#anti jiang cheng



What character development, sweetie? Becoming a torturer, murdering innocent people, drinving civilians away from Lotus Pier because of how afraid they were of him, getting blacklisted as potential husband by every single female cultivator and lying to his nephew about how his (Jin Ling’s) mother died?

I find it amusing how a lot of times the “anti” tags are just about actual canon traits of the character the anti tag is about, but people still have to tag as “anti” instead of just tagging the character normaly because a lot of their stans are such psychos they would throw a fit for reading the truth.

Ok, why on the nine cicles of hell do some JC stans believe that CQL!Wen Qing was pridefull on not accepting JC’s courting offer and that her pride was what got hellr familly killed????

Dude, I lost dozens of braincells just trying to understand the logic behind that statement.

If you don’t remember, JC’s offer of going to Lotus Pier was to Wen Qing and Wen Qing only, it was not extended to her family too. He wanted her to abandon the other Wen to go to Yunmeng and become his wife. Of course she gave him the comb back instead of accepting the offer.

What happened to the Wen remnants was Jin Guangshan’s greed’s falt and falt of the blindness of the other sect leaders, falt of their unwillingness of trying to think a bit more into why Wei Wuxian, who also had his lufe destroyed by the Wen, would try to save a bunch of Wen. It was not Wen Qing’ falt at all and marrying JC wouldn’t have changed shit because JC didn’t want to save the Wen remnants.

There is one thing that Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian’s relationship’s outcome that I think to be really deep and that helped me a lot with my own relationships:

It’s ok to love someone, but don’t want them to be a part of your life because of how much they hurt you.

JC always made WWX’s life hard (together with Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan). He made WWX have to downplay things he did (like killing the Xuanwu with Lan Wangji) because he got jealous instead of being happy that he did something amazing, he said WWX was now an enemy of the sects when the accord was only to say WWX had seceded YunmengJiang, he said WWX killed Jiang Yanli even if he saw with his own eyes the Yao cultivator running her with a sword after she willingly pushed WWX out of harm’s way, and the list goes on.

Yes, WWX still sees JC as his little brother, still loves him, and still would protect him with his own life if needed, but he doesn’t want to be neat JC anymore and that’s ok.

Loving someone without wanting to be near them doesn’t make you a bad person, it doesn’t make you an hypocrite. Love alone doesn’t fix anything, love alone can’t keep an unhealthy relationship going on.

In my opinion, that’s one of the most important life leasons MDZS gives. As a whole, MDZS is full of important leasons about the hypocrisy of politics, about how people will bend the truth to fit what they believe, about how sometimes a betrayal will come from where you less expect it, about how you better seek proof before believing everything that you hear, about how miscomunication can lead to tragedies. If I kept talking about all the life leasons MDZS gives us, I would write a wholess book, but, from all of them, the most important is surely that family (be it blood related or chosen) will not always be there for you when you need them the most, that they might blame you for even needing their help, that they might believe others rather than you, and that it’s ok to love them from afar and no longer want contact with them. You can (and should) trust them, but you are in your right to have boundaries and keep your distance after that trust is broken. Your duty to yourself should come before your duties to the ones around you when it comes to things like that.
