#anti killing stalking


I think it’s time that I finally announce  that I’m retiring from tumblr. It’s been a hard HARD decision to announce it, but I think it’s time. I’ve been successful on here for a good year and a half now. Gaining thousands of followers that I adore and loosing many for being a ableist, cis, transphobic, and homophobic iconic legend. Mostly by the sad sad anti’s on tumblr. 

I decided to leave this dear website that I held close because once I saw things like “Saying there’s a biological difference between trans people and cis people is true but transphobic and triggers”. “If a gay person likes Yaoi they’re homophobic. You can be homophobic and gay.” “Saying someone is triggered is ableist. You’re ableist”

And worst of all I’ve seen usernames such as “Luigie-against-pedos-and-meanies-discorse” with a gay pride flag in the background.

One I saw that it was time to go.

I just want to say before I go off into the sun.

1. I loved it on here and I loved making theories, looking at Yaoi porn, and talking about killing stalking and making you guys laugh. I’ll never forget this.

2. It was just time for me to go. I didn’t “grow up” I didn’t get embarrassed or stopped being “homophobic”. It’s just this website is toxic with toxic people who fight for yaoi not existing but then calling someone a fake Bi after.

3. I have a appreciation for anti’s It’s truly a talent to be that sad, anger, and bitter. No one I know could dedicate time in their life to argue on tumblr with people they don’t know in real life. And, to think they’re really making a change by fighting with people on tumblr. They think that’s making a difference instead of going out protesting, making petitions, and public announcements about something they care SOOO deeply about. It’s a true talent. 

4. I made a post about suicide baiting because I’m a iconic activist and some sad, angry, and bitter people with nothing better to do responded to the post with some of the most original comments I’ve ever seen?? Let’s give them 15 minutes to shine because it probably took them a LONG time to come up with them. Let’s give them some of the attention they’re craving for that they probably don’t get from their parents. 

We only stan Iconic original legends. Such as @i-think-im-bi-help,@damien-killpedos-lavey,@aiden-the-anti,@aiko-mori-hates-pedos,@ouma-against-dickheads,@kankrisvantas,@bluebluragainstbaddies (GOTTA GO FAST) , @aaryeng

Not stanning them?

But in all seriousness it’s been fun on here. I’ve had fun looking at the meme’s and the theories and the gay porn, and laughing at angry anti’s. I’ve met some lit people on here and this is like the only non toxic and fun community I’ve been part of. I appreciate it even though I was here for a short period of time.

I’m going to be on tumblr tonight and tomorrow those are my last days on here so let’s pop the fuck off. I’ve unblocked all the people I’ve hated. Let’s have a final blast off. Tell me how much you HATE ME or love me in the #Killandstalkmeisoverparty .

Bye Luvs.

love, Your favorite homophobic, cis, transphobic, and ableist queen. Cherry ~

Follow me on instagram @Cherry_Bombshell13
