#anthony bridgerton x female oc


pressure pt. ii | anthony, viscount bridgerton |

anthony, viscount bridgerton x female reader [one shot]

summary: you are anthony’s wife and the new viscountess of the bridgerton household. you and anthony have been married for a few months, and it hasn’t been easy for you in your marriage to the viscount. the pressure amounts between you and anthony when you receive a letter that your parents will be visiting you.

warnings: period typical misogyny, gender roles, anxiety, panic attack, and talk of abuse.

word count: 2,256

a/n: this one shot is set after season one of bridgerton

part one


The feelings were sudden but familiar. It was overwhelming. Your heart was pounding. You couldn’t breathe. You felt like you were dying. As you attempted to walk, the rooms were starting to spin. You started feeling nauseated, and your heart was pounding rapidly out of your chest.

Your hands were shaking as you attempted to grasp the cause in your hand.

You somehow made your way out into the gardens. You shakingly sat down on a bench and attempted to breathe to calm. You had your eyes closed as you attempted to stop the familiar feelings you had done all your life.

You did not realize that one of your brothers-in-law had followed you since you rushed out of the drawing-room.

Benedict was beside himself as to what was happening to you. He had never seen you act like that before. Nor had he known what exactly was happening to you.

“(Y/N).” Benedict softly called out your name as he kneeled in front of you.

You slowly opened your eyes and were stunned to see Benedict with deep concerns in his.

“Benedict. What are you doing here?” You questioned your in-law in fear of what he witnessed.

“I followed you. What happened? Do you need me to call for the doctor?”

“No! Please do not call anyone. No one can help me. I can take care of this myself.” You responded, making Benedict confused.

“And what exactly just happened?” Benedict moved to sit next to you on the bench.

“Chest pains, dizziness, shortness of breath, my heart pounds, shakiness, those are just some of the symptoms.”

“Symptoms of what?”

“There is no name for it or a medical diagnosis. Doctors have never known what exactly it is.”

“How long have you had this?” Benedict questioned with worries.

“All of my life.”

“All of your life? What causes such symptoms?” Without looking at him, you handed Benedict the cause.

Benedict looked down and read the letter that came for you from your parents.

It has been three months since your wedding to the Viscount, and we have not heard any news of you being with child.
Have you already screwed up this marriage to the Viscount?
You have always screwed up everything since the day you were born.
You are an embarrassment and a disgrace to us all.
We are coming to visit to fix what you have screwed up as we speak.

Benedict was outraged by the words. You could see the anger on his face.

“Would you believe that those were the nicest words they have used towards me?” You stated nonchalantly.

Benedict looked over at you and saw no emotion on your face as you had been dealing with this your entire life.

“Benedict, Not everyone was raised by loving parents like you and your siblings. Not everyone was loved, supported, and encouraged. I am a disgrace, embarrassment, hated, and much more. It has been like that since the day I was born. I can only imagine what they will do and say to me once they arrive.”

“(Y/N), have they hurt you… physically?” You did not have the heart to answer your brother-in-law.

By your lack of response, Benedict knew the answer to his question.

“Does my brother know about this?” Benedict questioned, making you scoff.

“Your brother knows nothing about me. He only knows what I could provide as a Viscountess and future mother to his children. My father could not wait to get rid of me. As soon as Anthony asked for my hand, my father immediately said yes. My father would let me marry anyone to get rid of me. Your brother being a Viscount is a bonus to them. They are most likely to ask the Viscount for money when they arrive. They most likely spent my dowry.”

A few brief silent moments passed before you broke it.

“In these past three months, I sometimes think, where am I better off? Herewith your brother or with my parents. All three of them hate me. All three of them despise me. I am an embarrassment and disgrace to my parents. Who knows what your brother thinks of me at this point. I am half of mind to pack my things and leave with them regardless of their treatment towards me. They probably would not even take me back.”

Benedict did not know what to say to his sister-in-law.

“When I was a young girl, I would dream of finding someone who would love me, court me, propose to me. We would get married, have children, and leave happily ever after…” You began to have tears in your eyes.

“Your brother fooled me. On the night of our wedding, he brazenly told me he would not love me. There would be no love in this marriage. I would only be the Viscountess and bred his children. I just wanted to die. Last night, I told him that I would move to a separate bedroom. I refuse to share a bed with a stranger. Now, my parents are coming, and I must deal with their abuse again. I am not even with child. They will tear me to shreds.”

“No, they will not.” You looked at Benedict with question.

“You are a Bridgerton now. You are a part of this family. My brother may not treat you as such, but you are to the rest of us. No one will speak harshly of you in our presence, especially mine.” Benedict stated with such conviction.

“Thank you, Benedict.”

Benedict grabbed your hand and gently squeezed it for comfort.

“You are welcome, sister.”

After making sure that you felt better, Benedict with the letter still in his hand walked towards his brother’s office.

Anthony was sitting in his office working when Benedict rudely and hastily entered the room.

“Brother, I am busy…” Before Anthony could say a word, Benedict handed his eldest brother the letter.

“What is this?” Anthony questioned.

“Go ahead and read it.” Benedict saw Anthony read the letter and saw the confusion begin to form on his face.

“(Y/N)’s parents sent this letter?”

“Yes. According to (Y/N), they will most likely ask you for money.”

“Is this why she was behaving differently earlier?” Anthony asked.

“Yes. According to (Y/N) they had been abusive her entire life both verbally and physically, and it looks like they are coming here to continue that because she is not with child.”

Benedict could see that his older brother did not know what to say or do.

“(Y/N) never said anything to me.” Anthony spoke softly.

“How could she brother? You barely interact with your wife to know anything about her life.” Benedict stated harshly to his brother, who glared at him.

