#anti jared padelecki



So, as will surprise probably NObody who’s following this particular blog, I didn’t watch the episode of W*nker that Jensen directed. I love the boy and I love his work as a director - I think he’s got tremendous potential and want him to keep at it - but I am not doing a single thing to support that racist cop show, so help me Chuck.

That being said - because of that, the only stuff I’ve really seen is the stuff that’s gotten back to me through my TLs in various places, but I spotted this and I’m just sitting here shaking my head and laughing in disbelief.

They’re seriously interpreting Jensen wanting to put J3rd through the directorial equivalent of muddy hot stinky Texas hell while he was directing him as Jensen only wanting to work with J3rd on the episode because they soso in love.

Meanwhile, Jensen in actuality:




Very funny that Jensen posted a video and a photo of himself as a PR for W*alker, but not a photo with J*ared. While J*ared posted a photo of them together. It’s funny, isn’t it? May be because Jensen doesn’t happy to be there?

Walker “save me” smile vs happy smile

YES. The smiles are different, and it’s very obviously

The smiles started changing after the rift happened - I started noticing it in the con photos immediately as soon as they started having them again. And, of course, there was that whole incident with J3rd going off about Destiel and Jensen just power-walking the fuck off the stage like his hair was about to catch fire.

Jensen is a very good performer, but it’s about like I said a while back: this man is so T I R E D of being around this person. For him, it’s just exhausting in so many ways and he just doesn’t need to be doing it anymore.

Hopefully directing that one episode/micro-cameo is enough and Captain Forehead gets the hint and backs off. Beyond that, fingers crossed the network sinks before they can greenlight another season of that pile of bird-poop-covered cop trash.


Honestly, if I had doubts about Misha’s statement being a lie, this shipper would make the doubts disappeareasily because of her “logical” way of thinking.

Jared saying again he straight, never hinted in the past he gay, got very common homophobic gay jokes, never rumored being with man, never touched/flirted with men except using Jensen ignoring him being uncomfortable = don’t believe him when he saying he straight.

Misha saying he is straight basically backtracks after coming out that this is a very common behavior, we know he had threesomes with men, talking about the past as sleeping/dating individuals (not specific women), and got a poem about man = believe him when he says he is straight.

The screenshot:

[@ this hat:]

I won’t go into specifics about Misha except to say - you are absolutely and completely wrong. Misha did not ‘queerbait’ his fans - that’s not even possible, how the fuck would a real person queerbait people? he is a REAL PERSON. If you assumed he was bi, then that’s kind of on you? Because he never said anything one way or another - and he did not HAVE TO DO SO, either. Because that’s nobody’s business but his and whomstever he might be fucking.

Let’s not forget that when he joined SPN, literally it was STILL ILLEGAL FOR GAY PEOPLE TO GET MARRIED IN MOST STATES IN THE US. “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was in effect for the military.

And don’t even get me started about crying for rep back in those days, jaysus - 2005 would have given you plenty to weep about, believe me.

So yeah, keep in mind that that’s the atmosphere he was working in, that’s what it was like here, back then. And it was just as bad, if not worse, in a lot of ways, in media and entertainment. Even at that point, it was still considered pretty risky for any actor of any caliber to come out as queer. I mean jfc - before the whole scandal with Kevin Spacey, I had him clocked from fifty million miles away (he took his MOM to the Oscars with him and was never seen out with any serious lady-friend type dates) - people knew, for sure, but nobody said jack. WHY? Because it just wasn’t done.

Also - don’t make me laugh with the whole 'HW idiocy’ conspiracy horseshit. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and a homophobic wanker is just a homophobic wanker. When people show you who they are, believe them, etc. etc. He might very well be closeted himself, but if he is, he’s a self-loathing biohazard of a person.


we owe the supernatural people on tumblr so much actually. that show was so mean to them and they’re still so fucking funny about it. i think jared padalecki should be in jail forever


Jail for Captain Forehead. Jail for 1000 years.


(Russian version of this post for Russian speakers: X)

Just for the record - I’m an ordinary human who can make mistakes. Please don’t think that my words are real truth. This is just my subjective observation.

To begin with, as we all know (our wonderful Cockles fandom), there was something wrong with W*lker’s situation from the first place.

For quite a long time (since the information about Winchesters was leaked), we have observed a very ambiguous situation. As we remember, J*red personally announced that Jensen will direct W*lker. While Jensen himself was in no hurry to officially inform anyone about it. Then a rather strange period of several months began, when J*red and Jensen talked about the “exact” dates of the directing, which wasn’t coming again and again. We don’t take the situation with “Rust”, because it’s a serious and, unfortunately, painful circumstance. Although it also mattered.

