#one shot



Matthew is sitting on the edge of the windowsill, clutching a battered green walkie talkie to his chest, when he realizes that he might have a problem.  

A five foot seven problem with a crooked smile and braces.

“Breaker 1-9.  Birdie, come in Birdie,” the walkie talkie rumbled to life and Matthew almost dropped it.  “Do you have your ears on, over.”

“I thought we agreed my handle was Eagle One, over.”

“Birdie is cuter, over.”

“You’re full of crap,” Matthew said, even as he flushed.  “Over.”

He could almost see Gilbert shrug on the other end.  He knew it would look casual, easy, and just a little bit cheeky.

“I’m still right.  Over.”

Matthew huffed and leaned further out the window but the street was empty.  

“You’re still full of crap.  And you’re late.  What’s your 20?  Over.”  

“I’m still on Springfield, over.”

“That’s three blocks away!”  Matthew readjusted himself.  “I’m going to get caught, over.”

“Then lower your voice, over.”

“I’m going to get in trouble,” he hissed.  “Over.”

“I’m coming, I’m coming.”  He could hear the crackles and pops of interference as Gilbert hurried.  “Start climbing down and I’ll be there to catch you.  I promise.  Over.”

“I don’t need you to catch me,” Matthew grumbled, tucking the walkie talkie in the front pocket of his oversized jacket and reaching for the tree branch outside his window.  

The truth was, he probably did need Gilbert to catch him.  His bedroom was on the second floor of his modest suburban home and the tree did not have any branches lower than eleven feet.  Even if he hung off the lowest branch before letting go, he would still fall five feet and twist his ankle.  Again.

He pulled himself into the tree and started climbing down anyway.

Matthew had more than one problem, really.  He had several and all of them had something to do with his best friend.  Gilbert made him reckless.  Gilbert made him do things he would never dream of doing on his own.  Like sneak out at midnight on a Thursday.  

Gilbert chipped away at his reservations and made his knees weak when he smiled.  He made him stutter and trip over his own feet.  He made him blush.

Matthew was a mess when Gilbert was around.

But Gilbert also made him laugh.  He made Matthew feel smarter and stronger than he actually was.  He made Matthew feel like he could do anything if he put his mind to it.  

Gilbert believed him when no one else would.  

He always believed in him too.

Matthew did not understand where his unwavering faith came from but it made his heart ache.  It made him want to be there for Gilbert.  No matter what.

Even if that meant climbing out of his window on a school night.  

Matthew focused on shuffling along the branch before lowering himself to the next one, and the next one.  It was hard work and the rough bark of the tree scraped the palms of his hands.  He was sure there were at least a dozen leaves tangled in his hair.  

He turned to look down when he heard Gilbert approaching.

“It’s about ti-”

The branch underneath him suddenly snapped with his shifting weight and he was falling, falling, and oh, shit, this was going to hurt so much and he was going to be grounded for a month if he did not end up in the hospitaland…

Gilbert caught him around the legs with a quiet ‘Oof!’ and then he was falling again, forward this time, into his arms.

He landed on top of Gilbert.

“I, uh, are you okay?”  He whispered a little too loudly, leaning back and looking for injuries.

Gilbert blinked up at him for a moment before a slow smile spread across his face.  The moonlight glinted off his braces and, oh, Matthew knew he was still in trouble.  He had always thought braces were ugly and embarrassing until Gilbert came to class with a mouth full of metal last year.  

Now they made his stomach tighten uncomfortably.  

“I promised I’d catch you,” Gilbert hummed lazily.  “Over.”

Matthew glanced at the walkie talkie in the grass to his left.  Gilbert must have thrown it when he ran to catch him.  

“You’re so full of crap,” Matthew snorted before he could not stand it anymore and he ducked down to press his lips against Gilbert’s teeth.  His braces were warmer than he had imagined but, then, Gilbert was kissing him back and it was awkward and uncoordinated and a little bit perfect.  

He never wanted it to end but he eventually pulled back to study his best friend.  His ears were bright red and he looked a little dazed but he did not seem upset.

“I think I like you.  Like, ‘like like’ you,” he said.  Gilbert slipped his hand into his back pocket and squeezed.

“10-2.  I’m reading you loud and clear.  Over.”

Matthew knocked their foreheads together, a little too hard, before kissing him again.  

“Over and out.”

For my favourite person on her birthday. Happy birthday, Maplevogel!  You said you wanted a domestic piece so I hope this counts.  A little bit of sharing and caring and patience.  

Inspired by the song ‘Depth Over Distance’ by Ben Howard.

Depth Over Distance

The hinges on the door squeaked in warning as Canada pushed it open.  The house was stale and dim but he could hear the ‘click, click, click’ of an oscillating fan in the distance.


He slipped out of his shoes and dropped his suitcase on the worn hardwood.

“Gilbert?  I’m home.  Where are you?”

He squinted into the kitchen as he passed and sighed at the pile of cardboard boxes and garbage. The stove was blackened, the coffee pot was filled with noodles, and the sink was stacked with unwashed dishes.  

He knew what that meant.

Canada squared his shoulders and marched up the staircase with his heart in his throat. Kumajirou was sitting outside their bedroom door with his nose scrunched up in displeasure.  Canada tapped him on the head twice before pushing the door open.

The hinges seemed to screech even louder than before in the silence.

“Gilbert?  Are you in here?”

“No,” the bundle of blankets on their bed replied.  

“Are you sure?” Canada asked, sitting down on the edge of the mattress.  Prussia had drawn the curtains but he could see piles of clothes and more unwashed dishes scattered around the room.

“No,” the blankets repeated.

Canada bit his lip and tried not to laugh.

“No, you’re not here?  Or no, you’re not sure?”

Prussia peeked out from under the covers and blinked at him.

“…  Both?”

Canada chuckled, he could not help himself, and reached out to smooth his tousled hair.

“Bad day, then?”

“Bad week,” Prussia pouted, but he leaned into his hand.  “I missed you.”

Canada hummed in understanding.  He had missed Prussia too.  But he knew that it was more than that.

“Are you going to get up?”

“…  I don’t want to get up today.”

Canada clucked his tongue and nudged Prussia until he scooched over.

“Then move,” Canada said.  “I want in.”

Prussia raised the corner of the blankets and Canada slithered underneath.  He wrapped his arms around Prussia and pressed wet kisses to his shoulder and collarbone.  

Prussia clutched the back of his suit jacket.

His hands were shaking.

“I’m sorry you had a bad week,” Canada mumbled against his skin.  “You should have told me.  I would have come home sooner.”

“I know.  That’s why I didn’t tell you.”

“You’re an idiot.”

“Yeah, but I’m youridiot.”

Canada smiled even though he felt like crying.

He left Prussia alone the next day, and the day after, but he opened the curtains on the third day and laughed when Prussia hissed at him.  

He set a mound of pancakes on his lap and pushed the maple syrup into his hands.  

“It’s time to get up.”

“I don’t want to get up.”

“I know.  But you’re going to do it anyway.”

“Why?  What is the point?  Nothing is going to change.”

“Well, I’m going to change the sheets.”

“You’re an ass. That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

“Mm,” Canada agreed, and kissed him on the forehead.  “Yeah. But you love me and I asked you nicely so you’re going to do it anyway.”

“You’re trying to guilt me.”


Prussia watched the maple syrup soak into his pancakes.

“I’ll still be depressed, y’know.  I can’t just turn it off.  It doesn’t work that way.”

“I know.  But you’ll be depressed in the kitchen.  Or the den.”  Canada cut into the pancakes with the fork in his hand and raised a piece to his lips.  Prussia snatched it from him with a snort.  He laughed. “A change of scenery might be good for you.”

