#anna maria sieklucka

Anna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640credit as shinju.dotAnna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640credit as shinju.dotAnna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640credit as shinju.dotAnna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640credit as shinju.dotAnna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640credit as shinju.dotAnna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640credit as shinju.dotAnna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640credit as shinju.dotAnna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640credit as shinju.dotAnna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640credit as shinju.dot

Anna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640

credit as shinju.dot

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Anna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640credit as shinju.dotAnna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640credit as shinju.dotAnna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640credit as shinju.dotAnna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640credit as shinju.dotAnna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640credit as shinju.dotAnna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640credit as shinju.dotAnna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640credit as shinju.dotAnna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640credit as shinju.dotAnna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640credit as shinju.dot

Anna - Maria Sieklucka, 400x640

credit as shinju.dot

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Pairing: Massimo Torricelli x Reader


 Warning(s): extreme violence, language, brief smut


 Summary: As you struggle to confess a secret, Massimo receives a lesson that his pride has thus prevented him from understanding: nobody is safe, nobody is untouchable.


A/N: Forgive me! This was a tough one and there’s more drama to follow in the next part.


You awoke to the feeling of Massimo’s butterfly kisses along your bare back and shoulder blades, instinctively smiling even as your eyes remained closed. You arched your back and found delight in the way his manhood lightly brushed against your skin. Every morning for the past three months was like this. Every night you two would make love until you both had your fill or would take late night strolls around the estate, the rose garden being your favorite place to walk hand-in-hand with him. Other nights you would simply laugh and talk about everything. Every morning you awoke to kisses or, more rarely, you woke up before Massimo to return the favor. Other times, you would just stare down at the other, a smile always present on both of your faces. You quickly realized that falling asleep in Massimo’s protective arms was one of the best feelings in the world. The nightmares would occasionally rear their ugly heads from time to time. There had been plenty of nights you woke up to Massimo flailing around, crying out for his father or for Laura or that you scared Massimo half to death with your own sobs/screams. You doubted the nightmares would ever fully go away, but having someone there to wake you from them was a comfort you never took for granted.

Jealousy occasionally reared its’ ugly head when he’d have the nightmares about Laura, but they had subsided little by little as more time went on. You detested that you felt such a petty, cruel emotion when your father had been the one who caused her death, but the nights where Massimo murmured her name as a tear or two escaped his still closed eyes still managed to be your least favorite kind of nights. You wondered if you’d always feel this way; second-best to Laura. Whether you would ever measure up or if Massimo was just settling for you because you were available. You would never admit it aloud, but you were insecure when it came to the question of whether Massimo truly loved you or not. Rather than stew on it and drive yourself mad, you did your best to enjoy the good times with the mob leader. You grew impossibly close over the past year, despite being surrounded by the violence that this life brought upon. You knew now that you really did love him, and you prayed his feelings were genuine as well.

The past three months had been the happiest of your life. Massimo silently felt the same as he stretched his body over yours’, a small, tired smile gracing his lips as he turned your head to kiss you. He hadn’t known he could ever feel this content. Even with Laura, it had never felt this serene and soothing. Their relationship was built on lust and passion; turbulent emotions. With you, despite your initial meeting, the relationship had what his with Laura lacked. You two dedicated the time to get to know each other, familiarizing each other with the other’s demons. You kept him anchored the to Earth so that he would not fly too close to the sun and burn. In turn, he opened your eyes and provided the tools to face your fears, slowly drawing you out of your once shy, naïve state. You could relate to his trauma, to his pain in ways Laura could never even comprehend. Whether he would ever swallow his pride to admit it or not; you two were made for each other.

His honey brown eyes rested on you left hand, and for a split second, he imagined what it would look like with a diamond ring on it. He allowed himself to ponder how a life with you would look like years from now. A lazy morning making love as the sun rose along the hills. The thought of you, smiling and looking back at him as you strolled through the garden as you rested your hands on a full stomach. The sound of a child’s laugh followed by little feet running around the mansion. Family portraits, holidays, dropping the kids off at school, the little whispers before you fell asleep in each other’s arms, walking around the same rose garden even if it was in a wheelchair or with the assistance of a walker/cane. Massimo wanted it all. As he stared into your e/c hues, shining as the morning sun snuck in through the French doors of the balcony, he realized he never wanted anything more than to see those eyes for the rest of his life.

‘’Principessa,’’ his deep voice laced with sleep sent delightful shivers down to your core as you turned to face him.

You just grinned as your index finger traced along his jaw. ‘’Amore,’’ you nodded upwards, nose brushing against his as you held each other, the early Spring weather filling the room with a gentle breeze. Massimo just pressed a kiss to your forehead.

‘’What’s on the agenda for today?’’ you yawned, rubbing the remaining sleep from your eyes as your lover traced invisible patterns along your exposed back.

‘’This afternoon I’m taking you to the pier, we’ll go shopping for a bit, have a nice dinner later this evening. No attacks, no hits, no heists, no interruptions.’’

You looked up at him at that, hand resting on his bare chest as you traced the tattoo on his pectoral. ‘’And for right now?’’ He grinned at that, leaning down to kiss you, hand resting on one side of your hips as the other cradled your head. You returned his kiss, the atmosphere in the room steadily becoming more erotic as your tongues battled for dominance. You won; another rare occurrence. Massimo moved to get on top, only for you to gently hold his shoulder down as he quirked a brow up at you.

‘’I want to be on top this morning,’’ you explained between kisses, nipping at his neck as you swung your leg over his and straddled him.

The sound he made was nothing short of delicious. His cock stood at full attention and the sight alone was enough to make you slick with your own juices as you two continued kissing and fondling each other.

‘’Anything for my queen,’’ he joked, though there were hints of seriousness and truth in it.

‘’Then shut up and let your queen take her throne,’’ you laughed, taking hold of his girth and swiping him through your sensitive folds. You both gasped when his head entered your tight hole. No matter how many times you made love or Massimo brutally, deliciously fucked you on the closest flat surface, you were always tight for him. You cried out his name as you impaled yourself on his manhood; taking your throne.


An hour or two had passed and Massimo had reluctantly left your room to enter his office after your shower together. You couldn’t help but smirk at the way he lazily walked out of your shared room, a sort of sense of accomplishment fluttering within you at the effect you had on him. You yourself walked outside, choosing to eat your breakfast by the pool this morning. The smell of apples and the other various fruits and waffles normally led to your stomach growling, but this morning you couldn’t stand the overwhelming sweet scents. You picked up a glass of ice water and a croissant and sat by the pool’s edge.

‘’Breakfast is the most important meal of the day you know, cara (dear),’’ a voice startled you.

You instantly looked over your shoulder, only to relax at the sight of Mario standing there with a cup of coffee in his big bear hands. Your startled expression instantly melted into a welcoming smile.

‘’Mario. I’m sorry I didn’t hear you walk over,’’ you apologized, moving to get up to properly greet him.

‘’Sit, bella. I just came to get some breakfast before we head out into town,’’ he explained as he took a seat at the circular table.

‘’You’re coming?’’

He nodded over his long sip of black coffee. ‘’Of course, I’m Massimo’s guard dog. I have to keep my eyes and ears open at all times around that boy,’’ he joked, wrinkles crinkling along his forehead. You smiled, nodding your head.

‘’Has he apologized to you yet?’’ you asked, hoping you weren’t overstepping any boundaries. Massimo had mentioned the fight between the two that resulted in the hot-headed Torricelli decking his most loyal confidant square in the jaw, to your displeasure. You respected Mario, greatly. He had been kind to you from the get-go. Along with you, he kept Massimo tethered and level headed; as best as one could, anyway.

‘’He told you about that, eh?’’ he scoffed, a smile threatening to peak through his usually stern face. You nodded slowly.

‘’A while ago. He told me you have never fought like that in all the years he’s known you. He told me…he told me you have been the only father he’s known since Mr. Torricelli’s death.’’

Mario smiled sadly at that, shaking his head as he set his mug down. He looked over at the garden, not really examining the flowers, but simply collecting his thoughts. ‘’I love that boy like he was my own son. His temper gets the best of him at times, you above anyone should know that.’’ You nodded.

‘’You didn’t like her, did you? Laura,’’ you asked as your gaze landed on a copper-colored dragonfly nearby. It gently kissed some yellow roses before taking off in the nearby fields.

Mario let out a sigh and you were afraid you had finally crossed the line. ‘’No. Miss Biel was a beautiful woman, intelligent, strong in certain aspects. But she had no clue about what this life entailed. She never loved Massimo…only what he could provide for her. She was never meant for. . .for this. That said, she didn’t deserve what she went through. The kidnapping, her death. None of it.’’

You agreed wholeheartedly, biting your lip as you looked down into the pool. Her death. What your father did to her. You shook your head.

‘’Stop carrying around that guilt, y/n,’’ Mario ordered, catching you off guard.


‘’My father-‘’

‘’Is a vile man. But his sins are not yours’ to repent. Massimo’s father, he always said the sins of the father should not be passed onto the child. You need to stop carrying Laura’s death, your mother’s death around. It’ll only weigh you down, cara.’’

You let out an unsteady breath. ‘’I don’t know how,’’ you confessed. You heard Mario sigh as he scooted the chair closer to you. You looked up to see him struggle to put his thoughts into words. It reminded you of how Massimo acted when he was deep in thought.

‘’Years ago, I was married. She was my childhood sweetheart and I loved her more than my own existence,’’ he began. Your lip twitched upward at that.

‘’We had a daughter; Alessia. And soon I had two loves in my life. My sun and my star,’’ Mario reminisced, a fond smile on his face and a certain twinkle in his aging eyes.

‘’My wife knew what my job consisted of, protecting Massimo and his father and whatnot. She never once stopped me, even if she knew that every time I walked out of our house I may not come back. One day, I was with Mr. Torricelli as he taught Massimo how to kick a soccer ball. I had received a call, anonymous of course. A rival of the Torricelli family had managed to find out where I lived, and they had called to tell me that I either bring them Massimo for them to hold for ransom, or they would kill my wife and daughter.’’

Your hand clamped over your mouth as your eyes widened in horror. You suddenly became very cold and very nauseous.

‘’I’m ashamed to say this. I have never told anyone. I was in charge of dropping Massimo off at his private school, he couldn’t have been older than eight years old. I considered doing it, I really did. I loved my girls more than anything. But here was this kid, this child with one dimple and a missing front tooth going on and on about soccer and how much he hoped he could be like his father one day,’’ Mario’s eyes brimmed with tears, a shaky hand coming up to touch his mouth so that he could prevent himself from breaking out into sobs.

You swatted at your own tears as you listened intently.

‘’In the end I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t do that to his parents. And I couldn’t do that to Massimo. I handed him his lunch sack, escorted him to class, hugged him, and you know what he said?’’ tears escaped his eyes at this point as he met your tearful gaze.

‘’He told me, ‘Mario, you’re my best friend’ and then his little legs ran off to join his peers.’’

You reached up and held Mario’s hand in yours, gripping it as if you could transfer all of the comfort in you into that hand. He returned the gesture, sniffling as he continued.

‘’I never saw my family after that. Mr. Torricelli had his men look for months. They had found the men who had taken them, but to this day I don’t know what happened or where they could be. And I carry the guilt of what I dragged them into, to this very day. And the thought of even ever considering giving that boy up to those men is a guilt of just as equal weight.’’


‘’That’s the saddest thing I have ever heard,’’ your voice was meek and soft, like a mouse. Mario shook his head.

‘’I shared my story with you as a cautionary tale. No child should have to pay for their father’s sins. Remember that, y/n,’’ he patted your hand as he slowly got up.

‘’Massimo doesn’t know…does he?’’ he asked, looking back at you.

You just stared up at him, shaking your head ‘’no.’’ Mario smiled the tiniest of smiles, nodding his head.

‘’Please don’t say anything yet,’’ you whispered.

‘’My lips are sealed. For you, a million times over,’’ he crossed his heart and turned to leave.

You sat at the edge of the pool, staring at your distorted reflection. You held your hands to your abdomen and allowed yourself to shed a tear for Mario’s wife and daughter.


Massimo knew something was troubling you the moment the two of you sat in the limo. You were radiant, as usual. But a sad look in your eyes was unable to escape his hawkish gaze. He held your hand in his, thumb stroking your palm as Mario drove you to the pier. His gesture caused you to take your eyes off the oceanside scenery out of the window and turn to him, an small smile on your lips as if to reassure him.

‘’What’s wrong, bella?’’ Massimo whispered.

You glanced at the three unmarked cars following the limo; security. You brought Massimo’s hand to your lips, a billion thoughts running through your head.

‘’I love you.’’

Massimo smiled at that, kissing your soft lips. ‘’I love you too, amore.’’ Your smile brightened at that.