Then during the panel there was a conversation about Jensen’s birthday, which was quite far from the date of this con. I wonder why Jensen would do this not in his any free time, since he promised it, but on his birthday? Why does he need such a specific binding to this date? What is it? A hopeless attempt to delay directing until the last possible moment, after which he can no longer find excuses not to do it? A very interesting set of circumstances, I think. Very strange, ambiguous and interesting.

Even if we abstract away from Cockles and look at everything from the point of view of Jensen fans, it still looks strange. When two celebrities come to an agreement on some kind of joint work, they negotiate the terms in advance and back it up with official documents, because nothing works without contracts. No one can just show up on set and say: “I’ll direct it.” This should be backed up by official document, right? Then, based on this whole situation, we can immediately come to the conclusion, which was obvious from the start. That this whole agreement was only in words without specific confirmations and deadlines, because Jensen wasn’t sure that he would do it. He wasn’t sure until the end.

Why? There are several reasons exist, I think.

First of all, Jensen was really busy. And unlike Jared, who likes to make strong empty statements, Jensen always plans what and how to do. And “squeezing” an apparently unsuccessful show between the schedule of more important and serious things wasn’t clearly part of his plans.

Secondly, the agreement was J*red’s pressure instrument from the first place, who knows how to press the right points and turn the situation in his favor.

And thirdly, another no less important detail, did anyone find the moment of pause of W*lker strange? Why would they put filming on hold for quite some time when, as Jared tried to tell us, the show was supposedly fine? What’s wrong? Maybe because just no one needs this show, and there is no expected success from it? In this case, if we summarize it, then this didn’t happen by chance, right? The suspension of filming and a deadline are directly interconnected. Because J*red knew that Jensen would really do nothing until this moment, and filming the second part of season 2 without him could be a complete failure. So, it is quite clear that these are interrelated factors.

But something else is more interesting here. I have always been curious personally, what does Misha think about all this? And what does he relevant for W*lker and the fact that Jensen “owed” Jared for no reason? We don’t have information about all the details, we see only the tip of the iceberg. But Misha knows everything firsthand (from Jensen). This remained a true mystery, which, unfortunately, no one could solve, because Misha didn’t share any emotions on this topic, and no one can read his mind. I had speculations, but they weren’t backed up by any facts to indicate his thoughts on the matter. And I don’t want to throw information without any basis.

But now the last con has happened, during which I finally saw something. Those were the seconds, and my brain exploded after this moment. It didn’t occur to me right away to pay attention to it. When I was watching a video from someone’s phones, I didn’t notice. But while watching the whole JenMish panel, when I had a long recording with the right angle in front of me, my eyes still caught it.

So, that was (who would have thought, yeah?) a question about W*lker. Oh, you all saw this moment, right?

It’s their nature, yeah? When Misha waits with curiosity for Jensen’s reaction to the question. They exchange glances, Jensen shrugs, it’s okay. But.

Look at the beginning of the question again. And now pay attention to the first emotion on Misha’s face. Not the one that appears when he tries to look in Jensen’s eyes. Before it. When he abruptly turns his head. Just fix your attention on it.

It’s very strange expression, isn’t it? It doesn’t look like his standard calm face, or curiosity, or joking “yeah, got it.” No. It's… strange. This was much weirder expression than his usual. I rewatched it a few times to make sure that I understood right. It’s difficult to find an interpretation for this moment from the first time, however, the more I looked, the more I realized that this emotion is directly related to Misha’s opinion on this matter. Not just this emotion, this whole moment.

I discussed this point several times with my lovely @astrariia and we both agreed on a few things. In order to see this, you need to slow down the frame. Misha’s lips are pursed and his jaw is clenched. As if he understands that something not very pleasant will happen now. And not from a fan’s side, but from Jensen’s side, because Misha is looking at Jensen. What is this emotion?

Light irritation. This is the only phrase I could come up with. It immediately develops into their mutual exchange of glances, after which Jensen shrugs, and Misha has a different facial expression (crooked grin). Everything happens in less than a minute, but you can see it.

So. Light irritation. It appeared during the question about W*lker. And that sharp turn of his head? Why didn’t he do this slowly how he did it many times before? What is this sharpness? And what’s with the expression? These questions went round and round in my head for several minutes, until I realized that this was exactly what I thought of in the first place.

