

The Antivax “freedom” convoy shit happening in my country is embarrassing as HELL.

Like what exactly are they gonna fucking do if they get exposed and start showing symptoms while on the clock? The whole point of those vaccines is to help reduce severe symptoms so your asses don’t end up in the ER. ‍♀️

big fucking OOF

not only is there folks waving confederate flags at the antivax convoy protests, but people are desecrating the statue of Terry Fox by slapping a “mandate freedom” sign onto him.

This man ran miles to help raise awareness and funds for cancer research. He cared so much about people’s medical safety, that he put his heart and soul into running miles to help raise funds/awareness while fighting cancer himself and these damn gremlims want to use his legacy to spew antivax rhetorics.








kind of wondering if the Steve from Blues Clues thing was more or less a temperature check to see how well the early childhood media brainwashing worked, and how easily people can be triggered and manipulated by emotional messages from fictional personas with whom now-adults formed parasocial bonds as children due to the faux-interactive, if not uncanny question-response format of the tv shows from which these personas are derived

Fellas, is it brainwashing to experience emotions based on childhood experiences

And…what, exactly, is the alternative to a show like Blue’s Clues, if you think that making an educational program that sincerely tries to make children feel empowered and loved is brainwashing? No programming at all, leaving underprivileged kids without an extra educational boost or sense of companionship? A robotic voice with no personality shouting the alphabet over and over? Seriously curious here. 

yeah op you seem like someone who has normal and well-adjusted opinions on what qualifies as “brainwashing”. the fact that you apparently have kids is bone-chilling

I feel like, if so many folks are unable to access healthcare, they may have needed things like “home remedies” or “natural cures”, and had to rely on “doing their own research” because they just couldn’t afford a doctor. And they did this out of necessity. 

Now, of course, the anti vaxx movement has largely been led by affluent white folks and what had started as something with honest intentions, has now been co-opted by bad faith actors and/or ignorant science deniers.

I could very well be wrong about this, and if anyone knows more, feel free to let me know, but it makes me wonder if not having access to healthcare indirectly created the anti vaxx movement.

Anti vaxxer/masker: LOL I’m not gonna live in fear of a virus that has a 99% survival rate. SHEEP!

Also anti vaxxer/masker: The vaccine only has an efficacy rate of 99%??? Not good enough.

Antivaxxers will be all “You can’t make me get vaccinated! There are tracking chips in the vaccine!” and then carry their cell phones around inside the U.S. Capitol building while participating in a violent insurrection.