‘’Alright, you two, we’re here,’’ Mario chuckled, opening the side door for you two and helping you up.

‘’Thank you, Mario,’’ you offered a sad smile at the elder man.

‘’For you, a million times over.’’

You and Massimo walked slowly along the pier. You had forgotten how much you loved the sound of the waves crashing along the shore, the taste of the sea salt on your lips.

‘’I love that look,’’ Massimo grinned, nodding his head at you.

‘’What look?’’ you scoffed, a playful grin on your lips.

‘’That look, like you’re in Heaven,’’ he chuckled, pulling you in closer and pressing a kiss to your temple, teasingly tugging at your hair.

‘’How do you know that I’m not?’’ you teased.

You never got tired of Massimo’s laugh. The sky blossomed into orange and pink hues, the waves looking almost like a dark purple along the horizon. Mario along with two security guards trailed a yard or so behind you, faithful as a hound dog. You sighed, pulling Massimo aside and offering a small smile. He noticed your apprehension and immediately tensed, searching your eyes.

‘’What is it, principessa?’’


You sighed, struggling to find a way to tell him. You looked back at Mario, who nodded his head behind his sunglasses to encourage you. You turned back to Massimo, cradling the side of his face with your palm.

‘’I love you. I didn’t think it would be possible after everything that has happened with us. But now I know that those things are part of the reason I love you. You drive me crazy and infuriate me at times, but there’s nobody else who makes me feel the things you do. You saved me in more ways than you could ever possibly understand,’’ you rambled, heart threatening to beat out of your chest.

Massimo’s face held the most genuine smile as his hands cupped your face. His eyes searched you, encouraging you to open up, to spit it out. You took a deep, deep breath and your eyes fluttered shut, brows furrowed as you mustered up the courage to tell him.

‘’Massimo I-‘’



You gasped as you were tackled onto the ground by Massimo, protectively shielding your body as a storm of bullets broke out.

‘’Are you alright?’’ it terrified you how scared Massimo sounded. Massimo worried and fussed, but you had never once seen him so scared. Not even on the night you were almost assaulted by those drunkards, not when the heist escalated into a shootout, nothing compared to how fearful he looked right now. You nodded your head as you shuffled down the boardwalk together, you let out a sharp scream every time a bullet whizzed close to you.

‘’Keep moving! I got you, I got you, baby,’’ Massimo panted, occasionally turning to fire a bullet of his own. You didn’t dare look back, you just kept crawling until you miraculously reached one of the cars as Massimo thrusted his fist through the driver’s side window.

‘’That’s her, get her! y/f/n says she is to be unharmed!’’ one of the shooters shouted.

Massimo snarled, firing a shot that took off one man’s head as you two hurried into the car.

‘’Where’s Mario?!’’ you screamed between your sobs, Massimo quickly buckling his and your seatbelt as he stomped on the gas. You felt like you were having an anxiety attack as you focused on the shards of glass still imbedded in Massimo’s knuckles.

‘’I don’t know! Fuck!’’ his fist hit the steering wheel as he slammed on the gas.

You shrieked as he hit a man, running him over only to back up until he heard the sickening ‘’crunch.’’ You were going to vomit.

‘’Take this, and if you see anyone following us, you shoot,’’ Massimo ordered as he handed you a Beretta pistol.

You nodded, shaking as you looked behind the two of you, heart threatening to jump out of your chest at any moment. Thankfully, no one was there, but neither was Mario or the other security men. Still, you held an iron grip onto the pistol, ready to take the shot. ‘Aim to kill, aim to kill,’ you repeated mentally despite your shaken state.

‘’We need to go back, we have to,’’ you whimpered, head pounding and ears ringing from the bullets.

Massimo quickly pulled his phone from his pocket, and you could feel the anxiety emitting from his raging body.

‘’Massimo,’’ Mario’s voice caused you both to sigh in relief, you placing a hand over your heart.

‘’Dammit, Mario, where are you?’’

‘’Don’t worry, me and Claudio got one of the vans. We’re doing a perimeter check right now, but we think we took them all out. We got them,’’ Massimo visibly relaxed at that, the panic washing over his face.


‘’Idiot, get back to the house as soon as you can, we’re going to drive around, make sure nobody’s tailing us.’’

‘’Be careful.’’


He hung up at that, sighing as he rubbed his hand over his face before turning to look you over.

‘’Are you ok, principessa?’’


You nodded, still calming yourself down. ‘’I was so scared Massimo,’’ you admitted, pinching the bridge of your nose as your brain struggled to process what exactly just happened. Massimo held your hand in his, taking the gun away from you as he held you tight.

‘’I would never have let anything happen to you, amore,’’ he swore.

‘’I know. I know.’’

Your hand still felt the weight of the gun the entire drive home.


You had never been so happy to be back in the mansion. The weight of the ordeal made itself known the moment you stepped into yours and Massimo’s room. You collapsed at the foot of the bed, head held in your hands as Massimo slowly took off his jacket and button up shirt.

You looked up, analyzing the man who stood in front of you. The realization that you could have lost Massimo made you want to lock yourself up in this room and never leave. The thought of him risking his life every single time he walked out that front door left a bitter taste in your mouth. You wondered if this was how Mario’s wife felt every time he would leave. Would you share her fate? Or your mother’s? Or Laura’s? How much longer could you live in this desert oasis with Massimo before this life wrestled it out from underneath you two.

You shook your head, rubbing your temples at the thought of it.

‘’Y/n, look at me,’’ Massimo’s calm voice broke the silence.

You slowly dropped your hands, meeting his gaze.

‘’I could have lost you,’’ your voice had never sounded so small before.


‘’Oh, amore,’’ his eyes softened as he knelt on the ground before you and took your face into his hands.

‘’You’ll never lose me,’’ he swore, stroking your cheek bones as you collapsed into his arms. No tears were shed, you had run out long ago. The weight of the day took its’ toll on the two of you. Slowly you shed each other’s close, whispering sweet promises and nothings as he thrusted into you and allowing yourself to finally feel everything you couldn’t express earlier during the chaos. He continued to whisper softly to you even as you laid asleep, his release slowly escaping your sex as both of your hands rested along your stomach. Your light snores brought the smallest of smiles to his lips as he kissed your cheek.

‘’I love you.’’


It wasn’t until a few hours past midnight that Massimo had awoken to the sound of his phone ringing. He hurriedly answered it without even checking the number out of fear of waking you, stumbling to his office down the hall to not wake you up.

‘’Hello?’’ his groggy voice answered. He figured it was probably Mario with information on the shooting.


‘’Did you really think I’d only send a handful of my men to retrieve my daughter?’’


Massimo was wide awake the second he heard your father’s voice. His jaw clenched as he shut the door to his office, locking it. You didn’t need to hear this.

‘’You son of a bitch,’’ Massimo snarled, pure rage coursing through his veins.

‘’I had told them to aim for your head, but if men like us want something done right, I suppose we have to do it ourselves, eh?’’ his voice was borderline demonic as he chuckled.

‘’What sort of game are you trying to play with me, old man?’’


‘’Oh, no, Massimo. No games. Games are for children.’’


‘’Yeah, you’d know all about children considering what you’ve done, you sick bastard.’’

‘’We all have to make a living, Mr. Torricelli. Do not judge me for providing for my family while your holier-than-thou father got himself shot by being a passive, pathetic excuse for a mobster.’’

Massimo’s eye twitched at that; his knuckles white from gripping his phone far too hard.

‘’What do you want, y/f/n?’’ he struggled to reign in his anger.

‘’I want compensation for all of my men you’ve slaughtered and damage to lost property. From here on out I will get 50% of your sales, you don’t conduct any business unless I give the ‘ok’. I want a very public apology for that sick video you sent of my daughter and for defiling her with your filthy prick. And I want my daughter back home.’’

Massimo scoffed, leaning against his desk for some stability.

‘’She knows exactly what you are. She hates you. She wants to see you burn.’’

‘’The same way that whore of yours’ burned in the backseat?’’

Massimo’s nostrils flared, heat rising to his face as he slammed his fist against the desk. The sound made your father laugh.

‘’Did I hit a nerve?’’

‘’You will not see a single euro from me. The only apology you’ll ever get is being sorry I didn’t kill you sooner to save y/n grief. And you’re never seeing her again, I’ll make sure of that. You’re very bold or very stupid or both to be making such demands since three of my men took out a handful of your snipers.’’

Your father let out a cruel, chilling laugh that filled Massimo with dread.

‘’Like I said, did you really believe I’d only send a handful if I wanted to bring y/n home? Today was a message, a warning to you: return her to me, or else.’’

‘’Return her? She’s not your property. You have no advantage over me, I’ll cut your throat as you sleep and watch your sheets turn red. I’ll ruin the empire you’ve built, I’m taking it all from you.’’

The sound of a video call brought Massimo out of his rant.

‘’Answer it,’’ your father ordered.

Reluctantly, Massimo pressed ‘accept’ and his jaw fell open the minute he figured out what he was looking at.

He initially thought it was a sick joke, a prop even. But when the pitiful creature started groaning in excruciating pain, he knew it was certainly not a joke.


‘’Your lapdog put up an impressive fight; it took half a dozen of my men to bring him in,’’ your father’s face blocked the bloodied and beat body of Mario.

‘’Let him go you fucking bast-,’’

A faceless man delivered a sickeningly blow to Mario’s jaw, a distinct crack could be heard throughout the office.

Massimo’s vision blurred with tears, his breathing uneven and shallow as your father’s men continued to beat the only father he had known the past seven years.

‘’Let him go! Stop! STOP!’’ Massimo kept repeating as blow after blow continued to rain down on his closest confidant, the sad groans and yelps and screams were too much to handle as Massimo sobbed and roared and prayed it would end as he fell to his knees on the carpeted floor.


Your father held up a hand at that; the beating immediately ceased. Massimo shakily held his phone, your father simply gave him a smug, casual look as the men laid Mario on the concrete ground. Massimo was afraid he was already dead, but the shallow wheezing and groaning told him otherwise.

‘’I think you understand my point,’’ your father sighed, the phone zooming in on Mario’s swollen and battered face. He was nearly unrecognizable.

‘’M-m-massi. . mo,’’ he wheezed out.

‘’Apologize and I’ll show mercy,’’ your father commanded. Massimo ran a hand down his face, tasting the salty tears as he huffed and sniffled.

‘’Please…I’m sorry.’’

A distinct snap from your father’s fingers echoed in the unknown room they currently occupied. One of the larger men who had been beating Mario stepped forward, raised his large leather boot above Mario’s face, and then came stomping down.

Massimo didn’t even care about waking anyone up as he screamed, cursed, sobbed as the boot kept stomping down. It felt like hours had passed until it had finally stopped. Massimo gagged through his cries, continuously throwing his head back against the hard surface of his desk. Mario’s last words was his name, and yet he was completely helpless in preventing his death. Another person he failed to protect; another light snuffed out too early because of him.


‘’You see? That’s my mercy. These things happen all the time in mafia wars, you should’ve known that the day those men shot your father. The day I set that bitch ablaze in the back of your limo. And yet, here I am putting down your faithful guard dog. Don’t make me demonstrate another example, Massimo. Who knows who it’ll be next? And don’t ever think I’m above killing my own family to do what has to be done. Nobody is safe, not even my daughter.’’



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Pairing: Massimo Torricelli x Reader


Warning(s): violence, language, potentially triggering discussions, Smut


Summary: Time moves you forward and you begin to see visions of what could be, rather than holding resentment of what could have been. A new ruler potentially rises to the throne.


You watched with careful eyes as Massimo and his men hunched over the impossibly large desk. Various maps, portfolios, mug shots of men you vaguely recognized littered the office. Right now, one of Massimo’s higher-ups was arguing with Mario about an offensive attack on one of your father’s major sites. From what you had heard in the few moments you had spent eavesdropping; the site was located by the shipping yards in lower Sicily. You easily recognized the place as where your father had previously told you to be the area he stored ammunition and miscellaneous supplies. You resisted the nauseous feeling in your stomach when you pieced together that it was not simply ammunition your father kept there, but where he overlooked the trafficking of countless women and children.

‘’We need to attack them at dawn! It is the only time they will be at their most vulnerable. Y/f/n doesn’t change the guards, they’ll be too exhausted to properly fight back,’’ a man growled out in frustration. Massimo sighed, his eyebrows furrowed in both annoyance and stress.

‘’And how do you propose we do that? We cannot simply show up in limos with guns ready. We need to carefully plan this out or we risk losing the war entirely. We need to catch them off guard,’’ Mario’s gruff voice countered, thick index finger tapping the surface of the desk repeatedly to drive home his point.

