#anti jared stans


Anon 1:  I’m so upset Jared said the carpet was blue.

Me: Uh, what?  Jared mentioned blue carpet in a general discussion about how to evaluate carpet, to explain at length why the carpet in question is green…?

Anon 2:  Come on, why can’t you just admit the wallpaper is purple?!?

Anon 3: Jared saying the carpet is green and he wants to be absolutely clear on his feelings about that carpet because of what other people are saying could not possibly be in any part about us insisting he needs new carpet because that one is an ugly old shag rug that should be thrown out anyway.  He knows we know he’s a saint that loves unworthy carpet that doesn’t love him back!

Anon 4: Jensen has obviously moved on to hardwood floors and is just so clearly above carpet anymore anyway.

Me: …

Me to myself: This is exactly why you said you were going to stop engaging asks about this before, dumbass. 


So, as will surprise probably NObody who’s following this particular blog, I didn’t watch the episode of W*nker that Jensen directed. I love the boy and I love his work as a director - I think he’s got tremendous potential and want him to keep at it - but I am not doing a single thing to support that racist cop show, so help me Chuck.

That being said - because of that, the only stuff I’ve really seen is the stuff that’s gotten back to me through my TLs in various places, but I spotted this and I’m just sitting here shaking my head and laughing in disbelief.

They’re seriously interpreting Jensen wanting to put J3rd through the directorial equivalent of muddy hot stinky Texas hell while he was directing him as Jensen only wanting to work with J3rd on the episode because they soso in love.

Meanwhile, Jensen in actuality:




Very funny that Jensen posted a video and a photo of himself as a PR for W*alker, but not a photo with J*ared. While J*ared posted a photo of them together. It’s funny, isn’t it? May be because Jensen doesn’t happy to be there?

Walker “save me” smile vs happy smile

YES. The smiles are different, and it’s very obviously

The smiles started changing after the rift happened - I started noticing it in the con photos immediately as soon as they started having them again. And, of course, there was that whole incident with J3rd going off about Destiel and Jensen just power-walking the fuck off the stage like his hair was about to catch fire.

Jensen is a very good performer, but it’s about like I said a while back: this man is so T I R E D of being around this person. For him, it’s just exhausting in so many ways and he just doesn’t need to be doing it anymore.

Hopefully directing that one episode/micro-cameo is enough and Captain Forehead gets the hint and backs off. Beyond that, fingers crossed the network sinks before they can greenlight another season of that pile of bird-poop-covered cop trash.
