














I realize most people on here are too young to remember the Bush years but when you guys frame your SJ posts as “you hate[x]!!! why do you hate [x]???” it sounds an awful lot like how Bush supporters would scream WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA???? whenever anybody would criticize the president. 

So that’s something to consider if you want to reach people over 25. Because most of us have an extremely negative conditioned response to that type of rhetoric.


There’s a surprisingly sharp generation gap on Tumblr–when I first got on the site in 2011 it was between high-school age and college age, but I don’t think it’s defined primarily by life stage or maturity level, because it’s tracked steadily upward ever since. Anecdotally, right now the split seems to be centered around age 23, plus or minus a couple of years on either side, which corresponds roughly to the birth years 1990-1994. My hypothesis for the generation gap boils down to “how old were you on September 11, 2001?” Those solidly on the older side of the gap were at least vaguely aware of a pre-9/11 political landscape, witnessed how disruptive the first term of the Bush administration was, and have a visceral reaction anything that smacks of neoconservatism or Religious Right propaganda. Those on the younger side attained political awareness in a world where the changes wrought by the Bush administration were the new normal, and their right-wing bogeyman uses Tea Party and GamerGate rhetoric.

So for the record, Bush-era “innovations” that unnerve the FUCK out of people on the older side of the generation gap:

- Casual acceptance of fear as an excuse for hatred and pre-emptive retaliation

- An “ends justify the means” approach to stamping out the slightest trace of vulnerability, no matter how repressive the means, or how slight or unlikely the potential harm

- “If you’re not marching in lockstep with us, you’re one of THEM, why do you hate all that’s good and noble?” / “Dissent and safeguards against the abuse of power just give aid and comfort to the enemy” / “Don’t you SEE that insisting that the protections of civil society apply to THOSE PEOPLE is just going to GET OUR PEOPLE HURT, YOU’RE HURTING PEOPLE YOU MONSTER”

- Anything that smacks of religious-fundamentalist logic or rhetoric

These things are not normal. These things are not how just societies are built. They are the hot water that an entire generation of lobsters has been raised to swim in without noticing. The undercurrents in the internet movement calling itself Social Justice that disturb the older generation are, essentially, the dirty tactics of the Bush administration and its unholy marriage of neocons and fundies–rebranded with a new set of acceptable targets, but with the tactics themselves unquestioned. Are they the younger generation’s fault? Fuck no. They’re what happens when the most culturally and politically powerful nation on Earth tries to pretend it’s moved on from the Bush years, but without ever having confronted the devastation those tactics left in their wake, dismantled the self-sustaining fear-and-repression machine, or held the perpetrators accountable for their officially-sanctioned torture, shredding of civil liberties, and thinly-justified wars of aggression.

So if I were to do the annoying geezer thing (at the ripe old age of 27) and Address The Youth, I guess what I’d say isn’t just that most people over 25 get an overwhelming urge to throw up in their mouths at the slightest sign you’re playing “but why do you hate freedom” Mad Libs. (Although that’s true.) It’s more than that. It’s that “why do you hate [x]???” belongs to an entire toolbox of fear/attack, ingroup/outgroup, and absolutist tactics that we’ve left lying out without bothering to re-affix the giant warning labels that they aren’t normal, or necessary, or even effective over the long term, however tempting they may be for a quick fix. And that it’s okay to refrain from using them.

The bad guys will not win if you ease off the attack a little and give your opponents room to tell you where they’re coming from. Opening yourself up to argument-counterargument with Bad, Unacceptable, Forbidden ideas is a form of vulnerability, but finding and evaluating the weak spots in your beliefs ultimately strengthens them and strengthens your ability to win people over to your side. Doubling down on the repeated assertions that you shouldn’t even have to argue and that disagreement is harmful or immoral is an alluring way to get what you want in the short term, but it produces superficial compliance out of fear rather than genuine agreement, and the backlash it causes is ultimately more dangerous than the vulnerability of opening yourself to disagreement. And it blinds you to the possibility that you may not be entirely in the right. This isn’t some MRA sneak attack to manipulate you into ceding ground. This is how discussion normally works in a functional society. You have been handed a dysfunctional, toxic system for exchanging ideas, in online SJ as well as in wider politics–and no, it’s not normal or effective, and no, you do not have to buy into that system’s claims that it’s the only thing standing between the innocent and an orgy of destruction and victimization. 

