#angie couffaine



Six Sentence (and then some) Sunday

“How many weeks until you and Miss Marinette can get married?” Angie asked thoughtfully.

Luka nearly choked on his drink. “What? Why do you think we’ll get married?”

Angie frowned. “Why wouldn’t you marry her? She’s super pretty and super nice and she reads the stories so good! And I want an auntie.”

Luka could only manage to say, “What?”

Angie pouted. “I just have uncles. So many uncles. I like you guys but I want an auntie and Mom says I will only have an auntie if you marry a girl. If you marry Miss Marinette I get to have an auntie!” She paused, and then patted his arm. “I still love you. I just think having Miss Marinette for an auntie would be so awesome! She makes such cool things. She made a bunch of superhero puppets for the last storytime and they were amazing!“