“You’re mean,” Prussia muttered as he chewed.

“If I was mean, I wouldn’t have brought you pancakes.”

“Where do you think nations go when we die?”

Canada looked up from his novel.  Prussia was sitting cross legged in front of the fireplace.  He was hovering over the flames, a little too close to be comfortable, and the fire cast interesting shadows across his face.

“What do you mean?” Canada asked even though he knew what he meant.  

“When we die. What do you think happens?”

He hummed.  

“I always thought we just sort’a…  Stopped.”

Prussia smiled when he turned to look at him but it was strained.

“That’s not reassuring at all.”

“I’m sorry,” Canada said, and he was.  

“No, it’s okay,” Prussia pressed his hands closer to the fire as if he wanted to feel something, anything, even if it hurt him.  Especially if it hurt him.  “You’re honest.  I like that about you.”

Canada marked his page before slipping out of his armchair.  He crawled across the hardwood and settled next to Prussia in front of the fireplace. He did not touch him, but he could have, and that was enough.

He stared into the flames too.

“…  Are you scared?”

“That I might disappear like Germania?”  Prussia forced his hands even closer.  “No. Yes.  I don’t know.  I don’t know why I haven’t yet.  I just keep… Waking up.  Everyday.  And I don’t know why I’m here.”

Canada chewed on his bottom lip.

“…  I’m glad you are.  Here.  With me.”

Prussia glanced at him.

“…  Me too.”

He almost sounded surprised when he said it.

Canada looked up when Prussia knocked on the doorframe and Gilbird ‘cheep, cheep, cheeped’ from his perch on the faucet.


He was submerged under a mountain of bubbles in the bathtub but he was still self conscious, somehow, when Prussia opened the door.  His face was mottled and red and he wondered if Prussia had heard him blubbering. He wiped at his eyes.

“I don’t want to disappear.  You know that, right?  I don’t want to leave you.”

Canada huffed but it came out as a hiccup instead.

“I know.  I do, I do, I know.”

“I love you. You’re my home.  This is exactly where I’m supposed to be.”

“What if… What if you don’t get a choice? What if…”  Canada hiccupped, again, and scrubbed furiously at his eyes. This was not about him.  What he wanted.  Or needed.  He was not the one who…  Who…  “What if you…”

“Then I’ll hold on tighter,” Prussia crouched down and grabbed his hand before he hurt himself.  “And I’ll never let go.”

Canada snorted.

“That’s not how it works.”

“Of course it is.”

“It is not.”

“It is.”

He could feel a smile tugging on his lips and he hated Prussia for it.  He loved him for it.  He hated him.  

He loved him.

“You’re an idiot.”

“I’myour idiot,” Prussia agreed.  “Now move.  I want in.”

“You’re still dressed!”

“Psh,” Prussia waved him off.  He pulled himself up and stepped into the bathtub.  His socked feet landed on either side of his legs as he sunk to his knees.  His wet clothes scratched against his bare chest as he wrapped himself around Canada under a blanket of bubbles.  “When has that ever stopped me?’

Canada started laughing, then crying, and then he could not stop.

Prussia threw the curtains open and jumped up and down on the mattress.  Canada moaned and tried to smack him.  Prussia pushed a bottle of maple syrup into his hand instead.

He opened his eyes and blinked at the pile of pancakes in front of him.  

Prussia kissed him on the forehead and grinned.

“It’s my turn to take care of you.”

Requested (:

As the judge blew, signalling that the Euro finals were over, the audience went crazy. The French side was devestated, while the Portuguese was overjoyed.
Me on the other hand, could only think about how Antoine was feeling. He had worked so hard for this, and for nothing.
As Portugal lifted the trophy, I stood up and made my way to the French wardrobe, mentally preparing myself for what was to come.
He was already waiting as I arrived, and even though his face was emotionless, you could easily see the pain in his eyes. I hastily walked the last steps over to him and opened my arms widely, a comforting smile on my lips.
“Hey, I’m so sorry! You all worked so hard, and I know you’re upset. Do you need space or-”
He cut me off quickly and shook his head, tears starting to form in his eyes. “I just want to go home and cuddle, please?”
I nodded and gave him a tight hug before letting go, “Of course, let’s go.” Grabbing his hand, the two of you made your way to the car.
“And the little one also very much enjoyed the game, he wouldn’t be quiet in there,” I laughed and placed a loving hand on my three months pregnant belly. I could see Antoine smile softly at the thought of our little one, but the happiness disappeared as soon as it came.

“Hey! Antoine, over here! How does it feel to loose?”
“Are Y/N going to leave you now that you lost?”
“Do you think Portugal deserved to win?”

The paparazzi continued to shout out questions, some very rude ones, as well as snapping tons of pictures. I felt Antoine tense up, and I quickly gave his hand a gentle squeeze causing him to relax slightly.
We finally arrived to the car and made our way home, none of us being in the talkative mood.
As we arrived home, Antoine went straight for bed and motioned for me to join him, but I shook my head.
“I just have to fix something quickly, two sec and then we’ll cuddle.”
I walked into the kitchen and found a huge box of ice cream, and then grabbed two spoons. Walking back into the bedroom, I saw Antoine smile slightly as he saw what I had brought.
“Now,” I said and plopped down in the bed without caring about getting changed, “we can cuddle.”
We ate the ice cream in silence, and I then cleaned it away before we got ready for bed. I was about to fall asleep when I heard him speak up, “Thank you for comforting me tonight.”
Curling up against his chest, I smiled and gazed lovingly up at him.
“I would do anything for you, Antoine. I love you so much!”
“I love you too! And I don’t need a stupid trophy, cause’ with you and the little one, I’ve already wun!”

BkDk One-Shot (Angst this time)

“When you hit me, did it hurt?” Deku asks, pulling his knees up so that he can hug them against his chest.

Katsuki feels his stomach drop. “My hand is fine, your skull’s not that thick, you—”


Gritting his teeth, Katsuki sits down next to him. And Deku waits, he just waits, those stupid stupid eyes burning into the side of his skull. “You have a fuckingproblem! Worrying about me!

A soft exhale of breath. Deku’s hand finds his hand, thumb smearing across bloody knuckles. "I’m sor—”

“Don’t you dare.” He doesn’t pull his hand away. After a minute or two, he finally faces Deku. Faces the forest green eyes that light up every single time he looks at him without fail. “This is what you want?”

“Even if it was, it’s not what you want, so why are you saying—”

Katsuki brings his hand up, quickly, and Deku doesn’t even have to pride to flinch. With a sigh, he lets the hand rest against the bruise forming, the blood pooling under the skin… “I am.” Sorry.

He tilts his head into it. “I know.”

A little BkDk Snapshot:

Katsuki felt it all slip away: glory, pride, honor, indignation, the need to proveso damn much— there was just Izuku. Just the smallness of two people in a world of billions, under an infinite cosmos. And he was lucky for it… for how unlikely it was that they ever met, let alone—

“Hey, are you okay Kacchan?”

He turned his head away, the arm around Izuku tightening. “Yeah, fine.” Wiped his eyes.

“But it looked like—”

“Don’t finish that sentence, I’ll kill you.”

A soft laugh. “Okay! Okay, I guess I was mistaken.”

“Damn right.”

Soft curls tickled his chin. “Because you’d tell me, if—”

"WHAT DID I JUST SAY!” Katsuki shifted so that he could half-tackle Izuku to the ground.

“Ah! Kacchan! C'mon, it’s my job as your boyfriend to pay attention to you, and to—” The flashing of the fireworks lit up his smile, his bright eyes. Katsuki leaned down closer. “But if I so much as fucking mentionthat I’m crying because I love you, you’llstart crying,” he growled.

“… no,” Izuku replied, already tearing up.