The strangest thing about this is that I would not consider myself particularly old (does anyone?) but I was in my late teens on 9/11, and yeah. This is exactly what I find unnerving about the approach of some younger people to SJ issues. For a long time I just put it down to (im)maturity, but I’m really starting to think that there’s something fundamentally toxic and broken about the way our country has been approaching these things for the last 15 years or so. That kind of black and white, ‘if your fave is problematic then they’re basically the antichrist’ thinking that demonizes and squashes any kind of disagreement is really unhealthy, and it’s something that is learned.

Same, I’m 30, married to someone older than me, and we have a lot of friends in their 40s/50s. People I encounter on a regular basis comment on what a “baby” I am.  I was 15 on 9/11. I’m not like. Ancient. But there is a definitely a difference between how people my age discuss issues versus how younger folks discuss them. Neons have really done a number on out ability to talk about stuff. 

This would explain a lot about how fandom conversations have been going down recently. The absolute us/them nature of some of them, and the way SJ tools are used to bully people in order to win an argument.

I thought it was largely to do with Tumblr being a poor design for actual conversation, but this makes more sense, given the patterns I’ve seen.

I…think that most of the people on Tumblr will get older. The no holds barred, right or wrong, FUCK YOU surety is part of being a teenager. Then you get it knocked out of you and learn to nuance. Both phases have value. What I’m saying here is that I think it’s more developmental than generational.

I don’t understand what this has to do with 9/11

9/11 largely serves as a convenient symbolic marker for a severe shift in public discourse– I was 14 when it happened and I very clearly remember the before-times socially and politically and the after, when there really was a huge public shift in the way things were discussed, and how people in my age group and a  little younger responded to things like “national tragedies,” “us vs them,” good vs evil" etc?

Kind of dumb example but I think is illustrative– when we were 12/13, the year before 9/11, a group of kids went to DC and New York and visited all the war memorials. People whose uncles and fathers had fought in Vietnam visited the wall and Arlington, were moved, went through all the ceremonial stuff, but not to the point of dramatic hysterics. Maybe two/three years after 9/11, many of the same kids went to Pearl Harbor while we were on tour in Hawaii and everything was prefaced with this really jingoistic Us Vs Them language, and half the group spent the entire time bawling performatively. There were also a lot of recriminations for not engaging in the theatrics, because it wasn’t showing Proper Respect to Our National Heroes, none of whom any of these kids could have known because they all died in 1941.

My little brother is only 22 months younger than me but he doesn’t really remember the day at all, and doesn’t really remember anything about the politics or big news stories from beforehand, whereas I very clearly remember having an opinion about the 1996 election and my The Talk with my mom was kicked off because of the Clinton impeachment. 9/11 kicked off a lot of the worst of what we see in American political discourse today, and so people who don’t remember it as clearly or the time before may have different outlooks, especially in the States.

On the one hand this is a fairly enlightening take on the somewhat rabid state of what passes for online discourse these days.

On t’other, remind me again why we haven’t built a wall around America yet?

This is a fascinating conversation. I think there’s more to it than this–the way digital social spaces intersect with social phenomena informs the discourse hugely–but there’s a lot here worth considering.

It also occurs to me that a lot of us who were old enough not only to remember 9/11, but also to be aware of the shift in public discourse around it, are also old enough to remember the Cold War, or at least its last lingering throes. 

I’m 32, and I grew up with parents who were very active in the nuclear freeze movement. One of the fundamental truths I absorbed very early was that us-vs.-them absolutism and refusal to compromise and engage in good faith with ideological opponents wasn’t just stupid; it was deadly–potentially on a massive, global scale. I remember projects to hook U.S. kids up with penpals in the U.S.S.R. in hopes that we’d learn to see each other as people and so maybe not end life on fucking Earth if by some miracle our parents didn’t beat us to the punch.

