#anti aelin


I made this while I was drunk one night and never posted it. I remember seeing someone who had re-written acotar/tog or like had ideas for a rewrite?? Idk I thought it was great and did this. Oops

Whew. I—Sjm really said, that’s enough activism for today.

(For everyone who may not have seen the bullshit this woman has tried ) Edit: My thoughts on this. It’s going to be messy buttttt

Maas very easily could’ve posted petitions for the justice of Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain, Dominique Fells, Sandra Bland and signal boosted privately owned black businesses, etc. Even a post about the stories about Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain, George Floyd, and every innocent black life lost at the hands of a dirty racist pig. She could’ve found one of the thousand resources discussing the importance of this movement, the history, the importance of white people needing to shut the fuck up and LISTEN, white privilege, and posted it etc. but she didn’t. Instead she made a few posts so it LOOKED like she stood with Black Lives Matter and that was all undermined by her inability to sit down and shut the fuck up and listen when a person of color is telling her that her books are a problem and her representation fucking sucks. Add more or correct me if you feel the need to

So y’all thought it was just a coincidence that the only brown characters/described race of people in Maas’s series were described as “savage” and having “backwards practices/ways” ??? Huh

Your inner colonizer is showing, sweatys


Kingdom of Ash plot be like

Welcome to Velaris where you can find random people yeeting around in the sky.

Alternatively: This is their tourism poster.


Alien Assriver opens her mouth and I just hit this bad boy:

[IMAGE ID: A large red button with the words “White woman extinction button” written out in black text. END ID]


S/jm’s writing style is the kind that makes me hyper-aware of her presence in the story. She always tells me what to think, rather than letting characters’ actions speak for themselves.

For that reason, it’s hard for me to me to really blame the characters that she wants me to hate because I don’t view their actions as their own. Meanwhile, the characters I know she loves (f/eysand) become increasingly unbearable.

And I know that authors decide everything on a literal level, but usually their decisions feel so organic that I don’t even notice. I think this has to do with s/jm’s tendency to tell rather than show (characterization is usually an exposition dump like the dinner scene in acomaf or the cabin confession).

And it sparks this reaction in me where I despise the characters she wants me to love and tolerate the characters she wants me to hate.

as mentioned, i think this is simply because s//jm cannot for the life of her have proper characterization.

her characters’ personalities are so one dimensional and bland that even major plot points and climaxes are fall short due to how bad the characterization actually is.

i mean…. just thinking of how she writes her antagonists / villains, they are so one dimensional it’s almost laughable.
