#ango mcdango

i saw a text post that i cant find about Eight Bird Angus and i just had to draw the precious magic

i saw a text post that i cant find about Eight Bird Angus and i just had to draw the precious magic boy 

hed be the darling of the IPRE

Post link


Listen, without a doubt, this fandom has produced some quality Reaper Angus content. But sometimes I feel like we haven’t grappled with the full ramifications of Reaper Angus, or, to take it a step further, a full Angus-Kravitz role swap.

Please consider:

  • Taako crawling around the floor of the Rockport Limited, “looking for clues” and Kravitz staring at his ass
  • “C’mon, my dude, let’s investigate the dining car for clues!” (Merle and Magnus find them 2 hours later having a 6-course candlelit dinner)
  • “Kravitz! We think we know who the killer is!” “Killer? Right, right, uhm — the killer—“


  • “Hello, Sirs!” (Mass groaning) “That sure was a good goof that time! You lost me for three whole minutes! I had to track you through the ethereal plane!”
  • “Mr. Merle sir, my mistress, the Raven Queen, asks me to tell you that that was your seventy third death!”
  • “Mr. Taako, why is there a lich in your umbrella?”