And that approach was critical to the peace movement in general: humanizing the enemy. Trying to find points of connection; to learn to disagree humanely. That was a core, fundamental value of my childhood, in ways that were very closely and directly linked to the contemporary geopolitical scene; and they’re philosophies that continue to profoundly inform and steer my discourse and my approach to conflict–personal and political–as an adult.

Which is part of what scares the shit out of me about the discourse I see online, especially from the left: it’s all about radical dehumanization. I see people who are ostensibly on my side casually call other human beings trash or garbage or worthless. Scorch earth. Go to unbelievable lengths to justify NEVER engaging. Meet overtures to peace or steps toward change with spectacular cruelty.

I mean, I’ve seen variations on this exchange more times than I can count:

“[group x] are people, too.”

“No, they’re not.”

And then people LOL, and I don’t even know where to start, because–No. You do not say that. You do not EVER say that. EVER.

And I can so easily imagine how terrifying it must be to grow up in that–to be 15 or 16 or 17 and just becoming, and trying to find and place and grow into yourself in that kind of violence, and–

–to paraphrase someone profoundly and complexly flawed and still a person worth paraphrasing: Remember, babies, you gotta be kind.

I’m right on the tail end of the pre-9/11 babies and all this is so true to me. I was 9 when it happened, but had literally just travelled to the States and was becoming aware of the world at that age - learning about difference in cultures now that I had seen another country. And out of nowhere I noticed a HUGE change in the discourse (at least on reflection) that society used to explain difference and talk about Us and Them.
I grew up in a policing family, so personal and community safety was always at the forefront, but suddenly everyone was AFRAID and I had no true idea why. Why do we have to take our shoes off to go on the plane now? Why do the pretty buildings in town have more security? Why do visiting diplomats need escorting submarines with nuclear weapons ready to launch at aggressors?
We watched the morning news the day after 9/11 and saw the replay of the twin towers collapsing and my mum bawled her eyes out (it was one of those ‘you always remember where you were’ moments), and after that everyone was different. 

At my (predominantly Irish/Italian/Greek Catholic) primary school we got a new principal the following year named Mr Lane (the first non-Nun principal in the school’s history), and kids asked if he was Asian. The Australian-centric fears around the “Asian Invasion” were reignited by the anti-Them rhetoric that was floating around in their parent’s living rooms. 

Also to consider, this language change was happening just as the internet was becoming a commonplace thing in people’s homes, and kids were more readily logging on, so this whole ‘generational gap’ thing is compounded by the technological innovation of the day, which allowed it to flourish and expand rapidly, often without the filtration of parental input or supervision. 

This generation actually has more in common with their grandparents (or great-grandparents, depending on the age) - the Red under the bed scaremongers - than with the generation in between who saw the clusterfuck of the Cold War and Vietnam and decided that acceptance was a better policy.

People who don’t remember 911 have no experience of watching how its shock and anger were steered by cynical oligarchy to wrath and predation. how the powerful latched on to the helplessness and terrified us into paranoid brutality, and how we went along with it as a nation because people were so fucking afraid.

people who do remember 911 watched the good guys become monsters, and there is no formula and no magic political stance that can safeguard against hat happening again. and again. and again. when i hear “X deserve(s) die unfollow if you don’ agree” from people who seemed, before, to be on my side, i don’t care that it’s only a teeny tiny miniscule example of fascism. to borrow a buzzword that ruins plenty of lives in moral, compassionate America, i have zero fucking tolerance for that shit. on any scale.

you had to be there.

and thanks to humanity’s tendency to “learn its lesson” about the evils of his or that political belief, only to restart the cycle, you will be, eventually.

zoologicallyobsessed:Bored in isolation let’s start this old drama again. You are a bad pet owner if


Bored in isolation let’s start this old drama again. You are a bad pet owner if you willfully ignore all the evidence of how bad outdoor cats are to the environment, other pets, humans and cats themselves. And I hope for the sake of your cats you don’t learn that the hard way.

