#anti rowaelin


Whew. I—Sjm really said, that’s enough activism for today.

(For everyone who may not have seen the bullshit this woman has tried ) Edit: My thoughts on this. It’s going to be messy buttttt

Maas very easily could’ve posted petitions for the justice of Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain, Dominique Fells, Sandra Bland and signal boosted privately owned black businesses, etc. Even a post about the stories about Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain, George Floyd, and every innocent black life lost at the hands of a dirty racist pig. She could’ve found one of the thousand resources discussing the importance of this movement, the history, the importance of white people needing to shut the fuck up and LISTEN, white privilege, and posted it etc. but she didn’t. Instead she made a few posts so it LOOKED like she stood with Black Lives Matter and that was all undermined by her inability to sit down and shut the fuck up and listen when a person of color is telling her that her books are a problem and her representation fucking sucks. Add more or correct me if you feel the need to

unpopular opinion: rowan whitethorn edition [tog spoilers]

not to piss off the die-hard rowan/rowaelin stans but i’m just a liiiitle confused as to why y'all hate on chaol, who was consistently supportive and kind to aelin as she readjusted to life outside of a slave camp and was absolutely not at fault for nehemia’s death, and in the same breath stan rowan, who physically and verbally abused aelin when she was mentally at her lowest (which he was fully aware of).

i’m talking about how this girl (a literal teenage girl) was deeply depressed, grieving the loss of her friend, hurting over the abrupt and painful end of her romantic relationship/friendship with chaol, having an existential/identity crisis, and literally on the brink of suicide, and mr. rowan “i support women by kicking them when they’re down bUt iT’s fOr tHeiR oWn gOoD” whitethorn came out here and engaged in a massive brawl with her to…teach her a lesson? he told her she was pathetic and worthless and a waste of life to…help her mental stability? he threatened to WHIP HER while she bore literal WHIP SCARS to…yeah idek what this man was going for with that one. sure, you can use the (weak) argument that hE DiDn’T kNoW, yet who in their right mind threatens to whip someone they barely even know?

but sure, go off queen, stan rowan
