#anyway i drew things last year here’s the proof yeehaw

2021 art summary!! this year i challenged myself to do at least one finished-looking piece per month2021 art summary!! this year i challenged myself to do at least one finished-looking piece per month2021 art summary!! this year i challenged myself to do at least one finished-looking piece per month2021 art summary!! this year i challenged myself to do at least one finished-looking piece per month2021 art summary!! this year i challenged myself to do at least one finished-looking piece per month

2021 art summary!!

this year i challenged myself to do at least one finished-looking piece per month SPECIFICALLY for the purpose of making this summary look nice, which! i think i pulled off (though i also think it may have lead to a bit of burnout towards the end so maybe i’ll take it a lil easier this year hehe..,)

the main things i focused on this year were developing my chibi/cartoony style (featured in april, may & june) and trying to figure out a good consistent workflow to get my pieces looking polished without straining my hand- basically, speed and efficiency ✨

i also did a lot of animation! mostly just little things for challenges and such but all very fun to do; definitely a skill i want to keep working on and improving going forward!!

ALSO i reached a Big big milestone byyyy opening commissions for the first time this year! it’s something i always dreamed of doing “once i got good enough” so it’s kinda surreal to actually make it happen, you know? though i’m not the best at putting myself out there quite yet, i’m still proud of myself for taking such a big step! hoping to build more on what i’ve started this year ✌️

speaking of things i’d like to improve on this year, posting more consistently is deeefinitely one of them;;, i did a Lot of drawing in 2021 but there are still things i never even posted, even though they were finished?? part of it is me waiting too long and then feeling like the “moment” has passed, or putting too much pressure on myself to make the post Perfect- def gonna try my best to tackle these issues and hopefully share more of my art because that’s something that’s important to me!

finally, to round things out: in 2020, i said that i finally felt like i was starting to get back on my feet with art after years of dealing with hand strain, and that i hoped to keep the momentum rolling in 2021. i can say now with confidence that i can for sure feel that momentum carrying forward- just looking at 2021′s lineup compared to 2020′s i can see myself learning and growing, and that’s so exciting!

honestly, the last month or so has been a bit slow in terms of art, and it’s been a little disheartening, considering the long stretch of months and months on end i spent last year consumed by my love for art, drawing almost every single day, never quite able to satiate the hunger to do more. it feels like i’ve broken a streak, or lost something that gave me the will to keep it going.

but taking this step back to look at everything i created over the last year, sifting through folder after folder to decide which pieces i wanted to include, and then comparing it to last year’s art summary, or even the year before’s- it just kinda puts things into perspective in a very reassuring way.

i’ve come this far, and i’m going to go further still. every journey requires time to rest; i’ll recharge, and once i’m ready to go again i’ll be out here drawing and improving like i’ve always been. i can’t wait to see where i’ll go this year!

it’s a lil late, but happy 2022 to all of you! thank you for joining me on this humble lil art journey of mine; i hope you’re looking forward to the next chapter as much as i am! ✨✨✨

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