#announcements and updates


Please note the following has not come easy or without long thoughts and anxiety filled nights along with it.

Be patient and bare with me as there are moments of rambling, heartache and discouragement below the cut.

Thank you for taking the time to read the following and I hope to see you all on the other side.

First and foremost thank you. Thank you for being patient. Thank you for understanding that life has had its ups and downs the last year or so. That writing motivation and inspiration have drastically plummeted while lack of posting has skyrocketed with a few drops in between.

I initially wanted to give you two weeks of fics this month to determine if it was worth staying here. To determine if I could handle the heartbreak of leaving this site and taking my fics elsewhere after an amazing 3 years of posting fics. But in all reality wasnt fair to myself to give myself a deadline to stay or go. An ultimatum that made it so easy to say forget it and I wont write at all.

But I couldnt do that. I couldn’t force myself to go through an ultimatum and make it so I wouldn’t write anything else and that’s what it was leading to. That’s what it was becoming and I never thought itd be me discouraging myself not to write and end my blog posting here.

Yes I could stop posting here and write elsewhere. Yes I could continue the series I love so much on other platforms. But how could I move on and essentially start over?

So I’m going back to the basics instead. We’re going back to the 2018 Dom that was nervous about starting a blog. Where she wrote what she loved when it wanted to be written instead of forcing it out and burning myself out in the process.

There are fics that I’ve been dying to write but have put on the back burner for so long. Mostly because I have a sea of requests that I feel guilty not getting to so why should I wrote what I want to? But there will be no more of that.

Any and all requests that do not currently have over 500 words written will be purged completely. A clean slate to focus on what I would like to write. This doesn’t mean that I won’t open them in the future. It just means for the time being I will be focusing on what I want and love and not what others want. 

In a way I am putting myself first and that is what is important, after all. 

Next, the following fics will be discontinued as of today. * Indicates the fics that will be continued to be posted on other platforms as they were posted there first and there have been no real interest here at all. 

  • Untold Future*
  • These Violent Delights 

The following Fic has been moved to @xxwrittenafterdarkxx for darker themes that are no longer considered ‘for everyone’. 

  • What the Future Holds

The following Fics will be finished on a posting schedule that is TBD starting in August. 

  • Monster
  • A Life With You
  • Sweet Family of Mine
  • Bound to Break
  • Chemical Reaction
  • Once Upon a December

The following fics currently have over 500 words and will be posted sometime in the future at my own decision and discretion. 

  • Enchanted (Elijah Mikaelson x Reader)
  • I Had You (Steve Rogers x Reader)
  • Marked for Death (Klaus Mikaelson x Reader)
  • Eyes On Me (Druig x Reader)
  • Forgiveness (Tony Stark x Reader)
  • Lethal Bite (Salvatore Sister)
  • Ghost of You (Enzo St. John x Reader) 

With that being said, there will be no new fics or posts until August (Maybe. We’ll see). I will be randomly reblogging things until my fandom heart is content. However nothing new from me will be posted until August. 

But Dom, I was really looking forward to _Insert fic title here_. Will you be posting it?

That depends. If I’ve given a preview it will at some point get posted since it was over 500 words that were written in order for you to get a preview of it. If it was simply a hey, here’s what I am planning to post in the near future, but nothing has been written yet, then no. It wont be posted and will more than likely be purged with the rest of the requests on my very long 10+ page to do list.

But wait! Why are you stopping these fics but continuing others?

Motivation and creative decisions. These Violent Delights was an idea that I absolutely loved and wanted to write out. But I have no desire to finish it. I have lost all thought on where I wanted that fic to go or how it would get to the ending. While I had an outline and an ending scene, it was the middle that I no longer have a desire to write. When it comes to the others, I still have that desire. I still have that desire to get to point B,C,D, E all the way to Y before we get to the destination of the ending at Z for the others. And the point of this is that I wont force myself to write something that I have no interest in.  

But what will you be posting if its not those requests that you’re purging?

Drabbles, oneshots and head canons that I want to write. Prompt inspirations that I saw and decided that I’d write in that instant because I wanted to. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you didn’t that’s on you when I laugh at the random ask saying wait this or that is missing? Or wait you’re not doing this? 

So hopefully you’ve read this and this wasn’t for nothing. Have a good rest of your day/Night. And thank you for being here ♥