The way Massimo’s jaw clenched was not lost on you. You would be lying if you had said it didn’t amuse you to see the Torricelli leader pouting like a boy who was just scolded. You would also be lying if you had said it didn’t bother you seeing him so stressed out. To make matters worse, it was your own flesh and blood that was causing all of this strife. A lump arose in your throat as black and white photos of missing children and young women took up a majority of the bulletin boards. Their eyes watched you, pleaded with you.

‘’If I may, gentlemen,’’ you interjected, taking the opportunity to enter the room quietly.

Every man raised their heads to rest their gaze on you. Mario’s face softened, as well as Domenico’s. Some men scoffed at the sight of their enemy’s daughter sashaying into the office like she had a right to be here. Some gulped in fear; whether it was because of who your family was or your relationship with Massimo, you didn’t know. But regardless if they hated you or were indifferent, they all respected you. They wouldn’t dare cross Massimo Torricelli. Massimo looked straight into your eyes, one corner or his mouth twitched upward in a crooked smirk as his eyes remained soft with flickers of amusement.

‘’Principessa,’’ he nodded in your direction.

‘’I want to help,’’ your arms folded over your chest as you stood opposite of Massimo across the desk. You steeled your nerves as you felt all eyes on you. ‘Be a mobster…think like a mobster,’ you mentally chanted.

‘’Y/n, this is too close to you. It’s not the kind of matters I want you involved in,’’ Massimo spoke slowly, straightening his posture from behind the desk as if to assert his dominance. You resisted the urge to clench your jaw and pout.

‘’I’m aware it is too close to me. That is exactly why you need me, Mr. Torricelli. I know these men you are hunting. I know where my father’s warehouses are. You need me if you want to get to these men, they won’t expect me to be helping you. It’ll buy you and your men enough time to get into position. If you want to win this battle, by all means go right ahead and argue amongst yourselves. But if you want to win this war, let me help.’’

Massimo blinked once or twice down at you. His men were deathly silent as they observed the exchange. They blinked as their fearless leader was being countered by a little woman with fire in her eyes and determination in her voice. For a minute, you fit the exact profile of a mafia wife. A force to be reckoned with.

‘’It’s too dangerous, y/n,’’ Massimo’s voice softened, yet his gaze remained stern.

‘’Please,’’ you whispered, dropping your arms at your sides as you hoped your eyes could convey everything you wished to say.

‘’I need to make things right. I need to know there’s a way to be myself again; to be good again,’’ you continued.

Whether it was your pleading or your choice in words, you could visibly see you had struck a chord within the mafia leader. His brows were no longer furrowed and his demeanor physically relaxed. He glanced at Mario for a brief moment, interlocked in a brief, silent exchange before his eyes fell back on you.

‘’You will not put yourself in the line of fire and if I tell  you to run, you run. If I tell you to hide, you hide until the coast is clear. You follow every single command I give. You will do as I say and if I am shot, you leave me behind,’’ he demanded. You nodded without hesitation, though the thought of Massimo being shot sent a feeling of dread throughout your entire being.

‘’Of course.’’ Massimo nodded in hesitant approval, eyes glancing at his men surrounding the two of you. He leaned over his desk once more, eyes surveying the paperwork.

‘’Gentlemen, meet y/n y/l/n. Your new second in command.’’


You gasped as the bullet proof vest weighed heavily on your shoulders. Massimo smirked at sensing your discomfort, shaking his head as he looked you over to ensure everything was alright.

‘’You know, I’m surprised you never had to wear one of these before,’’ humor as evident in his voice as he straightened the vest over your torso. You shrugged, looking up at him and analyzing the way his forehead crinkled when he was in deep thought. The way his soft lips pressed together in a firm line.

‘’I was a very sheltered child, Massimo. My father did everything he could to ensure this life wouldn’t touch me,’’ your words trailed off in deep thought. Massimo paused, eyes searching yours as he leaned down a bit to the point you could feel his warm breath gently brush your cheeks. He shouldn’t be allowed to look this good.

‘’No tears, principessa. Remember who you are,’’ his index finger tilted your chin so that you met his warm gaze.

‘’A y/l/n?’’

‘’A queen,’’ he corrected you with one of the most sincere smiles you had ever witnessed on the mafia leader’s face. You offered a smile in return, nodding slightly. It then became clear how close in proximity you two were to each other. You could nearly feel his lips touch yours in a sweet, gentle kiss. Massimo looked down, noticing the same. ‘I can’t lose her,’ he thought, resisting the urge to let out a shaky exhale. He opted to grab both of your hands in his and kissed your knuckles. His eyes held a tremendous amount of fear and apprehension beneath those long dark eyelashes of his.

‘’I need you…I need you to be safe,’’ he confessed, suddenly turning back into that vulnerable child that he resembled whenever he was scared.

Before you knew it, your hands encompassed the sides of his chiseled face. Your eyes looked deeply into his. ‘’This is going to work, Massimo. We’re going to do this,’’ you whispered comfortingly. His hands held yours closer to his face. His thumbs gently stroked the back of your hands. He nodded slowly, regaining his confidence.


There had to have been a dozen all-black vans, tinted to ensure nobody would be able to see who inhabited them. You on the other hand were in a regular limo, one of Massimo’s men dressed in usual driver attire. The coat you wore easily hid the bulletproof vest, but your nerves planted the seeds of doubt and fear within you.

‘’Remember, you’re here on behalf of your father,’’ the man said, the outline of his gun strapped to his ankle was not lost on you. You nodded, looking forward.

It felt like only minutes passed, but the morning sunrise told you it had been at least a couple of hours since leaving Massimo’s estate. Before you knew it, the car door was opened for you and the sound of your heels clacking against the pavement echoed in the otherwise empty docks. Two men guarded the back entrance to the massive warehouse. Dozens of cargo containers littered the yards. You bit your lip to prevent the snarl that threatened to escape. Cargo.

‘’Who are you?’’ one of the men all-but-growled, the two of them taking the safety off of their rifles.

‘’I suggest you put those away, gentlemen unless you would like to explain to my father what happened to his only child,’’ you were shocked at how cold and menacing your own voice sounded. You could practically imagine the proud look on Massimo’s face as he listened from his location through the earpiece in your ‘’driver’s’’ ear.

‘’Miss y/l/n! My apologies, w-we thought you were-,’’

‘’Enough!’’ you snarled, hand raised to shut them up. They immediately obeyed, standing up straight and lowering their guns. The sniper who only seconds ago had his finger on the trigger to blow your brains out on the rooftop lowered his gun as well, but the way he looked at you unnerved you greatly.

‘’My father sent me here to ensure we’ve met this month’s quota. Do you have any objections to that or am I allowed to do my job?’’ you quirked a brow. They immediately stepped aside.

‘’Ahhh y/n! Bella!’’ a small, rat-like man came out of practically thin air, emerging from the warehouse in a faux designer blue suit. You assumed he was who your father placed in charge of this specific site.

‘’My father didn’t tell you I was coming?’’

‘’No! We thought you had still been…it doesn’t matter now, does it? Ha-ha! Finally taking your place on the family throne, eh?’’ the man grinned, nauseating you to your core. The corner of your lip twitched as he walked you to the yards that held massive metal carriers.

‘’I think you’ll be very impressed with this month’s selection,’’ he winked and it took every fiber of your being not to strangle this vile creature as he led you to one of the containers. The guards from earlier had their guns drawn as they opened the metal carrier with a loud clang.

Numb. You felt utterly and completely numb and sickened to your core all at once.

They huddled together as far to the back of the carrier as they could manage. At least 30 women, some your age and some far younger screamed and cried in fright. You didn’t notice you were shaking until you almost toppled over.

‘’Miss y/l/n?’’ the man in charge asked in concern. You shook him off. ‘’These damn h-heels,’’ you lied, regaining your balance. The look of distrust in his beady eyes was not lost on you.

‘’Yes. Perhaps you’d like a more thorough look,’’ his voice trailed off, nodding his head to one of the guards who grabbed a random woman and dragged her outside of the carrier, tossing her to your feet.

‘’Please! Please! Help!’’ she had to have been from the United States, maybe even Canada based off of her dialect. No older than you.

It all happened so fast. ‘’Boss! Gun!’’ was all you heard before your face was splattered with one of the guard’s blood. Shots were fired from every direction, the snipers that had been hiding on the rooftops appeared at the same time Massimo’s men emerged from their vans.

‘’Stay down! Stay close to me!’’ you yelled over the sounds of bullets, hovering over the terrified woman as you spread your body as much as possible to cover hers’.

‘’Oh my God!’’ some of the women screamed. Others screamed in foreign languages, surely frightened as they held each other and covered their eyes. You managed to lead the woman back into the safety of the carrier, the metal being too thick to be pierced by the wave of bullets, despite the petrifying noises they made. Even the thundering of the bullets ricocheting off the carriers couldn’t drown out the sounds of the women’s screams. You clenched your jaw, moving to exit the carrier.  

‘’No! No! Please don’t leave us! Not in here!’’ the woman begged, clinging to your coat. You held her hands firmly in yours as you leaned down to her level.

‘’Listen, I need to go out there and make sure none of the guards get near this container, ok? I’m one of the people who will get you out of here, I swear it. You have the protection of the Torricelli family now, and we’re going to get you home. I swear it.’’

You could tell your words did little to calm their fears, and you didn’t blame them. But you had managed to calm them enough to allow you to walk back out without them following you into open fire. You sent a look of careful reassurance, handing your coat to cover one of the shaking women before retreating back to take the gun that had belonged to the dead guard.

The only time you had ever held a gun in your life was when your father forced you to learn as a child. It had been years, and the guns you practiced with were never this large and powerful. ‘Aim to kill, not to maim,’ your father’s voice growled in your ear.

You hurriedly grabbed the rifle and took cover behind a pile of steal beams, breathing so hard that the possibility of passing out was an actual concern. ‘’Aim to kill, aim to kill, aim to kill,’’ you whispered, peeking out. Several men from both sides laid dead, including the man who had driven you here. You found some comfort in not seeing Massimo, Mario, or Domenico’s wounded forms laying out. You prayed they were alright. You prayed Massimo was alright.


‘’Ah!’’ you screamed as a hand snatched a fistful of your hair, dragging you backwards and throwing you onto your side, viciously kicking the gun away from you.

‘’You stupid, whore!’’ the rat-looking man in charge snarled down at you. Part of his ear had been blown off and blood splatter littered his cheap suit. The air left your lungs as he furiously kicked your stomach. He bent down and gripped your hair once more.

‘’You’re nothing! Nothing more than a whore to warm Torricelli’s bed! Traitor!’’ he screamed in your face as you violently fought against him. Your movements stopped the minute you felt the knife against your cheek.

‘’I’m going to cut that pretty face up, see how Massimo likes his slut then, hm? Then I’m going to gut you from head to toe. You’ll burn in hell right along with me,’’ the man snarled down at you, pressing the knife hard enough that if you moved an inch he would pierce your skin.

‘’Yeah, I’ll see you in hell, but you be sure to tell them that I sent you here,’’ you growled, knee drawing back before you landed a powerful kick to his groin.

He screamed in your face before yanking his fist back, tossing you back onto the ground as he moved to drive the weapon into your skin. You rolled over, instantly kicking his right leg with all of your might. It was a fight for survival as the two of you screamed and clawed and kicked against the other. In the midst of the chaos you had managed to kick the knife away from him, lunging to reach the rifle a few feet away from your grip. He tackled you, crawling towards the gun with a rabid look in his eye. You jumped forward, fingertips grazing the gun and holding it against your chest. Quickly taking the safety off, you grunted as the man’s fist made contact with the side of your face. The gun had gone off.


‘’Y/N!’’ Massimo called out, smoke from the exchange still clouded the yards.

It had been a miracle he had not been hit, and now a good dozen or more of your father’s best men were dead or in the process of dying. Massimo’s men were currently opening the numerous carriers, carefully escorting the women and young girls out and comforting them as they sobbed in both relief and from the trauma. But where were you?

Massimo ran around the yards, looking inside the warehouse, inside the carriers, ignoring the sounds of crying women and dying men. All he could focus on was finding you and the sinking feeling in his stomach, the clenching of his heart in his ribcage left him with the bitter taste of dread on his tongue. ‘I can’t lose her, not her. I can’t do it again,’ he kept repeating in his head. He screamed out in frustration, kicking the pavement and clutching his disheveled hair in his fists. He had lost you in the chaos, and now you were God knows where. Were you bleeding alone somewhere? Did someone survive and take you back to your father’s? Were you already dead?

The tears blurred Massimo’s vision; his breathing labored as his head spun. ‘Not again…not y/n,’ he prayed to any God that was willing to hear him out.

‘’FUCK!’’ he snarled, droplets of spit escaping his clenched teeth as he roared on.

‘’Massimo,’’ a weak voice croaked out behind him. His mouth hung open as he spun around.

