#poor boy



Smile for the Camera! 16

Chapter 16: Self-Destruction


I’m so evil for writing this, you’re welcome >:)

Tag List: @livingforthewhump@thecitythatdoesntsleep@thebaffledtiewriter@whumpkinpie@pretty-writing-things@make-it-gay-please@onlywhump@heeheehooho0@basicallyachild2004@susiequaz12@pickywhumpreader@shameless-dumbass@scp-1296@burningkittypoet@tiredghostboi@painsandconfusion@whump-queen@ilickedanenvelopeandilikedit

CW: Reference to medical whump, knives, cutting, forced self-harm, threatening family, verbal abuse

Alex had given up on begging. Everything he said to Skylar fell on deaf ears. They had unceremoniously picked him up off the floor and dumped him on the cold metal table in the blinding white room. White agony seized through him as they wordlessly applied cream to his back. It felt like hours before their hands were off of him.

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Smile for the Camera! 14


Chapter 14: Decisions, Decisions

Tag List: @livingforthewhump@thecitythatdoesntsleep@thebaffledtiewriter@whumpkinpie@pretty-writing-things@make-it-gay-please@onlywhump@heeheehooho0@basicallyachild2004@susiequaz12@pickywhumpreader@shameless-dumbass@scp-1296@burningkittypoet@tiredghostboi@painsandconfusion

CW: Forced to choose torture, forced stripping (not sexual), allusion to whipping, self-harm

The camera was running. Nathan was back in his peppy entertainer persona, which only meant bad things for Alex.

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tomiyeee: my friend keeps sending cat pics to the discord chattomiyeee: my friend keeps sending cat pics to the discord chat


my friend keeps sending cat pics to the discord chat

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“Onii-chan, please rest assured.

Even if you kill Noe by those hands…

Even if you get all hurt and sad and worn out…

I will be the only who will always… always be by your side.”


seasons change but people don’t

[ID: 3 instances of Atsushi being restrained in some way. In the first one he’s restrained with bandages, in the second one with Rashoumon and in the third one with safety straps. In the first two he’s angry and in the last one he’s scared. End ID}

 Sometimes I remember that I am the artist in my D&D group and can make self-indulgent memes. An

Sometimes I remember that I am the artist in my D&D group and can make self-indulgent memes. Anyhoo, here’s a brief summary of our last 2 sessions of Curse of Strahd before our holiday break, featuring my very upset tiefling, Mesmir, and Strahd shenanigans.

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Seems like a good depression image

awh damn not father latham and matt’s last words to him being shame on you that’s fucking painFUL




Awwww why they made him so sad :(

paragonraptors: [bull voice] who taught cole to stand up straight. put it back.


[bull voice] who taught cole to stand up straight. put it back.

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Maybe just a bit, ya know…that was really scary Maybe just a bit, ya know…that was really scary

Maybe just a bit, ya know…that was really scary

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A doodle I did last night based on a snippet of dialogue from the @infinityroom au!! I binge caught up on everything yesterday and OUGH. I’m in love with this au so much and I would die for mumbo that’s all :-)
