#pop culture magic


Whitcher’s blade enchantment (Whitcher inspired)


To enchant a blade as a protective talisman

Blue candle
Red candle
Purple candle

Arrange the candles in a triangle around the knife
Light the candles
Sit in front of the knife and focus on all that you might need protection from, and put that energy into the candles
Use the knife to put out the candles so that it can know how to protect you from all your worries

Hawkeye’s adaptability (Marvel inspired)


For help adapting to changes

Raspberry leaf tea

Brew the herbs together as a tea, and use the honey to draw in a symbol for adaptability.  Stir clockwise to put your intent into the tea

Mandalore’s strength (Star Wars inspired)

For aid from your ancestors, both in blood and blade

The only thing you’ll need is something to represent the protection of your armor. If you’re not sure what to use a piece of amber can work.

Place your armor representation in front of you and recite this incantation 3 times:

“I ask for the strength
of my brothers and sisters who have fallen
The strength of the clan
until my task is at its end”

Be sure to thank those who come to help you!

Ezio’s hood glamour (Assassin’s Creed inspired)


A glamour based on a single garment

garment to use as your focus
Thyme, orange peel, dragon’s blood

Light the herbs as an incense and pass your focus through the smoke while focusing on the inner qualities you are trying to bring out, such as confidence or calmness 



Why I Use “Wizard” Instead of “Witch”

So I recently made the jump to call my craft wizardry (or, more properly, the Jasper Way) instead of witchcraft, and that’s for a few reasons.

Witch” doesn’t accurately describe what I do in magic anymore, so I found a new word that I liked better. It’s often said that being a witch carries connotations of herbal medicine and a connection to plants - and while it’s not required to use plants in your craft, I personally don’t feel connected to them and feel like “witch” has the wrong connotations for what I actually do.

Wizard conveys the perfect blend of pop culture (Dungeons and Dragons), vague masculinity (if you left it in the rain near a gender), and my need to study and write down EVERYTHING.

It implies the usage of magical items, which I definitely feel as someone who uses tools and crystals in my craft. Divination spells also make up a large part of a D&D wizard’s repertoire, and I’m always down for divination.

It also has the vibes of squaring up against other entities. And if y'all are regulars here, you’ll know that I’m always up to fight. Lunging to punch a sleep paralysis demon, using Febreeze as magical pepper spray… “Wizard” really captures that for me.

Wizards also investigate new and interesting magical possibilities. There’s a reason wizard rivals are so common in fiction - the whole thing is an exploration of magical praxes. Pondering and overthinking the universe and everything in it is just a normal thing for wizards, and I definitely overthink.

Wizards also just…write down everything? I certainly do, and it’s fun to have a written record of everything I’ve pondered and prodded and poked.

TLDR: D&D and divination go brr, overthinking is part of the process, throwing hands, and notebook addiction = me choosing wizard as my proper craft label over witch.

I feel similarly, but personally prefer mage for the vagueness it brings. Though both wizard and mage are vaguely masculine and give images of experimentation, which is greatly suited for the pop-culture flair of D&D. Wizard just feels better defined somehow, I’m glad it works for you! The part about item usage also makes sense, same with divinatory practice. 

I do also like ‘warlock’ even with the negative connotations: ‘I’ve gone against the traditional image of the witch and carved my own path despite constantly being told that’s not how it’s done.’ Feels good, but understandably that’s not suitable for everyone who doesn’t view moving away from ‘witch’ as a full-divergence. 

Reblogging so people can get ideas for names other than “witch” if they’d like to explore~

Your craft is your own and you can call it as you please! :)


All posts related to my WTNV Tarot Project are tagged under “#WTNV Tarot”.

–Now available through TopatoCo! GET THEM HERE!!!

Major Arcana (22/22)

The Court Cards (16/16):

The Minor Arcana (40/40):

Bonus Links:


Having issues writing an incantation? Need something to spice up your next spell? Why not try a little Shakespeare?

The Bard’s weighty folio includes numerous references to witches, magic, sorcery, and all kinds of otherwordly goings-on in his plays. We’re all familiar with the good old “Double, double, toil and trouble” scene from Macbeth (Act 4, Scene 1), but there’s much more inspiration to be had.