‘’Y/n,’’ he ran to you before he could process it. His arms enveloped you in an embrace, burying himself in your unkempt hair. He pulled back just as you returned his embrace, heart falling in his chest.

‘’You’re bleeding,’’ he rasped out. The shaky, disturbed look in your eyes unsettled him greatly.

‘’It’s not my blood.’’

Massimo sighed. Both in relief and out of sorrow. He held you in his arms, nodding as you cried into his chest. His iron hold on you provided you with the exact comfort you needed as your sobs racked through your body. And as he met eye contact with the woman who you had given your coat to, a grateful, pitiful smile barely ghosting her lips as she was escorted out of this hell, Massimo felt tears stream down his cheeks.


Time went on. Early summer slowly faded into fall, which drifted into a chilly winter. You gazed up at the clouds lazily stretch over the fields, past the rose garden. The cool air nipped at your cheeks and the tip of your nose as you leaned against the balcony of your room. You wondered where you would be had Massimo and you never crossed paths. Would you be at some dimly lit coffee shop, celebrating the end of your exams? Would you be tangled up in knitted blankets with a faceless lover, enjoying the late December frost? A stretch for sure, but you possibly could’ve been back home by the fire, excitedly telling your father about your semester in the states. Unaware of the horrors that he had committed in your home. Naïve of the monstrosities he had been a part of. You shivered, clutching your scarf. It had not been because of the cold.


You knew it did no good to reflect on the ‘’what ifs’’ and ‘’what could have beens’’ but they often clouded your mind like a thick fog. The nightmares still paid their nightly visits, visions of burnt cars and faceless victims screaming for help; their hands outstretched towards you as if meaning to claw the flesh from your bones. Your father’s face behind every single one of them, thick eyebrows raised as he waved in your direction, the flames aggressively dancing in his pupils.


‘’Cold, principessa?’’ Massimo’s voice caused you to tremble, looking over your shoulder as he studied you, giving you a quick look over to see if you were alright.

A small smile met your lips as your heart calmed at the sight of him leaned against the doorframe, his knitted sweater left your eyes eager to see more of him. If you tried hard enough you could smell his cologne and shampoo given the way the wind was blowing. You shook your head softly as your body relaxed.

‘’It’s not the cold that bothers me.’’

His gaze softened at the short answer. He didn’t need you to elaborate, he knew exactly what you were thinking about. He knew what your nightmares consisted of. The burning car, the countless victims, your father’s unsettling smile. He knew because he had the same nightmares too, only they zeroed in on a woman with brown hair with a baby in her hands. Sometimes her hair was cut short and dyed blonde, but she was always holding the same baby, and they were both always just out of reach. Massimo cleared his throat as he shook those thoughts away, taking his place next to you on the balcony. His eyes surveyed the lush fields as gray clouds loomed over the land.

Time had gone on, but you both were as lost as you had been nearly a year ago. You continuously thought about how and what could be done about the situation at hand. A truce between your father and Massimo was almost surely out of the question. Massimo had made it clear time and time again that he would not negotiate with someone who preys on the vulnerable and you knew your father was beyond reason at this point. Massimo had managed to kill a good portion of your father’s men after the first attack, including some relatives of yours. Thousands of women and children had been found and returned to their families, having the protection of the Torricelli clan. Word was spreading that y/f/n y/l/n’s reign of terror was coming to an end. And you didn’t need to be back home to imagine the rage your father possessed. You were scared of what the future held.

‘’I’m never going to be her…you know that right?’’ you stated without looking at him. You felt him tense up for a split second before he nodded.

‘’I know that.’’

You sucked in your bottom lip to prevent from crying, instantly regretting being so vulnerable around this man. You turned to leave before his words stopped you.

‘’I don’t want you to be like her…I want you. Just you.’’

Massimo’s hand gently folded over yours, a reassuring smile ghosting his lips as he continued looking out. It didn’t mean anything, it was a simple gesture, a December breeze across the pastures. His hand didn’t make it ok; it didn’t make anything ok. Sicily was still being torn apart by the mafia wars. Somewhere out there your father’s victims still suffered. You were no closer to righting your family’s wrongs. Why, then, did it feel so good to feel his hand in yours?


Without questioning it, your hand squeezed his as the two of you faced forward. You didn’t know what the future held for either of you. For all either of you knew you both could be gunned down by your father’s men or one of Massimo’s enemies. Yet, you leaned into his embrace and found comfort in the way you fit together. Like matching bookends or two sides of a locket.

‘’Y/n…,’’ Massimo began, unsure of how to continue.

You looked up at him, analyzing the smallest details of his face. How long had it been since you felt the weight of him on top of you? The stretch of his manhood inside of you?

‘’I know…I know,’’ your voice was barely above a whisper, the wind easily carrying it over the ledge. But he heard you. He always did.

He looked down at you, an unfamiliar look in those honey brown eyes. His long eyelashes fluttered as he struggled to map out his next words, eyes nervous. Another encouraging squeeze from your hand caused him to swallow his words, his Adam’s apple bobbing only slightly.

‘’I don’t know where to even begin,’’ he confessed almost defeatedly.


You listened intently, thumb stroking his scarred knuckles. You hung onto every word he spoked. ‘’Neither do I,’’ you admitted, eyes looking down at where your hands met. He was afraid and you were afraid. He had lost so much, as had you. You had both lost your way, under different circumstances. Two scared children, not knowing what the next right step was. Neither knowing what the future entailed. Fear and apprehension surrounded the two of you in a hazy fog as you stumbled over your thoughts. But there was also a glimmer of hope peeking through the smog. Maybe. Just maybe. Maybe there was a way to be good again.

You closed your eyes as you suddenly leaned forward to close the gap between the two of you, Massimo’s warm lips welcoming yours’ home. His strong hands cradled the back of your head as yours reached to cup his powerful jaw. You felt weightless as you melted into him. Kissing Massimo was very much like returning home from a long vacation; calm and warm and right. His arms encased you in a protective embrace, your lips moving together in a passionate dance for dominance. You didn’t deter when he playfully nipped at your bottom lip, rather you tugged at his knitted sweater.

When the two of you finally did pull apart you noticed a light in Massimo’s eyes that had been previously buried under mafia wars and the loss of his loved ones. He noticed the same in you as he leaned down and pressed his forehead to yours, noses gently grazing each other’s as your thumbs stroked his cheek bones.

‘’Please,’’ you whispered.

You weren’t sure what you were asking for in that moment, but you prayed Massimo could find meaning to your hushed prayer. He did. Please don’t hurt me. Please help me find the good in myself and in this. Please stay by my side. Please never leave me.

His response was another passionate kiss to your lips as he slowly backed you into the warmth of your suite. His movements never ceased to be loving, but the dominance and desire quickly became more noticeable. You gasped when you fell backwards, only to land into the soft surface of your mattress. The burning in your cheeks had little to do with the weather as you stared up at this god-like man. Massimo’s gaze said everything that his voice could not. Total adoration, lust, and need swam in those honey brown eyes that you have slowly grown so fond of over these months.

‘’You’re so beautiful Y/n,’’ he whispered, sending chills down your trembling form.

The tiniest of smiles graced your lips as you leaned back up into a sweet, sensual kiss. His hands left a trail of flames as he explored your bare skin, articles of clothing being flung across the room until you were both stripped bare. As you laid back down, legs spread with Massimo kneeling between them, you truly saw him for the first time. He was dangerous. He was safety. He was sin. He was salvation. He was pride. He was humility. He was today. He was tomorrow. He was everything and more.

Massimo groaned as his eyes explored your naked form trembling beneath him. Your nipples were hardened from excitement, lips plump from the rough kisses, and your legs spread so that his eyes could linger on the tight wet hole of your womanhood. You were divine, truly. And Massimo soon found that he wanted to burn this image of you, of both of you together, into his memory and store it safely forevermore. The thought of waking up to this, of your face being the first thing he saw in the mornings and the last before he fell asleep, of your soothing voice pulling him back to reality and keeping him anchored, your gentle hands holding his to prevent him from acting irrationally, your laugh filling the rose gardens. The thought of you possibly growing round with his child. It all terrified him and brought him immense happiness at the same time. He couldn’t afford to lose another person. He couldn’t go through the grief of losing more of himself to this life.

‘’Massimo,’’ you whimpered, soft hand cradling the side of his face brought him out of his thoughts.

As he gazed down at you, his heart caught in his throat. The small smile on your lips was all he needed. The tiny stroke of your thumb gave him hope. Perhaps there was hope. Perhaps there was a way to be good again. For both of you.

You yelped as his lips wrapped around your right breast, suckling at your nipple as his hands mapped out your nude form. He peeked at you from behind those lashes, smirking as you fidgeted under him. As he alternated between sucking and nipping at your sensitive bud you gently clawed at his muscular back, etching the feel of his skin against yours into your memory.

Massimo pulled away, his breathing uneven and heavy from arousal. He moved to position himself between your legs before you stopped him, pressing your hand against his chest.

‘’What’s wrong?’’ his brows furrowed.

You simply pushed him down so that he laid on his back, crawling between his legs as his member stood proudly between them. You had nearly forgotten how thick he was. The tantalizing drop of precum threatened to drip and trace down the veins of his shaft. You nearly shuddered at the thought of him filling you to the brim. It had been too long.

Without a word you hovered above him, taking his lips into yours in a lover’s kiss. Before he could enjoy it too much you pulled away and began leaving a hot trail of open-mouthed kisses down his jawline, down his chest, down his abdomen, down to his groin. Your eyes flickered upwards to meet his gaze as you pressed a slow, sloppy kiss to the thick head of his cock.

‘’Fuck, principessa,’’ he hissed between his teeth, hands clenched as you slowly took him into your mouth.

Your hand gently pressed against his lower abs as you deep throated him. You shivered at the feeling of his hands tangling themselves into your hair and guiding you to a slow, firm pace.

‘’Mmmmmm,’’ you moaned around his cock, the vulgar noises echoing across the room as you were forced to take all of his girth. Your pussy clenched the moment you felt him in the back of your throat.


‘’That’s it, that’s it,’’ he grunted, heavy pants escaping his clenched jaw as he began bucking into your mouth. Your lips were swollen from the sheer force of his thrusts and you couldn’t help but gag as his cock invaded your velvet mouth. One hand gripped his thigh while the other clenched and clawed at the sheets as your whole body nearly shook from the force of his hips. You could feel your own arousal begin to wet your inner thighs.

Just as quickly as his hips moved, they stopped and his hands pulled you off of his manhood. You gasped, his precum thick and salty in your throat as you laid there like a fish out of water. The sounds of his groaning and heavy breathing sent jolts to your clit, sending your body into a fine frenzy.

‘’Ah!’’ you mewled when a thick finger slid through your folds, gathering up your slickness only to push it back into your tight pussy. His index and middle finger lazily scissored and thrusted into your tight canal. His free hand cradled the back of you neck as he hovered over you, the wet noises of his thrusting fingers into your tight hole was pure filth.

‘’All this from sucking me off, amor?’’ he teased as he pulled you to his chest, Massimo’s lips nipping at the sweet spot of your neck.

‘’M-Massimo,’’ you moaned, shaking in excitement. A kiss to your temple, then your cheek, then finally your lips.

‘’I know, love. I know,’’ his voice was like honey, and you became drunk on every word he spoke. It was like you were watching the two of you outside your body as you immediately laid on your back, legs spread and bent at the knee to reveal your intimacy to him. He resumed his place on top of you, your eyes analyzing the tattoos embedded in his skin.

One of his veiny hands gripped himself as he nudged your legs even further apart, using your wetness as lubricant. The thick head of his cock frequently tapped and prodded at your clit, teasing it. Massimo leaned down further, forehead pressed against yours as his free hand folded into your left one.

‘’I love you,’’ he whispered as he sunk into you.

The gasp that escaped your lips was in reaction to his confession as well as the way Massimo made you feel so full so instantly. Part of you wanted to pull away, the part of you that was afraid to be further involved in this sort of lifestyle. The part of you that knew what this man was capable of. The part that feared he was only trying to replace Laura.

However, the part of you that longed to stay with this man, both in life and physically connected to him, quickly silenced your fears. You gripped his hand with yours, throwing your head back and screaming his name as your tight walls wrapped around his thickness; welcoming him home.


‘’Mia regina, my queen,’’ he grunted as he began thrusting rapidly in and out of you. Your body jerked with his brutal movements.


‘’My king,’’ you gasped out, toes curling as he hit that sweet spot of yours.

Massimo grunted against your neck as you screamed and cried in utter pleasure. Angry red lines marked his back from your nails clinging onto him as he pistoned his hips against yours.


‘’Massimo, I can feel you stretching me,’’ you moaned, breasts bouncing as you felt his full balls slam against your swollen pussy lips. Massimo groaned in pleasure, gripping one of your breasts in his hand, pinching the nipple until you screamed as the other hand remained holding your own.

