#anthony trollope

The end of another week draws near! Finis Friday looking decidedly definite in this engraving by Joa

The end of another week draws near! Finis Friday looking decidedly definite in this engraving by Joan Hassall. From “The Parson’s Daughter and Other Stories” by Anthony Trollope, first edition thus (The Folio Society, 1949), inscribed by the illustrator.

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Review: The Small House at Allington by Anthony Trollope

The Small House at Allington
The Small House at AllingtonbyAnthony Trollope

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Speeding through Trollope is never wise: each of his books are long, drawn out performances, where the various threads he weaves throughout eventually come together in the end—the different characters of different social stations and statuses; the bickering family members, neighbors, and parish members; and also the young…

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