


Smile for the Camera! 16

Chapter 16: Self-Destruction


I’m so evil for writing this, you’re welcome >:)

Tag List: @livingforthewhump@thecitythatdoesntsleep@thebaffledtiewriter@whumpkinpie@pretty-writing-things@make-it-gay-please@onlywhump@heeheehooho0@basicallyachild2004@susiequaz12@pickywhumpreader@shameless-dumbass@scp-1296@burningkittypoet@tiredghostboi@painsandconfusion@whump-queen@ilickedanenvelopeandilikedit

CW: Reference to medical whump, knives, cutting, forced self-harm, threatening family, verbal abuse

Alex had given up on begging. Everything he said to Skylar fell on deaf ears. They had unceremoniously picked him up off the floor and dumped him on the cold metal table in the blinding white room. White agony seized through him as they wordlessly applied cream to his back. It felt like hours before their hands were off of him.

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