Destroying Angels

Summary:Samuel Campbell drags his grandson into a case he never solved.

Pairing:Soulless!Sam Winchester x Hunted!Reader

Word Count: 3180



*Inspired by

*Do Not Read if you are Triggered by any of the following Warnings

Warnings:cursing, funerals, using people for profit, unprotected sex/wrap it up kiddos, intentional poisoning, slow death by blood letting, buried alive, rough oral sex, gun/knife play, blood play, necrophilia

A/N:Set Season 6 between Clap Your Hands If You Believe & ..And Then There We’re None

A/N II: Written from Sam & Readers POV’s

Bingo Squares: @anyfandomgoesbingo-Soulless!Sam@spnmixedbingo-Torture@j3bingo -Dirty Talk @spnaubingo -One night stand @spnkinkbingo-gunplay@anyfandomdarkbingo-Corruption

*no beta-all mistakes are mine

*photos found online

*gif not mine

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Suffocate Me

Summary:You and Jensen get hot and heavy (and loud!) in your hotel room.

Pairing:Jensen Ackles x Reader

Bingo Square: Quote J

Warnings:Language, smut, dirty talk, oral (fem receiving), face riding, fingering, a little bit of spanking, unprotected p in v (wrap it before you tap it!)

Word Count: 2,997

A/N: This is written as a submission for Tell Me A Story Bingo hosted by @supernatural-jackles. The square filled is “Quote J” and the quote used is in bold. This was so much fun to write, I hope you enjoy it! This hasn’t been beta’d so all mistakes are my own.

“Come on!” Jensen said, frustration evident in his words and wildly gesturing hands. He’d pushed and pulled on every switch but the spotlights on the ceiling of their hotel room remained on. Making his rounds to check every switch in the room for the third time, he was becoming desperate.

You’re lying in the big comfy bed looking like a Goddess in the plum, lace underwear set he’d bought you as a present. Well, it was more of a present for him, but whatever. He desperately wanted to be in that bed with you instead of dealing with this shit.

“How the hell do we get these lights off?” He murmured, travelling around the room again flicking all the switches.

“Babe, just come to bed.” You said.

“I won’t be able to sleep with that light on!”

“I can think of something that’ll make you so exhausted, you won’t care,” you bat your eyes at him.

A deep groan rumbled from his chest knowing exactly what you meant. “Just give me a minute,” he said as he appeared at your side of the bed to flick the switches next to you. You can’t help yourself as you reach out and grab at the half-hard bulge you’d been working on with your hands before he decided to turn some of the lights off and get cosy.

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prompt #90

A: “B, I really need to know your intentions with me.”

B: “I proposed to you yesterday! What is there to be confused about?”

A: “I don’t know, I thought that maybe you were proposing in a friendly, just-bros-being-bros way!”


“Well, well, it appears you’ve caught someone’s attention, Nygma.” Two-Face chuckled.
 You couldn’t help but stare and Edward soaked in it.
Finally, the attention he desperately craved- that he deserved.
Someone could see what everyone else couldn’t. How magnificent Edward was. Everyone else might as well have been blind for if they had less primitive brains- they’d know to worship the ground he walked on. After all, he was the smartest person in Gotham. 

Edward was sitting back in his seat, almost lazily as he idly swirled his drink.
His eyes locked on yours.
Penguin scoffed. “I don’t pay ‘em to gawk. I pay 'em to entertain!”
“Oh I think Ed is very entertained.” Harvey grinned.
Penguin however, was furious and rose to a stand, ready to give you a wicked lecture but Edward held out his hand in a gesture to stop him.
No, no, Oswald. It is no trouble. In fact, I think that might be the smartest employee, you’ve ever had.”
Oswald grumbled and you quickly looked away from Edward. You had witnessed how the Penguin didn’t look happy and that the Riddler of all people stopped him as Penguin glared daggers into you. You were pushing your luck. 

A minute later there was a tap to your shoulder.
At first you thought it’d be your boss, Oswald Cobblepot but the tap was much too soft. You turned and nearly forgot how to breathe.
“Hi, my name is Edward Nygma.” The man in green smiled.
“Hi…I thought you’d prefer to be called 'the Riddler’.” You replied almost breathlessly.
“Only to those I don’t like.” He smirked.
You blushed given the implication of giving his name so freely to you of all people. “I’m (Y/N).” You said.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Edward replied with a twinkle in his eye. “I couldn’t help but notice your gaze.”
“Right, sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable I just…I couldn’t believe I was seeing you in person.” You admitted, slightly embarrassed.
“I wasn’t uncomfortable, in fact, I rather enjoyed being acknowledged by such an attractive individual such as yourself.” You had wondered if Edward Nygma was ever shy, he seemed nerdy enough. So much you were certain that if someone like Catwoman flirted with him, he’d crumble with uncertainty all the while flustered. Yet that didn’t seem to be the case as he was so bold to let his attraction be known.
“Oh, thank you so much.” You became shy. “That means a lot coming from someone so well known like you.”
“Then you know that seeing I’m of such strong intellect that I speak fact. I don’t often give such flattering words to anyone but I think I could make an exception for you tonight.” Edward smirked at your blush.
“No complaints here.” You said before covering your mouth. “Thank you for your time. I don’t intend to take you away from your friends and my boss.”
Edward huffed out a laugh. “Friends…’associates’ is much more accurate. Although I do consider Oswald a friend. We have some history. It’d be foolish to call him anything else.”
After some time of talking the Ridder asked you a rather direct question. “Have you had too much to drink?” He asked and you looked at him with confusion. “What?”
The Riddler raised an eyebrow. “That’s not a convincing argument.”
“No-I-I had a few but…I’m not drunk, I just- why do you ask?”
The Riddler brushed off your shoulders. “Because I find it very difficult to believe you’d look at me the way you do if you weren’t.” His eyes met yours and he smiled slightly. “A shame, I will admit. Regardless, I’m flattered.”
You couldn’t hide your surprise, he seemed almost disheartened by the thought of you changing your mind in the morning.
“I’ll take what I can get of your time.” You cracked a smile and Edward smirked. “Then I will indulge you." 

Edward lapped up the attention you gave him, he had no issue talking about himself whilst you had no issue listening to him. He was fascinating. Just as you thought he always would be. "I’d like to know about you.” He smiled slyly, leaning on his hand on top of the table at the booth.
 "Me? There’s nothing really to me.“ You admitted. "Nothing in comparison to you, Mr Nygma.”
The Riddler chuckled. “I’ll be the judge of that. I want to know about the divine person before me who looks at me like I just saved the world.” You blushed. “Well…I moved here to get a new start. My parents didn’t approve of a lot of my choices so I couldn’t get away quicker. What used to be constant prying into my life became a phone call once a month…” You sent him a mischievous smirk. “…if I answer the phone that is.”
The Riddler hummed, sipping on his drink. “The Penguin hired me and that’s really it. I’m too new to Gotham to have any cool stories. I told you I was boring.” You cracked a smile. “Other than that time I met the Riddler that is.”
“I hear that is quite the honour around here.” Edward grinned.
You nodded. “The highest honour. I think it might have made my life actually. I peaked that night. Never going to have a better experience.”
Edward chuckled. “Well you might see him again if you played your cards right.” “Do you think I did?” You leaned on the table top, arms crossing.
He raised the glass to his lips, pausing momentarily to smirk at you. “Maybe.” “What about you?” You asked. “You must meet some unforgettable people all the time.”
“Very few actually, beyond the company I keep. The rest of Gotham are faceless nobodies. Although you might be the first to change that.” He said looking you over.
You hummed. “Probably not, when you believe how boring I truly am.”
“If you were, I wouldn’t be sitting here.” Edward countered.
“I didn’t think you were the type to not complete a puzzle.” You retorted.
“That’s because I don’t. However, only puzzles worth my time get all my attention and you, my dear, have my attention.”
“Then I certainly hope I don’t disappoint you, Mr Nygma.” You said.
“As do I, my dear.” He responded.
“So is this your night off? It is Friday after all.” You asked.
He pondered the question. “I suppose it could be considered as a social gathering. We did meet on business terms but if they’d started then I won’t be there to speak business.” He smiled. “I’ll be here with you.”
You blushed. “Sorry, I feel like I’ve disrupted on many levels now.”
Edward hummed. “You’re a lovely distraction though. I’d hardly call it a waste of time for me.”
You smiled back at him. “As I said, I think you’ve made not just my night but my whole life just approaching me. Even if I get fired tomorrow…it’ll be worth it.” You giggled.
“Fired? Absolutely not. I won’t have that. I’ve kept you in bounds of your job. Your job is to make sure customers are comfortable and entertained.”
 "You’re not just some guy though.“ You replied. "You’re the Riddler.”
He let out a laugh of amusement. “Give me your phone.” He said.
“It’s round back…” You rose to a stand. “…why do you want my phone?”
He smirked. “You’ll just have to get it to find out, won’t you?”
You smiled. “Be back in a sec then." 

