#anti feysand


Oh hot dang. I think Lucien just became my favorite! Forget More, his power is truth

Wow what a novice idea, how about you use your magic and all high and mighty powers to bring the beds from the house no one wants to go to and out them in the house everyone is staying at??

Crazy right. Problem solved

No need to turn the city upside down.

Hmm maybe a all knowing self-righteous tyrant would think of that

At the very beginning of ACOFAS Feyre wants to buy presents for ALL of her friends and family for what they did on the battlefield.

She says then when it is already clear Nesta doesn’t want to go and then like a week later NESTA shows up to the party and Feyre is all like I didn’t give you a gift. WTF. And has the gull to be like “Nesta didn’t give me anything but I don’t care because everyone else has showered me in gifts”

I don’t like going to parties, I hate public speaking, talking about myself gives me hives, I would throw myself in front of the bullet for those that I love, my family misunderstands me, it’s hard to “get” me, I hide my soft feelings behind a suit if armor made or rude remarks, there is definitely some sexual frustration and tension in my life, I find it hard to start a fire, I never want to go to the gym and train, and yeah I love a good romance novel.

Oh crap. I AM NESTA

So in ACOFAS Nesta is still clinging to her character of being clean, holding herself up, and having pride.


In the flash forward to ACOSF She is apparently filthy. Has dirty clothes, dirty apartment, never changes her sheets, show up to the IC summoning looking and smelling gross.

WTF either something major happened (probably the same thing that broke up her friendship with Amren) or SJMaas forgot her characterizations and book cannons.

Honestly could go either way

So Feyre starts off thinking about her sister, her thoughts and feelings. But the moment she has any discomfort all thoughts of Nests and her needs go out the window. As long as Feyre is comfortable and as a easy life everything is ok.


I freaking love this scene. It shows why I can’t stand Feyre at all! Her sister is telling her how uncomfortable she feels, how she needs them to leave. And Feyre dismisses it like 3 times. She doesn’t believe Nesta untill Cassian starts taking her seriously. She doubted her te whole time Come on Feyre, she deserves better. You treat her like Tamlin treated you. Very bad, very, very bad.

I almost don’t want Nesta to heal at that Illyrian camps because you know. You just know, Feyre is gonna take all the credit.

I want Nesta to get better I want her to heal, but when she does you can bet Feyre will have had nothing to do with it. The end

For anyone that’s interested, here’s my goodreads review of ACOSF. I made this the day after reading it, so my thoughts and opinions have been further cemented, but unfortunately I ran out of space to write anymore to it with evidence. Maybe I’ll write a longer review here ‍♀️ (depends if I can be bothered wasting more energy and head space on acotar )


Rhys didn’t tell Feyre that they were mates in ACOMAF. Feyre gets angry that he kept it from her.

Rhys didn’t tell Feyre that the child she carried would kill her. Feyre gets angry that he kept it from her.

What do we call that? Development. We love a man who learns from his mistakes ‍♀️

See, I hated ACOSF because, to me, it wasn’t a story of healing - it was a story of a woman who is slowly brainwashed by her abusers into thinking that she is actually the abuser. She is controlled at the beginning, straight up threatened and manipulated, then slowly her thoughts are twisted into thinking that these people controlling her life know best. Instead of breaking free of these people - she falls further under their control. And she feels happy about it, and grateful to these people, because she believes no one else will accept her. It’s classic abusive tactics. And all of them do that (maybe with the exception of Feyre but Rhys and Armen definitely and in many cases Cassian (which breaks my nessian loving heart)). Don’t believe me, I can pull up receipts (I went through and pulled out every example in the text and the other acotar books) ‍♀️

So I started reading Croissant City

And might I say, just this one thought for now, her obsession with violence would borderline on fucking creepy (or generally just strange), but she lacks the ability to properly write violence into a scene at all and instead it ends up sounding completely ridiculous, over-done, and like she tries too hard, but it’s doesn’t sound like any effort was properly or actively made whatsoever????


