#anti croissant city


So I started reading Croissant City

And might I say, just this one thought for now, her obsession with violence would borderline on fucking creepy (or generally just strange), but she lacks the ability to properly write violence into a scene at all and instead it ends up sounding completely ridiculous, over-done, and like she tries too hard, but it’s doesn’t sound like any effort was properly or actively made whatsoever????

Sarah J Maas does a great job of making sure to not describe Bruce or flappy bird 3.0 as brown.Like she will use the descriptor brown for other side characters, like the Witch and I believe Justinian but she will not have Bruce or flappy bird 3.0 being brown. Instead, they are golden brown.

That’s it. That’s all I had to say. Looks a little strange but what do I know