When you were gone that was when Two-Face shoved his way into the booth beside Edward. "You’ve been gone for a while. We did the meeting without you.” “You can fill me in later, Harvey.” Edward’s eyes remained upon the staff door, waiting for you to return.
“It seems like you like this one.” Two-Face nudged him.
“And?” Edward responded.
“Excellent choice.” Two-Face said smugly. “I hope you don’t have ill intentions for that one, Edward.” Harvey cut in.
Edward huffed. “Hardly. You don’t know anything of my intentions, Dent. Now go away before they come back and see you. You’ll scare them off.”
Two-Face huffed out a laugh. “Too late, looks like I’m staying, Eddie. They’ve already seen me and they’re coming this way.” Edward followed Harvey’s gaze. He was right, you were coming back. 

You held your phone out to him.
“Here….hello, Mr Two-Face. Are you having a good night?” You asked as Edward plucked the phone from your grasp and leaned back, busying himself with it.
“Yeah, doll-face. Thanks for taking Edward off our hands for the night. The night off from babysitting has been great.” He grinned.
Shut it.” Edward warned him but didn’t look up from your phone.
“I’ve enjoyed every minute with him.” You blushed.
“I bet you have.” Two-Face sounded smug again as Edward handed your phone back to you.
“Right, that’s enough out of you.” The Riddler rose to a stand and nudged him. “Move along, I’m going to say my goodbyes and head home. Leave them be.” Edward was practically guiding Harvey away from you.
Stopping to spin around the face you. “See you soon.” Edward smiled at you before continuing to push Harvey forward, his cane in the other hand.
“Nygma, I swear if you don’t quit your shoving-” The rest of Two-Face’s threat was drowned out my the noise.
Still, you couldn’t help but smile. You checked the time on your phone. You had another half an hour left of your shift.
However you couldn’t help but wonder what he did to your phone. 

It was only later when you checked it that you discovered what he had done. Your jaw hung open, gawking at the screen. There, in your contacts, was a new one. Enigma. You immediately figured he didn’t want to put his actual name but regardless. Edward Nygma, the Riddler, had put his number in your phone.
You immediately went to text it, even if it was half four in the morning.
You typed out your message before sending it.
'Thanks for the great night. You got me through my shift haha.’
To your surprise as you climbed in bed, your phone buzzed.
You turned off the light before you looked to see a response from Enigma.
'The pleasure is all mine. I’d like another night, perhaps not when you’re working.’
You inhaled, feeling the blush in your cheeks.
'You can have all the nights you like.’ You replied.
'Then you’ll hear from me very soon, my dear. Goodnight.’

WARNING: Violence! Death!


Jervis promised Alice he would follow her anywhere. Even when she ran away, he kept his promise. He loved her endlessly after all. Although Gotham was a big city. Crime rates seemed pretty high and very few wanted to be alone. That was what Jervis was good at, depending on only himself. It worked to his advantage. He decided that he’d go to the police in the morning and report Alice missing. For now, he’d have to wait for a bus to get to the hotel.
Although he wasn’t alone.
You kept your head down, lighting a cigarette. Jervis crinkled his nose.
Smoking was a nasty habit, after all. He heard you let out a sigh, the smoke passing through your lips. You leaned against the bus stop, kicking at the ground momentarily before casting your eyes upwards. Jervis didn’t make eye contact keeping his eyes anywhere but in your general direction.
“Oi! Willy wonka! So are you new here or what?”
Jervis wanted nothing more than to ignore you. Although he was the only one around and it simply was the height of bad manners to ignore someone no matter how ill-mannered they are.
“I just got here tonight.” Jervis replied somewhat crisply with a fake smile. You scoffed before taking another puff. “Ugh! Lucky you! I’m dying to get out of here but I can’t leave. Born and raised here y'know? Been here for years.”
He curtly nodded once before taking a few steps back creating more distance between you.
“Have you been out having fun tonight, eh?” You asked.
Jervis really didn’t want to tell you his real intentions and he really wanted you to stop talking to him. “Uh.. yes.”
You gave him a flirtatious smile. “You seem like a bit of fun.”
Your eyes ran up and down him and he wanted to shiver. Only his dear Alice ever had his permission to look at him like that. She was better than that. A much higher standard. His Alice was his one and only.
Jervis said nothing ignoring the comment with distaste. 

You bent over slightly placing a hand to your neck with discomfort. Jervis didn’t ask, he didn’t care to know what had you so suddenly uneasy. Perhaps you remembered not to talk to strangers. Better yet, all Jervis hoped that this bus would hurry up. He moved closer to the bench by the bus stop.
“You know I tried to quit these.” You held up your cigarette and Jervis jumped. Suddenly you were leaning on the bus stop inches away from him and he hadn’t even heard you. Perhaps it was the medicine. Side effects did cause some confusion. Not to mention what happened when no longer taking them so abruptly. He huffed irritated and moved away again to create some distance once more. Yet you didn’t skip a beat and kept on talking. “That’s what you get when you party too hard in these streets of Gotham, eh? I was at a house party and then a whole drama kicked off with my friends. Some bozo chatting it up with my friend and she didn’t have the heart to tell the bastard to clear off. I did it for her. He started threatening us and by then the night was ruined for me to I decided to head home. Unbelievable eh? All because someone won’t get out of your face and take a hint!”
Jervis couldn’t ignore the irony in your rant given desire for you to stop talking to him. Jervis turned his back to you as he took idle steps and tried to ignore you as best he could. However he was quickly losing patience. 

That was when Jervis realised how quiet you suddenly were. He turned back to see you face down on the ground, cigarette nowhere in sight.
That was strange he didn’t remember hearing you fall.
“Pardon me?” Jervis looked over any sign of movement. “My dear, tonight is not the night for games and tease!” He chided but never the less moved closer to you. He nudged you with his foot lightly. “Excuse me?”
No response.
Jervis sighed before rolling you off of your front only to cry out in horror.
Your throat had been cut, your eyes empty with no sign of life anywhere on your body. The blood began to drip down your neck and chest.
Jervis staggered back with complete disbelief.
Suddenly you were gone without so much as a trace. 
He looked to through the sheet of transparent plastic in the bus shelter but his own reflection did not meet his gaze.
Instead of his own reflection it was yours.
“I’m dying to get out of here. Been here for years.” Your reflection said blankly and Jervis took off running. 