“Brother…” Before Anthony could say anything, Benedict interrupted.

“Anthony, spare me the lecture. Everyone in this household including staff knows the truth about your treatment of your wife. It is obvious to everyone. The verity that (Y/N) has moved bedrooms proves it.”

Benedict could see that Anthony was at a loss for words.

“Brother, love does not make you weak. It is ok for you to extend your love beyond the family. (Y/N) thinks you loathe her just like her parents do. You do not see how wonderful she is not only as the Viscountess of his household but as a person. You do not see that she is the first person awake every morning and almost the last to bed every night. (Y/N) making sure that everything is perfect and running smoothly. She makes sure that the family is happy and content every day. And yet she is not happy. She does not know where she is better off here or with her parents. She is thinking about leaving and going back with them, brother regardless of how they treat her.” Anthony was stunned by the revelation.

“Either you change your ways brother, and accept (Y/N) into your heart or you will be looking for a new wife and Viscountess in the next season.” Benedict stated firmly before walking out of the room.

Anthony had spent the rest of the afternoon in his office reeling and pondering on what his brother had told him.

He did not even have dinner with his family and slept in his office that night.

For the next few days, you were on your hands and feet, making sure the house was perfect.

The family barely had a chance to interact with you as you were constantly working in preparation for your parent’s arrival.

On the evening of, you were in your bedroom finishing getting dressed. You had picked and worn your best dress.

As you were fixing your hair, you heard a knock on the bedroom door.

“Enter.” You softly commanded.

You turned around and were slightly shocked to see the Viscount himself entering your bedroom.

“Good evening, (Y/N).” Anthony spoke.

“Good evening, my Lord.” You spoke firmly with no emotion.

“Your parents have arrived and are waiting in the dining room. I thought that we would walk together to dinner.”

You nodded in response. Anthony had held his hand out for you to take, but you ignored it as you walked past him.

The Viscount knew that he deserved that and more.

The both of you walked out of your bedroom and headed towards the dining room where Violet, Benedict, Colin, Eloise, and your parents were waiting.

Dinner was silent, tense, and uncomfortable. The only noise that was produced in the room was the sound of the silverware moving around on the plate.

Your parents barely acknowledged you as you had entered the dining room. They only had stern looks on their faces.

You were barely eating your food, and it was noticed not only by your in-laws but the Viscount as well.

You could feel your anxiety rising by the second. You were waiting for the moment that your parents would ruin the evening, and not a moment too soon it happened as you took the first sip of your wine.

“(Y/N), I see that you are not with child.” Your mother broke the silence making the room pause.

“No, mother. I am not with child.” You responded.

“Three months into the marriage, and you are not with child? We have heard some staff talking that you are in a separate bedroom. Have you disordered up your new role as the Viscountess?” Your father spoke with a cruel tone in his voice making you wince.

The Bridgerton family was in disarray for what they were witnessing. Benedict was sitting next to you and was getting angry at the scene, more at his eldest brother, who had not spoken for the night.

Tears began to form in your eyes as you felt the familiar feelings coming. You were gripping your wine glass to the brink of breaking as you took another sip.

“(Y/N) has been an embarrassment to this family since the day she was born. She has been a disgrace to us, and now she is a disgrace to the Bridgerton family.”

“Now, that is it!” Benedict had enough of your parents and threw his napkin down on the table, making everyone look at him stunned.

“I had enough of this…” Before Benedict could finish his sentence, the Viscount interfered.

“Brother.” Anthony gave Benedict a look before turning to his in-laws.

“That is enough. Since the moment you arrived, you have failed to show the proper respect for the Viscountess, and I will not stand for it any longer.”

“I declare…” Before your father’s rebuttal, Anthony spoke again.

“I will not… stand for it. Lady (Y/N) has done an exceptional job as the Viscountess. In these past three months, I have never seen my family and this household as happier now than in the past few years and that is because of (Y/N). My mother and my siblings all love and adore (Y/N) and wholeheartedly accept her as their own. I will not allow you to enter our home and continue your abuses towards (Y/N). You were able to get away with it when (Y/N) lived with you, but it will not happen here and especially in our presence. You may leave at once!” Anthony commanded.

“You cannot be serious!” Your mother yelled out, making Anthony stand up out of his chair and walked toward the butler.

“Please send for the carriage. They can wait outside.” The butler nodded his head before leaving the room.

“This is beyond the pale.” Your father and mother stood up out of their chairs and walked out of the dining room without giving you a second glance.

The Bridgerton family all looked at Anthony with pride and happiness on their faces. They could not believe that he had finally decided to make changes towards you and your marriage.

Anthony felt the stares from his family, but his focus was on you. You had not moved since the start of Anthony’s defense.

“(Y/N)…” Anthony walked toward you and gently took you by the hand to make you stand up out of your seat.

You faced Anthony as both of you made eye contact with one another.


“My Lord…” That was all you could say before your eyes rolled to the back of your head, and you had fainted into the Viscount’s arms.

“(Y/N)!” Anthony cried out.

Benedict, Colin, and Eloise ran to the both of you as Violet ran out to get help.

“(Y/N)! Wake up! Wake up!” Anthony was in horror as you were non-responsive in his arms.

published: 05/15/2022

First off, I just would like to thank everyone for the love and support that I have received for this one shot! I would have never imagine the response that I have received. It is truly amazing. Thank you all very, very much. This was just a small idea and that idea has manifested into something I didn’t think was possible. This one shot is probably the #1 one shot/series fanfiction that I have written thus far. I think that I will continue this one shot into two more parts based on where I begin and end on the next part of this one shot. Please let me know your thoughts of this one shot! Thank you for the love and support!

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