#anna lamott


Writer’s Quote Wednesday

Writer’s Quote Wednesday is a weekly feature where I delve into famous writer’s words of wisdom and share how I have interpreted the meaning for my own creative endeavors to maybe help inspire yours!


Understand me. I am not like an ordinary world. I have my madness, I live in another dimension and I do not have time for things that have no soul.

Nutshell. Me. This.

Seriously though this…

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#anna lamott    #art form    #artist    #authentic stortelling    #author    #basics of writing    #characters    #charles bukowski    #community    #context    #creation    #creative    #creative process    #creative storytelling    #creativity    #emotion    #feminism    #fiction    #glory anna    #judgment    #passion    #perspective    #point of view    #process of creating    #reaction    #sci-fi    #self-expression    

Writer’s Quote Wednesday

Writer’s Quote Wednesday is a weekly feature where I delve into famous writer’s words of wisdom and share how I have interpreted the meaning for my own creative endeavors to maybe help inspire yours!

image urlWritersquoteAnneLamott

Very Few writer’s really know what they’re doing until they have done it.

If seeing is believing then for a writer being must be conceiving.

I mean can you really ask anyone going about…

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