Jervis never forgot his first night in Gotham. He never forgot your face. Nor could he explain what he had seen. Although there was one thing that Jervis could have noticed with a keener eye.
Upon the very bench that stood barely a few feet from him, had a small plaque engraving on it.
‘In Loving Memory of (Y/N) (L/N)’


The Riddler was certain that the Batman had feelings for you.
He even worried that you felt the same. Neither of you could hide it from Edward, he could see everything crystal clear.
As much as he didn’t want to use you as bait to trap the Batman, he had to for the power you had over the Batman.
Even if you were his love, Edward had to prove he was right. It had been a point of conflict, he couldn’t think of any specifics but the feeling never left him. Every disagreement, every argument, every issue always came down to the clear connection you and the Batman shared. No matter your claims of Edward’s involvement. That your care for Edward is what made you so drawn to find a common ground with the Batman. He considered such a lie pitiful. You could not deceive Edward Nygma- no one could deceive the Riddler.
He even had a captivated audience of his associates to witness his greatness.

You, however, were less than pleased, glaring holes into Edward each time his face came into frame of the screen.
Suddenly you had a strong outburst of frustration and evidently, quite pissed off. “I don’t know how much you paid your little friends of yours to say the utter crap they so called ’witnessed’…” You cast a cold glance to the screens showing Scarecrow, Two-Face, Penguin and Harley. “But I am getting sick and tired of your crap, bringing this up week after week with any tiny little thing that happens.” You focused back on the Riddler. “If you want to believe so bad that I am cheating on you with the Batman then do us all a favour and break up with me now!”
Edward smirked. “You’d like to be freed from guilt so-”
“Ifnot...!” You cut in. “Then shut the hell up before I beat you to the punch!”
“To be guilty of adultery must be so distressing, my dear.” Edward smiled. “Well…when you’re caught. No matter what you say or do, I know what you did. I am the Riddler! I am superior to everyone!” Edward seemed to grow angry. “You will know what it means to mess with me, my dear." 

Suddenly there was smashed glass as Batman came through the ceiling.
"Aha!” The Riddler cried out. “I told you! I knew he’d come for you!”
You rolled your eyes. “You literally told him where to go!” You deadpanned.
No, I gave him riddles to solve that would giveindications of your whereabouts! It’d be up to him to bother to find you!” The Riddler argued back.
You groaned pinching the bridge of your nose between your thumb and index finger.
“I’ve heard just about enough of this.” Batman spoke up. “This is a load of garbage. All of it. All for insecurity.”
“Insecurity!?” The Riddler cried out with offense. “I am not insecure, Batman! I have no reason to be insecure! I am the most intellectually superior-”
“Insecure that you’re not enough for your partner and pushing then away by accusing them of cheating.” Batman cut in coldly. “You’re using me to do it and I’ve heard enough. You want there to be something between us so badly…?” Batman trailed off before turning to you.
“(Y/N)…” Batman said smoothly, taking your wrist gently. “I hope you don’t mind.” He said with sincerity.
Your eyes shifted uncertain of what he was referring to. However all was explained when Batman pulled you in close by the waist, leaning down and capturing your lips in a kiss.
Your eyes widened as the Riddler leapt out of his chair with outrage.
The Riddler recognised the shock upon your face almost immediately as it mirrored the same shock you had when he kissed you for the first time making the experience all the more thrilling that he caught you off guard.
However now Batman had done the same and he was livid

Edward’s eyes snapped open with a gasp, his heartbeat a little fast. The sunlight made him aware it was now morning, a few hours had passed but he was relieved to find you curled up next to him in bed, fast asleep. It was just a dream. He let out a quiet sigh as he tried not to disturb you.
He lay back down beside you. He wasn’t ready to get up yet, not when he could have you in his arms. A lovely remedy after such a dream.
Trying not to disturb you was quickly ignored as he pulled your back into his chest and curled around you.
You stirred. “Ed…?” You asked groggily.
He huffed, holding you to him tighter as you felt him burrow his nose into the back of your head.
“You okay?” You asked.
“Bad dream.” Edward mumbled back.
“Let me roll over.” You stretched against him and he did so with an unenthusiastic huff.
Although he was much happier that you turned to face him, keeping little space between you two as you nuzzled your face into his neck, wrapped an arm around his waist, under his arms and a leg over his hip. You sighed with content and Edward found the feeling to be mutual.

WARNING: Mental Illness and Aggressive Behaviour.


Even the great Riddler had his bad days.
His, just made him a little more dangerous than most.

Once in complete exhaustion, his body, his entire being, just stops. His eyes were bleak, dull and had a rather sinister look.
His riddles, his ego, his very personality washed away to this empty shell of himself. Edward did not speak, He didn’t do much of anything.
You recognised what had happened immediately when he came home from his secret base. He had pushed himself so far that he had almost completely dissociated.
“Hey…” You began quietly. “…are you feeling okay?” You kept your voice soft and quiet.
He was very sensitive and reacted to the most simple of sounds.
Edward didn’t so much as nod, he simply stood before you and stared. His hair disheveled as was his green suit that was usually in perfect condition. You carefully reached out with a hand.
“Let’s go to bed.” You whispered quietly. “You always feel better with some sleep. You’ll feel back to your normal self in no time.” You quietly assured him. His hands reached out towards your neck and you grasped them roughly in your own, pressing them to your hips.
Edward didn’t always know what he was doing in these states but as long as you kept calm, so would he.
“Come on.” You said softly, walking him towards the bedroom. 

“Just relax, you’re home safe.” You assured him as you peeled his green jacket off of his body. He allowed it. His eyes flickered every few seconds, watching your hands.
“Shoes.” You said softly. As you unbuttoned a few buttons of his shirt. As though hypnotised, he kicked off his shoes.
“Good.” You led him towards the bed. “In you go.”
You helped him into bed and pulled the covers over him. You felt a small tug on your arm. You looked up to keep Edward’s stare.
“Do you want me to get in with you?” Edward had nothing but praise for how you handled any of his moods. You knew the danger yet you also clung to the chance that he wouldn’t lash out. Over time, you learned how to deal with him. After a few moments you took his stare as a ‘yes’ and climbed in.
You coaxed him into facing away from you before wrapping your arms around him and pressing your face into his back. You took in his usual smell that you grew to find comfort in. You made idle patterns along his arm and kept your breathing slow and even. He’d relax eventually. Especially with a hand in his hair. “You’re okay.” You sighed softly. He had two options at that point. He could try to sleep it off or he could lie there awake and motionless. That’s usually how it went. You moved you hand from his hair and rubbed his back. Luckily, Edward fell asleep not long after.


The phone rang twice before your boyfriend picked up.
“Hello?” Jonathan answered somewhat quietly.
“Hey, you’re on break yeah?” You asked.
“I am.” He replied curtly.
“Great so, I’m a little stuck on dinner tonight.” You admitted. “Oh Edward and Harvey are here, by the way.”
There was a pause.
“Why are they there?” Jonathan asked.
“They just stopped by. They thought you were off work this week.” You responded.
“I was off work last week.” Jonathan responded.
“Well we know that now!” Edward rolled his eyes.
“Why don’t you two stay for dinner!?” You straightened. “It’s not like we had a plan anyway!”
“We shouldn’t intrude.” Harvey cut in.
“No, really, it’s no trouble! Besides, I haven’t seen you two in ages, it’ll be fun!” Edward seemed smug. “I have no issue.”
“Crane, you good with this?” Two-Face asked.
There was a long pause.
“No, no issue at all.” Jonathan finally replied, seemingly reluctant but always willing to do what made you happy.
“How about you pick for dinner tonight and I’ll…” You paused. “I’ll help make it.” You giggled.
“My dear, I think what you mean to say is that you’ll assist me making it because I can’t trust you not to burn down the apartment.” You heard a hint of amusement in his voice.
“You know I can’t cook.” You whined.
“I know. Very well. That’s fine by me. I have another few hours until I finish work so enjoy occupying Edward until then.” He said.
Edward scoffed. “You make me sound like a child needing to be occupied!”
“You are.” Two-Face and Jonathan immediately replied in unison.
Edward huffed again with an eyeroll before mumbling under his breath.
“Alright, we’ll leave you alone. See you soon, I love you.” You smiled.
“I’ll see you soon, dear.” Jonathan said before hanging up the phone.