Stan: rHysAnD is NOT a pedophile



Before anyone hops on my dick, if their child had been a little girl, I can guarantee you that everybody would be in an absolute OUTRAGE over that scene

I made this while I was drunk one night and never posted it. I remember seeing someone who had re-written acotar/tog or like had ideas for a rewrite?? Idk I thought it was great and did this. Oops

So y’all thought it was just a coincidence that the only brown characters/described race of people in Maas’s series were described as “savage” and having “backwards practices/ways” ??? Huh

Your inner colonizer is showing, sweatys

back to post about f//eysand’s behaviour in the library because WHAT?!??

i’m convinced s//jm and her entire team NEVER understand the implications of what she writes cause why on earth would she write her oh so perfect protags to engage in any type of sexual behaviour in a safe space made for victims of sa.

it doesn’t even take a genius to understand the nuance of what’s going on here cause:

  • the way the library is set up in the novels, clotho has to grant access for anybody (regardless of status) to enter
  • this means clotho has trusted them enough to allow f//eysand into her and other women’s safe space
  • granting them access means clotho expects them to act with the utmost respect and dignity for both the space they are in and the people that are there
  • f//eysand continue to have sex (?? i can’t remember if they go all the way)
  • they’ve now broken clotho’s trust, disrespected the place they are in and the people there, as well as potentially exposed victims of sa to sexual behaviour without their consent

except nothing in the last point actually happens and s//jm just continues her novel as if nothing happened. as if this is completely fine. because apparently, s//jm’s #1 rule is that horny trumps all.

**p.s. there’s definitely more to this but i’m a dummy who can’t analyze and communicate properly


Okay, so I was watching this video (I’ll link it here) and defined the way SJM specifically uses her characters her explicitly defined POC characters.

I have had discussions with other people on here about the pattern that SJM has in humiliating or undermining her explicitly defined black and brown characters in order to implement the superiority of her white-coded characters. Helion, Sorscha, Lucien, Tarquin, Nehemia, Fenrys, Demetria, and Baxian (I’m sure they are others, but these are the ones that are near irrefutable) are all used in a similar manner in relation to their white counterparts: as either what the video calls the “Disposable Black Love Interest,” or it’s protagonist based equivalent.

The Take references Yomi Adegoke, defining the DBLI as “a race bent, gender-specific version of the ‘disposable fiancee’ or ‘romantic false lead trope,” (The Rise and Rise of the Disposable Black Girlfriend).

This evolution of those previously mentioned tropes not only tokenizes the perceived racial representation but upholds the idea of whiteness as a social and beauty standard. More, this trope presents black people as a near-perfect standard, creating a character that is actually better than the white love interest, but plastic and unworthy in comparison to the white LI mediocracy.

Further, the disposable love interest or protagonist is almost always used as a stepping stone to reiterate the supposed superiority of the white love interest. Nothing the black/brown love interest can do can compare to the perceived “complexity” of the mediocre white counterpart.

When Feyre and Tarquin interact with one another, he and Feyre reiterate similar sentiments. They are much more alike with one another than Feyre and Rhysand: both are young, idealistic, powerful, and look at the world in similar ways. Feyre even suggests that it would easy to fall in love with someone like him—yet the story makes a point to alsoreiterate that Tarquin (who has been UTM for fifty years—more than half his life, had his entire family killed, and was thrust into a power role and still plotted rebellion, and so on) isn’t good enough for Feyre. And the story literally doesn’t have an actual, honest to god reason why–but it’s honestly pretty clear. Rhys is just perceived as better. Better because he is “more complex” and understands Feyre’s “darkness,” *sigh* But the humiliation for Tarquin is very much a running thread in the story. Feyre and Rhys steal from him, cause the destruction of his court, and then undermine him in his own court. And the story doesn’t feel the need to give consequences because it’s just expected that Tarquin will forgive them.

Then we have Helion—who is used in a similar manner in relation to Cassian andalso with his relationship with LOA. Feyre makes a comment about Helion “not even able to step in to help LOA” or “we wouldn’t even help the woman he loved”(it was something along those lines, if i remember correctly). It’s such a weird, loaded thing to say about one of the only dark-skinned characters in the story. Which plays into yetanother stereotype of the “cowardly” black/brown character v. the heroic white character (i.e. Rhys v. Helion). Like, fuck you Feyre

And this is a segway into the way Lucien has been characterized in the story. While Lucien has always been heroic when protecting Feyre (to a fault *cough* which plays into another horrible trope). But he’s still coded as…cowardly. Lucien was once meant to be Nesta’s love interest, but after being retconned into a man of color, he is caught in a love triangle that potentially plays off the disposable black love interest trope. He is a conduit for continual pain and suffering and is potentially going to be used to subvert the mating bond trope. There are so many reasons why the “breaking the bond trope,” being used to reiterate Lucien’s apparent “inferiority” to a literal torturer is all kinds of messed up. But consistently, Lucien’s heroism is seen as not enough for no other reason other than the fact the story wants us to perceive Rhys or Az as “better.” Lucien is presented as a perfect antithesis to Rhys–yet his sacrifices hold less weight.