Lady Macbeth’s Revenge Soliloquy, Macbeth, Act 1, Scene 5

“Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts…”

The Witches Curse A Sailor, Macbeth, Act 1, Scene 3

“And like a rat without a tail, I’ll do, I’ll do, and I’ll do…”

Prospero’s Threat of Confinement, The Tempest, Act 1, Scene 2

“If thou more murmur'st, I will rend an oak
And peg thee in his knotty entrails till
Thou hast howl’d away twelve winters.”

The Exchange Between Caliban and Prospero, The Tempest, Act 1, Scene 2

“As wicked dew as e'er my mother brush’d
With raven’s feather from unwholesome fen…”

Prospero’s Threat of Disarming, The Tempest, Act 1, Scene 2

“Put thy sword up, traitor…”

Iris Appeals to the Goddess Ceres, The Tempest, Act 4, Scene 1

“Ceres, most bounteous lady, thy rich leas
Of wheat, rye, barley, vetches, oats and pease…”

Ceres Gives A Blessing of Abundance, The Tempest, Act 4, Scene 1

“Earth’s increase, foison plenty,
Barns and garners never empty…”

Prospero Ends The Revels, The Tempest, Act 4, Scene 1

“Our revels now are ended…”

Prospero Speaks of Caliban, The Tempest, Act 4, Scene 1

“A devil, a born devil…”

Prospero Sets Spirit Hounds On Caliban’s Band, The Tempest, Act 4, Scene 1

“Go charge, my goblins…”

Prospero Summons Nature Spirits, The Tempest, Act 5, Scene 1

“Ye elves of hills, brooks, standing lakes and groves…”

Oberon Explains The Love-Herb, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act 2, Scene 1

“That very time I saw (but thou couldst not)
Flying between the cold moon and the earth,
Cupid, all arm’d; a certain aim he took…”

[The love-herb, incidentally, is a pansy blossom.]

Puck Heralds The Dawn, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act 3, Scene 2

“For night’s swift dragons cut the clouds full fast,
And yonder shines Aurora’s harbinger…”

Helena Prays For Comfort, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act 3, Scene 2

“O weary night, O long and tedious night…”

This is FAR from a complete listing; in fact, I’ve only gone through the three plays best known for their association with magic and witchcraft. There are lots more to go through, and even the serious plays have plenty of arguments and insults that would make great fodder for witchery.

Have a go at your own favorite Shakespearean title, and see what you come up with!

beatriceoftheday:Over the Garden Wall themed tarot deck, created by artist Chris Smith, also knownbeatriceoftheday:Over the Garden Wall themed tarot deck, created by artist Chris Smith, also known


Over the Garden Wall themed tarot deck, created by artist Chris Smith, also known as Quarter Press. Tarot of the Unknown’s Kickstarter page has $9,391 pledged – of a $2,000 goal! It can be preordered through the Kickstarter page, and it will eventually be available for purchase through TheMysteryShack.

The first few cards were floating around on tumblr a while ago, but the project has expanded into something incredible. Smith did an amazing job with both staying true to the show’s style and interpreting its thematic elements to fit within the major and minor arcana.

Particularly excited for this card here – The High Beatrice!


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Hello everyone! It’s been AGES since I’ve posted a Harry Potter inspired post. This isn’t really so much a spell or anything “serious”, but I thought it might be fun to equate the Hogwarts magical curriculum with magic that can be studied in the real world. This curriculum probably isn’t very practical to follow exactly, but it might be a fun guide for the beginning witch to help guide you in your magical learnings. Perhaps the “years” can be condensed into shorter time periods (like months, for example?) to help make the curriculum a bit more practical. Regardless, I hope you enjoy!

First-Second Years:

First years are sorted into one of the four houses (you can find plenty of quizzes online to help find out which house you belong in). Use this masterpost to learn more about your house and how it can relate to your real-world magical practice.

Required core classes:

Charms– Basics of spellwork, casting etc.

Potions– Basic kitchen witchcraft

History of magic– Study of the history of witchcraft throughout different cultures, time periods etc.

Defense against the Dark Arts– Basics of magical protection, cleansing etc.