Okay first ever Dr Who fic! I bit the bullet and finally wrote a little something to get it out of my system. What do we think? Would love feedback ❤️


Missy’s eyes were distant and glassy. “I keep remembering all the people I’ve killed.” She began. “Every day I think of more. Being bad…” She took an unsteady breath in attempt collect herself but it was evident how difficult that was just by her face. Tears fell down Missy’s face. “I didn’t even know I knew their names.” She said lightly.
She looked to the doctor with a pointed gaze.
“You didn’t tell me about this bit.” She said. She pointed to her face. “What’s this? Why am I doing this now?" 

The Doctor looked at her with guilt, sadness for his oldest friends pain but couldn’t ignore the hope in his hearts that she was coming around.
"I’m sorry but this is good.” He nodded to her in assurance. Missy could have winced at his words.
To be good sounded excruciatingly painful. To hurt for others, to care about every little motion and consequence, it wasn’t entirely exhausting like she had thought. It was just painful. Yet Missy held a brave face as she nodded.
“Okay.” She relented, giving into the Doctors wisdom, trusting the process- trusting him. Trust was an important part of friendship after all and she needed her friend back. 

You liked to think of the human race as the messiest species but that recklessness put a deeper layer of compassion. Perhaps to timelords, humans were young and stupid. However, being human left room for discovery and mistakes and growth. Many species like those from Gallifrey didn’t give themselves such a privilege. An old species that had no need for mistakes. Perfection was pedestalled.
You didn’t mean to eavesdrop on the conversation she had with the doctor but now you couldn’t get it out of your mind. Missy was nothing short of confident, carefree and her schemes were nothing to underestimate. Yet to hear the vulnerability in her voice and catch a glimpse of the tears running down her face. It was off-putting but quickly your empathy kicked in. Missy had done terrible things and for the first time, she had been really forced herself to be responsible for it and reflect. Gallifreyan’s didn’t have time for errors and regrets. Yet Missy was bombarded with nothing but the consequences of her actions. It could make you wince. You knew the guilt and regret you felt when you didn’t do something correctly or hurt someone in the process. Therefore, you couldn’t imagine what she was feeling.
So you did what was probably very risky but very human. Reach out. 

You found her a short time after the overheard conversation sitting upon the stairs in front of the controls of the Tardis, staring at nothing. She still seemed somber but much more concealed with her emotions. You would have almost thought nothing was wrong if you hadn’t known her.
Wordlessly, you sat beside her.
She sent you a skeptical glance. “Bored, petal?”
You lightly shrugged. “Nah. I actually just wanted to check on you. You seem kinda down. You’re usually skipping and dancing around the place since you’ve left the vault…you okay?” You asked, leaning on your propped up hand.
She seemed almost dismissive with a roll of her eyes. “Ugh, absolutely, mind numbingly fine, poppet. Bored even. It really is painfully dull here.”
You admired the willpower to put on a brave face and didn’t push it any further. “Well, I know it might not mean much to you but…” You paused before giving her a small smile. “You’re doing really well and I appreciate the work you’re putting into this. It isn’t easy to change. It’s very admirable.”
Missy huffed quietly in amusement, cracking a smile. “You’re right, it doesn’t mean anything.” She sent you a brief side glance. “Thank you.”
You smiled back at her. “You’re welcome.”

  • Genre: Fluff, Comedy
  • Word Count: 1,117 
  • Pairing: Reader x Liliadent 
  • World: Prince of Tennis

Table of Contents


You were freaking out, honestly.

Okay, maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but you were feeling pretty nervous. Why? Because Atobe Keigo decided to host an Easter festival and was handing out jobs left and right, even to students that didn’t even attend Hyotei Gakuen. Fate was totally on your side – not – because Atobe had decided that you would be the perfect person to purchase the flower arrangements for the festival. The problem? You knew absolutely nothing about flowers. How could he trust you with such a task? You felt as if the weight of the world was on your shoulders.

You bent down in front of the rows of flowers, holding your head in your hands. What in the world were you going to do? You had no idea.

“Are you okay?” The Japanese was timid and unsure with a strong accent lacing the words.

You threw your head back to look at the boy standing behind you. You blinked your eyes quickly to see if you were staring at a hallucination. This boy was clearly not of Japanese descent, but damn was he gorgeous! Silky blonde locks reached to his broad shoulders, bangs falling over crystal blue eyes. You felt your cheeks start to burn due to a mixture of his good looks and the fact that you were now staring at him.

“Excuse me?”

You snapped out of your daze, shooting up so quick that you bumped into the table. Fear overcame you as the vases began to wobble back and forth, but thankfully none of them fell. You sent the shopkeeper a sheepish smile to which she responded with a glare. You sighed, turning back to the boy and answering in English. “I’m fine, thank you for asking.”

His eyes widened in surprise, his confidence rising as he switched to his native tongue. “You speak English?”

You nodded, giving him a peace sign. “I’m half and half!”

He smiled at you, thankful to have someone to speak to in English. “Do you need help with something? You seem kind of distressed.”

“Ah…” You suddenly remembered your problem and started to sway where you stood, your skin turning pale as you muttered under your breath in Japanese. “Atobe is going to kill me if I mess this up.”

He tilted his head to the side, taking a moment to register the Japanese. One word stuck out more than the rest. “Atobe? You know him?”

You nodded once, feeling as if your soul was being drained from your body. “He sent me to get flowers for his festival but he didn’t tell me which ones to get and Yukimura-chan is away visiting family so he couldn’t help me and what the hell am I supposed to do?”

He covered his mouth to stifle his laughter.

You scowled at him, lightly smacking his arm. “It’s not funny! I’ll never hear the end of this if I mess it up!”

Placing a comforting hand on your shoulder, he smiled softly. “I can help you out… if you want, I mean.”

“You know about flowers?”

He nodded. “I enjoy flower arranging in my spare time.” His lithe fingers reached out and brushed the petals of the Orchids behind you. “Do you have anything specific in mind?”

You hummed, placing your index finger to your bottom lip as you looked up at the ceiling in thought. “Something that says ‘Spring’, I suppose. Do Easter flowers exist?”

“They do,” He placed his hand on the small of your back, directing you to the other end of the shop. The two of you spent the next three hours going through your choices. You knew that they not only had to match the season, but they also had to complement each other, as well. The flowers you finally decided on were Cosmos, Camellias, Daffodils, Tulips and, for the center of the arrangement, you chose Easter Lilies.

The shopkeeper created a single arrangement with the flowers you had chosen so you could see what the final result would look like.

Your eyes shined as you clasped your hands together under your chin. “It’s so beautiful!” You looked over at your companion with hopeful eyes. “What do you think?”

He nodded, smiling brightly at you. “It looks lovely. I’m sure Atobe will be pleased.”

Your eyes brightened at his words and you quickly threw your arms around his middle. “Thank you so much for your help!”

His pale cheeks dusted pink as he returned the hug. “You’re welcome.”

When you pulled back, you realized something. “I never asked for your name, how rude.”

“Liliadent Krauser of Nagoya Seitoku.”

“It’s nice to meet you!” You shook his hand with a grin. “Can I have your number, Liliadent-kun?”