‘’Take it, amor, take everything,’’ he growled like a wolf in heat, thrusting madly into you.

‘’Massimo,’’ you whimpered, biting his shoulder as you clung to him for dear life, your walls becoming a vice as your orgasm was steadily approaching. You hadn’t thought it possible for Massimo to be more forceful with his thrusts, but the moment he felt you pulse around his cock he snarled into your neck and went in a series of deep, rapid thrusts. You cried out his name, tears of immense pleasure escaping your eyes as you threw your head deeper into his shoulder, creaming his entire length.


Massimo’s mouth flew open as he grunted, becoming lazy with his pace as he chased down his own relief. Your body bounced from under him as he thruster two, three, five times before filling your sore pussy and womb with his load. Thin coats of sweat adorned both of your bodies, his forehead pressed against yours as you caught your breath, twitching from the aftershocks of your powerful release. Without opening your eyes your lips met his in a post-sex kiss, the room was thick with the smell of you two. When you did open your eyes, you found Massimo already looking down at you. His eyes searched yours to make sure you weren’t in any pain. It made your heart clench as tears brimmed your eyes.

‘’I love you too.’’

If anyone is feeling especially generous, tips are always appreciated! :)


 Also I apologize if I didn’t tag you or if tumblr didn’t, it’s not letting me tag a few people for some odd reason.

Tag list: @yolobloggers@mysticallandmaker@alicedopey@it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream@anushkagoswami2692@autumnsoidier@calirindo@allhalemccallthings@truly-insatiable@tinystudentfirepurse@allaboardthekahnetrain@romewritingshop@buckyownsmylife​ @lilmissemmaa @loula-coola@severewobblerlightdragon@smyfmj​ @tumble4u @tantalizingcara@lynne1993​ @irinabatsy @madilopez19​ @waitingtobeimpressed@justabeautiful-letdown

@thefuckingluxury@newprincessbrat@onelovesr@jgtfvhsg@jadert15@bethylliveson@originalssire@drriiia @mercip0urleveniin @choclytegurl @putribankah​ @daddyslittlebabyhasarrived @eyesonly2019 @tumble4u @imagines-bakeryforoldermen@hxjabae


Pairing: Massimo Torricelli x Reader


Warning(s): language, violence


Summary: Your entire world is shattered from the revelation and you wonder where it all went wrong. Massimo deals with his inner demons and Mario decides it’s time to have an overdue chat.

A/N: There is still quite a few more chapters I’d like to add before concluding this story so don’t you worry! Enjoy!


Fifteen days. 365 hours. That was how long you laid in bed, having ran out of tears about a week ago. You hadn’t seen or spoken to Massimo since he had revealed the source of your family’s wealth. You shuddered, burying your face deeper into the cool material of the sheets as your bottom lip trembled. Human trafficking. Your father had profited off and made his wealth through exploiting young women and children. Initially you refused to believe Massimo, chalking it up to another scare tactic or lie of his. That all changed when he dragged you to his office, manila folders and envelopes scattered around a large desk. Missing persons signs, transcripts, court documents. Photos. You vaguely remember vomiting when you saw black and white photos of your father overseeing large vans. The children. Massimo had shoved them all toward you, his face hard and unforgiving. Like the sight of you disgusted him. As you began hyperventilating Mario had tried intervening only for Massimo to order him out of the office, snarling like a rabid wolf as he slammed the door in Mario’s face.

‘There’s just one more thing I wanted you to see,’ he had told you.

You shakily took the photograph from his hands, gasping as the air left your trembling form.

It was clearly a posed photo, your father grinning and his hand up as if he were waving to the camera. He looked like the Devil himself. On either side of him were bodyguards, one holding a gun to Domenico’s head a he kneeled to the ground, hands raised in surrender. Behind them, a car set on fire. If you chose to, you could make out two forms in the backseat. Proof. Proof of what they had done. The only reason they had let Domenico live was to deliver their message, to make Massimo suffer further.

That had been where you passed out, and it felt like you hadn’t woken up since then even though you spent every night screaming and wailing like a banshee. You’d scream until your throat was raw. You cried until you fell back asleep only to repeat the process when you woke up. You hadn’t felt the sun on your skin in over two weeks, although both Domenico and Mario among a few cleaning women gently encouraged you to get up. Massimo wasn’t keeping you locked away, this was your own self-inflicted punishment. Your own choice, at long last you finally made a choice for yourself. Each time you showered you would wait until the water was scalding hot and would scrub away at yourself until your skin was an angry pink color. You curled into yourself further, scoffing. As if that could change who your father was, as if that could change the fact that you had the blood of a murderer, a monster running in your veins.

‘What did you expect? Stupid girl,’ you mentally chastised yourself.

‘’I don’t know,’’ you weakly responded.

‘You fooled yourself into thinking you could be in the mob and still be a good person. That you could escape without blood coating your hands. It’s nothing more than a child’s prayer, a hopeless fantasy.’

‘’I was so blind,’’ you whimpered.

‘Where you? All those years of humanitarian work, all those hours volunteering, charities. Maybe you knew this whole time. Maybe you were trying to reach atonement,’ that voice sneered in your head.

‘’No,’’ your hands pressed against your eyes until you saw disoriented shapes and invisible colors.

‘You can try running. You can try washing yourself until your skin falls off. Until you reach the bones. Nothing can change what has been done. Of what your family has done.’

You shot up when the door opened, eyes puffy with unshed tears as Domenico hesitantly stepped into the room. He raised a hand in an awkward, hesitant wave before straightening up.

‘’It’s a beautiful day, why don’t we have breakfast outside?’’ he offered a small smile.

Although your body screamed to tell him no, how your body longed to stay in your makeshift cell and waste away, you felt compelled to say yes. It was the least you could do for him. You shivered as the photograph was still burned into your memory. You would never forget the look of sheer terror on Domenico’s face for as long as you lived.

He had been right, though. It was a beautiful day. The warmth of the sunshine wrapped around you like a blanket as if it was attempting to coax you out of your deep depression. A plethora of fruits and pastries littered the circular table as he helped you into your seat and then took his beside you.

‘’Please, y/n. Eat,’’ he offered you an apple. You slowly nodded, eating but not really processing. Your movements were mechanical. Domenico offered you an encouraging smile, like you were a stray dog who had been beaten and it was his job to nurse you back to health. He himself poured a cup of coffee and began to sip.

‘’You have been through a lot, in a relatively short amount of time,’’ he began, causing you to deeply exhale.

‘’I could say the same to you,’’ the monotone voice was barely recognizable as your own. Domenico just nodded, eyes falling onto the rose garden nearby.

‘’It had been the most terrifying moment of my life. But I lived and for that I am grateful for every day I still have air in these lungs,’’ he admitted, hands tightly grasping each other. You knew he was reliving that moment and you had to look away lest you burst into tears.

‘’I-I…I don’t even know what to say. I am so, so sorry. If I had k-known I-I would h-h-have-,’’ you dropped your head, covering your mouth with a hand as a new wave of tears cascaded down your cheeks. You flinched when you felt Domenico’s warm hand grasp the one clutching your napkin.

‘’I don’t blame you for what your father and his men did. Not at all.’’

‘’Maybe you should,’’ you sniffled.

‘’Massimo’s father, your mother, Laura, her friend that was with her that day. Those women and children. What your father did to them, it wasn’t your fault. You had no clue,’’ he continued, thumb stroking the back of your hand.

‘’I could’ve done s-something.’’

‘’No, y/n, you couldn’t have,’’ you cried into his shoulder as his arms encased you into a hug.

He was patient with you as you mourned the loss of the man you once called father, for he was dead to you. You could never go back to seeing your idyllic childhood as you once had. It was marred by the faces of victims. Your mother, the numerous women and children, Domenico, Laura and her unborn child. Laura.

Massimo watched as Domenico gently encouraged you to finish your breakfast, helping you up as you strolled around the garden, talking about your thoughts and feelings. Bonding over your shared trauma. The bitter taste of jealousy gathering on his tongue. He knew Domenico was just offering a friendship, but the green monster inside of him still whispered thoughts of mistrust into his ear. After you had fainted the night he showed you your father’s crimes he had the maids bring you back to your room. He had spent all night pacing back and forth in that office, screaming, and throwing the folders around and smashing anything in his reach.

When he had finally processed what he had done, and the magnitude he must’ve hurt you, it had already been a week since you two had last spoken. He didn’t mean for it to go so far, so nasty and cruel. But, as always, his temper knew no restraint. He pushed himself away from the balcony, shaking his head as Domenico just laughed at something you said and retreated into his study. There had been days he stood outside your door, struggling with what to say. He didn’t know where to even begin to make amends with you. Was he meant to say sorry for filming the two of you making love without your knowledge, sorry for crushing your childhood, or sorry for purposefully hurting you by saying you’d never measure up to Laura?

He sighed, collapsing in his lavish leather chair, pinching his eyebrows together in frustration. He heard the familiar sound of Mario entering the study, waving him in.

‘’Go ahead, tell me that I messed up,’’ Massimo huffed, leaning back into his chair.

Mario shook his head, hands in his pockets as he walked around the study. His lips drawn into a firm line. He stopped, looking down at a photo of Massimo with his father, Mario dutifully in the background and watching over the two. Massimo couldn’t have been older than fourteen, a toothy grin plastered on his face whereas his father was attempting to remain stoic for the picture, but the hint of a smile graced his lips.

‘’I don’t need to tell you what you already know,’’ Mario began, eyes slowly falling back onto the mafia boss sulking in his chair.

‘’She was going to find out eventually,’’ Massimo sighed.

‘’And you thought it to be your job to be the one to tell her? After she was nearly raped, after being kidnapped and betrayed?’’

‘’Watch your fucking mouth,’’ Massimo’s voice turned deadly as he met the elder’s disapproving gaze.

‘’You know damn well as I do that girl had no idea of the kind of monster she was born to. You were wrong to put her through that, put that kind of guilt on her shoulders! She is the future of the y/l/n family, she could’ve turned it all around! But no, you threw away the chance for justice because you are still blinded by her!’’ Mario spat, his usually calm demeanor thrown aside.

Massimo hastily stood, lunging across the desk with his finger pointed at his advisor.

‘’Don’t. Don’t bring her up, not Laura. YOU DIDN’T KNOW HER!’’ tears rolled down his tan skin at this point, memories of Laura on the beach flooding his brain.


‘’NO, YOU DIDN’T KNOW HER!’’ Mario snarled back.

Massimo had never once raised his hand to Mario. He had been a surrogate father to him. He admired the elder man. He was family. But in that one instant, impulse outweighed familial relations as he decked him. Mario slugged back, holding his jaw as he stared at complete shock at his boss and surrogate son. He checked his fingertips for blood as he composed himself.

‘’You’ve lost your way, Massimo,’’ he sighed, turning on his heels and walked out the door.


Massimo sighed, running his fingers through his hair. He had never felt so lost, Mario was certainly right about that. The sound that escaped Massimo’s mouth was so melancholy, it was the sound of a wounded animal. He collapsed back into his chair, cradling his head in his hands and cried. The sobs that racked through his body were violent, similar to being stuck in a powerful riptide. He had searched for Laura for five years, truly believing she was heaven-sent. Five long years and he had finally found her. Nearly a year for them to fall in love. And it only took a day for that dream to be ripped out from under him. She’d never be properly buried. She’d never walk down the aisle, laughing as Massimo teared up. They’d never hold their child, cooing down at their sleeping form. They would never get their happily ever after together, and that was what Massimo mourned more than anything else.


After spending the day with Domenico, your spirits were lifted some. He comforted you, offering his friendship and advice on Massimo, on everything. ‘Just give it time, you don’t need to forgive right away. Nobody can make you do that,’ he had told you. The ghost of a smile graced your lips. It had been a good day. The ache in your heart would never fully heal, the wound of human nature would always be there. But perhaps, with time, it would only be a scar. A battle wound.

You sighed, sitting at the foot of your bed, hair wet from the shower you had just taken. The ivory Egyptian towel tucked around your body as you processed everything for what felt like the thousandth time. Your father had always told you that your mother’s death arose out of mob violence. You shook your head, rubbing your forehead at the realization that he hadn’t completely lied. You hated the mafia, more than ever. You hated your father, what he had done. You hated your last name. You hated Massimo.

‘No, you don’t,’ that same voice hushed in your ear.

You knew you didn’t hate him, at least not in the same way you hated your father and the mafia. You knew you didn’t love him either. You felt like you were trapped in limbo, a state of in-between as you struggled figuring out these complex feelings. Was it lust? You were undeniably attracted to the Torricelli leader, but it went further than that. Love, then? No. You couldn’t love someone you didn’t trust, and you most definitely could not trust Massimo after what he had done. The ache in your chest worsened as you thought back to his cruel words. ‘You could never be her,’ he had snarled in your face. Did you even want to be?

