#anicka yi

mentaltimetraveller:Anicka Yi, DIVORCE, April – June 2014, 47 Canal, New York


Anicka Yi, DIVORCE, April – June 2014, 47 Canal, New York

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“An artist has to be the perfect contradiction at all times…You have to be just insane enough

“An artist has to be the perfect contradiction at all times…You have to be just insane enough to want to do something that is so punishing and so difficult. But at the same time it takes a very sane person to execute it all.”

Anicka Yi

pictured: “Maybe She’s Born With It” (2015)

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Anicka Yi The Easy Way to Quit New York (2013) plexiglass, stainless steel shower handle, vinyl tubi

Anicka Yi

The Easy Way to Quit New York (2013)

plexiglass, stainless steel shower handle, vinyl tubing, glycerin soap, resin, petri dish, paper, wax, fish oil capsule, 30 x 22 x 20cm

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