My aunts cat was poisoned, almost hit by a car many times, attacked by many animals (birds, raccoons, maybe a fox?) and came back with giant wounds, had a seizure likely from being poisoned again, someone attempted to drown him, and then he was poisoned one last time, which killed him.

She truly couldn’t control these behaviors because he wasn’t her cat to begin with, but whoever had him first and allowed him outdoors to make him an outdoor cat is why he’s been through all of that (and probably more, can’t remember). He had a long life despite all that and we honestly have no fucking clue how he managed to live that long, but your cat probably won’t be as lucky.

Don’t let your cats get used to going outdoors. Because then they will always want to. And they’ll fight you to get out. And find ways out. And then you have to worry about all those things.

Post link









Saying that transgender men can identify as lesbians but cis men cannot reinforces the idea that trans men aren’t really men. That they’re some sort of subcategory of a man and that they’ll never be man enough. It’s just fucking transphobic. They’re men. Straight men. Not lesbians.

I’m a lesbian trans man and you can never take my identity away from me

Oh cool so you’re lesbophobic and transphobic alright.

Ugh no. I’m diagnosed as trans and I’m biologically female . I’m attracted to women.

You’re singlehandedly giving me depression.

Not everyone has to obey the label police. It’s transphobic to be telling me, a transman what identify as.

It’s transphobic and lesbophobic to claim you can be a man and a lesbian at the same time.

It’s actually TERF rhetoric to claim that transmen can be lesbians.

I mean they seem to be a TERF who doesn’t understand dysphoria at all

Oh that’s a whole terf alright.

Straight man detected.

Saying that transgender men can identify as lesbians but cis men cannot reinforces the idea that trans men aren’t really men. That they’re some sort of subcategory of a man and that they’ll never be man enough. It’s just fucking transphobic. They’re men. Straight men. Not lesbians.







love is the most important thing ever

not just romance . just having love in ur heart

Please stop this amatonormativity ;-;

what exactly is wrong with this post genuinely what problem is there like are u good do u need something

Actually upon rereading this it’s possible this post is more ok than I thought, could you define what you meant by “having love in your heart”?






Just in case y’all weren’t convinced yet that a lot of truscum/transmed ideology is followed by alt-right or anti-feminism or literal nazi’s, here’s your proof

This is taken from the account bepisdog.

My guy, being a transmed just means you believe that you need dysphoria to be trans. Anything else is not transmedicalism. I completely disagree with many of this guy’s points and yet we are both transmeds. Having one thing in common doesn’t make us the same and you are generalizing by saying it does.

Yeah I know what transmedicalism is, I was a trasmed, and this person followed me before I blocked him. My point is that the ideology is followed by sh¡tty people saying and doing sh¡tty things completely unchecked.

But isn’t because they are transmeds. Every community has bad apples, it’s just how the world works.

Just because a shitty person shares an opinion with another group doesn’t mean it’s automatically shitty. Their transmedicalist views are separate from the others. I absolutely disagree with the shitty things that person says, and they are absolutely not welcome into the transmed community. Agreeing with one opinion doesn’t mean you condone everything they do.

night-of-the-alienguardian: badsjw:flameprincette:badsjw:THIS IS GOING TOO FARThis post is bnight-of-the-alienguardian: badsjw:flameprincette:badsjw:THIS IS GOING TOO FARThis post is b






This post is bad, ur bad, and anyone who uncritically reblogged this is bad. Seriously. Stop fucking shaming people for their pronouns and genders wtf???? Gross

You just defended space alien as a legitimate gender, good job.

Do you fucking transtrenders have any idea how difficult you’re making it for legitimate trans people to be taken seriously? Do you even fucking understand what a gender is? A gender isn’t a fucking aesthetic. It’s not a feeling, an animal, a colour, a fashion, or any other sparkly snowflake bullshit. A gender is literally the way your brain is biologically wired.
There are millions of people who suffer and face dangerous discrimination because their genders don’t match their bodies, and you tweenyboppers are making it into a fucking trend that you can wear like a brooch or a scarf? Fuck you.

