#anime universe


i’m really excited for season 2 of demon slayer release this year!!!

look how pretty the visuals are!! can you guess the anime?

the anime is called… “I want to eat your pancreas”

look how pretty the visuals are!! can you guess the anime?

the anime is called… “I want to eat your pancreas”

i got told off by my mum because she thinks i scare people away because my face looks angry (i think i have a resting b*tch face), and i’m awkward and anxious to talk to people so i rarely talk and i come off as cold.

thank you for that. i had a couple of people who i strived to live for, just to spend more time with them. but it was time i had to live for myself, just for the sake of loving myself. ☺️

anime : your lie in april

ps : has nothing to do with the post but i want to listen to more music, comment down below some songs, artists or albums that you like, they might even be underrated. .

netflix adaptation: netflix:

might get shit for this but who cares

ps : the witch of the waste does not deserve to be disrespected like this, but the resemblance is uncanny

honestly this is very accurate for me, life scares me more than death, it shouldn’t though because life is so beautiful ☁️✨

honestly this is very accurate for me, life scares me more than death, it shouldn’t though because life is so beautiful.

i think we all feel like that sometimes, if not all the time.

i’ve literally wrote a letter of how much i adore and love them with a wax seal and small white flowers for them and i can’t win