A knocking at your door made you jump. You sighed, throwing on a robe as you went to answer the door.

‘’Domenico, I told you I’m fin-‘’

‘’Hi,’’ Massimo’s voice almost sounded foreign to you.

His eyes were red and puffy, he had been crying. His hair was slightly disheveled as well as his shirt, the buttons left open to the point you could see the hair on his muscular chest.

‘’Hi,’’ you whispered, stunned. You didn’t know how to feel, torn between wanting to slap him and wanting to burst out into tears once more.

‘’I’m sorry to bother you,’’ he began. He was torn too, you could see it in his eyes. He was nervous.

‘’It’s your house,’’ you shrugged, looking at the floor. You could see him nod out of the corner of your eye.

‘’I w-wanted to know if you wanted to have dinner? With me? Tonight,’’ he awkwardly shifted his weight to the other foot. If it had been any other situation, you would’ve laughed at the powerful Massimo Torricelli being nervous in front of a girl. But this situation was unique, and you were no ordinary girl.

You sat at the long table decorated with elegant candles and a variety of fruits. You smiled slightly, it reminded you of the dinners you’d have back home. When you were kept in the dark of the atrocities occurring under the surface. The smile quickly vanished as you tensed up. Massimo looked dashing, as always. His black button up was crisp and you could smell his cologne each time the breeze hit just the right way. You looked radiant, despite feeling like you had been through a war.

‘’Y/n,’’ his voice brought you out of your dark thoughts.

He sighed, licking his lips as he struggled to get the words right.

‘’I am so sorry,’’ he whispered. That took you back. Massimo didn’t seem like the kind of guy to ever apologize. He was arrogant and brash. He acted before using logic and that clearly landed him into trouble more often than not.

‘’For telling me the truth?’’ you asked, sipping on the wine that was right in front of you.

‘’For everything,’’ you stopped, looking into his soft gaze. He was like a frightened little boy, behind the Broadway show he put on.


‘’You were wrong in how you went about telling me, about my father…but I wanted to thank you,’’ you said after a minute of silence, gathering your thoughts and the strength to speak them into existence. Not it was Massimo who was taken back.

‘’You are the only one who has been honest with me. Aside from the tape…honesty is a trait I admire immensely. So, thank you for telling me what I had been kept in the dark about for my entire life.’’


His eyes stared deeply into yours, you gulped under the weight of his gaze.

‘’I never meant to hurt you,’’ he spoke without blinking. He was telling the truth.

You nodded. ‘’People usually don’t,’’ your sad smile spoke volumes. You tinkered with the designer bracelet that adorned your wrist.

‘’When I said you could never be her-‘’ you held your hand up, cutting him off before you grew too emotional.

‘’Please. I don’t want to talk about that right now,’’ you said quickly, Massimo nodding in understanding.

‘’We can talk about anything you’d like, principessa,’’ he offered a small smile. You smiled back, slowly beginning to relax.

‘’Tell me about her.’’

Massimo’s eyes widened only slightly before he regained his composure. You saw his Adam’s apple bob as he struggled to reign in his own emotions.

‘’She was wonderful,’’ he began, a soft smile on those perfect lips of his.

‘’She was intelligent, like you. Stubborn, difficult at times. Impulsive like myself,’’ he chuckled, causing you to smile a bit as you listened to every word he spoke. He went on and on about her and you realized he needed this; he needed an outlet. As time passed you both laughed, loosening up as he reminisced. Occasionally it would send a dagger to your heart as he shared his memories of Laura. You felt some shame as you would become jealous at certain parts.

‘’She would’ve made a great mother,’’ he sighed, a sad smile on his face as he stared down into nothing.

You nodded, the photograph still haunting you and sending chills down your spine. You liked to believe it was a quick death, you refused to think too long on what went through her mind. You couldn’t afford to think too long or too hard on what she went through, it literally made you sick.

‘’I loved her. But…I didn’t truly know her.’’

Your eyes widened at his confession. He nodded, accepting the bitter truth. ‘’I didn’t. I thought I did, after all those years of chasing and searching for her, I believed I knew her. And I know it sounds silly, but I still loved her. It’s confusing and silly, loving someone you didn’t really know. Mourning them.’’

‘’It’s not silly at all,’’ you spoke up, voice soft but strong all at once. Massimo raised an eyebrow in question, silently asking you to go on.

‘’I didn’t know my mother very much either. But I loved her more than anything and not a day goes by that I don’t miss her terribly. She was my everything, and that was taken from me too,’’ you explained, smiling despite the lone tear that escaped your eye. Massimo smiled at you, nodding his head as the flames of the candles flickered, exposing his own tears.

‘’Tell me about her.’’

And so, you did. All through the night, Massimo and you managed to unfold years of grief and trauma. Between laughs and tears, you both slowly began healing each other’s wounds. Healing the wounds of human nature.


Tag list: @yolobloggers@mysticallandmaker@alicedopey@it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream@anushkagoswami2692@autumnsoidier@calirindo@allhalemccallthings@truly-insatiable@tinystudentfirepurse@allaboardthekahnetrain@romewritingshop@buckyownsmylife​ @lilmissemmaa @loula-coola@severewobblerlightdragon@smyfmj​ @tumble4u @hxjabae@tantalizingcara@lynne1993​ @irinabatsy @madilopez19 @waitingtobeimpressed@justabeautiful-letdown


Pairing: Massimo Torricelli x Reader


Warning(s): kidnapping, language, man-handling, violence, attempted assault, potentially triggering themes. Do not read if easily triggered.


Summary: You flee your kidnapper, but how far down the rabbit hole will you wander? Along the way, you uncover a dark family secret that changes everything.


Little bit of poison in me
I can taste your skin in my teeth
“I love it when I hear you breathing
I hope to god you’re never leaving”


You didn’t know how long you had been running, but it had been long enough to the point every time you inhaled your lungs felt as though they had glass shards embedded in them. Your body was coated in a thin veil of sweat and your body felt like it was on fire. Why, then, did you feel so cold? You managed to slip on a silk night gown that had been strewn across the room, the only thing that had been protecting your feet were thin slippers that you had abandoned long ago out of fear that they had been slowing you down. You were sure you looked completely insane, hair ruffled, feet dirtied by the ground and most likely cut up by uneven concrete streets and the occasional rock. You didn’t care, you wouldn’t stop until you were free. A distant hiss from a stray alley cat nearly led you to jump out of your skin, a hand on your racing heart. You leaned against a building, having ran god-knows-how-many miles from where you were imprisoned. You had no clue what town you were in, but it looked somewhat rural based off the architecture and distant pastures.

You laughed between your panting, wanting to scream out in both joy and utter disbelief. You had escaped, you had managed to escape Massimo Torricelli. The idea of him being pissed off and cuffed to his own bed, naked, made you want to giggle like a school-girl. The sound of a bottle breaking and perhaps the same alley cat from earlier hissing out filled you with a renewed sense of dread, however. You were currently safe from Massimo, but for how long? And what other dangers awaited you? You deflated at the realization. You weren’t out of the woods yet, if by chance you managed to evade Massimo, it did not guarantee that another family rival or random menace wasn’t lurking in the shadows.

‘’Dammit, dammit all,’’ you whimpered, crossing your arms and hugging yourself. The Sicilian night air suddenly nipped at your exposed skin. Still, you wandered further into this unknown town, praying to whatever divine figure that was listening that you would be safe.

You wandered down the empty streets, staying as close to the streetlights as you possibly could. You had decided that as long as you remained covered by light, you would be safe. If you closed your eyes, you were back home, listening to the waves crash into the shore as the sea breeze kissed your eyelashes. Papa would be downstairs right now, listening to some old records while sipping Campari or in the library reading Nietzsche. But you were not home, you were nowhere.

A sudden door opening drew you out of your longing, the figure of a young man, probably no older than fifteen was taking out some trash.

‘’Excuse me, sir please! Help me,’’ you cried out, startling the young boy who dropped the bag of garbage onto the curb.

‘’No please, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m hurt, I was kidnapped, I just need to call my family, please,’’ you pleaded, praying that this young boy wouldn’t think you were some crazy drunk or an escapee from an institution. The boy visibly calmed down, still on edge, but his brown eyes appearing more trusting.

‘’I-I have to sneak you through the back. Mi fratello, my brother, he’s not a good guy,’’ the young man nervously explained. Alarm bells were going off in your head, and you made a note to mention to your father that this young boy saved your life, hoping you could repay him back or at the very least make his home life easier. You nodded.

‘’Thank you, thank you so much,’’ you sighed shakily, wanting to hug this young man, your savior.

As the boy led you into his home, through the back entrance from an alleyway, you tried your best not to make a sound. You could hear what you assumed was his brother along with a few other males laughing and guffawing from another room as your savior led you to what you assumed was the kitchen, opposite side of the house from where the excitement was taking place.

‘’Wait here, I’ll bring you a cell phone you can use, lady,’’ the boy offered a small smile and turned to hurry out the kitchen door.

‘’Wait, what is your name?’’ you gently stopped him.

‘’E-Emilio, miss,’’ he blushed, but his smile didn’t falter. You offered a kind smile, nodding.

‘’I’m Y/n, thank you, Emilio.’’

As Emilio left you to your thoughts you stared at the wooden clock hanging above the doorway you had entered. It was nearly four o’clock in the morning and the weight of your ordeal suddenly felt suffocating. You sighed, sniffing as you leaned against the kitchen counter. The smell of alcohol and some other foreign drug invaded your nostrils and you frowned at the bitter stench. When Emilio had arrived back, your heart was pounding in your chest. It seemed too good to be true, you’d be reunited with your father. He would deal with Massimo, you could still have the life you always imagined you’d have. No further interruptions from mafia rivals or Massimo Torricelli.

Your delicate fingers rapidly hit the numbers on the screen, almost afraid that you had forgotten your father’s private number.

‘’H-Hello? Who is this?’’ your father’s tired voice made your heart clench in your chest.

‘’P-Papa? It’s me,’’ you whimpered, trying not to breakdown in tears.

‘’Y/n? Honey! Where are you? Are you hurt? Where is he?’’ your father’s voice drifted from shock to joy to concern to anger. You shakily inhaled as tears rolled down your cheeks. It had felt like an eternity since you heard his deep, comforting voice. You weren’t sure you’d ever get to hear it again.

‘’Papa, I’m ok. I don’t know where exactly I’m at, I’m in some town. Please, Papa I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, I just want to come home,’’ you leaned against the counter, clutching at it as your knees buckled from underneath you. Home. How you longed to be back home.

‘’Honey it’s alright, it’s alright, principessa,’’ you winced at the nickname, thoughts immediately fleeing back to Massimo. You could almost feel his breath on your neck and his calloused hands on your hips. You were horrified that a part of you longed to hear his voice call you that one last time.

‘’Papa,’’ you exhaled, utterly exhausted. The weight becoming unbearable.

‘’Just stay on the line, bella. I’m having one of the boys trace the call right now. You’re doing great,’’ you could hear the ruffling and rummaging on the other line. A sudden thought crossed your mind, your knuckles white from gripping the kitchen counter.

‘’Papa…did you do it?’’

‘’What, honey?’’ you could practically see your father’s thick eyebrows furrowed in confusion, hands toying with the ruby family ring on his finger.

‘’Did you kill her? Did you kill Laura?’’

‘’Y/n…,’’ now it was your father who sounded exhausted. Dread filled your insides, heart dropping down to the bottom of your ribcage.

You opened your mouth to ask again, only for the phone to be wrestled out of your grip, a hand slapping against your mouth and pulling you into a firm chest. You screamed, struggling against the stranger’s hold as you watched your only chance of freedom flee as the phone call was abruptly ended and the phone itself smashed under the boot of a man you had never met before. Your eyes quickly surveyed the scene. Five men, ranging from thirty to pushing their early forties in age surrounded you.

‘’Emilio I owe you an apology, I didn’t know you were pulling tail as fine as this,’’ the man holding you, who you guessed was Emilio’s brother leered, hand gripping your jaw in an iron grip.

‘’P-Please fratello, stop,’’ Emilio whispered, attempting to intervene, but was easily smacked down by one of the other men. You were shoved forward, various hands pawing at you, groping you as they laughed at your frightened form. Emilio’s brother gripped your face in a bruising hold.

‘’Look at these lips, I bet they would look so good around my co-,’’ your teeth sunk into the man’s index finger, the sickening crunch and metallic taste of blood nauseated you but you didn’t let up. You bit down harder, refusing to let go even as he smacked your face. It wasn’t until one of his friends yanked you away that you had to let go, spitting out his blood and staining the wooden floor of the kitchen. You gathered all your strength, forcing a foot down onto the friend’s toe, enough to get him to yell and release you as you fled the home.