Post link


What Native people say about the use of sage: you can use sage, but you cannot smudge as nothing you are doing (waving sage around) is actually smudging. Smudging is a ceremony and you are, we promise, not smudging. Please buy sage from either us, or someone who sources the sage from us. White sage may not be considered endangered by the US government but corperate sourcing is making it difficult for us to source sage for our own religious purposes. Let alone to sell it.

What white people hear: never use sage ever, don’t ever buy it, don’t own it, don’t even look at it.

Look, y’all. There’s a couple of facets to my talk today.

1) Yes! You can buy sage! You really, truly can! Buy it from either native sellers (go to a powwow! Eat our food, buy our stuff, watch some dancing!) Or buy it from a seller who sources the sage from native people. Pick one. And no, buying it from 5 Below doesn’t count.

2) you CANNOT smudge. This isn’t just you “shouldn’t”— this is a YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF SMUDGING. Waving a sage stick around your doorways IS NOT SMUDGING. It is smoke clensing. Smudging, depending on the tradition and tribe, could easily have dancing and drums involved. You, as a white person, do not have the cultural BACKGROUND to even know how it works. At all. Period.

3) please, for FUCKS SAKE, stop making posts here on tumblr where you tell other white people about cultural appropriation and what they can and cannot do. Please stop, your license has been revoked because none of you bother to get the facts right. We native people are FULLY CAPABLE OF DOING IT OURSELVES. Consider instead: a) reblogging our posts where we talk about it! We’re here! We have made posts!! b) Making a post that states what we said and then LINKS BACK TO US. Screenshot with a link if you must. Stop centering your own voices in these conversations. You are already centered in everything, stop centering yourselves in a native space.

I’m tired of this nonsense, y’all.

Thanks for coming to my TedTalk ™


Help Support a Native artist?



I’ve been involved (in some way or another) with what has come to be known as the ‘ace discourse’ for a couple of years now. i’ve watched a debate on whether or not asexual people can personally reclaim the word ‘queer’ expand into a horrifying argument encompassing such topics as ‘ace exclusionists are as bad as TERFs’ and ‘asexual people deserve death’. 

i’m writing this now to try and convey the biggest lesson i learned from this shitshow: learn when to let it the fuck go. debating internet strangers on the minutiae of what sexuality headcanon you can have for the literal moon isn’t doing shit for you, or anybody else. 

you aren’t going to convince that equally-rabid blog with an anime icon that doves don’t look like that. you aren’t going to change a single goddamn thing about how asexual people exist or are treated. it doesn’t matter if you spend hours lying about your race/religion/HIV status, you’re never going to convince someone that you’re right by adding ‘pee your pants’ to their posts. 

i was pretty into the discourse when this blog was more active, and i am 100% guilty of most of the above. the discourse did not make my activism better, it did not help anybody around me, and it sure as hell didn’t make me a better person. if anything, it made me a worse person. 

i was convinced that i was right and everybody who agreed with me was perfect and that nothing could change that. i was constantly on the hunt for minor slip-ups from people on the opposite ‘side’ as i was, while being super paranoid about making mistakes of my own. 

when i did make mistakes, i denied them until a deluge of dogpiling and anon hate forced me into a breakdown. of course, i saw this as more proof that the ‘other side’ was irredeemably bad, ignoring the fact that, had one of them made the same mistake, i would have gleefully reblogged callout posts for them until they broke down as well. 

basically, what i’m trying to say in this huge-ass wall of text is that the ace discourse is fucking horrible and is never going to benefit anybody ever. get out while you can, and for the love of someone please don’t try and drag it onto other sites when you jump ship from tumblr. 

cheers, and shoutout to my followers for sticking around, 


oh and one more thing: 

this post isn’t trying to boost one side over another. the point is that, while i obviously have my own opinion, which i think is valid and will debate the points of when such debate is relevant (like at an LGBTIA+ community meeting), the point i’m trying to make here is that the discourse itself is terrible. go take your own opinions and express them in likewise relevant spaces where you might actually make a difference. rabidly rehashing tired old arguments on a dying website isn’t helping anybody. 


