#anja uhren

 I love my little sister but sometimes this is a bit irritating. You can find this comic and more li I love my little sister but sometimes this is a bit irritating. You can find this comic and more li

I love my little sister but sometimes this is a bit irritating. 

You can find this comic and more like it alongside other sketches and drawings in the latest issue of Visual Thoughts which I’m crowdfunding at the moment. Please take a minute to check out my campaign!

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Some of you might be familiar with my ‘Visual Thoughts’ series which is a publication I Some of you might be familiar with my ‘Visual Thoughts’ series which is a publication I Some of you might be familiar with my ‘Visual Thoughts’ series which is a publication I Some of you might be familiar with my ‘Visual Thoughts’ series which is a publication I Some of you might be familiar with my ‘Visual Thoughts’ series which is a publication I Some of you might be familiar with my ‘Visual Thoughts’ series which is a publication I

Some of you might be familiar with my ‘Visual Thoughts’ series which is a publication I started back at art school to record and celebrate my creative practice. I finally got around to create the 4th issue and now I need your help to get it printed!

If you’ve not heard about it yet then why not follow this link to my Kickstarter campaign and watch the video to see what it’s all about.
And if you already know and like the series please have a look at the latest issue and see if you might want to add it to your collection. :)

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