#quick fic







I just wanna say, if you aren’t American, definitely try setting a modern AU in your country. Fill it with the things you know, to breathe life into it. It’s really nice to see new settings, to open up a fic and go ‘oh wait, hold up, I know that place’. It might only apply to a few people who read your fic but it’s really rewarding to get that feedback.

(Americans keep doing you, just trying to encourage the rest of us lol)

also fics that localize the action to Not America are extremely interesting and show a lot of people something new and wonderful, while also letting the writer express their own love for their own place. it’s a win/win.

Geraskier AU in Duisburg, Germany :’D

Geralt in an Edeka, returning his Pfandpflaschen

Meet-cute: Der Pfandflaschenautomat ist kaputt und Jaskier ist der Edeka-Mitarbeiter, der kommt, um sich darum zu kümmern. (Er jobbt da nur, weil sein Youtube-Kanal noch nicht genug einbringt.) Es funkt. Also, der Automat. Aber auch zwischen den beiden (findet Jaskier).

Nachdem der Automat repariert ist und alle von Geralts Flaschen angenommen hat, kriegt der einen riesigen Pfandbon zurück.

Und dann.


Dann steckt er ihn in das Kästchen neben dem Pfandautomaten, wo Leute ihren Pfand für [lokaler guter Zweck] spenden können.

Damit ist es endgültig um Jaskier geschehen.

this fucking tag XD

This whole thing really! It’s amazing. I love it. I cackled so loudly

Hey, hi, hello. I’m not dead, but my tumblr sure has been, and I’m marking my return with a promotion of an event.

Myself and @stars-in-my-damn-eyes run the biweekly event “Quick Fic” (a 48 hour writing challenge). However, this next round of QF is a special one called Quick Fic: Extended Edition. It involves extra writing and reading times as well as a vote for the prompt. If you’re interested and want to learn more, or you just like voting for things, you can join the discord server we host QF in here

Or you can just join it because you want to chat with more people who like the Witcher, that’s cool too. We have a huge variety of communities and events available to join like Monster Prom, the Original Character Cave, and Dora Band-Aids Are Best (an artist community), as well as others that I didn’t list here. Come hang out with us, I promise we only bite when you want us to.

Got a small community that needs a space? Or maybe an event of your own but you don’t want to make an entire discord server for it? HMU, my server’s the place for you :)


Six Sentence (and then some) Sunday

“How many weeks until you and Miss Marinette can get married?” Angie asked thoughtfully.

Luka nearly choked on his drink. “What? Why do you think we’ll get married?”

Angie frowned. “Why wouldn’t you marry her? She’s super pretty and super nice and she reads the stories so good! And I want an auntie.”

Luka could only manage to say, “What?”

Angie pouted. “I just have uncles. So many uncles. I like you guys but I want an auntie and Mom says I will only have an auntie if you marry a girl. If you marry Miss Marinette I get to have an auntie!” She paused, and then patted his arm. “I still love you. I just think having Miss Marinette for an auntie would be so awesome! She makes such cool things. She made a bunch of superhero puppets for the last storytime and they were amazing!“


I started this piece as sort of a brain cleanser to get back in the groove, and it was supposed to be a sprint fic, and then somehow it just kept not being finished. But now it is, so here’s piece number 2 for my birthday big bang, and I hope you enjoy it! 

The first one was a surprise. Luka raised his eyebrows as he plucked the tiny pink envelope from the door frame of his new apartment. Surely the fans hadn’t found him already. His hands were already pretty full, so he stuck the little envelope between his teeth as he fished out his keys and unlocked the door. 

Luka hadn’t really had time to make the place feel like home yet. He really wasn’t even sure how to do that, honestly. His room on the boat had just sort of grown with him, and he couldn’t remember a time when it didn’t feel like his. His new apartment had the standard white walls, bland carpets, beige counters, shiny nickel fixtures. It was a nice place and he was grateful to be able to afford it, but at the moment, it felt like just another hotel room. 

Keep reading


I know soulmate fics aren’t everybody’s jam (especially in this fandom) but I love them, so here you go! This concludes my birthday postings today and I hope you enjoyed them! I’m very sorry to all the people whose prompts I didn’t get to, I promise I’m saving them to get to eventually.

Luka groaned and dropped his head in his arms on his makeshift desk. His phone beeped, and he rummaged blindly with one hand for it.

The message was from his friend Brielle, and it made him grin. Help I need to get out of here meet me at the park in 20 min

The message wasn’t unwelcome. Luka looked around his normally clean room and scowled at the mess of crumpled papers around him. See you there, he texted back, and then rolled his chair back, heedless of the crunching noises under the wheels. Luka kicked a few more papers on the floor out of the way and shoved around the piles on his bed until he had dug up a small handful of the guitar picks he’d been losing in the mess all day. He counted quickly, decided he had found enough, and stuck them in his pocket. Luka grabbed his guitar, dug in a trunk for a moment for an old worn blanket he knew was stuffed in the bottom somewhere, and then made his escape, bursting out on deck into the sunshine and open air. He didn’t usually feel so stifled on the boat, but today was definitely a day where he’d rather be out and moving.

The bike ride to the park was just what he needed, and he could feel his muscles loosening as he rode. By the time he reached his destination he already felt a million times better. 

Keep reading