4/1/22 report

Gonna be a 2-parter.

There is a lot.

“And giving an antibiotic would have caused a bloom” (screenshot 1)

“Not bacteria is at least something. Aaaaaand a good reason not to just throw antibiotics at a medical mystery” (screenshot 3)

“Antibiotics (like everyone was telling you to give them) would have done way more harm than good” (screenshot 4)

I’m sorry who insisted the pathogen was bacterial?

Who was telling you to throw antibiotics at your birds?

If you’re going to publicly post your gossip group at least come up with a better lie to cover your ass.

So it’s been a hot minute since I was last active here, I am really sorry for that. My mental health took a swift nose dive into the gutter and I chose to focus on my animals over social media.

The past couple posts I’ve reblogged do a pretty great job of summarising the situation which has gone down within the pigeon community lately. I advise everyone who enjoys the petblr communities on tumblr to catch up on that if possible. Even if not involved in pigeons, the individual involved is a pretty prominent member of the pigeon community on tumblr and runs several social media accounts dedicated to them.

It is very telling of anyone’s morals and common decency when they support a racist. Even if the animal hoarding, animal neglect, and sheer brazen self worship were to be corrected (which they are yet to adequately be), endangering and chasing marginalised communities out of spaces where it was your job to protect them and refusing to even acknowledge the situation could’ve been handled more appropriately is in no way acceptable.

The Ramsey Loft waited over a week to seek medical attention for their deathly ill birds, endangered minors to predatory behaviour in their unmoderated servers, chased queer poc out of their servers, prolonged the suffering of a euthanasia case for weeks, and has failed to accept any input from minorities willing to help improve server security or input from fellow breeders in the community about their poor decisions time and time again.

Following this, they then had the audacity to point blame to every single party except the one which was accountable, their own, and continue to pat themselves on the back for a job well done letting 10 birds die.

If anyone concerned about the authenticity of these claims against the Ramsey loft would like to contact me I am more than happy to fill in the blanks as best I can. I am livid that this so called self acclaimed ‘pigeon specialist’ continues to let birds who many love dearly suffer while she continuously makes tall claims in an attempt to brush off accountability.



Why did SM make the Cullens so wasteful I mean, driving super fast sports cars, Alice throwing out entire wardrobes regularly, buying and making an entire restaurants worth of food for one human, getting new shit all the time, traveling via plane to other continents when they can run and swim faster than almost all living animals, wasting all that time playing the stock market when they’re already so rich they’ll be fine until the earth implodes, and devouring endless animals in very delicate ecosystems rather than like buying a cow every once in a while. Like they are the epitome of wasteful wealth hoarding BS and I hate it


Don’t you dare hide this in the tags

…how dare this take make so much sense that it makes me reblog a post about Twilight!?



Some people I’ve seen have the misconception that a polyamorous person only loves at 50% or 33% of how much they could because they’re in a relationship with multiple people. This isn’t true. The capacity for love doesn’t end at 100% - a person who loves two people would be at 200%, someone who loves three at 300%, and so on. Each partner gets 100% of the person’s love.

This is in fact not how math works.

You don’t love a person that you are cheating on, some “dating” multiple people actually loves them each a whole 0%.

First off, I’d like to congratulate you. This is the first time anyone has started discourse on my page. You’re the idiot I’ll remember forever as the first one who came on a polyamory page to spread your hate. Congrats

Secondly, and try to actually keep up here, cheating requires lying, and if all partners are aware, no one is lying, and thus no one is cheating.

Again, cheating = deception, polyamory = all members are aware, and thus polyamory =/= cheating.

Class dismissed


Friendly reminder that I believe in transandrophobia / transmascphobia / treiphobia

Meaning I believe transmascs experience oppression specifically for being transmasc

I legitimately don’t understand how that’s a controversial take but I just saw yet another “if you believe in transandrophobia you deserve to die” post so :|

Worstie I literally suggested alternative words in the original post

You all got fixated on the fantasies of the coiner of a WORD instead of caring about the oppression of real people. who’s the one who doesn’t have a heart here.











