#anything in cancer



Fucking Cancer. Man, this sign is right up there with the Most Misunderstood. Actually, mainstream Astrology limits the shit out of Cancer and doesn’t even remotely touch on what’s really going on with this way-deep-in-it babe.

What’s the deal with Cancer? We all think Cancer has what, something to do with crying and having a family? Right. So. We don’t actually know shit.

First things first: Cancer heavy people are hard to spot. Why? Because trueCancer energy is private, intimate, and internally experienced. The opposite of Capricorn, which is a public, communal and externally experienced sign. Complements for a reason.

On some foundational shit, Cancer is about feeling connected -not just to your friends and family, but to everyone. The thing is, feelings are personal and require nothing and no one but you. Where Capricorn is connecting to everyone through tangible actions,Cancer is the pure feelings of unity, compassion and connection that gets bitches pumped up to eventually go get their Capricorn on and take action.

The takeaway here is this: no one knows what the fuck is going on inside Cancer unless it gets communicated. Through action or otherwise. Sure, Cancer, you might be sitting there feeling all the feelings and having all the desires and wanting to share all the love and understanding and actually be connected with others, but until you spill that shit, you just look like a silent-ass bitch sitting in your living room and no one actually knows what’s going on with you.

Cancer comes after Gemini for a reason, people. Gemini gets communication locked in, so that it can eventually communicate something worth sharing: personalfeelings.

Too often what happens is Cancer heavy people play themselves out, get overly attatched to their own feelings and then refuse to share them in a healthy way because they just inwardly decided that no one would ever understand them. Not a good look. Get your shit together and be real with the people you love, damn. What’s the point of having all those feelings and desires if you aren’t going to share them?

Cancer is Cardinal. What’s that mean? It means it has some fucking shit to start. Cancer’s responsibility is to learn how to share its feelings - its motherfucking identity - in a genuine way, to set an example for others. Why is Cancer the bitch for the job? Cause in knowing its own unique, individual feelings, Cancer can respect that everyone else has their own feelings too - so it can share with respect and awareness.

At its healthiest, Cancer is more in touch with its feelings, desires and identity than any other sign. But it’s not supposed to end there - Cancer, you gotta be able to share yourself, your real self, not the bullshit facade you put together to keep all the real parts of you on lock. Draw a picture and get over it. You gotta try and communicate what’s going on inside you with kindness and compassion - it’s up to you to show the world how it’s done.

Peace, bitches.