Astronomy– Basics of astrology, planetary witchcraft (aka space witchcraft)

Herbology– Basic green witchcraft and herbalism

Flying– Basics of astral travel, not necessarily performing astral travel at this level yet. Optional for second year.

Transfiguration– Basic energy work & manipulation

Third-Fourth Years:

Each of the above core subjects should be continued at more advanced levels (flying is optional).

Students must choose a minimum of two of the following elective courses:

Arithmancy– Numerology for divination purposes, sacred geometry

Divination– Tarot reading, tea leaf reading, scrying, and other means of divination

Care and Keeping of Magical Creatures– Study of magical creatures, spirit work, fairy craft etc.

Study of Ancient Runes– Use of runes for divination and magical purposes

Muggle Studies– Use of witchcraft in everyday modern life

Fifth Year:

Classes are continued as in the 3rd and 4th years.

Magical skills and interests are assessed. Courses for the next year are determined based on these skills and interests. Courses may be specialized to fit the student’s needs and skill levels.

Sixth Year:

Certain core classes may be dropped at this time to make way for the classes that are of the student’s interests and skill-levels.

Optional: Apparition– Remote viewing, visualization skills etc.

Optional: Alchemy– Elemental magic studies

Seventh Year:

Classes continue on normally from the sixth year. Apparition will not be offered, but alchemy will still be available.

Extracurricular Activities:

Available all years. Can be used to help students explore their own personal interests.

Ancient Studies– Similar to History of Magic with an emphasis on ancient magical practices

Art– Sigil design and usage

Frog Choir, Music, Orchestra– Incorporating music and songs into witchcraft

Ghoul Studies– Spirit work

Magical Theory– Philosophical and theoretical approaches to different types of magic and how they work (see theseposts for some examples)s

Xylomancy– Obscure, overlooked, and uncommon forms of divination

I hope you enjoyed! Much of the information about Hogwarts curriculum is appreciatively sourced from the Harry Potter wiki :) Thanks for reading,


31 Days of PC Spells, Day 3: Write a spell based on a lesser-known and/or less popular fairy tale

Based on the fairytale “By the Pike’s Will” from Russia. This is a really quick and simple jar spell!


{Image source}

What you need:

  • a natural source of water (ocean, lake, river, pond, etc)
  • a glass jar (relatively large)
  • paintbrush (fine) and paint
  • a seashell, smooth stone, or sand dollar — you must be able to paint on it and it must fit in the jar you’ve chosen.
  • a wish to make

How to:

First, fill your glass jar with water from your natural source, and then return to your home/place of witchcraft. On the outside of the jar, paint the words “By the pike’s will, at my command” in any placement that pleases you.

Now paint your wish on your seashell/stone/sand dollar. To represent your wish, you may use words, drawings, or sigils — whatever suits you most. When you are satisfied, add this into your jar.

Instincts are very important in witchcraft, and here’s the time to rely on yours. At some point, you will take the wishing jar back to the natural source of water to release your wish. Do this only when your intuition informs you that it is the most appropriate time.

After you release your wish, refill your jar with new water. Make sure this water is completely foreign to the wishing jar; walk some distance down the water bank if need be. Collect a new seashell/stone/sand dollar for the next time you have a wish to make. Your current wish is already out there, waiting to be found and (hopefully) granted by a particular, very generous pike!


{Image source}

Forchaosundone‘s 31 days of pop culture spells challenge, Day 2: Write a curse inspired by the first fandom or character that made you interested in pop culture magic.


Purpose: To curse your target to cold and loneliness, rendering them invisible when they want to be seen and silent when they want to be heard.

What you need:

  • cloth
  • scissors
  • sewing needle & thread
  • lemon juice
  • black pepper, poppies (whole flowers), and rice
  • optional: mint leaves and apple seeds
  • two liquid-proof containers, one larger and one smaller
  • a sharpie, or something to write on cloth with
  • something to represent your target — a picture of them, their name written on a piece of paper, etc
  • water
  • a freezer, ice box, or somewhere else really cold

How to:

Fill the smaller container with lemon juice. Add the representation of your target first — their picture, a scrap of their handwriting, their name, etc. If you’re using the optional ingredients, the mint leaves and apple seeds, add those next. Then the black pepper, poppy flowers, and rice go in. Try to pack the ingredients down so they’re all in the lemon juice — you can add more juice if needed. You’ll be leaving this to marinate while you prepare the poppet. 