What’s even more remarkable is Jensen. When Misha tilts his head, he does it on purpose to meet his eyes and see what Jensen thinks about it. The nod was a silent question. Something like “ready to answer?” Then Jensen looks up at him and shrugs like “do I have a choice?”. Then a smirk appears on Misha’s face and (again! It’s happening again!) some kind of emotion flickers, which is difficult to interpret. It’s interconnected with the first emotion, but is no longer it. It’s something else. But why did he grin crooked? Was there anything strange in fan’s question? No, it wasn’t. It’s about the topic of the question and what Jensen is going to answer.

And, as @astrariia rightly pointed out, there is an emotion like “oh, I want to watch how you will lie to them now”. Also, Jensen’s intense gaze at the fan when he realized the question is about W*lker.

I’ve always wondered what the conversations were between Jensen and Misha because of this show, were they arguing or not. I don’t know. But, perhaps, these seconds answered my question.

Follow this silently emotion’s sharing which they will never tell us about. Light irritation. Nod. Jensen shrugs like he’s making excuses. Misha’s smirk. Question keeps going, as if nothing had happened.

And this wordless exchange of something, clearly not intended for our ears, made me think that yes. Yes, W*lker was the reason for their conversations. And yes, he was probably their stumbling block. Jensen looks like he understands what Misha tries to say, but since he still has to answer the question, so now he can only shrug and to convey wordless something like “I signed up for this myself”.

I can’t say how does Misha generally feel about the fact that, for example, Jensen played a character (as far as I know) in love with a girl named Cassie. Although W*lker has nothing to do with the SPN, and making such a reference to Destiel is simply disgusting of them.

Whatever the case, Misha knows how Jensen feels about certain things and knows that he’ll have to lie to the fans because he can’t tell the truth. And that’s what his smirk seemed to mean.

We still have a lot of unclear points. But this convention convinced me of this completely. I don’t know about you, guys, but it’s enough for me to know that yes, there was something wrong with Jensen’s involvement in this from the beginning. Misha (probably) initially didn’t approve of this, knowing where everything was leading. But to say what their discussions led to, unfortunately, is impossible.

For my money, I will fully agree that we’re seeing a perfect example of how close Jensen and Misha are, here - because they literally carry on an entire conversation with each other just with looks and not a single word exchanged. BUT, they both still fully understand what the other is saying. Though, imo, the tenor and content of the conversation is a bit different.

When Misha hears the W*nker question, he does purse his lips and his head immediately whips around so he can look at Jensen and see his reaction. I don’t see irritation, here, though. This, I think, is more concern for Jensen than anything else - sort of a knee-jerk ‘uh-oh, this again’ reaction - but he takes another second and studies Jensen’s face and tips his head to the side, trying to get his attention (but also trying to read Jensen and see what’s going on in his head in the moment).

Jensen looks over at him and Misha gives him a questioning look, almost like, 'should I come to your rescue and interrupt you at some point, so you don’t have to spend too much time on this?’, but Jensen just shrugs, like - nah, this is fine, I figured somebody might ask, so might as well get it out of the way.

Misha interprets this look from Jensen and smiles a little, amused, like 'okay, so long as you’re sure’ and returns his attention to the asker. Jensen nods and keeps nodding at him to confirm and reassure him - this is okay, I’m okay, we can keep going.

The thing is - Jensen and Misha are on one side, in counter to Jerd, in this instance. Even though J3rd dragged Jensen onto W*nker to direct by leaning on the 'help your brother out, man’ bullshit (you just know he did), Misha is Jensen’s best friend and they always, ALWAYS have each other’s backs. Jensen will do his best to support Misha however he can and Misha always does the same with him. So you know that they’ve had at least one (but probably MANY) conversations where Jensen has been tearing his hair out over this mess and Misha’s tried to be supportive, but he knows Jensen’s not interested in getting all tangled up in that show or anything to do with it.

Originally, J3rd wanted Jensen to PLAY Walker himself, but Jensen backed away from the idea, and so J3rd became Walker instead. And it just went on that way for a while - J3rd whittling down his expectations/assumptions/demands of Jensen starring in the thing to getting him to direct and then, because J3rd just doesn’t know when to quit, getting him to play an as-yet uncast character (when, originally - and Jensen said it himself during this con - the W*nker people were like 'oh, you want to PLAY this character’ and Jensen was like 'ah-ah, I didn’t say that’ - so they tried, yet again, to wrangle him into a full-on recurring role on the show!)