We have Nehemia who is a better, more active leader—with magic and power of her own, is used only as a conduit to unlocking Dorian and Aelin’s power. Even without her death, Nehemia’s entire character is extremely racist. The story suggests that the only people able to “save the world,” are the people who spend the majority of their time ignoring the problems in the world. And it’s only through their bloodlines that they are deemed important–while Nehemia, who is the perfect leader, daughter, protector, etc., is killed off in order to awaken the potential of her white peers. Characters like Sorscha are used in a similar manner. Or we have Fenrys–who is canonically more like Aelin, and nicer, and willing to die for her–pushed to the side for Rowan for no other reason. We have Baxian–which I kind of rolled my eyes bc it was so damn obvious it played into this trope. The less attractive, scarred man who scar was dealt by the more conventionally attractive “gold-dusted-brown/ambiguous man” who follows him along like a lost puppy basically hailing his superiority. God, I’m pissed.

I encourage you guys to watch the video, though! It probably explained these things better than I can. I feel like later on I’ll be able to describe my thoughts more clearly but until then….


i wanted to add to this by mentioning cresseida—in a/comaf, her character is introduced solely for the purpose of making f/eyre jealous and drawing out her “true feelings” for r/hys. cresseida is literally utilized to “push” r/hys and f/eyre closer together as they recognize that they want each other (whatever that means lawl).

much like tarquin, she does exactly three things upon meeting the nc: a) she flirts with r/hys, as f/eyre and tarquin do; b) she causes f/eyre to be jealous, as tarquin does with r/hys; and c) she is then rejected by r/hys, as tarquin is by f/eyre, because f/eyre is “better” than her and r/hys is “better” than tarquin (why this is, i couldn’t tell you).

f/eyre is who r/hys ultimately wants. cresseida was never actually in the running, and for s/jm to insert her character into the f/eysand dynamic just to further their relationship development and provide readers with “angst” is humiliating for cresseida (and for tarquin, who experiences this too) and continues to push the racist “poc love interests = less than white love interests/they’re disposable and non-serious love interests” trope.

after this short interaction where cresseida is given absolutely zero characterization, she’s basically forgotten for the rest of the books. i genuinely can’t remember another time she is mentioned or plays a pivotal role in the storyline (or really any role at all).

s/jm created her first black female character in the series and actually disposed of her. and she introduced this character in the second book, mind you, not the first, which features only one (1) distinct character of color that f/eyre actually interacts with—alis, who is literally a poc servant to f/eyre & tamlin. lucien’s ethnicity is retconned later in the books, so if you’re going off of only the first book, he’s technically featured as white in it. and let’s not even get into how the first black man introduced utm is killed off (by r/hysand, no less) after 2 seconds of page time (he’s also humiliated in front of everyone because he pees himself right before his death). and in that scene, r/hys is supposed to be a “secret good guy” because he kills him fast instead of slow and torturously.


anyways, this kind of got a little rambly but i just wanted to add on to these great (and infuriating) points!

Another day, another round of pissing Fey/sand and Rowa/elin Stan’s off by not having them as my top couples on my SJM couples video…..Like I don’t like them….why do they take it like a personal attack when I say I don’t like a fictional couple…..

Tbh one convo in the middle of acomaf where Feyre would have felt uncomfortable about something sexual Rhysand said to her and they would have then sat down and have an actual discussion between them about what happened utm with Rhysand actually acknowledging how fucked up it was + her own trauma by it and actually apologizing. That is all I was asking for to ship Feysand. But I guess talking like mature adults or acknowledging wrongdoings is boring when you can fantasize about buying lingerie instead.