With your sharpie, trace a human figure on the cloth. Double side the cloth and cut it out so you have two identical silhouettes. On one side of one silhouette, write out longhand what they have done to incite your wrath, and on one side of the other, why they deserve this curse. 

On one of the unused sides, draw two eyes and use the scissors to cut a mouth open. Then sew it shut again, to silence them so they cannot be heard.

Now sew the two cut-outs together into a poppet, with the writing you did on the inside. When you sew it up, leave a small un-sewn gap at the top of the head.

This is where we come back to the ingredients you left marinating at the beginning. This is what you’re going to use to stuff the poppet through the little gap. Make sure the representation of your target gets in there! When it’s full, sew up the gap.

Next, fill the larger container with water. This container only needs to be large enough to hold the poppet you made — you don’t necessarily need to have a container for this, you could just fill up your sink if that’s easier. Submerge the poppet. You can do this for as long as you like, but it only requires to be long enough to get the poppet soaking wet.

Once it’s soaking, stick it in your freezer, and you’re pretty much done. The curse stays in effect for as long as you keep it in the cold.


an anti-love spell of sorts to aid in dispelling romantic feelings you have for someone that doesn’t feel the same way. inspired by the song “strawberry blond” by mitski. just in time for valentine’s day

gather:strawberries, honey, black tea leaves, taglock, biodegradable container

charge your spell materials with the intent that these feelings are bad for you and you are vanquishing them

crush strawberries into a pulp and lightly drizzle with honey and black tea leaves. stir mixture counter clockwise with the intention of closing the door on the unrequited feelings you have for this person and stir once clockwise with the intention of attracting freshness and new beginnings to you with these feelings being let go. the honey is to ease your emotional turmoil

say “through closed doors another set open. let these feelings take hold of me wither and and weaken and let this new start begin to steepen” as you stir


when it is, ideas to do, the hellenic version and how to celebrate whilst in lockdown

When does it occur?

  • In the Northern Hemisphere on April 30st to May 1st
  • In the Southern Hemisphere on October 31st to November 1st

What does it celebrate ?

  • The peak of spring and the fact that summer is coming
  • Honours the earth
  • Fertility, Sexuality and love
  • Light, life and growth for the coming summer
  • For Wiccans is the night of the sacred greenwood marriage

What crystals are important ?

  • rose quartz
  • emerald
  • sunstone

What to decorate your alter with?

  • flowers (daisies and roses in particular)
  • green cloth or ribbons
  • hanging or sprinkling seasonal herbs (thyme, rose , fern)
  • using candles or incense with earthy scents such as wood or rose or jasmine
  • hawthorn branches
  • red, green and yellow candles to represent love, fertility, growth and summer

What activities can I do in lockdown?

  • mediate with the crystals mentioned
  • make daisy or flower chains and crowns for good luck
  • braid flowers into your hair
  • make mayday masks from items in your garden or draw them from paper
  • make a small mayday pole and dance around it by yourself or with people your isolating with
  • if in isolation with them, have sex with your partner : it’s a traditional aciticity done today because of the sacred wedding but it’s also a celebration of love and fertility (only if legal and you feel comfortable ofc)
  • spend time with loved ones you’re in lockdown with or via ft
  • makebaked goods and give them to friends, family and neighbours
  • create a wish box and put inside all your hopes and wishes for summer
  • cleanse your tools
  • wear red,green and pink and get dressed up even if you can’t go anywhere
  • practiseself love
  • have a milk bath
  • makeamulets for yourself and people you love
  • give rose quartz as gifts to those you love
  • send your loved ones handwritten letters
  • makesigilsandherb pouches for a good summer
  • Be with nature : go for a walk if safe
  • Learn about herbs or nature if you are unable to be with it
  • masturbate and perform sex magic
  • makefresh juice from summer fruits
  • leaveofferings of milk,honey, oats, lavender and rose for the fae: it’s their day too!
  • makeoat based products : they’re sacred to beltane and are good for luck,hope, safety and love

What spells and rituals should i perform?