And for Jensen - this guy who has tried so hard to get away from J3rd and everything he represents in the last couple of years, to the point of even starting his own production company with a specific emphasis on LGBTQ+ representation - I can’t even imagine how frustrating and demoralizing it can be to get dragged back into this person’s orbit, when he’s just so very done with him and everything he’s about.

So yeah, that’s my take - Misha will always have Jensen’s back about this issue, but it’s obvious they’ve had many a conversation about it. It’s very much a point of contention - not between them, but between them as a couple (best friends, husbands, however you want to interpret it) against J3rd.

Misha’s the one who’s had to hear all about it from Jensen, so he knows it’s a touchy subject for him - at least, when they’re alone talking - but when he checks in with him, Jensen confirms that he’s fine to talk about it (since he already had at other points during that weekend, anyway).

There’s so much more stuff like this - Misha saying “myconfession” and Jensen pointing out that he could see Misha peeking out during Cas’s confession - but that’s how this particular little silent conversation read to me, anyway.


the walker shit feels goddamn predatory. Use your mantrum to basically leverage your psycho fans indirectly to get Jensen to actually show up and direct, then try to rope him into a minimum 3 episode role when he shows up, by simply not casting an important character?

even IF someone took jensen’s “i might do a small role on the show” as anything other than being nice, that’s not how business works. surprise! Your job now turned into an extended job! is rude af.

You want him to play a character, you tell him you want him to play a character, and he says yes or no WEEKS OR MONTHS IN ADVANCE like maybe JP’s schedule is relatively empty but some folks in this industry are. you know. booked. like jensen.

the average upper tier actor like jensen can’t just. randomly commit to shit last second that’s gonna end up snaring weeks of his schedule, that’s not how that shit fucking works.

Supposedly Cass’ partner in Walker was supposed to have a much more up front reveal but like magic they hadn’t fucking cast him yet and you can’t tell me with a straight face they fucking FORGOT to cast an important role

he already shoveled off one role to his friend bc he was too busy and they???????? what???????? forgot????????????? to cast the Big Reveal guy?

stop trying to drag jensen into your shit to save your show, dude. jensen has his own shit

The thing that struck me most about the whole situation was the delayed back and forth of it all -

JP: Oh, we’re gonna get Jensen on to direct Walker! For sure!
Jensen: [nothing]
JP: [following week] Jensen’s gonna direct for us as soon as his schedule opens up some more!
Jensen: [no confirmation, no acknowledgement]
JP: [sweating bullets as W*nker’s ratings tank] I sw-swear - he’s gonna be directing … soon… really, really soon!
Jensen: Somebody say something? I could have sworn I heard the wind just now.

Like - it went on like that for weeks and weeks. And JP never modified those statements to include stuff like ‘Jensen and I talked it over and he’s super excited’ or anything of the sort. It was just JP assuring us that Jensen was going to do SOMETHING with W*nker - no, for really-real, seriously, you guys - but Jensen never once agreed about it publicly, confirmed he was working on it or was in talks or planning, nothing.

I really do think that Jensen just did it to be nice, but also because Jared was actively putting public pressure on him to commit to doing the show. And really - that’s something that’s just not done with that kind of stuff (as you mentioned, with scheduling and so on), not to mention doing it multiple times to noresponsefrom the person he’s supposedly talking to about doing something on his copaganda show?

Like, take the hint, man. He did you a big favor because he’s a kindhearted guy and didn’t want to make you look like even more of a tool in front of the fans.

Because that’s another thing - all the Supernatural easter eggs and such? Yeah, I’m sure plenty of those were from Jensen (especially all the Cas/Misha references, since those kinds of set dec decisions would be something under his purview as director of the ep), but having KANSAS on a freaking show about Captain Texas Forehead makes no sense. What connection do they have to W*nker? None. So that means Jerd was once again trying to set bait to lure in SPN fans to observe the deep inner lives of white men who put people in cages for a living, and - once again - it was to no effect.

Which is just as it should be.

Something something yeehaw

Jared: Are you SURE you don’t wanna play Walker?
Jensen: Sorry, uhh, I can’t - I got a thing. That week.
Jared: … so that means you’re gonna direct?
Jensen: Ahhh, man, it’s uhh - it’s not looking good, I’ll have to check my schedule.
Jared: So what about filling in for a character we haven’t cast yet?
Jensen: … will it make you stop?
Jared: No, not at all, actually, why? – so, look, brother of mine, when we get you on to direct –
Jensen: [picking up the phone] Hello? Another random letters network wants me for cowboys? Hell yeah, I’m in!