“Please, Krauser is fine.” He rubbed his warm cheek before pulling out his cellphone.

You took it and quickly entered your number, writing your name in English for him. “Krauser-kun, then~ Call me sometime, okay? Maybe we can hang out at the festival!” You called your number from his phone so you’d have his number before handing it back to him.

“That sounds fun.”

You happened to glance at the clock hanging on the wall and cursed. “Ah! I have to go, my brother is going to kill me for being late!”

Before he could respond, you ran out of the shop, feeling much happier than when you entered. Not only had you picked out an amazing arrangement for the festival, but you also met a super cute boy to attend the festival with. You giggled to yourself as you thought about it, narrowly missing the pole that almost made contact with your face.

When you finally made it home, you received a stern lecture from your older brother for returning home so late without so much as a call or text. Despite being scolded, you couldn’t stop smiling, which only seemed to frustrate the male even more. He sighed in frustration before sending you to your room so he could prepare for dinner.

After eating dinner and preparing for bed, your phone buzzed on the side table. You had received a new message, written in perfect English.

>> I’m happy I met you. Are you free tomorrow?

You bit your lip and did your best to stop the smile from spreading, but your happiness was far too high and your lips curled up as you typed your reply:

<< I am~ What do you have in mind?

The reply came quickly.

>> I want to take you out for lunch. I’ll call you tomorrow : )

Your heart fluttered. After typing your agreement, you fell asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow with a smile glued to your face.


  • Genre: Fluff, Romance, Comedy, Easter 
  • Word Count: 1,054 
  • Pairing: Reader x Niou 
  • World: Prince of Tennis

Table of Contents


Your eyes sparkled as you stared at the bunny rabbits hopping around in their cages. It was a pet shot that specialized in small, furry animals – rabbits, hamsters, chinchillas, and other small critters. It was easily your biggest weakness. They’re just so cute and adorable, you want to bring them all into your arms and hug them.

Niou followed you quietly as you walked around the shop, looking for the ‘perfect’ rabbit – Atobe had made it quite clear that it needed to be the perfect one for the Easter festival, whatever that meant.

You glanced to the right and froze, meeting the eyes of a rather large rabbit with bright blue eyes. His fur was black and white, striped like a tiger’s fur. You had never seen such a beautiful creature in your life. You approached his cage, never losing eye contact. He seemed to… speak to you and you knew instantly that you had to have him.

Arms wrapped around your waist, Niou resting his chin on your shoulder as he looked at the rabbit curiously. “Never seen a rabbit like that before.”

“I know. Isn’t he gorgeous?!”

Niou smirked at your excitement. “You want this one, then?”

You nodded furiously, looking up at him with pleading eyes. Yukimura had entrusted both of you to find Atobe’s perfect rabbit for his festival, which meant that Niou had to agree, as well, before it could be bought.

“Hmm~ I dunno. I think we can find a better one.”

“Please, Niou!”

“Convince me.” His smirk grew, turning you around to face him.

You quickly caught on to the implication and smiled, grabbing his tie to pull him down to your level. Your lips crashed against one another, moving in perfect synch as if they had danced it a thousand times before. You pressed your body against his, tugging lightly on his bottom lip as you pulled away from the kiss.

“Pretty please, Niou-kun~?”

He pecked your lips, his smirk turning into a smile as he nodded. “Puri~”

“Yes!” You threw your fist into the air in victory as he approached the shopkeeper, informing the older man of your decision. Atobe had called ahead and authorized the payment to be billed to his card, so all you had to do was choose the items needed for the rabbit. “Hmm, a metal cage is probably best. If you eat the plastic, you’ll get sick.”

The rabbit, who you decided to name Tora due to its markings, cocked his head to the side at your words. You nearly squealed at how cute he looked.

Niou returned, grabbing your hand and threading his fingers with yours. “The shopkeeper said to let him know once we’ve picked everything out.”

“We should pick a cage first.” You dragged him to the other end of the shop where the cages were boxed and neatly stacked on shelves. “It needs to be metal.”

“What about this?” He pointed to the very first one his eyes found and you scowled.

“That’s way too small!”

He rubbed his chin in thought. “He’s gonna be staying with Atobe, right? So why not get him a castle?”

“I don’t think they make – ” your words died off when you followed his finger. Sure enough, a box nearly the same height as the room stood towering over the other boxes. A brilliant castle made of sterling silver decorated the box. According to the list of features, it even came with its own mote around the castle complete with a drawbridge. Your eye twitched as you stared at it. “That seems… a bit excessive…”

“Well, it is for Atobe and he is paying.”

“Yeah, but – ”

“Don’t you want little rabbit-chan to have the very best?” He grinned when you froze, knowing he had won. This was going to be great.

“You’re right! Our child needs the best we can provide!” You nodded with determination.

“Our child? When did that happen?” He raised a brow. “And we’re not technically the ones providing.”

You ignored him, already approaching the shopkeeper to let him know which cage you wanted. Niou sweatdropped as the man asked over and over if you were sure. It was hella expensive and he knew it wasn’t your money that was buying said expensive item. You scowled at him after he asked for the fifth time, slamming your hand on the counter.

“Atobe-san trusted us enough to come and pick out these items, did he not? Don’t question our decisions!”

The shopkeep quickly apologized and began adding up everything you wanted. Niou snickered at your attitude as you rushed back and forth, picking up rabbit food and toys and anything else that caught your eye. He leaned against you when you finished, waiting for the man to finish ringing up the items.

“Don’t you think that’s a bit too much?” He questioned, watching the pile of toys and treats steadily grow as they were rung up.

“Of course not! Like you said, the best for our baby.”

“It’s a rabbit…”

You scowled at him and he shrugged, pecking your cheek. You were so cute, he didn’t really mind you claiming the rabbit as your shared child. It’d be true one day, anyway.

Little did he know, Niou was the one forced to put the cage together. Never had he regretted his choices more than he did at that moment. He felt like walking away several times, Atobe could easily hire someone to do it, but every time he looked over at you, his will wavered. You had decided to help him, despite him telling you it wasn’t necessary, but you were just as floored and overwhelmed as he was.

You were frowning down at the instructions, your brow furrowed in concentration. You couldn’t make heads nor tails of the damn thing.

Niou chuckled, breaking your concentration. “You’re so cute when you’re frustrated,”

“Shut up.” You muttered, feeling your cheeks burn.

With new resolve, he pecked your cheek before returning to work. It took both of you nearly six hours to piece the cage together. All of the frustration was worth it in the end as you both viewed the masterpiece.

“I kinda wanna live there,” Niou commented.

“It’s bigger than my bedroom. And my living room… I’ve never been so jealous of a rabbit before…”



  • Genre: Comedy, School, Fluff
  • Word Count: 1,646 
  • Pairing: Reader x Shishido 
  • World: The Prince of Tennis

Table of Contents


When you woke up that morning, a bad feeling overcame you. Your instincts were rarely wrong and you knew that something annoying was bound to happen. True enough, Atobe himself was standing at the school entrance waiting for you. As soon as your eyes met, you darted in the opposite direction. He had tried to give chase but, thanks to his fangirls, he hadn’t been able to move. Who knew fangirls could actually be useful?

The rest of the day was spent avoiding Hyotei’s king at all costs. You knew that whatever he wanted, it wouldn’t end well for you. The looks of the regulars didn’t help ease your mind, either, since you shared almost every class with at least one of them. What annoyed you the most, though, was Oshitari’s smug smirk. You were determined not to get caught up in whatever disaster the tennis team was about to bring, but you forgot one important detail:

Atobe Keigo is the king, and the king always gets his way.

