a postcard by Alfred Noyer in Paris, c.1920. I intend to collect the full set of these brilliant, brightly lit and lovely pictures, there are several more (you can see those already posted here).

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As the first photograph of Ange Camilli was so popular when posted, here is another fine picture of

As the first photograph of Ange Camilli was so popular when posted, here is another fine picture of this remarkably handsome man. Sadly, the rest of the set have been censored to preserve his modesty at the time of publishing, and it appears the unedited images have never been made available.

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The exquisite Ange Camilli, first prize winner of an early bodybuilding contest in France - probably

The exquisite Ange Camilli, first prize winner of an early bodybuilding contest in France - probably c1920 from the quality of the photograph and style of his hair. Images from this glorious set are often incorrectly dated to 1863, because of the AN Paris 63 in the lower right - but this refers to publisher Alfred Noyer and his numbered registration of patent on the set.

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