#anti elriel


Me checking my Twitter account during a shipping war…


Azriel thinking he should and is entitled to be Elain’s mate because her sisters are his brothers mates and he has feelings for her, while Elain has been talking about not wanting a mating bond in the first place for a long time, should already show that he is not thinking about what she wants whatsoever, and that makes me furious.


Azriel believes himself to be entitled to Elain. He believes he deserves her simply because he decided he wants her. He is willing to murder her mate, despite knowing it would still have a devastating impact on her due to the bond. He’s willing to break several alliances Night has with multiple courts. His narrative said nothing of longing, nothing of his heart aching for her. It was all about what he wanted to do to her sexually, how he pleasured himself to her. Going by his narrative, Elain is an object he wants to fuck and quite frankly that’s disgusting behavior.

Lucien, her mate, and therefore by Prythian Law, is entitled to her. But he does not believe he’s entitled to her. He does not assume he deserves her just because he wants her. He has shown interest in getting to know her as a person. He respects her boundaries despite how much it hurts him. He longs for her, he wants her to heal. He has shown that he cares for her autonomy, he doesn’t want her to feel forced into anything. Even when Feyre invaded his mind, there was nothing sexual about his thought process towards Elain. His mind was riddled with guilt, sadness, and longing.

Everything Elriel stans have falsely accused Lucien of doing, Azriel actually did in nine measly pages. I don’t want to hear shit anymore.

I think someone is out there to get me. I keep seeing el/riel art as a thumbnail for the nessian tag even tho I muted the tag and well … it’s the nessian tag. like I’m not even thinking or talking about them and still I get bugged

Speaking on elain and azriels incompatibility and using they dont push each other to be better argument, remember how elain herself volunteered to look for the Dread Troves then azriel a couple of chapters later said that “elain shouldn’t be exposed to such darkness”?? Remeber that? Cause I sure do.

That’s suppression and coddling at its finest and if you believe otherwise then theres nothing I can say to help you.

Its elriel stans saying that elriel are mates when it was made abundantly clear that elucien are mates for me. If yall are denying blatant canon and the source material then why are you even here?