  • fertility
  • growth
  • love
  • safety
  • good luck
  • protection of the home

What Hellenic Gods are sacred today?

  • The day honours Lady Maia as it’s about summer and the earth growing
  • Apollo as it’s the beginning of summer and the days will start to become longer and sunnier
  • Dionysus as it’s the coming summer and beauty of nature is about to hit its peak : also the rising of Dionysus
  • Demeter was traditionally worshiped on this day
  • Aphrodite due to her being a fertility and love goddess
  • Hestia for cleansing the home and protection

What are some Hellenic things to do?

  • Do something to take care of the earth
  • give offerings to Apollo : traditionally fruit and cypress branches decorated with flowers were used or put on temples
  • cleanse the home : thank Hestia for keeping you safe
  • Look into all the gods and goddesses celebrated and connect with them
  • Learn about the rising of Dionysus or even reanact it
  • Give offerings to Demeter and perform a ritual for banishing poverty in her name
  • Traditionally there is a greek blessing that says “May you have all the goods of May” along with a curse that says “ May all the hours of may find you” : say these to people with the intention linked to it

I hope you find this helpful! What are your plans for this Beltane in lockdown?


this is a glamour/ devotional act to make you look and feel gorgeous and also attract love


  • container or bowl (i used my wine glass i have for the gods)
  • rose petals - love, protection, happiness
  • strawberry leaves - happiness, love, sweetness
  • rosemary - love, friendship, luck , protection
  • rose water - love
  • moon water - purification, protection, luck
  • cotton pads


  1. In the container add all the different leaves and herbs
  2. Then add an equal amount of rose water and moon water into the container
  3. Mix them together in a slow clockwards motion with your pointer finger and focus on your intention. This is also when i dedicated it to Aphrodite!
  4. When it feels ready, place your hands over it and pour your magic into it. Picture a soft light slowly rippling from the center of the container to the outside (i saw it as a light glowing pink)
  5. Place in there two cotton wool pads and let them soak for a few seconds.
  6. Take one out and wipe it all over your face whilst stating your intention either aloud or in your head
  7. Then wash your face and do your normal routine
  8. Take out the second one and rub it all over your arms and chest (over your veins and arteries and heart!)
  9. Bin the cotton pads but keep the water until the next day and the pour it out into soil

WARNING: please be careful if you have sensitive skin


a spell jar and sigil to help meet your idol whether that be a single person or a group


  • basil - prosperity, love
  • bay - success, wish-craft
  • strawberry leaves - luck, dedication, love
  • ginger - love, power
  • cinnamon - love, speeds up spells, success
  • dandelion leaves - luck, wish-craft
  • candle (i used a white one)
  • green glitter - i associate green with luck
  • green sharpie - same thing as glitter

  1. light the candle and play play your favourite songs from the artist/band, tv show or movie with them etc
  2. put all the ingredients in the jar and imagine that you’re meeting them
  3. create a sigil using your preferred method that says - “i will meet — soon”
  4. in the green sharpie draw the sigil on the front and back of the jar and write the name/s of your idol 4 times on the lid (i wrote WDW)
  5. blow out the candle and pour the molten wax on top of the jar

Good Luck

seeuinduat:Hiram McDaniels spread by seeuinduat 1: Gold head- how you are generally perceived by oth


Hiram McDaniels spread by seeuinduat

1: Gold head- how you are generally perceived by others

2: Green head- what there is to fear, not necissarilly what youhave to fear

3: Violet head- what you shouldbe concerned about, but probably are not

4: Blue head- what you need to correct/fix

5: Grey head- what is upsetting you

6: Body- what keeps you together

(image source)

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seeuinduat:The Old Oak Doors: a Night Vale spread by seeuinduat 1-3: the Hinges: where you are curre


The Old Oak Doors: a Night Vale spread by seeuinduat

1-3: the Hinges: where you are currently in whatever time and space you inhabit.

2: the Brass Doorknob: how to enter the Desert.

4-5: the Desert: where you should be, or want to be, it all depends.

(image source)

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violetwitchcraft:REYSTAR WARS TAROT SPREADS: ¼




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