Friendly reminder that I believe in transandrophobia / transmascphobia / treiphobia

Meaning I believe transmascs experience oppression specifically for being transmasc

I legitimately don’t understand how that’s a controversial take but I just saw yet another “if you believe in transandrophobia you deserve to die” post so :|

literally none of that exists. transandrophobia is a term coined by a man who fantasizes about raping lesbians and trans women. all those terms are transmisogynistic in nature because they were created by butthurt transmisogynistic transmascs who believe in misandry. there is literally 0 use for the term as there is nothing that affects transmascs but not transfems/other trans people, it is literally just an attempt to steal from trans women’s specific terminology. but transmisogyny has a reason to exist as it is the intersection between transphobia and misogyny. misandry however does not exist and androphobia is the legit fear of men that people who have been abused/traumatized by men experience. and thats not even getting into all the details on how fucking rotten the transandrophobia community is. theres a reason why no one can stand u lmao

literally shut the fuck up and eat shit

woah thats pretty transmascphobic of u :/ what do u have against trans men speaking their minds??? huhh??

good to see youre exactly the kind of garbage person i was talking about

yeah im such a garbage man who thinks raping women and being a misogynist is bad :((( thats sooo evil and unmasculine of me

hiii sorry to barge in but there are things that effect transmascs specifically, particularly in healthcare a la being forced to detransition in the event of pregnancy, but that is not transmisandry because it isn’t an intersection of transphobia and misandry (bc misandry isn’t a thing, these things don’t happen specifically because we are men but rather specifically because we are trans men). everything else from loewsvillage tracks i think, we should not be using terminology coined by someone who publicly fantasizes about assaulting women especially when that terminology refers to an intersection of an oppression that does not exist (misandry)

Once again transandrophobia is not supposed to be “an intersection of transphobia and misandry”

exactly, misandry doesn’t exist, the oppression transmascs face is just transphobia because its happening because we’re trans, not because we’re men

transmascs face a combination of transphobia and misogyny that is different from transmisogyny. one of the words coined for that is transandrophobia. trans men are actually oppressed for living as their true gender, which is to say, being men.

“i dont want this on my blog anymore. anyhow. did you just say transmascs experience misogyny (ie oppression for being women)… also, transmascs experience oppression for being their true gender, but so do all trans people. thats literally what transphobia is. what is the reason behind relying on a term made by a horrible person to distance yourself from other trans people having the same sorts of experiences as you?? i seriously dont get it”

I need you to understand that experiencing misogyny =/= being a woman, and whether you experience a type of oppression is much more dependent on how bigots perceive you than your actual identity.


tbh says a lot that the hate and rudeness I’ve gotten as a black aroace on this blog has been from mainly white lesbian exclutionists who are submerged in often raciallly insensitive and radical asexual and aromantic exclusion.

they just chose to ignore how my race and my asexuality is very deeply intertwined.

(white people please reblog!)




dude the teens really got all the weird ass fucking adults in this fandom fucking PISSED and it’s so fucking funny.

btw, youre all the ones i was staging a coup to kick out. youre fucking gross.

Friendly reminder that the 92sies side of this fandom is not all adults, many minors are in this fandom (including myself) and we’re just as tired of your bullshit as the adults here.

good to know ur stalking the fuck out of my blog. now get off.

Riight. I opened your reblog of response. It makes you scroll through a blog to get to a reblog, I’m not stalking your blog, I’m trying to see your side.


dude the teens really got all the weird ass fucking adults in this fandom fucking PISSED and it’s so fucking funny.

btw, youre all the ones i was staging a coup to kick out. youre fucking gross.

Friendly reminder that the 92sies side of this fandom is not all adults, many minors are in this fandom (including myself) and we’re just as tired of your bullshit as the adults here.


Nobody is forcing you to use the winning flag. Feel free to use whatever flag you wish and please do not spread rumours about the flag being “forced on you”

Also please don’t be rude to either the flag creator or people who have chosen to use this flag, I’ve seen this happening quite a lot since the results came out and both mods would appreciate that people don’t do that.

Be respectful please.

- mod niv