‘’Fucking bitch! Get her!’’ the brother screamed as you met the unforgiving crisp air, running as fast as your legs could carry you. You didn’t even notice you were crying until the salty tears stung the cut on your bottom lip from where he had struck you. You didn’t care, you just kept running. You hid behind a dumpster in an alley way a good couple of blocks from the home, shivering like a lone leaf on a decaying tree. You pressed your forehead against the grimy dumpster, trying to even your breathing and remain silent. You strained your ears to listen for any sign of your assailants. Suddenly, you wish you had stayed in Massimo’s arms. He, at the very least, never struck you like that. And any sex with him had been done with your consent. You let out a barely audible sigh, closing your eyes. All you could see was him. His warm eyes above you. The weight of him on top of you as you were intimate. It frustrated you to no end. You hated him for what he had done, but it wasn’t your father you immediately thought about as you were desperate for help. Even now as you huddled amongst the rubbish, you didn’t think of your father. You didn’t think about riding horses through the apple orchard, or even the smell of the sea breeze kissing you goodnight. It wasn’t home you found plaguing your mind; it was Massimo.

‘’Found you, bitch,’’ a dreadful voice made you cry out, screaming as you were dragged away from behind the dumpster and shoved against a concrete wall. The night gown you were wearing was torn, nearly exposing one of your breasts.

‘’Hold her down, I want her to remember this,’’ you kicked out your legs, clawing and attempting to bite at any flesh you could reach. Your exposed back was scratched by the rough concrete, your entire body fighting and refusing to submit.

‘’No, the other way. I’m an ass man,’’ the guy snickered, his goons laughing like the mindless baboons they were as they forcibly turned you over. You felt sick, the bile gathering in your throat, rough hands pawing at your night gown. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to block out the feeling of your gown being lifted up.

‘’Mama,’’ you cried out, sobbing against the wall.

The firing of the bullets left you numb, your body shaking and broken out into a cold sweat as you crumpled to the floor. For a second, you wondered if your attackers had shot you before assaulting you. But it wasn’t your flood that splattered the concrete walls you were just pinned against. The men around you laid dead, the pools of blood quickly straining the asphalt beneath them. Some of them still twitching. You shakily pressed a hand over your mouth, too shocked to scream or cry this time. Domenico and Massimo stood a few yards away, smoke still visible from the barrel of their guns. You just sat there, not sure of what to do. Traumatized. Broken.

‘’Miss y/l/n,’’ the man you remembered as Mario hesitantly approached you. He was older, around the same age as your father if not a year or two younger. You let him help you up, him assessing you for any physical damage.

‘’She’s not hurt,’’ Mario called out as you crumpled into his chest, sobbing. He hesitantly embraced you, gently rocking you and letting you cry it out. He smelt of cigars and honey.

‘’Put her in the car,’’ Massimo’s thundering voice hissed out.

You had messed up.

The drive back to Massimo’s was draining, Mario had been kind enough to cover you with his suit jacket, allowing you to cover your nearly exposed form. Domenico’s eyes constantly flickered to your trembling form as he drove you all back to the mansion. Massimo sat diagonally from you, eyes set in a fierce glare. Like he hated you. You didn’t even pay any mind to the environment passing by the limo, whereas you would have mentally noted any familiar landmarks or streets to aide in your escape, you were exhausted in every sense of the word. You didn’t want to run anymore, running away was the furthest thing from your mind at the moment. You just wanted to lay down and sleep and forget the world. The cruel, despicable, unforgiving world.


The sun was barely rising over the hills, but you paid no mind. It meant nothing, just another day captured. But at least you knew Massimo well enough to know he would never rape you or beat you into submission. ‘Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t,’ you mentally scoffed.

You didn’t even notice the car pull back up into the entrance of Massimo’s grand mansion. Mario helped you up and out of the limo, your legs weak from your night of running. Your feet were most definitely cut up and at the very least sore. Your entire being was just tired, and you felt broken. You gasped when Massimo’s firm grip encircled your upper arm, hurrying you up the large stairwell despite Mario’s protests and shouts of disapproval. Massimo’s expression was dark, his eyes were unforgiving and he bit down on his bottom lip the same way he always did when he was furious.

‘’Massimo,’’ you weakly tried, only for him to clench his grip on your arm as he maneuvered down a hallway. You quickly realized that he was not leading you back to your room, and you became more and more frightened with each passing step. You halfheartedly struggled against his hold.


The way he spit out the word was like a dagger to your heart. He had never sounded more ruthless than he did right then. You froze and he took that opportunity to drag you to an unknown door. He shoved the two of you in and you expected your eyes to fall onto a dungeon of some sorts. A torture chamber, even. But nothing could have prepared you for what you saw.

Your eyes locked onto the warm brown eyes of Laura. Her smile knocking the air out of your body as your eyes fell on her perfect petal-pink lips. The painting was enormous, and there were dozens of others in similar fashions surrounding the room. It was Massimo’s own personal shrine to her. This was where he had hid away all memories of her.

She was beautiful, breathtakingly so. You didn’t know why that realization caused your heart to sink into your chest, but it did. It was easy to see now why Massimo had fallen so deeply and passionately for her. You carefully took one step toward the paintings, her long brown hair fluttering in the wind of one portrait. In another, her hair was chopped to a few inches above her shoulders and bleached blonde. No matter what color or length her hair was, she was gorgeous.

‘’Why are you showing me this?’’ you whispered, tears blurring your vision.

Massimo stalked behind you, the same way he did in the dress shop where you two had first met. Only this time, you felt your heart breaking for some reason.

‘’I wanted you to see one of the many lives your father has taken,’’ Massimo bit out.

You shook your head, eyes never leaving Laura’s. Your lip trembled as your hands clenched and unclenched.

‘’What my father did…was wrong. But you killed a handful of men tonight-,’’

‘’BECAUSE OF YOU!’’ Massimo snarled, shoving you around to face him and causing you to flinch.

‘’If you had never left they would all still be alive, their blood is on your hands just as much as mine,’’ he spat, eyes burning with complete anger.

‘’If you hadn’t kidnapped me then none of this would have happened,’’ you growled back, finding your voice as you pointed your index finger at his chest violently.

‘’No, if your father hadn’t killed Laura, none of this would have happened,’’ Massimo hissed lowly. You clenched your jaw, swatting tears away.

‘’I thought for a minute, we were getting somewhere. That this could actually be the start of something, that we could have been capable of caring for one another. I thought I knew you, knew your kind heart. But now I see you as you really are. I now see you could never be like her, and I don’t want you to even try to be. You truly are your father’s daughter,’’ Massimo sneered in your face.

That had done it. That was what had broken you.

‘’You preach about morals. About my father killing her, but you’re no better. You’ve killed men, Massimo! You kidnap women and you murder. You are no better! And I have no desire to be like Laura. I have no desire to pretend any of this is ok, that you are innocent. There is no desire to play pretend and live out a happily ever after charade. I don’t want to marry my kidnapper, I want no part of this, of you! I may have shared your bed, but I will NEVER share your family name!’’ you screeched. The look of hurt flashed across that beautiful face, but it quickly gave way to absolute anger and hatred.

Massimo laughed, but it was cruel laugh that filled you with apprehension. You took a step away from him, fearful of what he would do. Had he finally snapped?

‘’You’re right. I kidnapped you, I kidnapped Laura. I’ve killed men, but only those who deserved it. Child molesters, pimps, rapists. Just look at the upstanding citizens you ran into tonight. You think they were going to ask you out on a date and play Jenga? They would’ve ran a train on you, raped you until they had their fill, and left you in a pool of your own blood or sold you into human trafficking. I never killed innocents, no, only monsters like your father.’’

Your face paled at his harsh words, shaking. ‘’M-my father-,’’ you meekly began, only to be shut down by Massimo.

‘’Your father is the worst I have ever seen. My father saw him for who he was and that’s why your father had him killed. You don’t even know, do you? You have no idea what your father has built his empire on,’’ Massimo stood, eyes widened slightly in realization.

‘’W-what are you talking about?’’ you whispered.

‘’Your father is the head of one of the world’s most notorious human trafficking rings. He’s a murderer, a vile bastard who profits off vulnerable women and children stolen from their homes and sold to other sick fucks, and he is the one who had both my father and your mother killed because they saw him for the monster he is. She died by his hand. You think you got into a prestigious university on your own? Daddy made it happen through veiled threats and paying off some very powerful people who he has a lot of dirt on. Your father is a monster and everything you ever thought of him is a lie.’’

Grabbed my hand, pushed me down
Took the words right out my mouth
Tag, you’re it, tag, tag, you’re it

Tag list: @yolobloggers@mysticallandmaker@alicedopey@it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream​ @anushkagoswami2692 @autumnsoidier@calirindo@allhalemccallthings@truly-insatiable@tinystudentfirepurse@allaboardthekahnetrain@romewritingshop@buckyownsmylife​ @lilmissemmaa @loula-coola@severewobblerlightdragon


Pairing: Massimo Torricelli x Reader


Warning(s): kidnapping, language, man-handling, SMUT


Summary: Following Massimo’s betrayal and his kidnapping of you, you struggle to maintain some level of sanity and dignity. Massimo struggles with his emotions, leading to an eventful showdown between you two. 



Your fingertips traced invisible patterns into the silk sheets below you. You wondered how long it would take for the video to reach your father. Would it even reach him? Would he even watch it? Massimo Torricelli was one of the most powerful men in the country, you were sure he could easily manage to get the tape to your father. As for whether or not your father would view the tape, it was something you chose not to harp on. Massimo. He had tricked you. With each passing day the desire to strangle him became more and more passionate, but even that was no match for how much you hated yourself for falling into bed with your father’s rival.

‘’Principessa, you need to eat something.’’

You automatically winced at the sound of Massimo’s deep voice. Whereas you would once swoon or blush over his pet name for you, you could now only shudder in resentment and disgust. You tried not to think about how he looked walking into that dress shop the day the two of you met. The day your life ended. How charming and suave he was. How you, for a brief moment, wondered what it would be like to be his lover and feel him inside you. He had betrayed you, and you hated him for it. You hated yourself for falling for his charm and allowing him to take you like some rutting beast. You hated the fact that your father was either going to have a heart attack when he saw the video of you and Massimo having sex, or that he’d cut you out of his life for being so weak; you weren’t sure yet which you preferred.

You gasped when you felt Massimo’s warm touch on your shoulder and immediately curled into yourself on the bed, tucking yourself away from him as if you could will your environment away. The sheets still smelt like the two of you, a fact that brought tears to the corners of your eyes. Massimo sighed, pinching his brow together as he attempted to gather his thoughts. He knew it was a low blow, what he had done was despicable. He was crushed when he had stared  down at your sobbing form after had met his final release that night. You may have wanted it, wanted him, but he knew he had betrayed you in the worst way by filming it. He contemplated releasing you when you cried for your father, and for your mother who he was very much aware was deceased. He knew the pain of losing a parent, he had lost both of his due to the mafia life. He knew the perpetual wound of losing a loved one, and it was then his thoughts drifted back to Laura.

Laura. She too was another innocent whose life was snuffed out by needless mob violence. She was carrying his child, Domenico later informed him after the accident. Massimo thought about how he had been robbed of the chance to be a father, to be a husband to the woman of his dreams. He thought about how he’d never see Laura’s smile first thing in the morning or hear her laugh as she shopped to her heart’s content. He’d give anything to see her twirl around in some designer dress once more. He burned her image into his memory, the paintings of her had been long locked away in an unused room so that he did not have to be constantly reminded of what could have been. Of what had been so violently and maliciously stolen from him. He then looked at you, his anger quickly bubbling to the surface.

You were not Laura. You could never be. Yet, you reminded him of her in many ways. Your strong will, your caring heart, your unparalleled beauty. You were otherworldly. In many ways, you reminded him of her. You were intelligent and that made you dangerous. Based off the many months of following/watching your every move, he felt like he knew you in many ways. He knew you loved the smell of freshly cut grass and detested the way people practically bowed before you just because of who your father was. He knew you loved walking along the shores of Italy in the early mornings. He knew you had only one previous boyfriend in high school and that you had broken it off during a humanitarian retreat to some third world country. You had a big heart. You constantly gave to others. You were a protector of the downtrodden. That’s why he could never understand how you were related to one of the most vile, violent men in all of Italy and possibly the world.

‘’Y/n,’’ his voice was firm, and you were aware that was the tone he used when his patience was wearing thin.

You suppressed a shiver, before turning your head to glare up at him. He matched your gaze, eyebrows furrowed in both annoyance and as a warning to you.

