#anyway about the art


[Image one: A digital drawing of Jack Manifold and TommyInnit. There’s two panels separating the characters, and a used ashtray a the bottom. The smoke it creates billows behind the panels and then offscreen. Jack is in the first panel, hands under his armpits as if he’s hugging himself. His brows are slightly furrowed. He’s wearing a blue hoodie and denim jacket above a white sweater. The denim jacket has a fire pattern across the sleeves, a thunderbolt badge, and three flags patches, for L’Manberg, Manifold Land and Snowchester respectively. He also has glasses similar to 3D ones, but they have glasses chains with charms that resemble the L’Manberg flag. Meanwhile, Tommy is wearing his classic t-shirt under a black and orange sports jacket, which has Wilbur’s initials on it. It also has a L'Manberg patch on it. Tommy looks slightly worried, but his pose is laid back. Both of them have white in their hair, while Tommy has a giant bruise around his swollen eye.

Inage two: A digital drawing of Tubbo and Eret. There’s two panels, with smoke wafts behind them. Tubbo is looking to the side, face blank and body relaxed. There is a burn scar in the middle of his face. He’s wearing a unkempt white shirt, which isn’t tucked in properly. Above that, he’s got a denim jacket adorned with many badges, like the New L'Manberg flag, two hearts and a Pog 2020 badge. On top of this, he’s wearing a green puffer jacket, which has a snowchester flag on its sleeve. Meanwhile, Eret is stony faced, her eyes obscured by sunglasses. Her hair is tied up, the ponytail secured with a crown-shaped comb. She’s wearing a plain black sweater with a dark brown skirt. However, she’s also got a red cape on, with fur for its trim. It’s connected by two chains, which both end in X symbols. In her hand, she holds Wilbur’s L’Manberg jacket.

Image three: A digital drawing of Fundy and Nihachu. There’s two panels separating them, and a cloud of smoke ghosting behind them. Fundy has his fist clenched, but his face is smooth. He’s wearing his usual outfit, but with the addition of a few accessories. There is a fish-shaped badge on his jacket, and a locket around his next. Plus, he has Wilbur’s gloves and beanie on. Niki is crossing her arms, looking vaguely upset. She’s wearing a blue sweater with a grey line across it, with a dark grey shawl above it. It’s fastened together by a large raining cloud brooch. She also has two cat ears attached to her hair, and a daisy charm tied around her belt. Her hair is cut short, dyed three different colours. The front sections are dyed a light blonde, while the back is half pink, half dark brown.]

