

I feel like, if so many folks are unable to access healthcare, they may have needed things like “home remedies” or “natural cures”, and had to rely on “doing their own research” because they just couldn’t afford a doctor. And they did this out of necessity. 

Now, of course, the anti vaxx movement has largely been led by affluent white folks and what had started as something with honest intentions, has now been co-opted by bad faith actors and/or ignorant science deniers.

I could very well be wrong about this, and if anyone knows more, feel free to let me know, but it makes me wonder if not having access to healthcare indirectly created the anti vaxx movement.

Anti vaxxer/masker: LOL I’m not gonna live in fear of a virus that has a 99% survival rate. SHEEP!

Also anti vaxxer/masker: The vaccine only has an efficacy rate of 99%??? Not good enough.

You get the vaccine to protect yourself from death and hospitalization, yes. But you also get the vaccine to protect;

-immunocompromised people who cannot get the vaccine

-children under 12 who cannot get the vaccine

-people who’s medications would have a negative reaction to the vaccine and therefore cannot get the vaccine

-a shit ton of other people who can’t get the vaccine for health related reasons and their doctor told them that. 

So many folks rely on healthy folks to get the vaccine. So many folks who can’t get the vaccine wish they could get the vaccine but they cannot. And every time someone who is eligible to get the vaccine refuses, its a slap in the face to those who can’t. 

Please get the vaccine. Please protect yourself and others. And for the love of fuck stop using the “my body my choice” argument. Abortion isn’t a deadly airborne disease. 