‘’Eat,’’ he grabbed a pear from the bronze tray that lay at the foot of the bed. Your eyes glanced at the sweet fruit before taking it in your own hand. You took one bite, Massimo’s eyes softening only slightly in approval. That is, before you spat out the chuck of pear onto his face. He snarled, easily pinning your body back onto the mattress despite your struggling.

‘’Listen to me, and listen good,’’ he growled down at you, your face whipping side to side as you screamed in utter anguish, like some fox caught in a trap.

You choked on a scream when you felt the familiar grip of his hand around your neck, gasping for air as he forced you to look up at him. You blushed in complete humiliation when you felt his manhood harden slightly as he caged you in. He suppressed a smirk.

‘’You and I are not equals. I’m in charge. When I say ‘eat’ then you better eat. When I say ‘strip’ you better be on all fours waiting for my cock. When I say ‘shower’ you shower. Try and see what happens if you keep up this little defiant act of yours, babygirl. I dare you.’’

You hated the way your eyes filled with tears at his rough tone. Massimo had rarely spoken to you like this, although you noted he was quick-tempered and unafraid of manhandling you to get the point across. He had never hit you, other than a few spanks and light choking during the one time you two had sex. But you weren’t sure how much longer it would take until the mafia leader snapped and dragged you out of bed only to spray your brains across the front lawn.


His tone was back to normal, but the grip on your neck was still firm to ensure you were focused on what he was telling you.

‘’Do I make myself clear?’’

You nodded your head, sucking in a sob as he released you, thrusting his hips against yours for further torment.

‘’You’ll pay for this, I’ll make sure of it,’’ you hissed lowly, shrugging the silk robe back onto your shivering form. If you were capable, your gaze would set this entire estate ablaze and would happily dance on the ashes.

Massimo smiled at that, a sad, melancholy smile that made your own gaze soften for a moment. He stretched out his arms as if surrendering.

‘’I have nothing left to lose.’’


Massimo felt like he was drifting throughout the lavish halls of his mansion. He paid no attention to his surroundings, his feet already knowing the destination. He knelt on the grass in the grand fields out back, beyond the pool that he used to enjoy frequenting but now had no desire to entertain. The shade provided by the large cork oak tree gave the illusion of some privacy as he brushed a few dead leaves on the golden plaque. His fingertips gracefully traced Laura’s name, dancing across the cursive font.

‘’I knew I’d find you here,’’ Mario’s throaty voice caused Massimo to straighten up, rising from the ground but not looking away from the pathetic attempt of Laura’s grave.

‘’Ridiculous, isn’t it? Kneeling over an empty space. Mourning her when her remains aren’t even here,’’ Massimo scoffed, biting his bottom lip to keep it from trembling.

Mario’s hand on his shoulder offered some comfort, but even that did little to soothe the pain. Mario’s eyes flickered to the golden plaque, Massimo had it made about a week after the search for Laura’s remains were called off. Nobody questioned it, everyone knew Massimo needed to mourn. The fact that Laura would never be given a proper burial, the fact that Massimo could never lay her to rest and thus get the closure he so desperately yearned for, nobody questioned it.

‘’Not at all,’’ Mario stated firmly. Massimo turned to look at the older man, the man who had been the only father he had known for the past seven years. He raised his brows as if to ask what he needed.

‘’The y/l/n girl…y/n,’’ Mario hesitantly began and Massimo rolled his eyes, already stalking back towards the house with Mario on his heels.

‘’Mario-,’’ Massimo sighed, only to be cut off by his confidant.

‘’It was wrong Massimo, you know that. Your father would be rolling in his grave at your tactics,’’ Mario sternly reprimanded. Massimo visibly tensed at the mention of the former Torricelli leader.

‘’What would he have had me do then? Please indulge me, Mario,’’ he hissed, whipping around to stare down the man in question. Mario’s thick, graying brows furrowed.

‘’She had nothing to do with what happened to her, Massimo. Your father firmly believed that the sins of the father should not be passed down onto the child,’’ Mario replied, his gaze unyielding.

Massimo clenched his jaw, chest rising and falling as he struggled to keep his temper at bay. His gaze shifted to the direction of the room you were currently in. He could almost picture you now, your full lips stuck in a perpetual pout as you wandered the room. The curves of your body sashaying with every step you took. He quickly snapped out of his day dream, clearing his throat as he tried not to get lost in his images of you.

‘’What do I do, Mario?’’

‘’Make it right, earn her trust back. She is the future of the y/l/n clan. When her father is gone, she is who will be calling the shots, if I were you, I’d get on her good side.’’


The warmth of the shower head cascading down your body allowed some of the weight you had been carrying to evaporate. You were no longer aware of how long you had been Massimo’s hostage, whether it had been weeks or even months was completely unknown to you. The smell of green apples filled your nostrils as you washed out the shampoo from your hair. A small smile graced your lips as your eyes automatically closed, lost in the aroma. You instantly thought back to the orchard on your family’s summer home. You imagined running up and down the endless aisles of apple trees as your father watched from the balcony. You remembered riding horses alongside him before a large dinner composed of different meats, wines, and cheeses filled the night. You remember your caretakers chiding you as they picked the grass and leaves from your hair. The smell of apple pie so tangible your mouth began salvaging. The way the water ran down your nude body felt heavenly, but you were quickly interrupted when you felt it run back up your sides.

Your eyes snapped open and you gasped, whipping around and looking up at Massimo. He was completely naked, the water causing his hair to hang nearly over his deep chocolate eyes. Your skin flushed with arousal as you steeled yourself not to look at his impressive manhood. Too late.

‘’Did I scare you, baby girl?’’ Massimo gave you a crooked grin, leaning more into the warmth of the shower head.

‘’Get out,’’ you bit out, one arm covering your breasts while the other cupped your womanhood.

‘’It’s nothing I haven’t seen already, principessa,’’ his velvet voice practically purred as his hands slide past your form to reach for the soap. He began lathering up his body, taking extra time to wash his torso. He was putting a show on for you. You bit your tongue as you tried not to linger on the way his strong hands touched his tan skin. The way his various tattoos decorated his physique. Heat rushed over your cheeks and the back of your neck as you remembered the way those hands touched you. The way his hands had mapped out your body and had you squirming and begging for more. You stole a quick glance at his semi-erect manhood. How had he ever fit inside of you?

‘’Do you want it?’’ his voice brought you out of your explicit daydream. Your lips were already parted to object when you realized he was referring to the loofah.

‘’N-No,’’ you could’ve strangled yourself from how weak your voice came out. Massimo chuckled, fully aware of the effect he had on you. He wasn’t putting a show on for you; he was setting up a trap. Your eyes narrowed and turned your back towards him. If he wanted to play with fire, he would go down in flames. Your backside brushed against his member as you let the water pour over your body. His little grunt did not fall on deaf ears. Your smirk could’ve rivaled the Cheshire Cat’s as you slightly swayed your hips, your skin barely gazing his.

‘’What are you doing,’’ his low voice filled your abdomen with want. You slowly turned back around, your big doe-like eyes glancing up at him. You didn’t hide your modesty this time, your arms hung down at your sides as your nipples hardened from the water that was quickly turning cold.

‘’I don’t know what you’re talking about,’’ you stated, your best pokerface on display. Massimo nodded, eyes glancing at your breasts, his bite marks still somewhat visible on the otherwise smooth flesh.

Your slim fingers crept toward your womanhood, dancing around the lips like a ballerina. Your eyes never left his even as your index finger parted your lips and entered your tight canal. Your back met the wall as Massimo took you into his arms. His hardened cock poking at your tight entrance as he growled down at you.

‘’What’s wrong, Massimo? The great mafia leader brought down by a tiny woman?’’ you sneered from below him, your skin flushed with arousal as the painful throbbing from your sex made itself known. His breathing was harsh, the veins on his arms and neck quite apparent as he stared you down. One hand gripped yours and made you wrap it around his thickness.

‘’See what you do to me?’’ he grunted. You simply squeezed tighter causing him to hiss. You then turned your head upwards, noses brushing against each other as you gasped when the head of his cock slid along your pink folds.

‘’Then do something about it,’’ you whispered into his ear, burying your face in his neck as he shoved his length into you. You cried out, feeling your body being stretched open by his girth once more. Your nails scraped his shoulder blades, down his back as he rutted into you. If you were going to be kidnapped, held hostage, used as a pawn in this nonsense mafia war, you were going to take every opportunity that resulted in your pleasure. Your hips bucked against his, craving that slight burn that came whenever Massimo initially entered you. The slightly discomfort, feeling of absolute fullness whenever his cock speared you. You craved it. You basked in it. He gripped the back of your hair, matted against you scalp and back from the shower as he pressed his lips to yours in a bruising kiss, his hips never losing their rhythm.

You cried and mewled, clinging onto his soldiers as your legs wrapped around his waist, you decided to look down at where the two of you were joined and nearly came then and there. The way his dick pistoned in and out of you, disappearing repeatedly between your soft pink folds into your tight hole was something more than simply erotic; it was carnal. His teeth sunk into your neck, claiming you as his once more. His hot breath fanned your skin in stark contrast from the cold water. The water was barely even noticeable, you were too busy engulfed in the flames and embers that came from Massimo ramming you into the cool tiled walls.

‘’Y/n, fuck. You fit me like a glove,’’ he grunted, eyes closed in pure bliss as his thrust became sloppier. Your hands held the back of his neck and tangled into his hair, pulling it hard enough to draw a hiss from his perfect lips. You pressed a kiss to those lips, a slow kiss that he quickly lost himself in. His hand pinned your throat back against the tile, looking at you as he savagely took you. You didn’t cry, you steeled yourself for the brutality of his thrusts and allowed yourself to become lost in the pleasure.

‘’Massimo,’’ you moaned, barely above a whisper. Your body racked with his thrusts, mouth slightly open as you panted like some wild animal in heat.

‘’Beg for me to fill you up,’’ he ordered, watching himself enter your pussy, thumb teasing your sensitive pearl.

‘’P-please,’’ you whimpered, eyes shut tight as the coil in your belly became tighter, making it harder to breathe and focus.

‘’More,’’ he grunted, lips managing to take one of your buds into his mouth, suckling like a starved man.

‘’P-Please, Massimo. I want it. I want to feel you fill me up from the inside,’’ you begged, but still refused to let a single tear slip through your eyelids.

That had been enough for him, his hot cum readily invading your sore womanhood, triggering your own release as you slumped against him and the shower wall. You felt him shudder, lazily thrusting in and out of you to milk him of his release. His eyes watched as his cum dripped out of your pussy, only to be washed away down the shower drain, his warm hand on your abdomen and you shivered at what could possibly be on his mind as he touched you. You looked up at him through heavy eyes, noting that he was in fact beautiful despite his flaws. What he did next thoroughly surprised you. His hand cradled the side of your face before he leant down and gave you a sweet kiss. The kind of kiss that was reserved for lovers; real lovers. Not the kind where you fucked each other like animals and one of you was a hostage. It stunned you. Not even your ex-boyfriend had kissed you like that in your entirety of dating. When he pulled away you noticed his eyes were heavy, the slightly dark circles under his eyes were now much more noticeable to you. You carefully stood on your own two legs, his strong hold on your hand offered support.

You hesitated before leading him back into the room, not bothering to put clothes back on. You looked up at him before gently tugging him to lay down with you and get lost in the silk sheets. He hesitated only a second before he laid down, encompassing you in his arms as you laid against his chest. He fell asleep not ten minutes after his head met the pillow. If anyone walked in, it would look serene. Two lovers, happily in each other’s embrace after making love in the shower. Ready to live happily ever after. But this was no fairytale.  


By the time Massimo awoke, it was pitch black. He hadn’t meant to sleep the day away, but the gentle breeze that came with Sicilian summer nights comforted him and gave him the most pleasant sleep he had in nearly a decade. He grunted, reaching for your sleeping form to tug you close against his chest when the familiar ‘clink’ of handcuffs sent an ice-cold shiver down his spine. He sat up straight, or as straight as he possibly could, and snarled as he found both of his wrists cuffed to the headboard. He struggled, snarling like a rabid wolf as he tried ripping the cuffs from the headboard, stopping when the steel bit into his wrists. You had tricked him, just when he thought he had you, you turned the tables on him.

‘’DOMENICO! MARIO!’’ he roared out, not even caring that he was still nude.


Both men, along with a handful of bodyguards rushed into the room, staring wide-eyed and mouths hug open like trout at the sight of Sicily’s most notorious mob boss cuffed naked to his own bed.

‘’Find her goddammit! Find her! FIND HER!’’

Taglist:@yolobloggers@mysticallandmaker@alicedopey@it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream​  @calirindo@autumnsoidier​ @anushkagoswami2692 @severewobblerlightdragon @purpleisblonde