When the final bell rang, you already had your bag packed and tried to dart out of the room before Oshitari could stop you. Of course, the king had anticipated this and every single regular was already standing outside of your classroom. They were fast, but there was no way in hell they were that fast. Had they skipped class?

Oshitari chuckled from behind you, resting his hand on your shoulder. “I’m afraid Atobe would like to speak to you. There’s nowhere to run, YN.”

You sighed in defeat. “Well, it was worth a try, wasn’t it?”

His lips twitched up into a smirk as he turned his gaze to the brunette. “Shishido, grab their arm just to be safe.”

“Is that really necessary, Oshitari-kun?” you questioned, placing your hands on your hips. “I know there’s no getting out of it. I won’t try and run.”

“I would rather not take the risk.” He pushed up those fake glasses of his, mischief twinkling within his dark eyes. It was clear to you that he had an ulterior motive, but asking about it was useless.

Doing as he was told, Shishido lightly gripped your upper arm. The regulars formed a barrier around you and you felt the urge to facepalm. You were definitely going to give that monkey king a piece of your mind for this!

Shishido cleared his throat and leaned down a bit, his voice low as he addressed you. “Sorry about this…”

“It’s fine – ” your words died in your throat when you glanced over at him. He refused to look at you, keeping his chocolate brown eyes trained directly in front of him. His cheeks had turned a light hue of red. You blinked in confusion. “Shishido-san… are you blushing?”

“Of course not!” He snapped, quickly looking away from you. Gakuto started to crack up and Oshitari’s smirk grew. The others hadn’t heard the exchange and only looked between the four of you with confusion.

You expected to hear screaming fans when you got close to the tennis courts, but it was completely silent and there wasn’t a fan in sight. How had he managed to pull that off?

“Atobe’s butler is selling regulars merchandise near the entrance of the school,” Oshitari commented with a glance at you. “The fans flocked to it instantly.”

“They’re creepy!” Gakuto pouted, folding his arms over his chest. “That stupid plushy looks nothing like me!”

“You’re just mad that he made one of you and Yuushi hugging.” Shishido scoffed, enjoying the redhead’s cry of anger.

“Hmm, if I buy one, will you guys sign it?” You knew signed products sold for quite a pretty penny, especially at a school full of crazy rich kids.

“Of course.” “No way!” The pair chorused.

You tried to hide your laughter behind your hand but failed miserably. Although they could be annoying, the regulars could also be pretty amusing as they interacted with one another.

Arn~ what’s so funny?” Atobe raised a brow when he saw your body shaking with laughter.

“Dirty pair,” you managed out before another round of giggles stopped you from talking. Yuushi and Atobe were the only ones that knew about the pairing name. The rest just looked at you, wondering what the hell you were going on about.

“Don’t worry, Y/N-hime.” Atobe ran his fingers through his purple locks. “If you comply with our demands, ore-sama will ensure that you get a plush for every regular and pairing.”

“Pairing?” Shishido wrinkled his nose. “The hell is that?”

“I don’t want anyone to have a plush of me!” Gakuto cried, grabbing onto his doubles partner. “Make him stop, Yuushi!”

Yuushi said nothing as he shook the redhead off before throwing his arm over your shoulder. “Come along, we don’t have all day.”

“What is it you want from me anyway?” You questioned, wiping away the last of your tears; you hadn’t laughed that hard in a while.

“Ore-sama is hosting an Easter festival,” Atobe announced, taking his usual seat underneath an umbrella. The rest of the regulars sat on the benches, minus Yuushi who kept his iron grip on your shoulders and Jirou who had been asleep in the stands the whole time. “There’s a lot of work to be done and not much time to do it, so ore-sama expects his friends to pull their weight as well.”

“But we’re not friends.” You told him. “And what weight are you pulling?”

His eye twitched, but he didn’t allow his smirk to leave his lips. “Don’t be so cold, hime. Of course, we are friends! And if you must know, ore-sama is organizing the entire festival!”

“In other words, you’re sitting there ordering people around.”


Muffled laughter.

“You can’t have an Easter festival without eggs. We will be having decorating contests, as well as easter egg hunts, so I’m sending you to collect the eggs.”

‘He ignored my comment’, you scowled. “Why me? Shouldn’t that be a job for one of your servants?”

“All of them are preoccupied with other matters.”

“Of course they are.”

“Ore-sama will be paying for them.” He produced his black and gold card from his wallet. “You’re simply the delivery person.”

“How flattering.” You sighed, grabbing the card from his hand. You just wanted to get this over with so you could go back to avoiding him. “How many?”

“Five thousand.”

You choked on air. Yuushi patted your back harder than necessary until you were breathing somewhat normal again. “F-Five thousand eggs?! Are you crazy?!”

He opened his mouth to respond but you quickly held your hand up to stop him.

“Don’t answer that, I know you’re crazy!”

“That’s rude, hime.”

“Do you even hear yourself? There’s no way I’m going to find a store willing to sell me five thousand eggs! The chances of finding one with that many on hand will be hard enough!”

Atobe felt his level of annoyance rise, but he refrained from cutting you off, letting you rant and rave until you were out of breath – which didn’t take long seeing as you had just regained the ability to breathe normally. When you started to huff, he finally spoke up. “Are you done?”


“Michael has called ahead and has the eggs being held for you. All you have to do is pay and pick them up. A car is waiting for you.”

Already feeling exhausted, you just turned around and headed for the exit.

“Shishido will be going with you.” Atobe’s voice made you pause.

“What?! Why me?!” Shishido protested, his cheeks dusting with pink. He met Yuushi’s eyes and knew that this had been the plan the whole time. It was no secret among the regulars that Shishido had a major crush on you. Of course, he never had any intention of acting upon it, so Atobe took it upon himself to force the two of you together.

“Is there a problem? Arn~” Atobe smirked at the brunette, daring him to question his authority.

With a scowl, Shishido stuffed his hands in his pockets and brushed past you. You sent Yuushi a look before following the brunette out the school gate.


True to his word, a car was waiting to take you both to your destination. As it turned out, you had to visit eight different stores in order to get the whole amount he had requested – each store was located between Tokyo and Kanagawa prefecture. By the time you visited the last store, it was well past ten at night. The driver was willing to take you both home, but you declined, telling him to get the eggs back to Atobe, safe and sound.

“Thanks for giving me a hand.” You smiled up at him as you made your way home. Thankfully, you both lived in the same direction.

“It would’ve taken longer alone.” He shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck.

“True~ but I know you didn’t want to come along. I don’t blame you, though. Atobe is such a pain.” You sighed, brushing the hair away from your face. Who knew buying eggs could be so exhausting?

“I didn’t mind…” He muttered under his breath, feeling his cheeks start to burn.

You hummed, fighting back the smile that tried to take over your lips. Although Shishido was sure only a few of the regulars knew about his feelings, it had been pretty obvious to you from the start.

“Shishido-kun~” You slipped your hand into his with a smile. “I like you too.”

“W-What is this all of sudden?!” He scowled at you but didn’t try to remove his hand. Instead, his grip tightened as he looked away from you.

You chuckled, lightly swinging your hands back and forth between the two of you. He didn’t need to admit it out loud – his actions spoke a thousand times louder than his words could.




“I’m one number away from callin you, I said I was through but I’m dying inside. Got my head in a mess, girl I confess I lied when I said I’m leavin and not coming back. Might be the whiskey or the midnight rain, but everywhere I go I see your face in my brain dialing up everything I wanna say. But I’m still one number away…”

Pairing: Dean x Civilian!Reader

Word Count: 2,300

Warnings: Argument, fighting, breakup

A/N: Not quite what most of you were looking for (cough cough Dust) but I’ve had this stuck in my head for awhile and finally got it finished. Hope you like it!

Keep reading
