#anti-love spells


an anti-love spell of sorts to aid in dispelling romantic feelings you have for someone that doesn’t feel the same way. inspired by the song “strawberry blond” by mitski. just in time for valentine’s day

gather:strawberries, honey, black tea leaves, taglock, biodegradable container

charge your spell materials with the intent that these feelings are bad for you and you are vanquishing them

crush strawberries into a pulp and lightly drizzle with honey and black tea leaves. stir mixture counter clockwise with the intention of closing the door on the unrequited feelings you have for this person and stir once clockwise with the intention of attracting freshness and new beginnings to you with these feelings being let go. the honey is to ease your emotional turmoil

say “through closed doors another set open. let these feelings take hold of me wither and and weaken and let this new start begin to steepen” as you stir
